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ELISA VALIDATION PLAN - is this correct??

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A Blk Std1 Std5 AC/PR/SR25 AC/PR/SR100 AC/PR/SR500 LOD5 LOD10 LOQ5 LOQ20 LIN1:4 LIN1:16
B Blk Std1 Std5 AC/PR/SR25 AC/PR/SR100 AC/PR/SR500 LOD5 LOD20 LOQ5 LOQ20 LIN1:4 Neat
C TA Std2 Std6 AC/PR/SR25 AC/PR/SR100 LOD1 LOD5 LOD20 LOQ5 LOQ20 LIN1:4 Neat
D TA Std2 Std6 AC/PR/SR50 AC/PR/SR100 LOD1 LOD5 LOD20 LOQ10 LOQ20 LIN1:8 Neat
E NSB Std3 Std7 AC/PR/SR50 AC/PR/SR100 LOD1 LOD10 LOD20 LOQ10 LOQ20 LIN1:8 Neat
F NSB Std3 Std7 AC/PR/SR50 AC/PR/SR500 LOD1 LOD10 LOD20 LOQ10 LIN1:2 LIN1:8 Neat
G B0 Std4 AC/PR/SR25 AC/PR/SR50 AC/PR/SR500 LOD1 LOD10 LOQ5 LOQ10 LIN1:2 LIN1:16 N/A
H B0 Std4 AC/PR/SR25 AC/PR/SR50 AC/PR/SR500 LOD5 LOD10 LOQ5 LOQ10 LIN1:2 LIN1:16 N/A

Accuracy (AC), Precision (PR) and Spike-recovery (SR) are combined in one series. FDA definitions of accuracy and precisions have been used here.
Samples have been extracted before ELISA analysis.

AC: Accuracy: closeness of mean test results to the true concentration. Concentrations tested: 25, 50, 100 and 500pg/mL
PR: Precision (intra-assay): closeness of agreement (degree of scatter) between a series of measurements obtained from multiple sampling of the same
homogenous sample. The closeness of individual measures is determined by applying the procedure repeatedly to multiple aliquots of a single homogeneous
volume of biological matrix. Concentrations tested: 25, 50, 100 and 500pg/mL.
SR: Spike-recovery: used to determine if the assay is affected by the difference between the diluent used to prepare the standard curve and the sample matrix.
Concentrations tested: 25, 50, 100 and 500pg/mL.

LOD: Limit of detection: LOD1, LOD5, LOD10, LOD20 (1, 5, 10 and 20pg/ml added to neat sample)
LOQ: Limit of quantization: LOQ5, LOQ10, LOQ15 (5, 10 and 15 pg/ml added to neat sample)

LIN: Linearity: Tests the effects of matrix components on measurement of the analyte, by serially diluting the extract in assay buffer.
Linearity tests determine the extent to which the dose-response of the analyte is linear in particular diluents. Concentration tested: 200pg/ml at dilutions: 1:2,
1:4, 1:8, 1:16.

Neat: Neat (non-spiked) sample processed same way as all spiked samples (without spike)
(All the above have 5 replicates, except LIN, which has 3 replicates)

Blk: Blank
TA: Total Activity. Positive control - that ensures that the conjugate still has activity
NSB: Non-Specific Binding (Background signal, Neg contr). Contains standard dilutant, buffer, conjugate, substrate, stop soln.
B0: “zero standard”. Contains: standard diluent, conjugate, antibody, substrate, stop solution
Std1-7: Diluted standard in buffer: 1000, 500, 250, 125, 62.5, 31.25, 15.6 pg/m

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