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215 Ezine 215.

En castellano & In English.- BILINGUAL
Sept- Año 2019.


Vamos ya en Septiembre del 2019 y el Sr. Trump haciendo olitas a Chine, y de paso perjudicando
a nuestro país (Chile) por las exportaciones de cobre, que ahora son menores debido a que China
compra menos por menor venta de sus productos.
Aparte de eso, las bravatas de Trump a Corea del Norte y otros, que han desdibujado el contorno
político mundial.
Sobre todo con Rusia, que ahora debe empezar la carrera armamentista a fin de no ser arrollado
por Estados Unidos, ya que parece que para tener relaciones productivas con países ajenos es
necesario mostrar gran avance belico.
Por otra parte Chile, conel gobierno de Piñera, que tiene las dos cámaras en contra y por ende, sus
projectos son tramitados y desvirtuados continuamente.
Y eso es malo para todos.
Lluvias. No ha habido lluvias en Chile norte ni central, lo que equivale a decir que estamos en una
de esas terribles sequias, que encarecen los productos alimenticios y matan a miles de animales.
Han entrado al menos dos millones de inmigrantes, y se han deportado a unos tres mil. Y la gente
lo que desea es que se deporte al menos a las tres cuartas partes, debido q que el trabajo para los
nacionales nunca ha diso abundante y menos ahora.
En materia espacial, los países grandes y capaces de contribuir al desarrollo del vuelo espacial
han estado casi en compas de espera, aunque siguen enviando satélites comerciales, que
compiten también con los satélites espias.
A pesar de los dichos aparecidos en Youtube por personas privadas, no ha caído ningún asteroide
gigante, no ha aparecido Nibiru viniendo desde el cosmos y tampoco ha habido un derretimiento de
los polos que haya subido metros y metros el nivel del mar. Lo que si ha sucedico, es que las
centrales nucleares siguen contaminando el planeta, y menciono a Japon y hace poco, a Rusia.
Sobre OVNIS, el asunto ha sido dejado de lado por la Media, ya que no se producen avistamientos
ni abudcciones , pero si hay mucha gente que le gustaría leer sobre ello, pero al parecer esos
aparatos ya no vienen a visitarnos… o nunca existieron.
Arte. Yo personalmente he estado pintando mucho mas seguido que antes, y son trabajos de
paisajes, que son mas rapidos de hacer pero también son bastante difíciles de conseguir e la
Tambien he estado escribe3odo cuentos de ciencia ficción, pero por algún motivo, en los cuales
creo que la edad propia sighifica mucho, el avance es lento, y además de eso, poco interesante.
Añoro los cuewntos que he escrito antes, con una verdadera fiebre de creación original, que
lastima grande, ya no se me da. Ahora comprendo por que otros escritores , al llegar a la edad
avanzada, ya no escriben sino que son objeto de halagos y entrevistas. Yo, no siendo ni habiendo
sido famoso, ni conocido, no puedo darme ese gusto.


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Alfredo Juillet comenzó a escribir ciencia ficción en el año 1962, y ha continuado a través de los
decenios sin parar: 1962 – 2018. Es un escritor chileno, que ha entregado su obra a SCRIBD, en
donde se pueden leer sus obras. En un primer tiempo escribió en castellano, para luego y
paulatinamente escribir en ingles. Hoy, por largo, escribe sólo en inglés, aunque está decidido a
traducir sus obras al castellano, habida cuenta de que los traductores automáticos han mejorado
muchísimo desde que fueron entregados.
Alfredo, chileno, 30 mayo 1944, no ha trepidado en escribir cuentos de aventuras, biografías y
también poesías, todo ello en castellano, e igualmente está disponible su obra en SCRIBD
totalmente gratis en la sección Documentos.

Compilación de María Pía.

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__Si tienes Fallas en lector dvd cd =
Otro dato: cuando tu lector DVD-CD falle en reconocer mp4 o CD, tienes que hacer lo
siguiente: en
Inicio, buscar programas o archivos, pon REGEDIT.
En Regedit busca hkey local machines/ system/ current control set/ control/class/(4d36e9
(E325 -11
CE- BRC1-08002 BE10318)
Haz clic derecho en Filtros superiores, y elimina y confirma. Haz lo mismo con Filtros
inferiores. A
veces hay uno solo de ellos, pues lo eliminas.
Antes de reiniciar, haz un PUNTO DE RESTAURACION, ya que en mi caso el computador
no quiso
iniciarse, y debí usar la partida con "ultima sesión efectiva". Así, con el punto de
simplemente eliges partida con punto de restauración y no habrá problemas.
(Si los hubiere, usa ultima sesión efectiva).
Ahora, mi lector dvd CD lee perfectamente; no sé por qué nacen esos "filtros", porque algo
los activa.

Written by Alfredo Juillet Frascara.
March 2017.

The Saga CCGY comprises 9 volumes:

1. Ferilargo
2. Sorilargo
3. Violet Laturse
4. Felix Fouchet
5. Widrig
6. Adipalis Praefoco
7. King Millonavon
8. Klahay
9. Chrego
10. Dimotus
11. Roldan
12. Arborio
13. Hefe Lowe
14. Zulage
15. Lorfan
16. Professor Schulz.

1. Captain Ferilargo, Assistants Dularda, Miss Salvia, Alega.
2. First officer Dorilargo.
3. Second officer Promotor.
4. Doctor Lugo Legua.
5. Chief engineer Ronko Fugerte.
6. Assistants: Joe, Miguelo.
7. Women assistants: Clara, Marie, Elisa, Vanessa, Therese.
8. General Condon, Secretary Alega.

1.- General Condon 01.
2.- Count Coludina........ 57.
3.- At the 83.
4.- HD 90.
5.- Being with 94.
6.- Return to Forwin city.........Page 97.
7.- Exploring an asteroid.........Page 105.
8.-The food processor..............Page 124.
9.- Kabe the ring maker..........Page 131.

Chapter One.

