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Chapter 1: India, Empire and Chaos

By Mira Kaif


A. Chandragupta Maurya rose to power when Alexander the Great left in 325 BCE
1. Chandragupta Maurya was a local ruler from Magadha, central Ganges valley trading center
2. Began a program of conquest that would include NWIndia and areas of Ganges plain
a. Would form the first united India
3. Relied on the advice of a treatise called Arthashastra and amassed all of India except southern tip
a. Arthashastra is possibly written by Maurya’s adoptive father and PM, Chanakya (Kautilia)
b. Means science of property and material success
c. Book includes political and diplomatic strategy aimed at uniting India
d. Advises a king to be energetic, ever wakeful, to make himself accessible to his subjects
e. Guard against six enemies:
i. Anger
ii. Greed
iii. Lust
iv. Exuberance
v. Hauteur
vi. Vanity
4. Supported their government by taxing agricultural crops
a. Standard coinage throughout the kingdom
b. Government controlled manufacturing, mining, and shipbuilding
c. National army consisted of infantry, cavalry, chariots, and war elephants

B. The Rule of Ashoka

1. Ashoka (portrayed by Shah Rukh Khan in that one movie…) was the greatest Mauryan ruler
a. Grandson of Chandragupta
b. His greatest joy was conquest until he saw terrible things caused by it
c. Became a Buddhist
d. Spread Buddhist programs by engraving on large rocks and sandstone pillars
e. Encouraged vegetarianism
i. To reduce animal slaughter
ii. This along with importance of cattle from Aryan times = sacred cows by Hindus
iii. Brahmins were pissed because their power was shifted and no more sacrifices
f. Spread peace and a strong government
i. Sent missionaries to Ceylon, Himalayan regions, and grasslands of central Asia
ii. By Silk Road, Buddhism spread to various points of southeast and east Asia

C. The End of the Mauryan Empire

1. By 185 BCE, the Mauryan Empire no longer existed
a. Ashoka died in 232 BCE and weaker rulers took the throne
b. Political division took hold of the South Asian subcontinent
c. Waves of invaders until a new empire came to power


A. The decline of Buddhist power in India was caused by several factors
1. The monks had become to preoccupied with philosophy rather than serving common people
2. Brahmins came up with a new Hinduism
a. More temples
b. Untouchables could take part; women too
c. Buddha was eventually one of many gods, too
d. After fall of Han in 200s CE, trade declined and merchant support of monasteries declined
e. The Guptas were sympathetic to the Hindus


A. The Gupta Empire was not as large as the Maurya, but very successful
1. Formed by family from the kingdom of Magadha in eastern India
2. By conclusion of 300s CE, empire = most of north India—not as large as Mauryan
3. Not as centralized as Mauryan but brought 300 years of peace to the people of northern India

B. Women in Gupta Society

1. Restrictions on Untouchables and lower castes became more strict
2. Position of women also declined under the Guptas
a. First subordinate to fathers, then husbands, then sons
b. Were not allowed to own or inherit property
c. Female infants often killed
d. Women who were widowed before having a son were ostracized from society
e. Sati.

C. Gupta Achievements in Mathematics and Science

1. Gupta mathematicians accurately calculated pi and circumference of earth
2. Used decimals and developed the concept of zero as a placeholder
3. Introductions of “Arabic” numbers
4. Hospitals and treatments for numerous disease and various surgical techniques
5. Sanskrit became language of official communication, literature, philosophy in add. to religion
6. Renowned for its artistic and literary achievements
7. Long distance trade with Rome and China
8. Mariners used monsoon winds for Indian Ocean to SE Asia & Indonesia & sailed to Arabia

D. Decline of the Gupta Empire

1. Gupta empire plagued by repeated attacks of foreigners across borders
2. Xiong-nu or Huns
a. Exerted pressure on Han Empire
b. Raided through the Himalayas
3. Economic drainage by trying to repel Huns & internal problems caused Guptas to collapse
4. 530 CE: Gupta Empire overrun by further Xiong-nu invasions and broke up into local governments

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