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Detection of Preformed Type A Botulinal Toxin in Hash Brown Potatoes by Using

the Mouse Bioasssay and a Modified ELISA Test

Article  in  Journal of AOAC International · September 2001

Source: PubMed


32 53

4 authors, including:

Mark Andrew Harrison

University of Georgia


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Detection of Preformed Type A Botulinal Toxin in Hash Brown

Potatoes by Using the Mouse Bioasssay and a Modified ELISA
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 60 8th St, Atlanta, GA 30309
University of Georgia, Department of Food Science and Technology, Athens, GA 30602-7610
Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Biology, Atlanta, GA 30332

A foodborne illness caused by type A honey products (1, 2). Potato products such as baked potatoes,
toxin-producing Clostridium botulinum was inves- potato salad, and a potato dip (skordalia) have been involved
tigated by using the standard mouse bioassay and in foodborne botulism outbreaks (3–6). Recently, a frozen po-
a rapid invitro test for toxin detection. The patient, tato product (hash brown potatoes) that was stored improperly
who consumed improperly stored hash brown po- at room temperature rather than refrigerator temperature prior
tatoes that contained the preformed toxin, was di- to preparation for consumption was the cause of a botulism
agnosed with type A botulism. C. botulinum type A outbreak.
toxin was detected in the hash brown potatoes as The classical method for the detection of botulinal toxins is
well as in the tryptone–peptone–glucose–yeast ex- the mouse bioassay (7, 8). Several rapid in vitro methods have
tract (TPGY) medium subcultures of this food us- been developed that approximate the sensitivity of the in vivo
ing the mouse bioassay and an amplified ELISA method and possess greater specificity (2, 9, 10). In this study,
technique. The mouse bioassay revealed pre- an amplified ELISA method (AE) previously used for the
formed toxin at 10 000 minimum lethal dose qualitative detection of cultural botulinal toxins (2) was modi-
(MLD)/g uncooked product and the amplified fied to detect and estimate the amount of preformed type A
ELISA an equivalent 50 000 MLD/g. The cultural botulinal toxin in a hash brown potato sample. Cultural toxin
toxin from the uncooked product killed mice at the formed in anaerobic media inoculated with the food samples
106 dilution and a modification of the ELISA proce- was tested using the unmodified amp-ELISA. The
dure was positive at the 103 dilution. Cooked food amp-ELISA and the mouse bioassay were also used to test
obtained from the consumer’s waste can contained samples for types B, E, and F botulinal toxins.
100 MLD/g and the ELISA was also positive at the
same dilution of the product. The culture of the Experimental
cooked product obtained from the waste can was
lethal for mice at the 107 dilution and positive using Samples
the modified ELISA at the 104 dilution. The unmodi-
fied amplified ELISA method indicated a toxin level The samples consisted of previously cooked hash browns
of approximately 1 ng/mL (equivalent to 5 ´ collected from the kitchen waste container and uncooked hash
105 MLD/mL) in diluted culture fluid from the un- browns from the kitchen cupboard of the consumer hospital-
cooked food and the culture of cooked food ob- ized with botulism.
tained from the waste can. The hash brown pota-
toes were negative for types B, E, and F preformed Reagents
and cultural botulinal toxins using both assays.
(a) Amp-ELISA IgG reagents.—FDA Southeast Regional
Laboratory (SRL), Atlanta, GA.
here are 7 antigenically distinct botulinal types (A–G) (b) Type A standard neurotoxin.—50 minimum lethal

T but only types A, B, E, and F have been implicated in

human botulism (1). Botulism has been associated with
many food types, including vegetable, dairy, fish, meat, and
dose (MLD) ng; B.R. DasGupta, Food Research Institute,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
(c) ELISA amplification substrate.—GibCo-BRL (Grand
Island, NY).
(d) Neutravidin-alkaline phosphatase (NAP) conju-
Received January 26, 2001. Accepted by AP April 3, 2001.
gate.—Pierce Chemical Co., Rockford, IL.

Figure 1. Estimation of Clostridium botulinum type A neurotoxin level in hash brown potato samples by using the
modified amp-ELISA method. Uncooked sample absorbance value obtained from the 103 dilution of the food. The
cooked sample absorbance value was from the 101 dilution of food.