A ship in exploration with five women and five men and the imposed mission to search for
petrol. This because atomic plants have killed thousand of persons in Earth planet. The
wind propeller system also requires fuel, and also the solar panels for their implementation
needs organic matter.
A large team of humanoid robots are at their disposal for work. The team main objective is
only to explore, find fuel and return with that information.
General Condon said: “Miss Alega, please tell captain Ferilargo come into my office.”
“Yes, General.” She said, wailing as a Walkirie towards the door, making General Condon
to sigh in appreciation: she was really something.
“Captain Ferilargo: you can come in, now General Condon grants you five of his precious
minutes.” Said she to a tall handsome officer, which smiled to her while walking into the
gargantuan (big) room that the General has assigned to himself…
“Good morning, General. Glad to assist you today.” Ferilargo said.
“Thanks. You and your ship “Carmen” will depart in a three year’s mission, as I inform you
in detail at my last memorandum.”
“Yes, I receive and I read it and I am ready for departure. Objective: to find fossil fuel in
the general direction of Aldebaran. Plenty of suns over there, I may add.”
“You may add that. Well, departure in a week from now.” General Condon exclaimed.
“The fourteen of March.” Captain Ferilargo declares- this was news for him, so he blushed.
“Are your men at the spaceship, or are they drinking all over the city?” General Condon
asked, with a keen expression.
“All aboard and ready, sir.” Lied the captain: he wasn’t to put a blemish on his lazy crew,
as he was the final responsible of their actions…
“Good, you know how to have your men in your fist! Well, a large amount of money is in
this project: the government ahs expended on artificial humanoids, to help on your mission.
Not less than seventy units.”
Captain Ferilargo raises an eyebrow and said: “Not one is arrived yet, sir.”
Condon reddened; touched a red button on his desk and his Secretary Miss Alega enters the
room, balancing her hips.
“Yes, general?”
“Captain Ferilargo is about to depart, but not a single robot is at the spaceship. Why is
“Artificial units? You haven’t given the order, general. Do you want to issue that order
now?” She murmured. Her eyes were hypnotizing both men.
“Er… yes! Make it a hundred units! Males! I do not want Sodom and Gomorrah aboard that
ship!” General Condon growled.
“Yes, you don´t want that, no, sir. A hundred, you said?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Make it seventy! No need to spend too much! And, captain, I made you the sole
responsible for the good care of those machines! They are more valuable for the State than
your bunch of space cadets!”
“Yes, sir. I will take are of them properly.” Captain Ferilargo replied, stiffing: he did not
like to speak ill of his human crew…
“Very well, you have your orders. Dismiss.” General Condon said, looking at his
Once out of that office, he said to the Secretary:” You are very gentle. I would ask you for a
date to dinner, but perhaps you will think it’s inappropriate?”
“Why? I could accept your invitation.” She replied.
“I will come here at your exit hour.”
“Twenty hours, sharp.” Alega said, giving him a nice smile.
The captain calls on his minions, saying:” Sorilargo! We have a date: fourteen may. Be
ready by then.”
“Half our crew is on the planet right now. Should I call them now?”
“Of course! They will take their time to arrive! But if someone is not at his post next 14th, I
will depart without that person.” Ferilargo decided, ending the conversation. He calls on
Finances, asking for the wages. Someone say:” The order is here, but we must wait for the
Treasurer to sign.”
“Find him! We are departing in forty eight hours from now! And we need to pay and buy
personal items before departure!” Captain Ferilargo explains.
“Yes, sir. I will fasten things for your crew.” The voice in the phone said.
“You certainly must do it! Thanks.” Ferilargo said, hanging up. He loves to use the video
conference unit without using the screen. He doesn’t like to see someone else’s face lying
on him!
Using his economies, he bought liquor and cigarettes for the trip; also some e late tales
canned in pills and biological themes to hear: nights away in a ship traveling through
dimensions, deep space have something that blurs sounds and images.
His girl friend Dularda said, when having tea with him at her place:” It’s a pity you will be
out of sight! I am so accustomed to you…”
He kissed her lips and said: “It’s only for a very short period of time! Only a quick reviews
on a pair of planets and back!”
“Really? I have heard of other trips that last a decade!” Dularda commented.
“Don´t worry “! I will be back before you know it!” He said, embracing her.
Later, he leaves her house to pick up the Secretary Miss Alega; she was amused when
looking at his dress...
“What? Are we going to fish, or something?”
“Exactly! Just a short voyage on a very special boat I rented for our first date!” Ferilargo
said, taking herby the hand.
“Oh? But then, let me change for some other clothes! I will be freeze to death at sea!” She
suggested; Ferilargo does not thrust on a woman’s decision, so he said: “Oh, no, please
don´t! At the boat I will provide you with thick clothes! Never been used before.”
She eased her mood, not willing to use smelly clothes, and accepted not really sure of what
was happening…
The boat was a fishing one, and have a captain and four sailors, rented for the night. The
full moon was beautiful, the sea was in calm, and Ferilargo stayed on deck with the lady for
only twenty minutes, trying to fish, but soon she said: “Sorry, but I am not used to this kind
of sport! Wish we could go inside the cabin!”
“Of course!” Ferilargo replied, and in a cozy cabin, with scant light but with plenty of
drinks, they talked, make love, slept a little and went back to the docking place just in time
to see the sun rise over the horizon.
“It was a delightful trip! Call me in the afternoon!” She said when Ferilargo leaves her at
her apartment.
He went to his hotel room, takes a shower, slept for three hours, and lunched. After that he
calls on the First Officer.
“Ferilargo here. How many men already at the ship?” He asked by phone
“Only two are missing, but I talked with them by Web, and they are coming during today.
And you, when are you arriving, sir? Sorilargo asked.
“Tomorrow. There are some skin jobs to arrive. Seems they forgo to tell us. Make room for
“How many, sir’” Sorilargo asked.
“About fifty males.” Ferilargo said.
“Why not women like?” Sorilargo asked.
“Seems they don´t want to compete with real women.” The captain explains.
“What a joke! Who will mate with a machine?” Sorilargo asked.
“Well, there is no way to tell the difference nowadays. Except if you ask them to set the
technical mode.” The captain commented.
“Yes, I know about it. Bye, sir.” Sorilargo replied.
“I’ll be there tomorrow. Bye.” Ferilargo ends the communication, and walked to see his
girlfriend Dularda. She was about to depart to a friendly reunion with some other single
“Sorry, dear! It’s a women’s only party: no men allowed.” She said, smiling.
“Oh, of course! Silly me! Well, have a nice time. I will leave Earth soon, but that nobody
cares; women pals go first with you.”
“Oh, dear, don´t take it so seriously! See: this reunion was scheduled two months ago. I
must leave, now. Don´t get upset.” She said, opening the door, through which side
Ferilargo stomped out. He was furious with Dularda.
He calls on Miss Alega, saying: “Shall I come to rescue you today?”
“Rescue me?”
“A date. Shall I go there and take you to some nice place to talk?”
“Oh, sorry, not to day! I have a rough day with my boss and visitors! Call me tomorrow,
yes? I am very busy right now.”
“Oh, of course! Bye, darling.” Ferilargo said, hanging the phone… he drummed with his
fingers on that phone, thinking. He looks then at his wristwatch: 18.10 hours…
“I will take a tea, somewhere!” He murmured, and went to a coffee shop.
Seated he asks for a tea and a sandwich, the waitress was a fine young woman with big
black eyes. When she comes back with the order, he said: “I invite you to dinner. What
about that?”
“Dinner? I have never seen you before.” The woman said, staring at him.
“I am a spaceman and I leave the planet tomorrow. I don´t know when I will return… if
ever. I wish to have a good memory of my last day here.” Ferilargo said. She smiled and
said: “I will think about that.” And leaves to keep on working…
Some other customers also talks with her, with smiles and offers…
When paying, Ferilargo said: “And well, do you accept my proposal?”
She smiled and said: Yes, but with one condition.”
“What is that?” He gurgled.
“That you must leave me at my place at midnight.”
“Done. But, at what hour I must come here to pick you up?”
“Not here, but at the right corner of this block. Eleven hours.”
“Good, I will be there.” He said, and she moves away.
When at the street, he devised a plan to fasten thins with that woman- a place to dance and
drink and then to a near-by Hotel. He chuckled when thinking he was not going to end the
affair at midnight!
At 23.10 hours he saw her coming, using long heel shoes and a jacket.
“Hi!” She said, and he kissed her cheek, that feels cold, and replied: “Hi! You look
"She smiled, and while he was hailing for a taxi, she asked: “Where are we going?”
“Close to here! My name is Ferilargo. What’s yours?”
“Salvia.” She replied, while he was opening the door of that taxi.
“The Yellow Ob, please,” He asks the driver.
The one at Seventh Street at Junforty?”
“The nearest.” Ferilargo replied, s he pick up a name for the phone list of available night
The place, twelve blocks away, looked deserted when they enter. They seat at a table and
he asks the waiter: “I see there is almost nobody here. What’s wrong?”
The waiter looks on both of them and replies:” It’s too early yet, sir. The place begins to
awake at three in the morning. But have no problem: I will put some more lights, and the
“Yes, do something to enliven this graveyard.” Ferilargo relied. She laughed and said:
“You don´t have much experience in dates, are you not?”
“Oh, yes, A sailor almost ever on the darkness of space, not much fun over there.” Ferilargo
The attendant soon puts more lights on and some dancing music; drinks and salty little
biscuits and others to nibble on.
“Shall we dance?”
“Very well.” Said she, and it was a marvelous sensation to have her in his arms; he sensed
every move she makes, product of a fine tuned body… they dance and drink until he
thought she was ready for the final step.
“It’s almost midnight.” He said.
“Oh, how fat the time has passed! Thanks for to remind me. Shall we go?” Salvia asked.
“Of course.” He said, paying the bill and taking her by the hand. At the street he said: “I
have some items I will not carry in my voyage, and now that we have met, could you care
of it while I am away?”
Salvia thinks it over and said:” Very well, but please don´t delay.”
At another taxi cab he told the driver his hotel name, and soon they were at his hotel room.
He takes some boxes from a shelf, saying: “These are some jewels from my family
members. Now they are all dead.”
“Oh, are they relics?” She asked, looking at a small cage. He produced from it a beautiful
collar made of silver and said:” This will be yours, a small gift for your kindness to me.”
Salvia takes it and puts around her neck, asking: “How do I look?”
“Superb! You are so beautiful!” And he begins to kiss her until, aroused, she replied as
eager as him… Soon they were on the bed, she apparently forgotten of her need to depart.
Two hours later, she said: “Well, now I am late! But no matter that: It has been wonderful
to meet you, Ferilargo.”
More kisses and then they depart – she
Carrying three cardboard boxes with the items he asked her to keep until his return.
At her place, a very common building with people milling around no matter it hours were
3.10 hours in the morning, she said: “No need for you to climb to my department. Let’s say
good bye here!”
“Of course!” Ferilargo said, trying to give her the last kiss, but she sneaked away.
He keeps looking at the numbers on the elevator: it stops at the third and eight floors…
Someone else was using it: he was very interested in that fabulous young woman, so he
takes another elevator and landed on the third floor. He walked by the corridor musing on
what door could be the entrance to Salvia’s apartment. The place looks deserted, silent as
the Morgue.
He decided it ws the eight floor, and up he went in the elevator. Here, there were rumors
behind doors- electric equipments giving out muffled music tones, people talking. Here,
there were rumors behind doors- electric equipments giving out muffled music tones,
people talking. When reaching almost the end of that corridor, he heard yelling and
chinaware being broken; suddenly a door opens and a woman went out, with a ragged
“Helps! She yelled- he realizes it was Salvia! A man, short of height and with a round face
not very agreeable to look, appears after her saying: “Come here, you lousy whore!” And
was about to grab Salvia by the hair, so Ferilargo punched him twice on that round, red
face, sending him to the floor. He saw Salvia looking wild eyed.
“Sorry to have brought you this unto your life!” Ferilargo commented. She embraces him,
sobbing. The man in the floor was now beginning to stand, so she said: “Beware! He is
dangerous! O, your things are inside the apartment!”
“Don´t you trouble for this!” Ferilargo said, kicking the man with his shoe; then he enters
the apartment, where she grabs the boxes.
“What are you going to do? Leaving the place?” He asked.
“Yes! A pity I could not take my things out! Brasilio will return soon!” Salvia commented.
Ferilargo went outside and grabbing Brasilio by a leg, he puts it on the entrance rug, saying:
“Go fetch your things, pretty one! I will keep the ogre in place for you!”
“”Oh, you are so strong!” She said, hurrying into the inner doors where she rummaged the
place, sending items a flying and others into a couple of worn out leather suitcases.
He helps her carry the bags and suitcases, marveling on the big quantity she ws carrying-
she, by her part, looks very confident now the ghoul was neutralized.
As she have no other place to go. They return to his hotel room. The two rooms looked now
very crowded. She seats on one of them, saying: “Sorry, dear friend! I have no other part to
go! But don´t you worry tomorrow I will search for a suitable place.”
“You can stay as long as you want, if only paying the fare. This is a hotel, a cheap one but
also very decent.
I will be out in a space mission, you pay and stay here. See? No problem except money.”
Ferilargo said.
“Yes, I accept, and thanks.” She said standing and embracing him.
At the next day, Ferilargo calls on the first officer Sorilargo to say:” How are things going,
“Ready to depart, but I have received a message from the Headquarters. WE must wait for
the artificial intelligent humanoids.”
“Still waiting?” The captain asks.
“Yes, sir. No shuttle has arrived here.” Officer Sorilargo informed.
“I have things to do here. Call me when the cargo arrives.” Ferilargo said.
“Very well, sir. It’s sunny on Chicago.” Officer Sorilargo commented.
“Oh, yes? I am too busy to get worried by the climate.” Ferilargo replied.
“I know you work indoors.” Sorilargo said, with a tint of sarcasm.
After the communication, Ferilargo rubbed his palms together, happy for some more extra
days… he went back to the hotel, opens the door of his rooms and saw Salvia sleeping with
only her underwear on; the room was a total mess, probably because she takes half her
things out from the valises and dropped around. Her wonderful body shines white under the
light of the lamps…Ferilargo joins, after taking all his clothes off.
Later, they went out to lunch and she was very talkative, saying: “I cannot return to my old
job! My aunt knows where it is, and probably will go there with the idea of to make ma a
big scandal! I was at his flat only two months, but he was very commanding, as if I was his
“And uncle by the side of your father?”
“Oh, it ws the brother of my mother Helene! Now, I will never want to see him again!
Probably I will work at some other city.” She said, staring at him. Ferilargo accept her
version, but he also has the doubt she wasn’t the niece but the girl friend…
He then takes her for a short ride on a boat, then to eat and dance. When back at the Hotel,
the man in charge of recepti0on said: “Mr. Ferilargo, please come to talk about a matter on
the air conditioning.”
“Yes, I will be right back.” He said, escorting Salvia to his rooms. When he returns, the
Receptionist said: “Forgive me, but the matter of the Air Condition was a pretext to talk
with you in private.”
“Oh, yes? And what is happening, exactly?” Ferilargo asked, thinking that perhaps he was
hosting another person at his rented room, but it ws not that.
2You see, a very dark character come here, not an hour ago, asking for a dame that matches
the lady you have now in here.” The Receptionist asked.
“What did he wants’” Ferilargo asked astonished to realize the fast and easy way that fiend
has when trying to find beautiful Salvia woman.
“He spoke in a very harsh manner, and among the threats he said, it were some for you too.
So, beware! A recommendation: beware at the comings and goings, >Mr. Ferilargo. The
man looks very decided to provoke a serious problem.”
“Thanks for the advice. I will be out of here very soon, so it will be a matter of a couple
more days for me to leave the rooms.” Ferilargo replied.
“Thanks you for your patience. Have a good evening. “The Receptionist wishes him.
But he said nothing to Salvia, who was now optimist and gay.
“Yes, I have seven future options: to get a job! I will be on my own, but in New York
“You will be leaving here?”
“Of course. My uncle will undoubtedly work hard to know where I am! It’s a revengeful
kind of prick.” She said, laughing.
By phone, Sorilargo urged him to return to the spaceship.
“Now we have every skin job aboard! But in their cages: we don´t trust them.” He said,
among other things.
“Very well. I will be there in three more hours.” Ferilargo said, ending the conversation. He
called to the space field, telling the ones at the Yures Shuttle to be ready for take off in four
When at the room, he enjoyed her love and then they slept in each other’s arms but not for
long! Someone rings at the door and the voice of the maid said: “Please open the door! It’s
an emergency.”
Ferilargo went there and opens without much care, a mistake, because the “uncle” of his
lover stops in, throwing that maid to the floor. He was blandishing a long knife…
2Where is that whore! I am ready for her! He yelled. A faint cry comes from the dormitory.
He yelled. “There she is!”
Ferilargo puts himself in between, saying: You despicable man, an uncle trying to slain a
“Oh, now am I an uncle? “ And the man slices the air with his knife, while the maid,
recovered from the fall, escapes through the open door, screaming as a banshee… Ferilargo
grabs a chair and hits the man in the chest, the knife stumble to the floor, another hit with
the chair and Brasilio hits the floor and reminds still. Salvia appears at the inner door, and
