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The standard form of a

quadratic equation is

Write the following quadratic equations in standard form. Then Identify

the values of a, b and c.

1. −3𝑥 2 − 7𝑥 = −5 2. (2𝑥 − 1)(𝑥 + 5) = 0

Quadratic equations that can be
written in the form x2 = k can be solved
by applying the following properties:

Example 1: Find the solutions of

the equation x2 – 16 = 0 by
extracting square roots.
1. Write the equation in
the form x2 = k.
x2 – 16 = 0 → x2 = 16
2. Since 16 is greater than
0, then the first property
can be applied to find
the values of x that will
make the equation x2 –
16 = 0 true. 𝑥 2 − 64 = 0
x2 = 16 → x = ± √16
Example 1: Find the solutions of
the equation (x-3)2 = 16 by
extracting square roots.
(𝑥 − 3)2 = 16
√(𝑥 − 3)2 = √16
𝑥 − 3 = ±4
𝑥−3=4 𝑥 − 3 = −4 (𝑥 − 5)2 = 64
𝑥 =4+3 𝑥 = −4 + 3
𝑥=7 𝑥 = −1
𝑥 2 = 169 𝑥 2 + 8𝑥 + 12 = 0

𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 − 45 = 0 2𝑥 2 + 𝑥 − 10 = 0
Step 1
Divide both sides of the equation by a then

Step 2
Write the equation such that the terms with
variables are on the left side of the equation
and the ___________ term is on the right side.

Step 3
Add the square of one-half of the coefficient
of x on both sides of the resulting equation.
The left side of the equation becomes a
_________ _________ trinomial.

Step 4
Express the perfect square trinomial on the left
side of the equation as a square of a

Step 5
Solve the resulting quadratic equation by
extracting the square root.

Step 6
Solve the resulting linear equations.
To solve quadratic equations,
𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 − 8 = 0 the following procedure can be
a b c ac
•Transform the quadratic
equation into standard form if
Factor 1 necessary.
Which pair when
added the result
is the value of b?
•Factor the quadratic expression.

Factored form: •Apply the zero product property

by setting each factor of the
3 quadratic expression equalto 0.

Solve for x.

•Solve each resulting equation.


Solve the following quadratic equations by factoring.

1. 𝑥 2 + 10𝑥 + 16 = 0 2. 3𝑥 2 + 10𝑥 + 8 = 0
Possible Actual
Points Points

Cover Page and Table of Contents 10

60 ( 10 per
All answers and given examples are
30 ( 5 points
Creativity and Neatness of work per activity

Total 100

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