Food Sample Preparation for the Modified at 35°C for 2 h (instead of overnight at 4°C for the original
amp-ELISA (MAE) AE), then the plate was washed 3× in TBS-T (0.05M Tris,
0.15M NaCl, pH 7.5 with 0.05% Tween 20) wash buffer. The
Equal amounts of solid food samples (w/v) and casein
plate was blocked in casein buffer for 30 min. The samples,
buffer (0.05M Tris, 0.085M NaCl–0.5% casein, pH 7.6) were
mixed and ground with a mortar and pestle into a slurry (1:2 biotinylated IgG, and NAP were all diluted in casein buffer
dilution) that was centrifuged at 7000 × g for 30 min at 4°C. and incubated at room temperature on a microtiter plate
The 1:2 and 10-fold dilutions (up to 105) of the supernatant shaker. The casein buffer was then discarded and 100 µL sam-
were made in casein buffer and tested in duplicate by 2 differ- ples of the diluted food samples and dilutions of type A toxin
ent analysts for botulinal toxin using the MAE. The sensitivity standard were added to the microtiter plate. A known type A
of this modification of the AE was determined by using C. botulinum culture obtained from the SRL culture collection
10-fold dilutions (100 to 0.01 ng/mL casein buffer) of type A and negative controls were also examined. The samples were
purified neurotoxin and plotting a standard curve. This stan- incubated 2 h and then washed as above. Biotin-labeled anti-
dard curve was then used to estimate the level of toxin in the body (ca 2.5 µg/mL casein buffer) was added and incubated
food samples. for 1 h. The plates were washed as above and 100 µL NAP
(1:2500 dilution in casein buffer) was added to the plate wells.
MAE The conjugate was incubated for 1 h and the plate was washed
The method of Ferreira and Crawford (2) was modified for 7× in TBS-T. The GibCo-BRL ELISA amplification system
the detection of the preformed C. botulinum toxins in the im- was used to detect the presence of bound conjugate. The
plicated food samples. Briefly, type A antitoxin (IgG) was di- absorbance was read at 490 nm with 410 nm subtraction.
luted to 1 µg/mL in 0.05M carbonate–bicarbonate buffer, In an attempt to increase the sensitivity of the MAE, plates
pH 9.6, and 100 µL added to each well of an Immulon ll were coated with 10 µg type A IgG/mL bicarbonate buffer and
(Dynex, Chantilly, VA) microtiter plate. The plate was stored incubated for 2 h at 35°C. The remainder of the revised proto-

Table 1. Detection of preformed and cultural botulinal toxin from hash brown potatoes
Preformed toxin Cultural toxin

Sample Identification Bioassaya ELISAb Bioassayc ELISAb

Hash browns Cooked, from waste can 102 102 107 >103
Hash browns Uncooked, from cupboard 104 103 106 >104
Positive control Type A NA + NA +
Negative control – – – –
Toxin standard Type A NA 1 ng/mL NA 1 ng/mL

Endpoint dilution positive.
Not analyzed.

col was the same as for the modified protocol except for the ure 1). Therefore, the original food sample contained approxi-
following: the biotinylated IgG concentration was reduced to mately 22 ng type A toxin/g food based on the toxin standard
1.25 µg/mL, plates were incubated at 35°C instead of room curve using the MAE.
temperature with no shaking, and plates were washed 5× be- The uncooked potato sample obtained from the room tem-
tween each step instead of 3×. The final wash was stored for perature cupboard (Figure 1) contained 1.8 ng type A
10 min at room temperature before removal of the wash toxin/mL at the 103 dilution using the MAE. The original food
buffer. contained approximately 1800 ng type A toxin/g.
When cooked and uncooked samples were cultured in
Cultural Toxin Preparation for the Original AE
TPGY, the MAE detected type A toxin at 103 and 104 dilution,
One to 2 g of the food samples were cultured in TPGY me- respectively (Table 1). The toxin concentration of TPGY cul-
dium and incubated at 26°C for 5 days. Ten-fold dilutions of tures from the cooked and uncooked foods was approximately
culture fluid were made in casein buffer and 100 µL volumes 1 ng/mL at the 105 dilution of the cultures (approximately
of the dilutions tested by the AE procedure. 500 000 MLD/mL) using the AE method (data not shown).
Endpoint ELISAs for isolates from cultures of the product
Mouse Bioassay ranged from 104L–105/mL of TPGY using the original
The procedures described in the AOAC INTERNA- amp-ELISA method. No other botulinal toxins (types B, E, or
TIONAL Official Methods of Analysis (7) or the FDA Bacte- F) were detected from culture using the AE.
riological Analytical Manual (8) were used to determine The standard curve (Figure 1) shows that the MAE sensi-
botulinal toxin levels in foods and culture media. Briefly, for tivity was approximately 1 ng toxin protein/mL. When revi-
preformed botulinal toxin analysis, an equal weight of gel sions were made to the MAE method in an attempt to increase
phosphate buffer was added to the food samples and ground the sensitivity, type A neurotoxin was detected at approxi-
with a mortar and pestle into a slurry that was centrifuged at mately 0.2 ng neurotoxin protein/mL casein buffer (Figure 2).
7000 × g for 30 min at 4°C. The supernatant was removed and The mouse bioassay results (Table 1) revealed preformed
the pH adjusted to 6.2 prior to making higher 10-fold dilutions type A toxin was present at the 102 dilution (100 MLD/g) in
and injecting mice intraperitoneally; 0.5 mL/mouse, the cooked sample and at 10 000 MLD/g in the uncooked po-
2 mice/dilution. The highest dilution that killed both mice tato sample. The TPGY culture of the uncooked potato prod-
(MLD) was established and the toxin type determined using a uct killed mice at the 106 dilution and the cooked (waste can)
neutralization assay with homologous antitoxin. Cultural culture was toxic at the 107 dilution. No other botulinal toxins
toxin endpoints were determined similarly by injecting mice (types B, E, or F) were detected using the mouse bioassay.
as above with 10-fold gel phosphate buffer dilutions of clari-
fied culture supernatants. The mouse bioassay data was gener- Discussion
ated by one analyst and the assay was not replicated.
The MAE sensitivity at the endpoint dilution was approxi-
Results mately 10-fold less than the mouse bioassay for the detection
of preformed type A botulinal toxin in the uncooked food.
The MAE results showed that the cooked hash brown sam- These assays were equally sensitive for the detection of type A
ple collected from the waste can was positive for type A toxin toxin in the cooked food sample. Sensitivity of preformed
at up to the 102 dilution (Table 1) and contained approxi- toxin detection was adequate, especially at the lower dilutions
mately 2.2 ng type A neurotoxin/mL at the 101 dilution (Fig- of the product. The absorbance values measured at the 10–1 di-