seeing who won the fight, embraces Ferilargo, kissing him tenderly.
Soon the place was full of policemen, called by phone by the maid.
Where is the assassin?” A cop asked, with wild eyes.
“On the floor1 He saves my life!” Salvia said, embracing his new love.
“Very well, we will take him out!” That policeman said, and among others they carried the
still dormant Brasilio.
Te policemen said to them to be present at the police station in the morning to give the
affidavit, and went out of the room.
She said: “Did I tell you he was going to search for me? He has connections all over town.”
“Well, now you really don´t have to worry about him for a long time! The judge will put
him in the cold for at least a year.” Ferilargo said. She moves her beautiful head, saying: “I
would be not so sure of that. Now I am thinking not here nor in any other city could I be
safe of this madness.”
“”hat I don´t understand is why he calls on you with bad names!” Ferilargo asked. She
sobbed and said: “For him I am only pertinence! The fact I am his niece makes him believe
I must obey him in any way he ants.”
Ferilargo was embracing her and her smell have him out of his senses, so he promised what
was dubious to accomplish…
“Will be in space for a while. Do you want a safe haven? A place as secure as it could be?
On board you could be my passenger. We will be together! And at our return, we could still
be together somewhere.”
She looked puzzled: she loves to work and see the people come and go. In a tin can, as
people calls the spaceships, he could get bored stiff. She said: “And how much time this
voyage of you will last?”
“A month or two! It’s only an exploratory trip: nothing too elaborate.” Ferilargo replied.
“Very well, I accept the invitation, but in a military vessel, how a civilian could be
admitted?” She asked.
“That side of the question must leave it to me! There are some means to do it. Don´t you
worry.”- Ferilargo replied, although he was not sure of it.
Hours later, she was seating on a place at the Jures Shuttle.
“First time I will travel in one of these. Are they safe?” Salvia asked.
“Oh, yes! Most of the time!” Primotor, the pilot, replied. She turned pale, so Ferilargo said:
“He is just joking! This shuttle is almost new.”
Primotor almost laughed when hearing that remark, because the Shuttle was twelve years
old and always rattled when taking off.
When departing, the old things go smoothly up, as if knowing Salvia was expecting and
deserving that service…
Aboard the GC Yures…
As the captain, Ferilargo has the biggest and most well furnished cabin on board, so Salvia
finds everything she deserves there: furniture, appliances, drinks, crèmes, perfumes,
For some days she stayed put, but soon boredom begin to gnaw on his mind, and
rummaging by the ship, she ends at the kitchen, producing varieties of deserts, puddings
and others, much to the happiness of everyone.
Through the voyage, Ferilargo studied with the senior officers the best way to complete the
trip and the mission successfully.
“We must sent probes everywhere on a giving planet. Only to the best sites a second survey
will be given. Humans exploration is dangerous and looks upon with a bad eye at
Headquarters.” Ferilargo explains his views.
“You mean, we will stay on aboard all the time? Canned food, canned air, boredom to the
extreme?” Therese asked.
“Yes, I prefer boredom to face death of my crew” But of course, we will visit the planet –
or planets- only when probes, drones and artificial people said us it’s safe to land.”
Ferilargo said, looking at her lover Salvia, who was also there.
“Our goal is star HD 38309; we’ll visit the only terraformed planet that there is.” Ferilargo
“That is the third.” Sorilargo said.
“Right, we’ll stay here receiving images and the data. Thirty five robots will be also sent
there. Who is in charge of their revival?” Ferilargo asked.
“Me. But it could be any of you! The proceedings are very basic and it’s written all over
their sarcophagus.” Marie said.
“Pods. It’s better to call it pods. They are not pharaohs!” Ferilargo corrected her…. They all
smiled except Marie, who clenched her teeth.
They arrive to star HD 38309, planet 3; the ship began encircling the orb; first were
deployed the probes, and five days later, the E-men follows (“E” for “Electric.”
“Nice pictures! And a lot of work for us!” Primotor said, analyzing the recorded material.
While everyone works, Ferilargo departs with his lover, who was happy now having an
admirer that denies her nothing at all.
“I wish we could return soon, dear! I wish to visit cities, living in nice hotels, dancing and
being amused attending shows.” Salvia said.
“Well, I think I will fasten things, then! I will send people down to the planet! That is a
must, you know? Protocol.” Ferilargo replied.
“Oh, I want to go, dear” I am sick of plastic walls!” Salvia said. Ferilargo studied the most
peaceful sites and choose a spot at the south continent.
They landed on the spaceshi0; soon the air conditioning was expelling foul air and taking
fresh one; same with the water; the stream at 20 meters were being suck through a hose,
and the dirty waters were being spelled to the other side. Using a tube 21 meters long.
“Nice view! Air, sun, clouds, and all bathed in this golden light.” Salvia commented,
dancing over the grass.
That evening, from all parts of the compass, they come. They were the Synthetic men, the
Electro-Assistants, all of them with the figure of a male human, dressed in red-orange
uniforms. They descended from the air, after being using back pack aerial gadgets. They
wee already inform the ship Main Computer of t everything they observe, so Ferilargo
could see and hear an abridged account of it all.
The spent two hours listening and seeing landscapes. He was with Salvia at the time, so he
said: “This is a very beautiful planet! It’s a pity we will spoil it with a carload of explorers,
cattle raisers, oil companies and the like; good bye to green forests, unpolluted rivers,
transparent lakes, pure seas!”
“Please, dear! You are only seeing the evil side of human civilization!” Salvia exclaimed.
Soon after that viewing session, they went out to the field. A security perimeter was set in
place by five synthetic humans, using stun MASER rifles. The E-man in charge said: “I am
R24, sir. No problems are detected. You could walk freely around.”
“Thanks Salvia! Look to that yellow flowers over there! How big they look!” Ferilargo
exclaimed. She jumps there, smell the flowers and stumble to the floor.
“What’s happening with her?” He asked, running to the rescue. R24 approaches, saying: “I
am reading a decompensate in her signs, commander. I am calling for a medicine.”
“Good!” Ferilargo said and soon doctor Lugo was observing her, and said: “A simple black
out. Must be the air in here.” And he puts an oxygen mask over her face. In seconds she
was breathing normal and asking:” What happens to me?”
“The air! My commander: the air is insufficient for her delicate lugs. Sorry! I should have
imagined it! Do you feel dizziness, perhaps? Lack of air’ Stars shinning in front of your
eyes’” Doctor Lugo asked, staring at his face.
“No, doctor! I am feeling super fine.” Evenrude replied, mildly alarmed by the implications
of that question.
“Yes, we have an eight per cent lack of good old oxygen here, that the lady´s lungs could
stand. Now, she looks better. How do you feel, madam?” Doctor Lugo asked her.
“I feel better, doctor. Suddenly I passed out!” Salvia said.
“Yes, lack of oxygen, But with a simple mask you will be all right.” Doctor Lugo said.
“Ferilargo… please carry me to our cabin, please?” Salvia begged, and helped by him, she
returns to the ship and soon she was dormant.
“Doctor, is it risky?” Ferilargo asked, when out of that cabin.
“I don´t think so! But as I said, she must use an oxygen mask every time she walks out of
the machine.” The doctor Lugo said.
“This is really something I must report it on the log. Some women faint in here for luck of
oxygen.” Ferilargo said.
“Yes, but of our group, she is the only one with this problem. Perhaps she hasn’t received
training as we all did.” Dr. Lugo commented.
“Of course. I just bring her along without any study on her body or any training on her par.”
Ferilargo said.
“The conclusion is obvious: is every member of a colony must receive training prior to his
coming here.” Doctor Lugo summarizes.
In view of this, at the next day Salvia said: “I see that >I am the only one needing more
“Oh, but it’s only because your body is not accustomed to it! Besides, you could use a very
light air mask and a small tube.” Ferilargo replied. Salvia denies with a movement of her
hair, saying: “No, I will wait in here until you decides to flee. Perhaps in another planet
these things don´t occur to me.”
“Of course, darling, it’s your decision! Soon we will depart. A thirty per cent of planet is
already viewed.” Ferilargo said, being cautious, because she could get mad at him bringing
her to an inhospitable planet (for her, of course).
At the third day after her passing out momentarily, the Electric Men or Synthetic entities
appears saying that a big discovery has been made: at the south of that continent they have
found a large series of tribes, humanoids, that in two groups or nations, a war was going on.
The crewmates were very interested in this and ask Evendurde to visit the site.
“I have seen the films. We will visit the place tomorrow early in the morning. Any ideas?”
Ferilargo asks them.
“It will be interesting, for future expeditionary, to know what is going to find here. How
many years for those people, to become industrialized, making machines, inventing lethal
weapons? Because, commander, we have known about hominids in other worlds; they
evolve lazily but then erupts technology and chaos steps in.” Doctor Lugo commented.
“I have no doubts about what you are saying. But are we going to help a side against
another? Who are we that could decree who is going to lead the march?” Ferilargo asked.
Nobody answered that - not enough data…
At the next day, 6.20 hours, they were arriving to the doomed place.
“There, commander. The ones up the hill that comes from the north east. That ´s one of the
factions in dispute.” R24 indicates. From the air, Ferilargo aw cannons and much cavalry; it
weren’t horse but quadruped dinosaurs, half tamed and because of that, twice as dangerous
in any battle…
“At least two thousand men!” Sorilargo commented.
“Fourteen thousands sir. The rest is under those tents, and there are more scattered in the
woods.” R24 said.
“And the enemies?”
“They retreat 20 kilometers to the right.
Seems that they have strategic plots going on.” R24 said, that has speculate, think, in the
matter since the retreat of the so called enemies.
“Wish I knew why they are battling each other.” Dr. Lugo Legua commented.
“Money, power, proud, and so many other variables humans devise to force themselves, to
kill , maim and drown people into misery and hunger.” Assistant Clara said.
“And now, let’s visit the enemy lines.” Ferilargo said, maneuvering the aerial ship so they
could move 20 kilometers due North West. And yes: soon they were looking at a big Army
marching: flags moving with the wind, drums rattling, flutes in the air. Through the
external microphones, they could hear the tune.
“A very energetic march indeed. Guess that my heart pumps in favor of these valiant
bipedal creatures.” Marie said, and laughed rather silly.
R24 said: “One hour ten minutes for them to arrive to the battle field.”
“Look that man with a green coat! Seems he is the leader!” Dr. Lugo Legua said, pointing
to a white horse mounted yes, but a man in green, and soldier’s cheers when he passes.
“Well, who is going to win?” Ronko Fugerte said from the Engine room, using the
“Abduct someone of them! We will learn about all this from him.” Ferilargo said.
“Sir, there is a big oil deposit right to where they are marching.” R24 announced.
“That lake over there. The dark waters, full of petrol. Must be a thousand barrels there.”
R24 informed again.
“Good! Write it on our log! We discover what we come to search! Now, let’s descend a bit
and abduct one of those braves.” Ferilargo repeats.
Using a tractor beam, Sorilargo grabs one of the warriors that yelled in panic.
Soon, he was standing on hold #1 looking at Ferilargo, who said: “Don´t panic, my friend!
WE only want some information from you.”
“What are you, demons?” The man asked, in a grave hoarse voice.
“Visitors. We can help your Army, or the enemy’s. We want to know what is going on.
Who is the invader, who is the invaded? Who has the right to win, who is the culprit of his
own derision?” Ferilargo said. The man strokes his beard, saying: And you want me to
“Yes, please.” Ferilargo replied.
“And condemn one of the Armies? I cannot risk my own people! I will not talk!” The
warrior said.
“There are ways to make him talk, commander.” R24 said.
“Good. Painfully?”
“Not in the very least! It will take a little time only.” R24 replied.
“You have my permission.” Ferilargo said.
After a treatment with drugs, that makes a rude warrior with close mouth do a very
cooperative and talkative kind of guy. In an abridged version what the warrior said it was:
the invaders were a community 300 kilometers apart, that makes commercial routes that
collides with the ones they have seen in a forest, which city ws walled and with a harbor
capable of to house 200 ships at the same time. No way could they reach peace because the
invaders want neither competitors nor partners in the land.
“Send him back to his Army. He has nothing else to tell us.” Ferilargo said, and it was
donned, lowering the ship to the ground- a shaken warrior descends, and begin to follow
the Army, who was already seven kilometers away.
“Well?” Sorilargo asked.
“We will stay put. But we will not let them invade the city. Let’s go there! I must see the
city in full detail.” Ferilargo said, and the aerial vehicle goes directly to it.
The city have a figure of a wheel; a center place and streets departing from it; a wall round
the city perimeter defends the people from invaders but by its own wasn’t enough; it’s four
meters high needs defenders to be of any good.
“If they are defeated in the field, this city will be taken.” Primotor said.
“Are you sure? Seems a very good wall.” Doctor Lugo said, looking at the monitor.
“Let’s visit the people. With utmost care.” Ferilargo said, descending over a deserted plaza.
The vehicle occupied most of it and stands twelve meters above the ground. Several trees
fall down under the weight. The first in descend to the ground on foot were the synthetic
personnel, using extra protection and guns- the kind that only stun for some minutes.
The people soon were gathering in circle, looking at the craft and its occupants. Later, a
group of old soldiers appears.
“Who are you and what do you want here?” An officer asked. He was using a metal helmet
and two old looking pistols. From his belt hangs a sword.
“We are visitors and we come in peace. Our goal it’s study people and their communities.
We wish no harm to anyone.” R24 replied.
“Being from a foreign country, how is that you speak our tongue? Could it be that you are
spies from our enemies?” The same man asked. R24 looks at his face, realizing that the
man was very nervous and upset, just like the others that were with him.
“We are not spies, but it will be good to talk with your chief.” Ferilargo said.
“I am the chief here.” The soldier said with proud.
“Yes, but I mean the governor, the President… or do you have a king, instead?” Ferilargo
“We have king Santina! But I doubt he could wish to talk with strangers.” The man said,
looking at the craft parked there.
“Tell him we could fly and see his troops in battle with the enemy. Tell him that we could
help his kingdom or let the enemy makes havoc.” Sorilargo intervenes, seeing that
Ferilargo speech was too bland to impress rude people like these in front of him.
After some more talk, the man sent notice to the king, who sent one of his nobles to talk.
He arrives in the middle of very finely dressed warriors, saying: “Foreigners! I am Adulfan,
Lord of the Four Winds! My king Santina cannot attend you now, but you could address
me, instead.”
Lord of the 4 Winds was tall, young and seemingly very proud of his lineage.
“Good. As I told the chief here, we have seen the enemy troops from the air. Also we have
spotted your regiment near a wood. Soon they will be battling. If you wish so, we could be
of help. Of great help. We could fly.”
Ferilargo announced.
“Oh? In that machine? But nothing heavier than air could fly!” Lord of the 4 Winds said,
“I assure you, sir, that what I say it’s true. But let us not waste more time! I have weapons
and they are at your disposal… for a price.” Ferilargo offers him.
The eyes of the Lord of the Four Winds narrowed, and said: “Merchants! Merchants of the
air! Hiring a set of weapons? How bass this is it! No honor gains the one that rents his
blade!” Lord of the 4 Winds commented with disdain.
“Well, let us see who wins today! For your information, the battle could already have
begun. Pray to see your banners when soldiers approach this city!” Ferilargo replied: the
Lord of the 4 Winds palled but said no more- probe that he was not entitled by the king to
openly talk in his name.
Ferilargo returns to the spaceship and hovered above the city once more, and then departed.
“Stubborn proud Lord!” He said, when at the cockpit.
They stop, hovering. The two Armies were face to face. The infantry of the enemy in a
figure of an arrow, while the one from the walled city stayed in a square.
The cavalry was composed by certain animals, selected in groups of the same species:
Euplocephalus, Pachycephalosaurus, and Ornithomimus.
Both Armies used those same animals but with different attires. They saw emissaries
coming and going.
“They must be trying to ask the ones from the walled city to just plainly surrender.
Obviously that the ones from the city will refuse.”
“Seems the invaders have more warriors than our friends.”
“Friends? They ignore us!”
“Yes, but remember that with a war on their shoulders, all kind of amiability dwindles a
The enemy advances with the infantry like a ram log; then their cavalry try to outflank the
walled city soldiers- but the cavalry of the defenders starts moving and thwarting that
strategic move.
Four hours of fight, and the friendly foes being to win the battle. Thousands of men were
already on the ground, some terribly wounded others unable to walk due to the shrapnel
located in their legs…
“It’s carnage.” Primotor said, looking at the close-ups.
“Yes, swords and lances are terrible shedders of flesh.” Joe said, from the back of the main
“I wonder who will be the winner.” Doctor Lugo said, pointing to a charge of the cavalry –
one of many witnessed in that fateful day.
On the ground, General Tulifo was worried: his warriors looking tired, and the enemy
putting more and more men unto the battle. It was logical. The invaders were prepared to
win, while the defenders were only forced to defend the land with scant preparations.
General Tulifo looks on the maps and the present situation of forces: the spear head was
dividing his Army in two: that was loosing strength as the time passes, not withstanding the
