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No Peserta : 20212157189001

1. Pilihlah dua Kompetensi Dasar sesuai mata pelajaran yang Ibu/Bapak ajarkan. Kembangkan
soal tes tertulis bentuk pilihan ganda (lima alternatif jawaban) untuk mengukur penguasaan
kognitif siswa terhadap materi kedua KD tersebut.


Nama Sekolah : MAS Terpadu Mafatihul Huda
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI/Ganjil
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda (PG)
Bentuk Nomor
No Kompetensi Dasar Materi Indikator Soal
Soal Soal
Membedakan fungsi Recount teks  Mengidentifikasi PG 1-5
sosial, struktur teks, dan persamaan dan
unsur kebahasaan perbedaan fungsi sosial,
beberapa teks recount struktur teks dan unsur
lisan dan tulis dengan kebahasaan teks recount
memberi dan meminta  Mengidentifikasi struktur
informasi terkait peristiwa teks recount dalam
1 memberi dan meminta
bersejarah sesuai dengan
informasi terkait peristiwa
konteks penggunaannya bersejarah
 Mengidentifikasi unsur
kebahasaan dari teks
recount dalam memberi
dan meminta informasi
terkait peristiwa
Merespon makna dan Teks tulis  Mengidentifikasi makna PG 6 - 10
langkah retorika teks tulis berbentuk recount kalimat dalam teks yang
esei secara akurat, lancar dibaca
dan berterima dalam  Mengidentifikasi urutan
konteks kehidupan sehari- peristiwa dalam teks
hari dan untuk mengakses  Mengidentifikasi kejadian
ilmu pengetahuan dalam dalam teks yang dibaca
2 teks berbentuk:recount,  Mengidentifikasi urutan
narrative, danprocedure peristiwa dalam teks
 Mengidentifikasi kejadian
dalam teks yang dibaca
 Mengidentifikasi variasi
susunan kalimat dalam
teks berbentuk: recount,
A. Choose the correct answers.
This text is for questions number 1 to 5

Early one morning, Umar was walking to the bus stop to catch a bus to school. A loud,
screeching noise suddenly pierced the air. Umar realized that there had been an accident. A small
boy was lying unconscious on the road, and the car that had hit him had already run away.
Umar was confused and frightened. “is the boy dead?” Umar asked himself. However, the
boy was still breathing. Umar could see that the boy had bruises all over his face and arms.
Umar did not know what to do. Few cars passed along this road at this time of the day. The
nearest house which he could go to for help was his own, but it would take ten minutes to walk
there. Umar finally decided to stay with the boy until somebody came by.
Time passed very slowly – so it seemed to Umar. The boy was still unconscious, and Umar
prayed for the boy to regain consciousness.
Umar sprang to his feet at the sound of an approaching car. He waved frantically at the
driver to stop. Umar asked the driver,”You will help this boy, won,t you, Sir?” The driver was kind.
He carried the injuried boy to the car. Umar went with them to the hospital. Later, the driver took
Umar to the police station to report the accident.
Umar had a lot to tell to his friends that day at school. All his friends though Umar was a
very brave boy.”it was an unforgettable incident, wasn’t it?” They asked him.
“Yes, it was, “Umar replied.”it was a terrifying experience, thought!”

1. What is the genre of the text?

a. Descriptive d. Recount
b. Narrative e. Procedure
c. News item

2. The purpose of the text is to ….

a. Tell a past event
b. Report a phenomena
c. Entertain readers
d. Describe Umar,s activity
e. Discuss something

3. Umar and the helpful driver went to the police station after they ….
a. Stopped the approaching car
b. reported the accident they saw
c. brought the boy to the nearest house
d. had seen the injured boy on the road
e. had carried the injured boy to the hospital

4. “Time passed very slowly” ….( paragraph 4 )

This part of the text is called ….
a. Description d. Resolution
b. Event e. Orientation
c. Reorientation

5. What do Umar’s friends think about him ….

a. He is an honest boy
b. He is a kind boy
c. He is a coward boy
d. He is an easy going boy
e. He is a very brave boy

This text is for questions number 6 to 10

Diary of a student name Tyra
June 3rd, 2006
Dear diary,
Today is my first day as a college student at UNCLA. I feel really excited, it seems like just
yesterday I started my high school, but now is my time to begin my new life in college. I really
hope that everything will be okay today, because I don’t expect something bad will happen
and ruin my day. Oh, I really hope NOT…

June 4th, 2006

Yesterday wasn’t a good start for me. Something came up and ruined my entire mood for that day.
I wasn’t pleased with my new beginning of college’s life. Honestly, I doubted whether I could
survive in dealing with people in this college. But, HEY, I have to survive, right? Although the
are cruel andignorant, but I can do this!
P.S: I really miss my hometown buddies… wish they were here…

June 7th, 2006

Dear diary,
Sorry I skipped telling stories these few days. It’s because I have a bunch of assignments to do.
Well, I guess the old saying is right; college is fun and also tiring. Yeah right… now I know why
they said so. But, the good news is… I have made some friends. Thank goodness they’re nice
and friendly.

6. Where is Tyra studying at?

a. Oxford
b. Yale
c. UNJ
e. UI

7. When did Tyra started her first day as a college student?

a. June 3rd, 2006
b. July 3rd, 2006
c. June 4th, 2006
d. June 1st, 2006
e. July 1st, 2006

8. What was Tyra hoping at her first day in college?

a. something terrible
b. something ruin
c. something nice
d. something unpleasant
e. something pathetic

9. When did Tyra miss her hometown best friends?

a. June 4th, 2007
b. June 5th, 2006
c. June 7th, 2006
d. June 5th, 2007
e. June 4th, 2006

10. How did Tyra feel about her college life lately?
a. cute and friendly
b. charismatic and friendly
c. nice and friendly
d. charming and friendly
e. nice and cruel

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