Figure 2. Standard curve for Clostridium botulinum type A neurotoxin obtained by using the revised modified
amp-ELISA method.

lution of food samples were 2.2 and 0.37 for the cooked and The mouse bioassay results can vary depending on the tech-
the uncooked samples, respectively. In TPGY cultures, toxin nique of the analyst and the condition of the animals. There is
detection sensitivity was greater using the mouse bioassay also no clear reason for the culture of the heated food product
compared with the MAE. Previous data using the overnight (107 MLD/mL) to be more toxic than the unheated food culture
coating of microtiter plates showed that the original AE (106 MLD/mL). Organisms isolated from these cultures and
method detected from 1–10 MLD/mL (2). For detection of transferred to fresh TPGY were positive at the 105 dilution us-
cultural toxins it is not necessary to coat the plates the same ing the original AE but were not tested using the mouse
day as the analysis because the media are incubated for 5 days bioassay (data not shown). Because the AE is about 10-fold less
prior to analysis and plates can be coated the day before analy- sensitive than the mouse bioassay, we would expect the
sis. It also is not necessary to obtain an endpoint titer using the bioassay to have about 106 MLD/mL for these isolates.
AE for qualitative detection and typing. Undiluted cultures or The revised MAE used a higher concentration of coating IgG
very low dilutions of foods can be tested for the qualitative and detected lower levels of type A standard neurotoxin com-
identification of the toxin. An endpoint titer is needed for pared with the MAE but the revised MAE method was not used
toxin typing with the mouse bioassay because the typing anti- to test the original food samples for preformed type A toxin.
toxin can neutralize only a limited amount of toxin. The MAE method was useful for the rapid detection of pre-
The MAE results were positive for type A cultural toxin formed type A botulinal toxin in hash brown potatoes. The ap-
between the 103 and 104 dilutions, with a toxin concentration proximate toxin concentration and the toxin type in the food sam-
of approximately 1 ng/mL (equivalent to 50 000 and ples using this method was determined in almost 8 h. Based on the
500 000 MLD/mL culture). increased sensitivity obtained using the revised MAE, toxin detec-
It is possible that other foods may contain substances that tion in foods may also be enhanced utilizing this method. To deter-
inhibit the sensitivity or cause false positive reactions with the mine its usefulness in other food matrixes, this method should also
MAE. There are also substances in some foods that cause non- be tested for the detection of type A toxin in other food types and
specific deaths in the mouse bioassay. with other botulinal types. In outbreaks of botulism, this procedure
We can not explain the unusually high toxin levels observed could be used for a rapid 8 h screening of samples while regula-
using the mouse bioassay for the TPGY cultures of the foods. tory decisions are made with respect to legal actions.

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