bravery and efforts of the soldiers in that and other portions of the battle field.
“Send the cavalry to the left side! That they try to encircle the enemy infantry.” General
Tulifo commands to his Assistant Gonegulder.
The cavalry, that have been not quiet at any given time, obeyed the order, but the enemy
sent his cavalry and a group of warriors with very long lances, that hurt and maim many of
the Ornithomimus, that were the beasts and more able of the cavalry in sight.
The enemy sent trained Araripesuchus to the battle, and the animals were armored and with
fury they launched a bloody attack; many warriors die under their fangs: some of them with
prosthesis made of metal.
Before nightfall, the forces of General Tulifo were in retreat- soon thrown were none at the
battlefield except the victors- the invaders have won!
“Pity on them! Seems that now the city will sustain a siege.” Doctor Lugo commented.
“Look at the quantity of spoils left! And the winners are taking swords and armor from the
dead and wounded defeated ones!” Primotor said.
Later, big fires were set in place, and the bodies begin piled upon the logs and branches.
“How curious! They take friends and foes alike- everyone to the pyre!” Ferilargo
commented dryly. He was disappointed to see the defeat of the ones from the radial walled
city… General Tulifo sent notice to his city, saying to the courier: “Go and tell them we
have a skirmish, producing serious loses to the enemy forces, but seeing we have too many
wounded persons, was marching back to the city to cure the injured ones.”
“Yes, sir. “ Arak, his liaison officer, said mounting in a Pachycephalosaurus and with three
other warriors, speeded towards the walled city.
Fafello, the victorious enemy general, was now drinking liquor with his major ranked
officers, saying: “Total victory for us, defeat and humiliation for the forces of Santina! The
old goat will have another of his tantrum when knowing his Army is now a pail of dust!”
And laughed, being followed by his officers in his merriment.
One of them said: “I am preparing a battalion to keep track of the fleeing cowards, sir! Are
you going to take prisoners?”
General Rafalo belched and said: “Of course! We need slaves for our hard worked
enterprises. But if they present you any kind of problems, liquidate them on the spot! There
will be enough slaves when we finally seize Forwin city!” And everyone smile knowingly
when hearing that harsh phrase.
Salergo, the officer in charge of the persecution, departs out of that reunion, making sounds
with his scabbard.
Salergo urged soldiers to rush, and realize the animals were not ready to depart.
“They are too tired, sir! Tired and hurt. I am curing them.” The veterinary said, while
bandaging a Pachycephalosaurus.
“Well, I need to pursue the enemy troops! I cannot do it on foot!” Salergo said, and he takes
the fifteen better suited for the task: to his forty five warriors he said: “we cannot use the
whole number of cavalry! So, only fifteen of us will ride, the rest will follow on foot!”
“Sir! It’s getting dark and there are no roads; also, there could be dangerous animals on the
way!” Gudor said, and he knows what he was saying, being having being a hunter, not
many roads; also, there could be dangerous animals on the way!” Gudor said, and he knows
what he was saying, being a hunter not many years ago.
“I will not hear rebuttals any longer! Mount or walk! It’s an order!” Captain Salergo
ordered, and he was obeyed: in a war, the Shulocos have a rule: insubordination means
instant death.
With torches they advance through the night, finding weapons spread here and there: the
enemy warriors were throwing weight to escape more freely.
“There, captain! I saw movements there!” A warrior said, pointing to his left side.
“Attack! Maim but not kill! We need slaves!” Captain Salergo gives the cry. The warriors
chanted that same last word, to signify to the enemy that they could save their lives if
surrendering. Two enemy soldiers were captured, but another four prefers to fight to the
end: and ended they were, easily defeated as they were dismounted.
The two enemies were tied to the last Pachycephalosaurus, whose rider was Lulor, a young
inexpert volunteer.
“Lulor! You will be carrying after your responsibility every captured man we could get!
Open your eyes!” Salergo ordered.
“Yes, commander!” Salergo replied. Then they were walking by fields of cultivated
potatoes, lettuces and other similar plants too large to mention.
“We must be closing the city, sir!” Ruwald the warrior said: by the light of the torches, his
scar on his face shines white.
“Be brave! We cannot get back with only two prisoners!” The captain brawled. They
approach a wall made with boulders; suddenly a dozen heads appeared, looking at them:
thanks to the torches, they were identified as Shulocos.
“Shoot!” Someone said, and many arrows rains on then; torches on the ground, yelling and
running ensued. Salergo saw two men struggling to get arrows out of their necks…
“Attack!” He ordered, and they climb that wall, to be stabbed with those long lances they
knew so well, as they were in use by both parties. More warriors from Forwin city appears,
and soon the captain and his braves were stripped bare; even their socks were pulled out.
After these events happens, the ones from Forwin retreats behind the walls. When the rest
of captain Salergo appears, with torches and no captives, they found the corpses lying
naked on the ground…
“Bad people! Look what they have donned unto Captain Salergo!” A soldier said, signaling
the twisted body of once so dedicated officer.
“No way could we insist on his orders! Let us return to camp!” An old warrior said, and the
rest obeyed, with a last horrified look unto the dead ones.
When general Rafello knows about this (3:20 hours) he said: “Those evil fiends! Prepare
the battalions to start marching against Forwin city! We will crush them to the ground!”
“And he could not sleep but stayed brooding until dawn; then he was depleted of energy- he
has 83 years old, and only sent officers and the Army to advance, but he stayed seated at a
chair inside his tent.
General Howerein takes the command and seeing many cavalry still not in good shape, he
left more than half of it where they stand, saying to Migion, the Veterinary: “See that they
are well fed; no exercises for them!”
“Yes, sir. They need more than a week of well care and pastures.” Migion said.
When reaching the city views, they saw the big wall being reinforced with wooden beams,
that raises eight meters in the air; in many of those beams banners were nailed, showing
with some proud the colors of the city: yellow and red, with three suns having six arms or
“We will burn those spikes together with those banners!” General Howering boasted in
front of his men that cheered; a rain of arrows downed on him from the wall, killing and
maiming a few scores of warriors, that retreats 200 or more meters.
“Make turtles! Take logs from the wood or houses! I do not care from where they take the
materials, but I want to see turtles marching towards the city walls right away!” Howering
Chapter 2..
Count Koludina.
At midday the battle begins; more than five thousand men approached the city east wall,
protected by wooden roofs called “turtles”; they reach the stone wall and begin smashing it
using rams. Soon the wall was broken in five different pasts, and the warriors meet the
soldiers from the Forwin city; blood was now spilled on the ground, making it a slippery
At the central square, Ferilargo was landing the spacecraft and offers again his help. This
time it was Count Koludina who approaches him in full armor.
“I come here to help, but with conditions: I promise total enemy defeat in only a few
hours.” Ferilargo said, standing on the threshold of the gate.
The fat and now almost asphyxiated Count Koludina said: “Our city must not perish! What
do you ask as a payment?”
“Gold and lands! Seventy tons of gold and the option to have as much land as I choose!”
Ferilargo demanded- gold was for him and his crew and oil fields for his country benefit.
I am not entitled to respond for my king, but I will try my best to obtain his approval. Wait
for me a little while.” Count Koludina said, and departed very angry with his coat of arms,
helm and knitted armor that was suffocating him the most.
“Hope he could come back before the city gets in flames! The Invaders are already gaining
the entrance to some streets!” Primotor said, while looking at a monitor, that was receiving
signals from a Drone.
Ten minutes later, three soldiers appears at a run, delivering a patch of heavy paper, with
signatures, and in a witting not decipherable, not understand by any of the crew members
but clarified by what the officer said about it:” In here, his majesty has put in writing, and
signed, the Contract between your person and the kingdom. Land and metals in exchange of
your military aid.”
“Good. Step back: we are leaving!” Ferilargo said, gong inside the craft.
“Ready? Gunners, at your position! Fire at will!” He admonished while pressing buttons for
the departure. The spaceship hovered around the square much to the astonishment of many
people, and moved over the battle. Now it was an all out war, fire and flames, arrows
flying, people banging metal to each other’s weapons. Lines of more invaders were coming
towards the wall. In fact, the invasion was a prepared matter for the Shuloco.
A fiery ray, a LASER beam reinforced with tiny currents of metal, descended at 80000
centigrade over those warriors, melting metal, puffing corpses to dust, disintegrating
wagons and animals. The fire rained on the lines of warriors, the missiles throwing dirt,
flames and debris where groups of invaders were waiting to be added to the battle.
“And now to choose ants in the kitchen!” Miguelo the gunner said, thinning the LASER
beam in order to pinpoint the Shuloco warriors that were using a blue and green colored
uniform- not very distinguishable from the gunner point of view, so many a Forwiner
soldier gets scalded in the process.
Terror ensued; disband proceeds in a chaotic way. Both Armies run for their lives-
sometimes one at the sight of the other, as many Forwiner knew not what was that devilish
dark object that was decimating people.
“Guess they are defeated.” Ferilargo said, after one hour of being roasting soldiers.
They return to the square and Count Koludina, now using a much lighter coat of arms
approached, saying: “Oh, thanks! The enemy is no more thanks of your timely help!”
Ferilargo invited him to visit the inner parts of the spaceship and explains some issues. but
the mind of the Count ws more in what happened at the battlefield than in strange marvels
out of his grasp in a routinely juristic visit.
“The king is most pleased! Now the Shuloco will never again appear at our land!” He said
when the tour through the corridors was over and they were seated at a table at the dinning
room in front of beverages.
“Yes, they will be scared, mush scared to think in to return! I will be honored to serve your
king every time it could be needed.” Ferilargo said, thinking in gold and petrol as the just
The Count Koludina departed after a while, promising a return bringing presents.
That night the chase of astray enemies was the work of king Santina: on rooftops, on thin
alleys, on corners of the walls they were captured alive or brought to the pyres as dead as it
could be…
The next day was a somber day, no matter the victory achieved; many soldier of the
kingdom was dead or injured. Count Koludina waits for the king’s call, and at 11.29 hours
he enters the Royal Chamber of Reunions. The king was seated on a chair posed on a dais;
he was using his everyday crown of marble an ivory, dressing a red and yellow robe. The
sun rays were flooding the room from the North West. Many noblemen were there,
attending in silence.
“Good morning, Koludina! Have you slept well?” The King Santina asked. He was a tall
and very robust kind of man, with a bloated face where to big round keen eyes were
“Very well, Your Majesty, and double well after your victory over the Shuloco scum!”
Count Koludina said.
“Good! The enemy was totally destroyed. At least we will be not threatened at least in
another five years!” The king said.
“Of course, Your Majesty! Five years of prosperity ahead for all of us.” Count Koludina
repeat as it was an offense to change the king’s view, especially in his presence; he
personally believes that the period without invasion could be only of two years…
“Talk with Alvasque, my Treasurer. See that what the man that flies gets what he come to
seek. He is only a man, but with a fantastic machine.” King Santina commented.
“I visited his machine. He has several men working in there. And there is light on walls and
tables, that shines and it’s not flames. There are humming noises, clicks of different tones,
chairs and tables, all seems to be alive in there.” Count Koludina puffed out.
The king gives a thought to all of these the Count was telling and then said: “We should
send people to help there, and perhaps a young one could end by understand what is
making the ship flies.” The king commented.
“With your permission, I will ask our teachers to find suitable students for this project you
have created, Your Majesty! And beginning, of course, asking the man who flies if he
needs a visitor or a handyman in his midst.” Count Koludina explains his plan of action.
“Yes, you find the thread. Well! To work now, count!” The king said, ending the meeting.
Count Koludina went to his quarters, calling aids through his way. Seated at his designed
chair, he looks on the eight Assistants (three of them were women) and said: “There is
work for us, given buy our King. I have chosen you for it.”
“We are ready to roll.” Lugerno said; he was a young man recently married, and he was
always ready for work and obeys orders to the letter.
When told, Ferilargo said: “yes, I could use some of your students, but for lesser works as
our letters and instructive are not in your language.”
“Our desire is to please you, sir. Here I bring you the gold- hastened reunited, most of them
are everyday use utensils, and three boxes with rings, collars, bracelets and the like. Hope
you could dismiss our lack of skills.” Count Koludina said presenting several boxes with
gold items.
When alone, Ferilargo and his crew looked upon the gold treasure and soon realize that the
pots, pans and kettles were made with very thin layers of gold.
“Those objects occupy a lot of room, but they are like inflated balloons filled with air!”
Sorilargo commented, handling some teapots.
“We should meet it! Except some rings, that have jewels in it; same thing with bracelets.”
Doctor Lugo said, handling a dozen gold rings.
“I will melt it for you, sir.” The chief engineer said.
“Do it! We will storage everything in my safe box, and we will split everything a tour
return home.” Ferilargo said.
“Sire, guess we are donned with this planet!” The oil was own and our work saving King
Santina´s neck gets paid.” Therese said, and she was a black haired woman who likes to
hasten things all around her.
“But let’s enjoy ourselves in the customs of this city! People are very thankful to us: they
very well know that, if not for us, they would be dead by now.” Ferilargo commented.
Invited by the King to a ceremony, Ferilargo meets nobles and fair ladies; from the group, a
beautiful damsel was the one that makes his heart beat a bird in a cage: something he has
never before sensed in his life. The woman smiled and kept looking at him, mesmerizing
his very soul.
From then on, all his efforts have one and only goal: to get that woman into his life… his
romantic life, that is- although romantic wasn’t something he has much at all.
Count Koludina arranges a meeting, hoping that the lady in question could hook the man
and his marvelous machine to the Kingdom of Forwin- as we know beforehand he was
almost sure the enemy was going to reappear in less than 3 more years.
Ferilargo attends a bored ceremony where King Santina consecrates with cheap medals
every wounded soldier in the last battle. Not everyone in person, but laying the ordeal on
officers that takes the medals and gives duly thanks in the name of the kingdom. Also those
officers recite the names of the dead ones, and sometimes the list was rather large. Ferilargo
almost did not pay much attention to the ceremony: his feverish eyes were glued to the
figure of lady Oneasha, the one who was very beautiful and was the aim of his heart and
soul. He also occasionally felt the drumming of his own heart that was asking for more
action on his part.
After the ceremony, the nobles walk to another room, where an orchestra begins to play
songs. The people begin to dance, and that beautiful lady approaches Ferilargo, saying:”
The dancers are already beginning his enjoyment.”
“Oh, pleas accept me as your partner.” Ferilargo asked; she accepted, as that was her goal:
approaching the stranger...
The dance was complicated but based on respect for one another, and easy to follow
looking what others were doing; nobody seems to notice his awkward movements at the
beginning and he was gaining confidence through time.
Seeking to one another could be donned but hardly more than five seconds as the dance
takes away the partners very often. In those scant seconds he managed to know her name,
and throws on her gladly phrases of appreciation… a thing that was no news for her, as men
usually appraise her for her beauty, good manners and dressing as a duchesse.
After the dance, women forms groups at one side of the saloon, and men at the opposite
side, so more conversation was not possible: servants serves soft drinks (although some
nobles pours liquor on it, from their own flasks.)
69. 20170322.
The next dance begins but a noble approach Oneasha first so Ferilargo remains without
dancing. Women were in fewer numbers, so the one without fast feet just remains looking.
As these occurrences repeat three more times, and Oneasha just ignore his sad dog eyes, he
went out and to the spa ship, located 30 blocks away.
While he stumbled on the uneven sidewalks (are roads were worst attended) he marveled
on how much light stars glow over the pavement and houses. Certainly much more radiance
than at the far away Earth.
He arrives mudded and with hard feelings at the spaceship portals.
Ronko Fugerte opens the airlock for him to descend, and looking at the grime on Ferilargo
clothes, he asked: “What’s wrong with you, commander? Fighting with the pigs?”
“I stumble on a dirty hole not a hundred meters from here!” Was his harsh reply… and
walked directly to the bathroom, where he takes a shower, first with his clothes on, and
afterwards without them but with plenty of soap.
With dry clean clothes, he lay on his bed and gets asleep, under turmoil of thoughts and
At the very first light of dawn, he clothed himself and went to the main cabin, where
Sorilargo was ending his shift.
“Good morning, first officer. Any news?” He asked.
“None, sir. People avoid coming closer than a hundred meters. Must be they fear our
LASER beams.” Chuckled the man.
“Yes, well! My visit to the high society of last night was a complete failure. I return late,
stumbling on pools of mud.” Ferilargo mentioned, seating at a chair, and revising (visually)
the indicators at hand.
Opening the heart

