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NOME: SÉRIE: Group 3 (11,12 Grade) – Intermediate

DATA: PROFESSORA: Mrs Lucy Silveira

Avisos Importantes:
 You will have a double lesson to complete the test.
 The total amount of marks is 30.

English Test – 2nd Bimester

1 – Write down three details about the life of Martin _____________________________________________

Luther King (3 marks)
b) Which future tense have you used? (1 mark)
c) What probability does it suggest? (1 mark)
4- TED Talk Why does Graham Hill think eating less
2 – Do you think he was courageous? Explain giving two meat is a good idea. Give two reasons (2 marks)
reasons why or why not (2 marks).
5. Explain what a ‘super-recognizer’ is: (2 marks)
3 – Make a prediction about the future (2 marks)
6. ‘Why the best hire might not have the perfect
____________________________________________ resume’ – TED TALK – Regina Hartley. Explain what her
point of view is. Use the words ‘scrappers’ and ‘silver
spoons’ in your answer (3 marks)








7. What is a cover letter? (2 marks)




4 marks

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