Sorilargo smiled and said:” If you want female company, you must search among the
needed ones. Not among the rich people, that needs no help.”
“But love exists!”
“In your heart only. It doesn’t comprise other people! Her heart- whoever you are seeking-
is not compromised! Or she would have sent you back here in her carriage.” Sorilargo
In that moment the Second Officer Primotor appears, and having heard part of the
conversation, he said: “Sorry to hear you were disappointed, captain! But have no remorse!
Everything could get better with a little help! I met some beautiful ladies that are enchanted
with our gifts. You can get love from one of them, if you get what they need.”
“And what is that?”
“Jewels! We can make fake jewels by the dozen in our furnaces! Engineer Ronko is making
it using scrap metal, plastic and simple stones!” Primotor said. Ferilargo usually preserves
his distance with members of the crew, but desire was gnawing his innards, and accepted to
be joining in the next foray in search of feminine company.
At eighteen hours he was ready to depart, together with Primotor, Roko and Miguelo, who
was the “handsome guy” in the group; he said: “Captain! Relax! Erase that grumpy
expression on your face! Perhaps a glass of good liquor could improve your attitude.” And
saying that, he produces a flask with some liquor in it. Ferilargo takes a sip of it, saying:
“Strong medicine!”
“From the innards of our hydroponics section!” Miguelo said, taking back that bottle.
Out on the street, Ferilargo followed them through some passageways, and then stopped in
front of an edifice three stories high.
“Here it is!!” Miguelo said, knocking on the door. Soon a woman opens it, and seeing so
many men, she said: “Oh, Miguelo! Are you coming to see me… with your friends
Obviously, she would have preferred him visiting alone…
“Yes, but let’s talk inside! My friends are willing to meet your friends, and so have a good
time together!” Miguelo said, taking her by the waist and kissing her passionately. The
change in her was instantaneous! Now she was happy and helpful… at a small apartment
they enter; there were bags and clothes all around. She said: “Sorry by the disorder in here,
but I wasn’t expecting visitors!”
“Do not worry! We will leave very soon! Let’s find your friends, will you? And we will
visit a nice Restaurant or a place where to dance!” Miguelo said.
She smiled and said: “I hardly know their names! What will I tell them, when my friends
asks for their names?”
“Well, here we have Mr. Ferilargo, Mr. Primotor, and Mr. Roko. All in all, good friends of
mine.” Miguelo said, blinking an eye to Captain Ferilargo, who was not liking so much
familiarity coming from a mere Assistant…
“Oh, and I Lurota, by the way!” Lurota said, smiling beautifully and staring at those
anxious men … because she was a real woman, and was reading sexual urgency on all of
them- Miguelo included…
Lurota calls on her more easy friends, that almost all makes the same question: “What’s in
for me, apart from their company?”
And the answer was like the magic wand that often opens every door:” Jewels! The guys
are rich people!”
Soon the door was being knocked as fast as a woodpecker would have donned.
“Hi! Where are the guys?” The three attractive women asked, looking curious.
“Inside, you fools! Come on in! They are waiting for you!” Lurota said.
Inside, once names were exchanged and handshakes performed, Ferilargo gives them the
news: Girls, let’s have some fun! Guide us where dance and merriment abounds!”
“What?” Morina asked, smiling.
“He means going to a night club! Let’s please him! Seems this guy is the boss.” Lurota said
at the girl’s ears, and they accepted the invitation.
Lurota knows of cheap places, but by name of others with more style, and to these last she
guides the group. At the carriage, the men touched, with excuses, those superb bodies and
the ladies giggled , thinking if the promise of jewels at the end of the adventure were true or
In a very natural form Captain Ferilargo and lady Prika makes amends, talks, dance and
between drinks, kissed each other.
Broken the ice, everything seems pink for Ferilargo, and at three hours in the morning he
was walking into a Hotel with her, who was a bit more than dazzled. His experience with
her ws everything he expected and more. He now was almost in love, and the noble lady
Oneasha was now a thing of the past for him.
“Where do you live, actually?”
“With my parents. I have a little daughter of three years old.” She said, hoping it could be
not deterrence to their romance… He was utterly disappointed: he does not want a child in
their romance- a child and most certainly a young man that will begin appearing when least
“You suddenly become very silent.” Prika said.
“Well, I am sorry of it! I wished you were single. Now you have a husband and a
daughter.” He said, disappointed. Prika smiled and explains that the father of her child
never was a husband but a romantic interlude that lasted eight months.
“Don´t care about him! He seldom visits little Carina.” Prika said, embracing him. Ferilargo
takes her in his arms, ready to enjoy their encounter to the last minute…because now he
was certain he could not love women with child and passed (but not dead) lovers…
Prika knew, by his performance, that the man was lost for her in the second she mention
little Carina… at least, she was hoping for a jewel as reward… a thing he obtained, when
they departed.
“Here! A little token from my part. You are superb delicious as a young woman.” Ferilargo
said. She smiled, looking at the garner, and walked away. Ferilargo returns to the spaceship
feeling refresh.
At lunch hour, every man was present and they talk about women. Miguelo said: “My
Lurota is fine to me. Loyal, hoping to keep on romancing me. I am happy here. And you,
“Oh, Prika is a fine woman but with a daughter and a father flying around…”
“So you don´t like kits?” Primotor asked.
“I prefer to make them myself.” Ferilargo commented and they laughed; Roko said: “Well,
Morina has a child, too! I prefer women with a past. They are already with both feet on the
ground; they realize they are not princesses, only woman of mediocre income, if any! So,
instead of the search for a young athletic man, that could outperform me in any field… they
take what it serves for her. A guy with a wad of money that will put away hunger, cold, and
boredom, for good! Love? Perhaps not, but the service will be the same.”
They laughed and Miguelo said: “Captain! I can search for anon compromised woman for
you! But as Roko here said, I am not sure if the bird will be in your hand for long!”
“Well… I always can kidnap her and away we go!” Captain Ferilargo said, laughing.
Doctor Lugo Legua said. “I see we are talking much on females, but we are here to work in
behalf of our government. Captain! When are you moving away our team, to the next
Ferilargo does not like the doctor’s reprimand and said: “I remember you that we are way
far, very far from home. We must proceed with care. We must work step by step. Our
Electric Men are still scanning and looking at every crevice of this planet, to show good
results when back home. Yes: we will move from here when that work is donned. Not a
minute earlier.” And his face grew dark, and the doctor did not press the matter anymore…
he wasn’t really an expert on exploration but only a biologist.
That night, the same group goes out and while driving a scout car towards the appointed
building, Miguelo said:” Captain a word of advice! Keep romancing Miss Prika, at least for
today! I must talk with Lurota; I must take care not to awake the spirit of group women
have, you know they tend to keep friends in their circle, and I will try to change Prika for
some other woman she could know is available for you: single, pretty and able to find you a
good match.”
Roko laughed.
“Indeed I will sacrifice myself once more time! I realize it’s not easy to bring women under
my umbrella.” Captain Ferilargo aid.
“So many women in town! But have some patience and enjoy the ride, captain!” Miguelo
At Lurota´s home the women were already assembled plus a small child, Carina, and an
older woman.
“Oh, good night! I present you my mother Usjeff, that will take care of little Carine while
you enjoy the night.” Lurota said.
“What? Are you not going with us?” Miguelo asked.
“Yes, why not?” She replied.
“Because you said while you enjoyed the night! Or that was to mean you will be not
enjoying it?” Miguelo asked, looking at her with a curious smile.
“Yes, well… shall we go, now?” Lurota said, blushing because everyone was looking at
“Yes, Bye, mother! Take good care of Carina!” Lurota recommended.
“I will, and you don´t have to remember me how to take care of a child!” Miss Usjeff said.
Once at the street, they hailed a carriage and Lurota said:” I knew of a new place in town!
Shall we go there?”
“Of course! The night is young!” Miguelo said, kissing her lips.
The driver said, when hearing the address:”Oh, I must tell you that the trip will cost a little
extra money, because the site is far enough!”
“Don´t you worry about money, old driver! We will pay you fare and also some more!”
Miguelo said, to let them know they were people of means…
That phrase puts simile unto the ladies, who loves to get fun with someone else’s money…
The place were at the outskirts and many a vacant lot was in that area, that limited with the
forest and crop fields now deserted as it was winter time.
Inside the place, called “Gentlemen’s Abode” there were lights and an orchestra; many
tables and not so many clients; they seat and asks for a meal; many plates with salads, meta,
soup, all steaming hot; after two hours, the music changes and couples begin to dance,
Prika was very close to captain Ferilargo, making him happy and without thoughts of
leaving her…
That night they all ended in hotel rooms, with happy and collaborative women….
Early in the morning Miguelo tapped unto every door, saying: “The Management offers us
a nice breakfast by a small amount of money. If you say yes, meet me at the dinning room
in half an hour!”
And they all accepted.
When at the table, they receive a nice breakfast indeed, that looked more like a lunch; the
women were yawning but looking happy: never before receiving so much food at a nice
expensive place!
“Captain: I was thinking… could it be that you move your spaceship somewhere else to
make these chicks a little happier, and us, men, a nice bath?”
“That could be feasible.” Captain Ferilargo replied.

Chapter 3.

“Good! And donut worry about bathing suits! We will be all and I mean all, going to bathe
in Adam’s clothes!”
The men laughed and the women wonder how those Adam’s clothes could look like…
When at the spaceship, they found only Vanessa the Gunner; she said: “Boys and girls are
at the city… I am the Guardian of the ship.”
“Good! Now we will visit some distant shore, just for the fun of it. So, please, everyone to
the basic controls, now!” Captain Ferilargo said.
After testing, they worked the system that makes hover the ship in the air, much to the joy
of women visitors, that for her very first time in their parochial lives could see the fields
and part of the city from above.
They flew to the West, looking at forests and big mountains until reaching the seacoast.
They landed at a rocky formatio9n, a kil0ometer away from the rocky beaches.
“Who is going to stay on guard?” Miguelo asked.
“Me.” Vanessa said, and it was so.
The group marched to the beach, walking on the uneven ground. The wind from the sea
was strong but not unbearable. The women were hand in hand with the men, not to stumble
and fall over.
“Sorry, but I prefer to land not so near the beach! All kind of accidents occur there- the sea,
in every planet; it’s not a thing you could confide.” Ferilargo said to Prika.
“And why is that? Great waves appearing suddenly?” She murmured. She was thinking in
her relationship with this man and how to could nail him unto her life.
“Yes, big waves could come and submerge the ship, and the worst of it is that water could
ruin the engines that move the shi.” Captain Ferilargo announced.
When at the beach, they realize it was a small portion covered with sand, flanked by black
walls made of rock; some birds could be seen fishing on the sea.
“Oh, we find where to bathe! Let’s do it!” Miguelo said, undressing his pants. The women
weren’t much enthusiast because of the wind, but they finally yield to the men’s desires,
and naked, they all bathed in the crystalline waters.
Each man takes stock of the women’s sizes and compares their beauty in front of what they
deemed the classic forms. Obviously the bets physically built were Miss Prika and Miss
Lurota; the others were equally beautiful but not reaching perfection.
After bathing, they lay on the sane, covered with blankets, to dry their bodies. Miguelo
said: “This was very good! Pity the weather is not the very best.” And kissed Lurota.
“Where to, now? Back to the city?” Primotor asked.
“Not just yet! It’s not even noon time! Let’s rest around for now.” Ferilargo replied: he also
was being bored at the city.
But the weather changes and it begins to rain; in their slippery road back to the spaceship
they become totally wet and when getting inside the vehicle they talked the soaked clothes
and went to bed, while Miss Vanessa begin to wash and clean clothes at the laundry room-
later she dried every garment at the air conditioning vent, where hot air was fully available.
They stayed there for the night, and at the second day they begin returning to Forwin city,
but not 50 kilometers from that beach, the sensors indicate a metallic object was on the
“Its 50 meters long, captain! Shall we go there and investigate what is?” Primotor asked.
“Let’s descend or we will never know what that is.” Ferilargo replied, seated at the engine’s
room master console- for lack of Rook’s presence there, as the man was occupied at the
Once at the ground, Primotor indicates: “Sir? It’s located 140 meters away from us, in that
direction!” And he was indicating alongside the aft port.
The place was full of pebbles, and surrounded by trees; the object, when looked upon, was
very old as the iron was totally rusted.
“Seems to be a vehicle.” Primotor said.
“With wheels. A steamer! Well, seems civilization passed through here.” Miguelo
More studies follows, and the truth that it was indeed a steam engine truck was indubitable.
“Well! The secret is unfolded! Seems technology is old in this planet.” Primotor said.
“Perhaps the city from where this come it’s not too far?” Miguelo said.
“Certainly that is a possibility! But it’s a work our E-men must accomplish! Also, I wonder
what the purpose of that search is.Ӭ Primotor said.
“History! People on this planet will love to know about their ancestors! Look at what
happens in Earth planet! History mingled with secrecy; nobody quite sure if Evolution
produces man or alien genetic manipulation did it! Also, the presence of others humanities
were not clear for centuries, do to the fact governments, guided by bosses with strong ties
to religion, hides skeletons, twisted discoveries and hid fats bones and sometimes burn or
destroy finds.” Miguelo said.
“But now we know.” Primotor commented.
“We know but not because of governments but to clever explorers without the virus of
religion.” ¨Primotor said, looking at the iron remains.
They went out of speculation, climbs into the spaceship and leaves to Forwin city.
After they landed the spaceship, the women leave the vehicle; Prika said to Ferilargo: “I
have spent a most delightful time with you and your group. Thanks.”
“You have nothing to give thanks for, Prika. We all enjoy your company.” Ferilargo
They kissed good bye and that night the men talked about the state of the mission.
Ferilargo aid: We know almost everything that is possible know of this planet in relation to
metallic deposits and others. WE can leave the planet at any given time.”
“Certainly, sir. Life as a rich man is a good thing but our mission is to keep on moving. The
rest of these planets must be studied.” Sorilargo said.
“We will use the Electro men for that, but I want to talk about women.” Ferilargo said. The
others yelled in excitement: they already know what it could be.
“We could take women sour trip could be better in all aspects. Of course, I really doubt
they could accept to get into the darkness of space and live probably weeks or months in
here. My best option is to invite them again for a picnic, but this time for a picnic that could
last years!” Ferilargo said.
The men were in accord, and Miguelo invites them for another trip, saying to Lurota, at the
next day: “Our captain was enchanted with our last trip together, and he is willing to invite
you all to another day on the fields.”
“Oh, good! I will tell the others.” Lurota said.
“Yes, and if you have some other female friends you could invite them, too.” Miguelo said.
“Oh, more girls? Could it be… men?” She asked. Miguelo´s face darkened and said:
“Sorry, but no. Only women.”
“And why is that? Jealousy? It could be relatives, you know.” Lurota insisted.
“No, no! Regulations on the Army command me to act like this. We really are soldiers that
are here in a commission: to observe, take notes and that’s all.” Miguelo said. She meekly
replied: Well, of that’s the way, nothing else could I say!”
So, at the next day, the girls’ climbs on board and Lurota said: “Sorry! But I find no other
females available.”

Chapter 4.
HD 38309
Miguelo smiled and said:” Don´t you worry! It will be for another time.
Ferilargo guides the spaceship to orbit and from there to the next planet in the direction of
the star. This one was very close to the star HD 3839, so its average temperature does not
“Here you boil or freeze, out there! 2Ferilago said, chuckling.
“Yes! 220 Centigrade at noon, 30 centigrade at midnight! Enough to crack an iron rod in a
couple of hours.” Sorilargo said, looking at the sensors.
“We can land and wait to be disintegrated.” Dr. Lugo Legua said, throwing the menace that
awaits them on land.
“Well, Star HD 38309 it’s a blue white one, with a temperature of 7.116 Kelvin… this
planet is far enough not to become a cinder.” Ferilargo said.
“We are 164.8 light years away from the solar planetary system. Not bad, eh?” Sorilargo
“Far enough to become terrified. “ Primotor said, smiling briefly.
“Oh, but our spaceship is one of a kind! No problems for it to reach any desirable star.”
Ferilargo said.
“Let’s find a hole in the ground to hide our precious! Inside a cavern, maybe? In there,
direct heat will be lessened and the same thing for the ice cold temperatures.” Sorilargo
“Guess we will have to use the force field most of the time. That means we will be using
energy.” Primoton said, worried about that fact.
“Location of HD 38309 it’s 0.5 hours 45 minutes 0.18 and +04d00´29.5 “Primotor added.
The location of the star in the galaxy is determined by the Right Ascension (R.A.) and
Declination (Dec.) these are equivalent to the longitude and latitude on the Earth planet.
The Right Ascension is how far expressed in time (hh:mm:ss) the star is along the celestial
equator. If the R.A. is positive then its eastwards. The Declination is how far north or south
the star is compared to the Celestial Equator and is expressed in degrees. For HD 38309 the
location is 05hours 45 minutes 01.80 and +04d00´29.5.-
End of note.

Ferilargo sent two auxiliary ships with 10 E-men to find a suitable cave where to put the
“Beautiful planet! Rocks and minerals abounds!” Primotor said.
“To wait!” Ferilargo commented, dozing at his chair.
The women, at their quarters just talk…
“So you are ignorant of sciences? We, by the other hand, are here because we study enough
to become Mission Specialists! Seems you are here only because of your sex.” Clara told
“Our sex is the same as yours! Pity for you, we are more beautiful.” Morina said.
“Please! There are beautiful women among us, too!” Clara said, scornfully.
“Ha, ha!” Larifa laughed. The Mission Specialists went out of that room and Morina said.
“Beware! They have more power here than us!”
“We have their men eating from hour hands!” Larifa said, laughing.
The electro-men find 3 nice caves where to hide the spaceship and Ferilargo choose the
bigger one, about a hundred meters long. With dexterity, the pilot puts the vehicle inside.
“Temperature is very high, captain. 700 Centigrade.” Primotor said.
“Force field in place! Nobody going out! Sorry1 I know that we have suits able to sustains
life no matter the temperature in the outside. We must preserve human lives.” Ferilargo
ordered with a sigh.
They sent the E-men on the 2 shuttles to scan the entire glove for minerals. R24 said:” Time
to finish our job could not be accurately predict, sir. But 3 months could be an
Chapter 5.

“Three months! Seems we will be better in stasis, sir.” Primotor said, scared in front of that
“Hibernation procedures? Could it be! But, man! Have you forgotten those women from
planet 3?” Ferilargo asked him.
Miguelo replied: “I assume that in those three months will be not centimeters of them
without being explored!”
Ferilargo waits for the E-men and their discoveries, and giving lots of his time to be with
Prika, who was not too happy staying there whiles her daughter was very far away.
“Darling! We cannot stop our studied here! Your daughter is taken well care by your
mother, is it not?” Ferilargo asked, while kissing that woman.
“Oh, yes! My worries are lessened because if she raises me she could care for my baby. But
it’s my heart that wants to see the girl with my own eyes!” Prika said, caressing his hair.
Ferilargo keeps on thinking that a woman with already made babies was not his ideal of a
romance, plus the fact that no matter that the baby was no way near her brain keeps on
thinking on her. But in that wilderness, Prika was the only solution for his needs…
The rest of the crew has not that problem, but indeed others. During those 3 months, several
quarrels arouse between them, and at the end, nobody could say of them that were a happy
Ferilargo, now with a beard and red eyes, said to the crew, by the intercom: “Ladies and
gentlemen! Having completed the necessary studies on this planet, we are ready to depart!
Departure in 20 minutes more! Be ready.”
The yelling of joy was numerous; the women from planet 3 were now crying in joy.
The trip towards the third planet was uneventful; when landing, the people from Forwin
city arrives to see the spaceship and when seeing the women of their kind descending, they
cheered and look happy.
Ferilargo smiled and said to his crew: “I guess our women will not miss our company
during a lot of time” And due to that fact, no more presents were given to them.
“Shore leave, sir! And we need fresh water.” Primotor said.
“All right! But water goes first! Let’s find a river, to replenish our tanks!” And 20 minutes
later, the “Colonel C.G. Yures” was flying away from Forwin city.
The people that were still walking with girls asked: “And where are they going?”
“To some other ardent planet, those crazy men!” Prika replied, devoured by her desire to
see her daughter Carina.
When reaching her house, she saw her, and bringing the creature unto her arms, she said:” I
will never again leave you alone, my princess!”
With that, the romance with captain Ferilargo was close to be ended.
Chapter 6.

When the fresh water went through filters, and tine indicators shows full capacity was
reached, Ferilargo said. Now we return to civilization! Women are having a shore leave for
seven days!”
The Assistants yelled with joy. Then he added: “I need three volunteers to stay at the
“Four is the least number, captain! And you are mentioning just three!” Sorilargo said.
“Wrong! I will also stay here! Later, when the ones bored of the splendor of Forwin city
comes back, then it will be my turn.”
More than one crewmate smiled hearing that irony…. Three persons offered themselves to
stay in the ship. The rest leaves the ship one hour later, with enough money to be happy for
almost seven days.
“Not more or they will forget about our duties.” Ferilargo said to one of the volunteers,
chief engineer Ronko Fugerte.
“Hope they will not stumble in the hands of the Police… that here is the Army.” Roko said.
Elisa comes into the cockpit, saying:” The engines are in stand-by”.
“Good and routine must be maintained. I am always listening to the radar, radio and
monitoring the surrounding area.” Ferilargo said.
Elisa seats on a chair, saying: “I don´t understand you, captain. We have seventy e-men that
could replace us a hundred per cent, but you don´t want to use them.”
Ferilargo smiled- he uses them sparsely as they were very expensive and the government
has one eye on them: he does not coma back with a dozen of them wrecked or in bad state,
although he was using them when not possible for the human crew to performs a task, as
recently donned in planet H1.
“I use them when necessary only! I do not want to attend a requisition committee when
back home.” Ferilargo said.
Rocko said:” You must worry about our mission, our health and then about machines! I
will wake up a dozen of them for you, if you authorize me! They can manage things better
than us!”
Ferilargo reddened but indeed authorized him to do so, half an hour later, that dozen
electric men were revising circuits, manning radios, radar, air lock and engines. Elisa, who
was a very tall woman, said: “Woe! At last I see some action here! Guess now we are able
to send a pair of them for fresh fruits at the city market!”
“And fresh beer, wine!” Primotor said and soon two of the E-men were sent to the city, in
order to buy supplies, carrying some money for it.
At their return, Elisa prepared a healthy dinner, and at the table they eat and talk in an
amiable way.
“These people will see a big petrol refinery Company darkening their sky, after we return
home with the news.” Elisa puts the theme on the table.
“Yes, pity on the environment! Pools of petrol everywhere! Of course, they will also
receive some benefits, as jobs.” Ferilargo said.
“But perhaps the Company will carry electric men!” Roko commented.
“I doubt it! Of course, some E-men will come, but not much! Think as an entrepreneur! It’s
cheaper to use a person than a costly machine that resembles a human!” Ferilargo said.
After a short silence, Elisa said: “With my wages, I will open a Beauty Parlor back home! I
will be delighted hearing gossips all day long.”
“Good for you. I will be idling until the last dollar. Or credit as it’s in more use now- is
spent!” Roko said.
“And without money, what will you do?” Elisa chuckled.
“Back to space! Like a good sailor.” Roko laughed, thinking how good it will be, spending
money as a king in holidays.”
They went to sleep, except Elisa, who said to Ferilargo: “Seems that your fiancée was very
impatient to see her daughter! I doubt she will come back here without the girl.”
“I cannot allow babies or little child in this spaceship! Besides, I grew tired of her!”
Ferilargo said.
“Why? Not enough passion among the two of you?” She asked, looking at his face intently.
2Well, sex without passion it’s a deflated balloon! Yes, I will never again gets mixed with a
woman with someone other’s daughter!” Ferilargo said, remembering the old saying that
goes like this: “A man loves a woman but a woman loves her offspring’s!” And in this
case, the saying was a hundred per cent accurately.
“Well, you cannot fight nature! The motherly instinct commands!” Elisa touches his hand,
and a Ferilargo wishes not to get into a romance with a fellow cremate, he yawned and said:
“Enough chat for today! I will go to sleep, now.” And depart out the door, much to the
chagrin of Miss Elisa, Mission specialist…
At the next day, Ferilargo revised the samples with R24, and said: “It has rocks, materials
derived from plants, oil, gases. “WE have the number of volcanoes and where each thing is
located in general.”
“Yes, captain. Not everything, of course, but signs is also present in scanners.” R24 said.
“Good. With these facts and also materials obtained, we can conclude our job here and in
planet one is finished, yes’” Ferilargo asked.
“Yes, captain, it’s an 87 per cent in comply with regulations, being a seventy per cent
enough to calla exploration as accomplished.” R24 said.
“Fine. So… two more planets to explore.” Ferilargo said.
“Yes, the first and fourth. And abut satellites. Here we have two of them, while at the
fourth there are another two and bigger in size.” R24 commented.
“Well, then we will revise the two satellites at hand. Prepare the ship.”
“You will need four more crewmen, sir. Shall I activate them?” R24 asked.
“Yes, do it, activate more, if needed.” Ferilargo said, preparing his mind to the work.
In his way to the main cabin he saw Miss Elisa, and said. We are on the move! We will
study the satellites with our E-men, get ready!”
Half an hour later, they were already traveling through the stratosphere. Suddenly, they saw
another spaceship staying immobile not 400 meters away.
“Red alert! Gunners at the ready!” Ferilargo said.
“They are sending a beam against us” R24 said.
“Then fire at will!” Ferilargo said.
Soon the strange vehicle was hit, and begin to descend to the ground.
“Do you want to follow them, captain?” Sorilargo asked.
“Send one of the shuttles with some E-men , and see that the object is found!” Ferilargo
said, not willing to stop in his work. Seconds later, a shuttle was detached from the
spaceship and inside eight E-men were expecting to comply with the order. R24 said: “We
are in communication with them, sir. Do you authorize proceedings KO1A?”
Ferilargo thinks about it for a couple of seconds and said: “Yes. KO1A” is authorized!” and
that, because if he could find traces of the strangers, he will carry it to Earth to be
investigated thoroughly.
When near the closest satellite, a message from the ground arrives.
R24 receives it and then said: “Sir, the object fall in a beach, and half of it is sunk on the
sand. No entrances is visible. The tide will reach it in four more hours.”
Chapter 7-
“Send a message , saying that they must try to open an entrance and find out who was
driving. If alive, keep it in custody until we arrive.”
“Very well, sir. Message was received.” R24 ten seconds later.
The satellite was 640 kilometers long, and with a twisted figure, that was moving around
the planet within a orbit that takes six hours to complete; the pilot, now first officer
Sorilargo, approaches it mimicking its wobbling , so from the spaceship it seems it was
immobile... an illusion quickly dismissed when looking a the stars, that seems to be in a
They landed in a flat portion, and twenty e-men went out; now they could move freely and
fat at will, using propelling units attached to their backs.
“Now we will know of what is made this satellite!” Ferilargo exclaimed.
I see only rocks from here- and the dance of many a star.” Sorilargo murmured.
“Oh, yes? And could you tell me if it is falling or going away?” Ferilargo asked.
“Well, I must put some more date in our main computer for you to know.” Sorilargo
“Do it! Its very important! The future of that mankind down there depends on this.”
Ferilargo said, as he was sensing very dark in the wobbling of the immense rock orbiting
the third planet. He was also remembering the Moon of his home planet, going slowly away
from mother Earth.
After some moments, Sorilargo looked somber and said: “Falling.”
Ferilargo looked at the rocks that littered the view and shuddered- most of the planet will be
transformed into a big furnace , making life totally impossible- perhaps not even in the sea
life could be preserved, as it will boil.
“Time to impact L a hundred and forty seven thousand, and two hundred more years. But
you get the message.” Sorilargo informed.
“Chaotic! But I guess its be for these communities down there to take provisions not to die.
Perhaps a Exodus or perhaps buying to move this big chunk out of falling say!” Cold we
do that?” Ferilargo asked.
Sorilargo moves his head, saying: “Too risky! If we fail, the next effort will require more
energy than our ship could give. And instead of 147.200 years, we could produce the
catastrophe in a dozen centuries from now.”
“I see. Well! Gas Companies must take notice of theses facts and make efforts to prevent
the catastrophe. Yes?” Ferilargo asked. Sorilargo moves his head, not sure of the ethics a
society to earn money could bestow on its way to enrich their share holders...
Elisa said:” Shall go outside? I am boring.”
“You will see only rocks out there.” Sorilargo commented.
“Yes? Well, I love rocks!” She said, defiantly.
“I will go with your.” Ferilargo said, in order to kill some minutes of waiting inside the
“lets do it now!” Elisa said, walking done the stairs. They put their special suits and then
they walked out the airlock, together with two E-men, just in case of peril.
The light from the star was at the zenith so they have plenty of time to observe rocks of
different colors- some black as the night, others yellow, white as pearls, and many
fragments of chalcite., andreasite, Iridium and oh!, Silver.
“Look! This must be valuable!” Elisa said, taking with her gloved hands a chunk of silver.
“Woe! I guess you become a millionaire in this very instant!” Ferilargo approved her
find.... of course, being in a mission paid by Space Fleet, every item they took from the
space or planets while performing their duties belonged to the government, but as many
captain in the starfleet, Ferilargo will put a blind eye in this matters, where he was also
exploiting his own mine in the sky... so to speak...
They instructed the two E-men to search for silver or other gems, and in a short while they
have two buckets full of valuables...
“What you get is with your own hands! My Em-men works only for me!” Ferilargo said,
when back at the ship. Her face grew somber and aid: “Watch out with your greediness! A
word of mine on the proper ears, and you will be stripped of everything you think is
“I will have that menace of yours in mind.” Ferilargo said, looking at her with an evil eye...
That day he sent forty E-men to search for valuables; all night searching, using infra red
light. In the morning 400 kilograms of valuable minerals and gems were at Hold One. R24
said: “Silver, copper, crystal, jasper and others. Probably 800K Credits in all.”
“So little amount of money?” Ferilargo sighed.
“Because gems must be polished; we can do it at our workshop.” R24 commented.
“Do it! Use the silver to produce rings. Guess it’ll raise the price in that way.” Ferilargo
The team ends the job at the fourth day and during all those days, not only Elisa but also
Ronko and Primotor makes his little fortune bringing valuables to the spaceship.
When returning to the planet, Ronko said:” That satellite indeed gives us something to
remember! But to you, a bigger souvenir than us!”
“yes, but you know I am a generous old chap! Something from my vault will also rain over
you! Patience!” Ferilargo said, smiling, and that ease the tension and the greediness of his
To his innards, Ferilargo was not telling them all, that it was: he will give them a minuscule
part of his share- leave it or take it- but certainly that was still at the distant future...
“Captain! Perhaps it will be nice for us to revise , explore and take mappings of the Second
Satellite! No need to carry the rest of the crew.” Ronko said.
“Please! It will be enough for us all! What happens with the spirit of cooperation and good
will?” Ferilargo asked, mildly convinced... but then Ronko puts a nasty rusted big Bowie
knife touching his neck, saying:” We don’t want brothers in our quest for a better life,
captain! Just sent the rest to the city with some more coins, while we collect our share
“Well, Ronko, you have found a good argument to convince me! All right! No more
partners in our new voyage!” Ferilargo said, after realizing Ronko´s eyes shone with
assassins glow.
“See? A little conversation and good friend ends up understanding each other! Friends?”
“Friends!” Ferilargo said, and Ronko takes his knife away...
When the others come back, Ferilargo heard their adventures; women and drink was the
tone of their boasting. He offers them another seven days of shore levee, and they receive
more money and almost tumbled out the door. In minutes they were all gone. Ferilargo
looked at Ronko saying:” I wonder what so fantastic exists at Forwin City that makes them
forget the wonders of this spaceship!”
Ronko laughed and said: “You will find out very soon, captain! Just let us fill our buckets
with gold and you will live as a king at that city!”
“Wait! We cannot remain here for every! We must finish our trek.... returning with the data
to Headquarters...” Ferilargo aid.
“Of course, sir! We all be in that trip home! But not now!” Ronko said, preparing the
spaceship for departure....
Ferilargo did not trust on Ronko anymore, and he talks only for brief moments with the
man, not willing to make amends with such kind of man.
The trip was uneventful but large, as they were forced to chase the satellite in its orbit- this
because they didn’t wait 8 hours for its next passing. This one measured 500 kilometers
long, with a mean circunsference of about 1.650 kilometers. It was now in the dark, so they
orbited the rock until it goes out from the shadow of the third planet.
A team of E-men leaves hip with the first light of “dawn”; then Ferilargo leaves orbit and
landed he vehicle on a plateau several hundred meters long and wide – a cloud of dust flew
all over. When the crew went out of the ship, everything looked light gray.
“Its early morning now! We have three or four hours before the heat raises like hell, so we
better hurry!” Ferilargo said by the radio.
“Ash! Or sand like ash!” Ronko said, kicking the ground, from where little clouds of ash
lazily fly. The gravity was very low, so they walk giving small steps each time.
“No rocks, no gems!” Elisa commented.
“Guess we landed at the wrong place, captain! Could you move our headquarters a little
closer to the mountain?” Rocko asked, in a tone that was sounding a peremptory order.
“Of course, but let us use these hours to try to find something here. When our E-men crew
returns with more information it will be the time to move where they already knows its
better for our purposes.” Ferilargo replied.
“Why to wait? We already know that in here there is not a single pebble!” Rocko insisted.
Ferilargo calls unto R24, saying:” Search for a place where to find rocks near a landing
site! We need to find gems.”
“Very well, sir. Wait. Yes, five such sites are already located! Shall I give that information
to the Main computer inside the spaceship?” R24 asked.
“Yes, do it. We are in haste.” Ferilargo ordered. Five seconds later, the Main computer
said, by the cockpit loudspeaker:” Sir, we already knows where to land in our second try
Shall I guide the ship?”
“Yes, but careful.” Ferilargo authorized, while pressing the Alarm button, signaling
everyone that the ship was about to move.
The place was not far away; it consists of a plateau at almost the feet of a mountain of black
granite, with a boulder 200 meters high on the cliff, that produces a comfortable shadow
when the main star was looking down from the zenith.
“Well, seems l}here we could begin pecking for gems!” Rocko said, adding:” Captain: you
have 70 e-men! Please give us ten per each one of us to begin searching for jewels! And in
that way you can keep everything you have already!”
As it was a justified reason, Ferilargo authorized, and everyone was happy.
But for a short while: Not as in the previous satellite, this one was pure rock, worthless
almost to the core. It was a strong disappointment for the crew; and not as much for
Ferilargo, who already have enough jewels as to think of himself as a rich man- not here in
the middle of nowhere, but when at some civilized community that value beautiful stones
and shinning metals...
A week later, they were all back to the planet. Only Elisa was satisfied, and happy- a little
less was captain, but the rest were openly querulous; to the extreme that Ferilargo pays
them two month’s wages and gives them fifteen days of shore leave, not to see their
grievous faces around.
Miguelo brought Prika to the spaceship , saying:” Captain, I convince her to come.”
“Why? I don’t ask you to! She is more attached to her daughter than to me! And its not
good for her to be far from her child, and its not good for me to share a woman with some
other guy’s offspring!” Ferilargo said.
“I understand how you feel, captain! But she also needs a man, as you needs a woman! She
told me that now she is willing to stay at your side.” Miguelo explains.
“Forgetting her daughter? Impossible!” Ferilargo said, smiling in disbelief.
“Well, at least give me credit for my achievement! I tamed her for you, sir!” Miguelo said.
“Oh, yes. Sorry. Let her come! I will attend her as she really deserves.” Ferilargo replied.
“Good! Don’t let me look bad!” Miguelo said, smiling and going for the female, while
Ferilargo walks towards the dinning room, that was a wider place.
“Hi! Said she, while he gives her a soft kiss of welcome. He also smell a perfume that the
woman was using.
Prika, by her part, was sensing, feeling waves of tenderness for this lonely man she wasn’t
knowing she could feel... that was why her eyes were sparkling and wide open, her cheeks
with a soft pale red and her lips moisten- everything of it made at an order by Nature
through the instincts, that worked all the way around on the male (Ferilargo) that sense a
sexual need for this good specimen of a woman. Words were scarce- both realize that it was
needed something stronger than mere words, and soon they were in bed.
Later, Ferilargo through every reserve by the window, telling her to live with him at the
spaceship- by now- and later at a nice cottage- and the most important rebuttal of his own
convictions , that little Ravina could end living with them.
“My love! I accept! But I understand you are sacrificing your feelings only for me! I
promise that I will stay with my daughter only what is strictly necessary: she will not
burden you.”
With that, he felt relieved, as in his inner self, he was well aware that he has betrayed
himself just to keep the woman he loves...
The e-men who were in the field taking care of the fallen flying disc were able to open a
section of that craft, not finding any living creature inside, the artifact was self controlled
and with orders to automatically obey and perform, or guided by unknown means.
“Several equipment from the interior of that ship has been taken out and studied- most of it
just don’t make sense for us!” R24 said.
“Good! Better in this way. Make a full report, videos included, and label the remains, for
further studies at headquarters.” Ferilargo ordered to the automaton
“its already donned, sir.” R24 said.
“Oh? Good. Fine. Well, prepare the ship to a voyage to the fourth planet.”
“In 45 minutes, sir?” R24 asked.
“Oh! Forty five minutes is all right.” Ferilargo replied.
“Remember there are certain crew members out of reach, sir. Shall I sent for them?” R24
“No” Let them rest, have fun in his own way. Use E-men where needed.” Ferilargo
ordered, not willing to see Rocko´s face around. He calls the remaining crew to his office,
and said:” WE have been exploring this system but still we have three bodies to study . The
fourth planet and its two satellites. In another forty five minutes, or shall we say less than
that, we will depart.”
“Sir! Rocko , Primotor and Elisa are in town. Are we going to leave them behind?”
Miguelo asked.
“Yes, as I leave them while investigating the two satellites of planet Three.” Ferilargo said.
“Well, so it will be without them.” Doctor Lugo interceded, not willing to contradict the
captain’s orders.
When ready, Ferilargo takes the control. Now as the pilot-and speeded up towards outer
“Funny! The velocity is lower.” He commented, looking at the dials.
“I suppose the planetary gravity is stronger here today!” Sorilargo aid, smiling.-he knew
better, of course...
After reaching an orbit, the Main computer plots a fine course towards planet Fourth and
said: “Ideal time to start course. 2.45 hour more.”
“We will wait.” Ferilargo said, knowing that a start without excellence in the calculus could
only means horrible delays.
At his cabin, he talks with Prika, saying: Are you comfortable, darling?”
“Yes, dear. I am looking at your lovable videos! So many interesting information in them!
Are we traveling, now?”
“yes, but of course, we will be reaching our foal in one more day. Its far away, in this time
of the year, in relation to planet Three.” Ferilargo said, embracing her. She gives him some
hot kisses and he said: “I must return to the cockpit! I am piloting the ship.”
“Oh, so you are driving? And is it very difficult?” Prika asked.
“No, its a cinch.” He lied, adding: “You just lay on the bed, darling.. It have a nice system
included that will make you be safe.” Ferilargo indicated.
“Well, come back soon! I feel alone in here.” She said.
Ferilargo was at his post when the ship begins his advance in a speeding way, the vehicle
reach a great velocity, but the stars keeps on being at his place, s the velocity was not Warp
speed but Impulse Drive fashion.
One hour and a half later, Ferilargo leaves the cont5ols in the hands of Sorilargo, who takes
the second shift- although it will be nothing much to do there, now course and velocity was
When Ferilargo arrives to his cabin, he finds his woman asleep. Not willing to awake her,
he just bedded alongside her, looking at her beautiful face so apparently calm and innocent.
Of course, he knew that faces reflects the inner condition of the mind: ugly for the wrong
doers, and beautiful for the generous and good people . Awake of course, faces changes
under the control of the awake mind, that could mimic the face of a honest generous person,
not being one.
He also mused about his future with this kind of lady: for ever with the shadow of another
man in her life through her daughter. He guesses he will never be able to accept that in full.
Most possible, he will only look to the other side, as if that fact never existed.
Slowly, his ideas faded and he gets asleep, under the soft breeze of her breath besides him...
But , in the morning, he waits not and kissed her until she awakes.
“Oh, its you! I was dreaming on a long stair in flames.... do you know what that could
mean?” Prika asked him.
Chapter 8.
“Probably a road that its impossible for you to go. So, a desire you have that your mind
knows now its banned.” Ferilargo said, caressing her until she embrace him firmly.
Later, they went to breakfast.
“Oh, you just ask and a tray appear with what you wanted?” Prika never cease to wonder
about the technology present at the spaceship. She already knows how it works, but loves to
hear the explanations they give her, always with some variations.
“Yes, darling!” Ferilargo told her. “This is a food processor, and there are several such
mechanisms in the ship. Of course, we also have more natural looking food, but those come
from the Hydroponics laboratory.”
“I wonder where it is.” Prika said, eating her sandwich.
“We will go there after breakfast! You must know all about this ship!” He said, proudly : if
she was interested in the things of the ship it means she wants to adapt herself to please
him! Or so he believes at that time.
The Hydroponics section was maintained by AR40, a electric man.
“Good morning, captain, and how are you, lady Assistant?” AR40 said, welcoming them
there. He resembles a young handsome man with a clever stare in his perfectly designed
“Everything! Explain to the lady everything that is going on here! Prika: I must be at the
cockpit now but I will see you at thirteen hours at our cabin, so we could go lunching
together afterwards.” Ferilargo aid.
“Very well, dear.” She replied, looking amiably. Ferilargo walked very optimistic along the
corridor and before going into the main cabin he encounter crewman Miguelo who said:
“And who is going with Prika, sir?”
“Very fine. I guess I must give you my thanks.” Ferilargo replied, finding himself a little
embarrassed after all he have said previously; Miguelo knew him better and so he said:” I
am glad you find happiness in here! And I ask you one thing: would you permit me to have
my woman also in this ship? I assure you that Lurota could help at the kitchen, or at the
Hydroponics room.”
Ferilargo realize that the payment for his recent happiness was being collected and yes, he
authorized the presence of Lurota , in his mind, for a future trip, not knowing that Lurota
was already present at Miguelo´s cabin!
“Thanks you, captain. You are overly generous!” Miguelo said, walking away.
At the main cabin there were only e-men at this hour of the day.
“Good morning , sir. Every under control here. Do you want to steer?” the e-man asked.
“No, thanks. Keep as you go. Certainly you have the skill to do so.” Ferilargo said.
“Arrival in 55 more minutes. Captain: we will be orbiting the planet. Could not go inside
because of the mighty pressure.”
“Really? I assume we could ... in the spaceship.” Ferilargo commented.
“I was speaking on behalf of the shuttles. But if you decide to risk the spaceship,...” The e-
man left the phrase unfinished.
“Yes, we will descend. To be or not to be, s Shakespeare said once! Or, we only live twice,
as 007 aid.” Ferilargo said, that he was feeling very elated, knowing he have now a full
young woman eating from his hand. Or so he believed...
He seats in front of the radio communication device, and through the speaker he told the
rest of the crew to be prepared for a touchdown in an hour elapsed time. Of course, when
speaking out loud, he felt he was gambling on the lives of several people, but then he
reaffirm his choice, relying on the engineers that build the “Colonel Carmen Gloria Yures”
The planet Fourth was three times bigger than the third planet. Here, in paper, means little
thing, but looking a the enormous, bulbous bulk of pale blue gases looming over the tiny
spaceship (in comparison) and it was awesome.
Lets see.... well, a little more burden! But nothing of the other world! And how do you feel,
ladies?” Ferilargo asked to the dames, Lurota included.
“I feel fine.” Clara said.
“I also look funny.” Lurota said, smiling.
“well, if you feel bad, we will hibernate you.” Ferelargo said.
“The trick is to make little efforts- not to exert force in anyway. Heart is only one! And
made terraformed planets!” The doctor Lugo said.
They went outside the spaceship using special equipmewnt and air tanks. The atmosphere
was poisonous, so all they could see was rocks and the soil covered with moist Large
clouds over their heads forbids to see any sky.
“Bad weather! Ferilargo said, hand in hand with his woman Prika. She obtained some
pebbles of strange colors and soon both of them collected two bags of stones. Some of them
were crystals
Some crew mates also takes samples before the big gale it started three hours after the
Not able to sustain a wind of 120 kilometers per hour, everyone (included the e-men) gets
into the spaceship. Doctor Lugo analyze samples of the atmosphere, crystals and stones.
His conclusions he gives to the men after dinner, when he said: “I find all of this very
interesting, captain and friends. Traces of 2,4-d, 2.4.5 T, 2.4.5. T and others are here in
abundance. This venom produce chronic lymphocytes leukemia, or CLL.”
“And what is all those 2-4 and other numbers and letter D?” Clara asked; she also have an
inkling of it, but for the benefit of others, she throw the question to the doctor Lugo, who
answered: “Mainly cacodylic acid or “blue, Bromacil, Dalapon, Dinoxol- this obtained
mixing 2.4 D and 2.4.5.T; also its here present Diquat, Diuron, Green (That is, 2.4.5.T)
Monuron, Pink (2.4.5-T), Purple (2.4 D and 2.4.5. T), Tandex, Trinoxol (2.4.5.T) and
White ( Picloram and 2.4.-D). ALSO some gases like Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen)”.
“Wow! A real cocktail!”
“Yes, so I very much doubt that living organism could live in this planet, but who knows?
All its possible!” Doctor Lugo commented.
The tempest subsided three hours later, so Ferilargo sent several dozen E-men to collect
samples, make scanners on the ground.
“Perhaps we could get interesting samples, more work for you, doctor.” Ferilargo said.
“Oh, for me, all of this is Heaven! I study chemist, amount other things. I am prepared for
this kind of work and here we have powerful state of the art machines , instruments that
make the work an ease one.” The doctor said.
“good! And about minerals?” Prika said, interested in to know how valuable were the
stones she pick up on her little work at the field.
“Sorry, madam! Not my field of expertise! But any given e-men could serves you good.
They have several Encyclopedias engraved in their data banks.” The doctor Lugo informed
Chapter 9.
Prika asks a e-man to analyze her rocks as well as others, and the e-man ends saying that
those pebbles were almost without any value in itself, but could adorn a bracelet, ring or
earring as well as the most valuable germ, if worked with skill.
“Could you do it for me?” Prika asked.
“Certainly, but of course, I know only the basics.” That e-man said, who ended being called
Kabe, s his serial number begins with those two letters.
The work of the e-man was so successful, using materials and instruments at the workshop,
that other members of the crew (including the Doctor) uses other e-man to produce fashion
bracelets, rings, etceteras, and for a time excitement and joy prevails at the spaceship
quarters and corridors...
The e-men brought four and a half tons of samples, that were classified and storage by the
doctor Lugo on a hold. He said to the captain: “There are valuables here. Uranium, Torio,
silver in abundance.”
Ferilargo asked him about copper, gold, aluminum, fedelspat, and the doctor said:” In small
quantities, but of course, a full exploration will present different end results! You should
move the spaceship around the planet.” The doctor said.
“But the equator have strong winds that could sent this vehicle up and away! Only the
regions near the poles are almost safe.” Ferilargo said, who have detailed information about
this facts thanks to specially built drones that have sent information to the ship- many of
them never returning.
In some other parts of the world they find some new minerals. At the third location, the
south pole, they descend on a big ravine with a lot of curves, reason why the winds cannot
blow as usual, and they could disembark without much problems.
“Snow all over! Its beautiful.” Prika commented.
“Yes, and no valuables. If they exist, they must be 50 meters below this icy surface.” Prika
said, through the radio transmitter.

After analyzing the side in that part of the planet IV, the doctor Lugo Legua said: “75% of
chlorine! Perhaps useful to disinfect water storage in big tanks! You could take into our
holds some of that product of nature, and sell at Forwin city! Where, as you should know,
its in general use and I tell you, of a very downgraded quality: not more than a thirty per
cent is chlorine!”
“good. I will tell my e-men to take some tons for storage.” Ferilargo decided.
After that occupation, the e-men managed the take-off and the arrival to the first of planet
Fourth satellite; it was a big planetoid with frozen nitrogen, and many cracks on the
surface, due to the tensions received while orbiting the planet.
“Samples taken, sir.” R24 said, eight days later- the surveillance was made around the
south pole.
“Enough! We are leaving.” Ferilargo said, bored to be inside the ship or strolling out inside
a heavy special suit – cameras included.
That same day they plot a return course to the third planet, and s Ferilargo so desired, at top
speed, and in eight hours they soared through the third planet atmosphere and landed near
Forwin city.
The crew on land arrives hours later, having seen the big bird in its return home.
“Good news! The king bestowed on us all a monthly payment of three thousand sopes
(equivalent) and we are renting rooms at a nice hotel”! Primotor said.
“And did you find any precious for us, captain?” Ronko asked, with a crooked smile.
“not a dime, engineer! Ice, pure ice everywhere!” Ferilargo said, happily.
“Well, the help from the king is for everyone, sir. Your amount could be collected at the
Royal palace. “Primotor said.
“Oh, yes? And to whom I ask for my bonus?” Ferilargo asked, very amused.
“To the Assistant to the treasurer... and old fat lady she is.”
“Oh, well... somebody o you will guide me there. I hate to find they refuse my intents.”
Ferilargo said.
“No problem, captain! You and the ones that weren’t there could go with me to the palace,
I am sue you will be satisfied.” Ronko assured them.
“Good! Tomorrow! Now I need to rest!” Ferilargo said, taking Prika by the hand.
Sorilargo invites the newcomers to lunch, and serves some local wine, to see happy faces
instead of troubled ones. To know what was eating them , he said to Ronko the engineer:”
And what do you expect to do when back on Earth?”
The man smiled crookedly and said:” Of course. I will be a beggar in just three months!
That is what my earnings here will permit! Of course, if I don’t leave the starfleet, in the
next eighteen years I will get a retirement and a miserable pension!”
Primotor, who was also near the, said: ”What a pity, to risk oneself´s life and to end in a
small apartment frying eggs, and boiled rice...”
Ronko said:” That is why we must get riches now! I am decided to get a lot more than those
handful of gems I get kneeling on creeks!”
And several other phrases that shows to Sorilargo that the ill fees were because of the
apparently lack of profits at in the present trip. Certainly captain Ferilargo shows little
comradeship at the hour to share profits...
He, seemingly, was happy with his position of command, with the extra that means to have
a native woman in his bed... or that was the first officer believes...
Unbeknownst to this, Ferilargo was already in bed, and he has not thinking in to deploy the
ship or in to earn money by smuggling objects at his return to Earth....
At the next day, nine hours, Ferilargo was walking into the Treasurer’s office, flanked by
Primotor and Sorilargo.
”The assistant will receive you.” A secretary said, after asking for the bonus king Santina
bestowed on the strangers. The fat lady receives them with a smile, and looking at them
through round pryoptic lenses, she said:” I am Angela, assistant of the royal treasure. I
assume you are captain Ferilargo, who recently arrives by air to the city?”
Ferilargo realize that the fat lady was already informed of his arrival and so he said: “yes, a
short trip of exploration . I am most thankful to his Majesty the king, giving my men and I a
generous bonus! Life among you, citizens of Forwin city, is nice and warm, but without
money, even Heaven is a place of anguish.”
The assistant does not know where that Heaven city could be located, but studying the
general context, must be a very delightful place. So, he replied: “Our majesty King Winal is
a very intelligent and helpful person.” And she produce several small leather bags full of
coins, giving one of them to every crewman who still was not receiving money, and an
equal amount to captain Ferilargo, who thanked and walked out.
“See? Piece of cake. Now, if you so desire, we could get into a Bar and drink a couple of
beers, to celebrate those gifts.” Primotor promotes his offer with a wink.
“Yes, good idea to probe the value of this ship.” Ferilargo said, tingling coins inside his
While drinking in a dark and humid tavern, Primotor said: “Captain, we are postponing the
full exploration of the second planet. One finished that work, we could leave this planetary
system to explore new worlds, seek new civilizations and in doing so, reach our way home,
there I am sure, someone will be waiting for you?”
Ferilargo takes a gulp of beer, farthed and said:” Very well put, lad! Nice itinerary you have
designed for us all! But, as you must remember, using super light year velocity and staying
away of Earth conundrum, for several years, and in accord of Einstein calculations, we will
reach Earth several centuries older than when we departed. So, if someone could have been
waiting for me there, by now is has dead as king Tutankamon or his grand father Pepis.”
“Really?””Of course. We are our own grand grand fathers, by now!” Ferilargo laughed and
drink of that nice beer.
Back at the ship, Ferilargo said: Crewmen! And ladies: the second planet exploration
expedition will begin in exactly in five more days. Everyone on board this time. Its a rocky
planet, possibly full of valuable minerals.”
“Are there beasts in that planet, captain?” Clara asked.
“I doubt it much, Too much heat, no water, and nose as. Even the poles are deserts of
sand.” Ferilargo informed her, who makes a grin...
At the time of departure, several persons from the city of Forwin were present, as the crew
told them of this event. Even the king was looking from a window in his palace, and he was
able to see the vehicle flying over the city.
“Mighty civilization it was the one that sent them here! I wish others of their kind could
take his time for they arrival!” The King Santina said to his Assistants; he knows how cruel
a more civilized community could be when encountering, finding, a less developed one.
In minutes they already were in due course, e-men were helping even at the minor
“Time for arrival, ten hours. “Chief Engineer Ronko Fugerte said, though the intercom.
“Good! No hurry in this!” Ferilargo replied, assuming that the second planet was, by far,
not a nice camping ground...
While in advance, they found several asteroids, that must be avoided. Some of them were
huge chunks of blue rock, and asked, he was told they were made of pure iron.
“What a find! Iron ready to be melt!” He was amazed, s in general, asteroids are mere
formations of pure rock, with no value in itself.
“hen arriving to the planet, it was very surprise to see so many colors in the surface,
moving masses of gas makes the land a fuzzy one.
“What is that?” Ferilargo asked.
“Nitrogen clouds, sir. Primotor said, who was the atmospheres analyzer at the moment.
“Inoffensive.” The captain commented.
“Yes, but the heat is the problem: 140 Centigrade, impossible a life to sustain without
proper insulation.” Primotor said.
“Well, we have e-men for this kind of job.” Doctor Lugo interrupted.
“Certainly but everyone is entitled to go out and make his – or her- personal excavation.”
Ferilargo said, thinking in precious stones.
They landed in a flat surface ; sand dunes and slabs of stone protruding from the ground
was all to it; in the distance, more sand, that have waves made by ancient tempests, when
walking around, they only find gray slabs
And dust, all bathed by the fiery rays of the star.
Later in that day, the e-men gives information on caves.
“There are large tunnels man-made or some other bipedal species. You should go and see,
“Oh? Have you not some videos of what you find?” Ferilargo said, from the soft heat of his
“No, sir. By some ignored cause, our cameras become blurred or black inside the place.”
“Black images?”
“Yes, that is what I meant, captain.” R24 said.
“I will send someone there.” Captain Ferilargo said, and at lunch hour he talks about it and
asked for volunteers.
“I will go! Who knows? Perhaps I could find bones in there.” Doctor Lugo said.
“I will go with you, too.” Marie said.
“Very good: two to go. Prepare yourselves with water, lamps, and I will appoint even e-
men to help you.” Ferilargo said, munching his lunch away.
The doctor Lugo Legua went with Marie to the airlock, and after getting inside the highly
cumbersome but useful special suit, they went outside with the dame and the e-men.
“Where it is the finding?” Doctor Lugo asked to the e-man close to him.
“Three and a half kilometers away, doctor.” The R66 said, leading the way . The road
doesn’t exist, so they walk around boulders and dunes until faci9ng some reddish
mountains that presents several big holes in its surface.
“Nice! Now, tell me, where do you find long and interesting caves?”
“The fourth going up, doctor. We will help you climb.” R66 said, and soon they were
climbing; the doctor was puffing and consuming much oxygen, but that wasn’t a problem,
because the two cylinders at his back could provide it for eight hours straight.
“This is the one, doctor! Not fully explored, of course, must be eight kilometers long, with
who knows how many side cavern.” R66 informed, setting the electric lamps to see.
“!Oh, I am too old for this excretions! But , all is worthwhile in life! Lets begin!” The
doctor said, coughing. Marie said:” Doctor! Perhaps you should rest a while as we walk
“No, no! I am all right!” Doctor Lugo said, coughing uncontrollably but walking all the
while with determination .The walls were carved and he commented:” Signs of machining!
No beams! Probably they think they weren’t needed, but risky!”
20 meters in a straight line, a curve to the right and now the tunnel was in the incline.
“A 30 per cent angle! Not much for my old bones!” The doctor said, following the three e-
men that were before him, illuminating the cave with brilliant lamps.
20 paces and the doctor bumped to the floor.
“Ups! Sorry! I did not see that pebble!” Doctor Lugo said, transpiring.
“Doctor! Why don’t you rest for a while? We will keep on going and if finding something
curious, I will sent for you.” Marie offered.
“No! I will be well! Give me five more minutes!” The doctor said, puffing inside his round
But 20 minutes later he was equally ill. Maria said: “ E-men, take the old man back to the
ship. Four of yours, stay with me. I will discover whatever it could be in here!”
“Yes, madam!” ER66 said, leaving the place with the doctor and some more Assistants.
Marie sent two e-men forwards, and he in the center of the four Assistants. The descent was
now at an angle of 21 degrees, so it was easier to advance. The walls were equally rugged
and no signs of tools were to be seen.
One hour later and several hundred meters beyond the place where the doctor was taken
back, the tunnel opens into a gallery; on one of its walls there were boxes two meters high.
Looking into them, Marie saw human remains, bones. The very thing doctor Lugo was
“Take two skeletons and carry it to the spaceship, now!” Marie said, and with the other two
e-men he keeps walking forwards.
They saw tools and means of transportation, but everything was almost in a category of
“Many centuries that this mine was abandoned.” Marie said, and nobody contradicts her
“And what they could have been taking from here?” Marie asked.
“Copper, madam. Seems the miners were satisfied with the amount taken and leaves the
mine.” R20 informed.
“Well! I have seen enough. Now, help me leave the place!” She commanded, and Marie
was taken by both armpits and almost carried out- she only helps with her feet almost not
touching the ground.
When at the spaceship, Ferilargo said: ”The doctor is very ill! His hearth. A e-man is taking
care of him.”
“Oh, how pity! Well, the tunnel is large and we found several caskets with skeletons of
humanoid miners. The place has been deserted since a lot of centuries ago.” Marie
“Good job. You will get a bonus for this heroic work you have performed.” Ferilargo said.
“Thanks. curiosity guide my steps into that old hole.” Marie said, smiling.
Ferilargo forged the necessary other explorations around the planet, bored to be in such a
desolate planet, and at the next day they leave that world with Ferilargo recommend R24 to
forge informs on the satellit4es that second planet have, minimal in size but enough large to
house hypothetical bases.
“Well, here we have!” The captain said, when R24 handled him the dossier on the small
satellites. He reads some pages, while R24 was saying: “Based on our previous
explorations, I wrote the inform stating standard minerals are there present, but in a
minimal quantity. I am sure these satellites will never house a mining facility working
“I think so, R24.I am sure humanity will never come this way! Perhaps some commerce
could be had with the humans at the Third planet, but that will be all. Reproduction in Earth
is not as once was! Women abhor of domestic chores, and hates to leave their offspring into
the hands of governmental institutions!” Ferilargo remembers.
When arriving to the planet, doctor R10 said to Ferilargo: “The doctor Lugo is dead. His
heart collapsed.”
“Oh, what a pity! Freeze his body.” Ferilargo ordered; the women went to see his dead
body, sobbing.
At Winal planet, Ferilargo buried the doctor’s body in a nice niche, and the King Santina
offered a music band to present honors to that alien visit.
Later, Ferilargo gives shore leave to everyone, that were receiving a special bonus given by
the king Santina.
“Well! Behave at the city. We are in excellent terms with the king: lets maintain that
relation as it is!” Ferilargo asked of the crew, minutes before the group leaves the ship.
“Don’t worry, captain! We are grown ups!” Ronko said, shuffling his feet over the floor
Ferilargo remains at the “General C.G.Y.” spaceship, together with Prika and seventy of the
E-men, but soon she was saying: “Dear Ferilargo: I wish to visit my daughter for a couple
of days. Are you willing to be with me in my visit?”
Ferilargo replied: “ Oh, no, darling! I must remain here! 70 e-men could be very useful, but
I will not let them in charge of our spaceship. Go and get fun!” And he also gives her part
of his money. (The one king Santina has given).
“Thanks you! I will be here in two or three days!” Prika said, leaving the ship one hour
Ferilargo yawned and said to R24:” You take charge now, loyal servant, while I sleep!
Nobody around to call me lazy makes me very sleepy!” And smiled his own crack.
“Yes, sir. Not much to do, standing on land.” R24 said.
“Yes. Watch the door: no natives must enter while I am asleep!” The captain commands.
“Very well, sir. Happy dreams.” The e-man said, although “sleeping” was a very
mysterious occupation to him- that doesn’t sleep at all.
At the city, Prika was already embracing her daughter, while her mother was saying:
“Mangor come to see his children! And seeing you not he gives me the alimony. I bought
clothes and baby food for her. Here is the rest of the money.” And handled her some bills.
“No, take it for you! Now I also have money, and before I go, I will buy everything she
could need- at least for some weeks in the future.” Prika said.
Her mother knitted her brows and said:” I don’t understand you, really! To be out and away
with an alien its not the right thing to do! Choose among your admirers! Many of them still
asks for you, when I go out shopping!”
Prika caressed her daughter’s head and said:” She will be a wonderful woman! More pretty
than I ever was!”
“Oh, oh! Don’t you speak as you are already an old dame” Look at you”! One of the most
pretty woman in the city... wasting your youth with that old man!” Her mother said.
Prika begin not to answer her mother’s critical phrases, and with her child he went out to
the street to buy her clothes.
In her way to the store, her ex husband appears around the corner.
“Prika! And with my daughter21 Where are you going?” the man asked.
“Mangor! You always spying on me! Are you not working?” Prika said, without stopping.
The man reddened and said: “You don’t change a bit! I am not spying on your! And I am
working! Its only that I take leave for this afternoon only!”
“I cannot believe you! You are a liar! And how much money did you give to my mother?
She bought a couple of things and ends with only a little money on her hands!” Prika said.
Mangor touched the girl’s head, saying:” I give what I can! And that must suffuse! And
you, are you working?”
“Its not of your business!” Prika said, blushing. He waits some seconds and then said:
“Your mother told me about it! You are living with an older man!”
Prika enters the shop she was seeking and didn’t reply. Mangor leaves, murmuring
something she didn’t heard.... her hearth was thumping- she only hates that Mangor man,
and she reaffirms – in her own mind- the idea of to keep on living with the alien man- he
was generous and treats her well... with him, money wasn’t a problem...
Elisa went to see Ferilargo now he was alone, asking for some of her clothes still at the
“Hello? Alone?” She said.
“Yes, but Prika will return in two more days.” Ferilargo replied, seated in front of a
monitor. She stands near him, touching his arm with one of her warm legs, and said. “Oh, is
so boring to stay here! I don’t know how you stand! And without a woman...”
Ferilargo realized she wants more than a conversation, but he wasn’t going to spoil his life
with a stupid affair, so he said: “I am accustomed to this!” And leaves the room. Elisa
moves her head, murmuring: “You lose your opportunity!” and returns to Winal city, where
she danced all night with very interested men in to obtain her favors...
When Prika returns, she was looking fresh and happy. Ferilargo admired the change, and
said: “Oh, my beauty has come back! Good.” And kissed her with hunger. She gives him
her tenderness and then said: “Do you miss me’”
“Of course I miss you! Wish you enjoy the time with your daughter!” Ferilargo asked.
A veil passed by her gaze, and then she said: “Oh, she is well cared by her grand mother!
Also, her father gives her... through my mother, some money.”
“Oh, so he is not as bad as they say?” Ferilargo commented.
“I don’t know about that, but he treats me bad, so I leave him for ever! But tell me: what
have you donned here in the meantime?” Prika asked, not to keep on with that theme, that
makes her ill.
“!Oh, I have renewed some systems, revised radio communications, examine samples aided
by instruments. Copper is one of the priorities ; here we could extract copper for thousands
of years! Of course, copper is also present nearer Earth planet, so all in all, and taking unto
account the long trip between here and our home planet, its not very good business to come
here to dig. I assume colonists will come to live here, develop the industry and start from
point zero onwards.” Ferilargo replied.
Prika smiled, not caring much of his reply; the object was only to deviate the conversation
to surer ground only. But then, is it not what women often does?
They loved each other, talks and stroll through the ship until some crew members returns ,
with empty pockets and tired; Ferilargo takes Prika by the hand, and with all his money and
seven e-men he went to the city.
“Nice weather! Do you like it?” He asked her.
“Oh, yes! A sunny day.” Prika replied, while on a cart on route to the city.
“We will buy a deserted lot and we will have fun.” He promised, smiling .
When at a square, he sent the seven e-men to search for a big property to be bought. Hours
later, they return with the sellers; each one willing to sell for a price. Until nightfall
Ferilargo was visiting places, until he bought a big property in a scantly populated street
That night they slept in an hotel, with the seven e-men standing on the corridor and waiting
for some order. And the orders came: Ferilargo wants a big saloon surrounded by many
corridors and in each corridor many rooms. The design was made using the e-men and the
main computer from the “Colonel Carmen Gloria Yures” spaceship, and workers all around
town were called, the walls begin to emerge amid clouds of dust and the sound of hammers
and the like, Ferilargo puts the e-men to install electric circuits and a small electric
generator to provide the electric fluid all over the building, that ends having two stories
Sorilargo knew of this and visiting him one night at the Hotel, he said: “And what is your
idea to build such a monstrous Behemoth?”
“A casino, an hotel- Restaurant! I will teach these people to enjoy life with some profits
going to my pocket! If they win at the games, they will spread the word all over! To the
ones who realize it is midnight and cannot return home safely, there will be bedrooms
available for them. More refinements on the way!”
“And, do you think the King will permit it?” Sorilargo asked mildly.
“He better permits it! Don’t forget he need us for protection!” Ferilargo said.
Sorilargo returns to the spaceship very pensive: his captain was not thinking in to work for
starfleet, but for his own benefit!

The End.

Thursday, April 6, 2017. 23.06 hours.

Typed: Tuesday, May 7, 2019.- 01:00 hours

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