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Easy company

Valid during several weeks: This is one of the best of all influences for group activities or
activities with friends. You will feel friendly toward almost everyone, and they will be
friendly in return. It is a good time to have friends in for a party or to go out with a group
of friends for a good time. You will enjoy each other's company immensely and be much
more loving and affectionate with each other. This benefit is not limited to activities with
friends. Any situation in which you deal with many people in a group setting, for example
a business conference or organizational meeting, is favored by this influence. Your ego
energies are low enough so that you can deal agreeably with others, making whatever
compromises are necessary without feeling that you are losing something personal that
you should defend.

Transit selected for today (by user):

Venus in 11th house, 11,
activity period from 25 January 2019 until 12 February 2019

Your point of view

Room for the new
Valid during many months: This very pleasant influence allows you to experience this as
a time in which you feel in harmony with your personal and professional goals. Even if
you face great challenges you should trust the whisperings of your inner voice if they tell
you that you are on the right path. Everyday demands will take up much of your time
and energy. You do not always have to give in, nor should you feel guilty if you
sometimes say no. Such feelings of guilt have their origins in childhood, when you were
dependent on your parents' love and attention. Your fear of being abandoned if you
were not able to fulfil your parents' wishes and expectations was the natural response.

Under this influence these basic fears of being abandoned may resurface. Your boss
may ask you to do things which you consider to be beyond your capabilities. If this
occurs you should not hesitate to express your feelings. You are unlikely to lose your
job, but if this happens something new and more appropriate will turn up. It will also
greatly ease your situation if you can stop fighting to hold onto things which have
become one burden too many, causing much of your inner turmoil. The ability to let go
of things which have brought little benefit despite costing a lot of time and energy can
create the space for new experiences.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Chiron trine MC, ,
activity period beginning of May 2017 until 6 February 2019

Valid during several months: This is a good time for expressing your point of view to
people. You are able to put a great deal of yourself into whatever you say, so it is
somehow more authentically yourself speaking. At the same time, you have the capacity
to examine yourself with somewhat greater objectivity and detachment than usual. Your
mind will be more active, and it is important to keep it occupied with useful projects,
because you can accomplish a great deal with your mind at this time. Often with this
influence you will have a strong urge to get out and travel, although not usually for long
distances. This is fine if it is convenient and you feel like it - you could encounter rather
profitable and interesting experiences. Usually this is a good time to be involved in
negotiations or contract discussions of any kind.

Transit selected for today (by user):

Mercury in 1st house, 1,
activity period from 27 January 2019 until mid-April 2019

Unconscious desires
Valid during many months: Your love life and relationships in general could be
unpredictable and difficult during this time. You may suddenly become involved in
relationships that are quite different from what you would normally expect. If your
relationships usually go along from day to day without much excitement, you may
suddenly want one that is more exciting. You may be attracted to people who are quite
different from yourself in age, class background or personality. At the same time the
relationships you seek will be ones that are not binding, that allow you more freedom to
come and go. This desire is not always conscious, so you may think you are looking for
a stable and peaceful relationship, but instead you become involved in something
unpredictable and unreliable. It is actually your own desire not to be committed that is
making the relationship unstable.

A stable long-term relationship may go through a period of readjustment now. This is a

good time for releasing all the hidden tensions that have built up between you and
starting afresh. An unstable relationship may break up at this time, especially if you or
your partner is attracted to someone new. Domestic boredom can be very destructive
under this influence.
A new relationship that comes along at this time may not prove very lasting or reliable.
As long as it introduces excitement into your life, it is fine, but as soon as it becomes
routine one of you will probably want out. Very often a relationship that begins under this
influence represents a rebellion against your peer group standards. Pressure from your
friends may be so great that maintaining the relationship is not worth putting up with the
disapproval of others.

A milder manifestation of this influence is that you may begin collecting unusual and
beautiful objects for your home. Or you may seek out new and different kinds of
amusement. But be careful not to saddle yourself with anything that cannot stand on its
own merits later on. Your tastes are not following their usual pattern at this time, and
what you like now you may dislike later.

Transit selected for today (by user):

Uranus square Venus, ,
activity period end of April 2018 until end of March 2019

Valid during many months: This influence indicates no particular event, but rather a
small, hardly noticeable incident that one could so easily overlook or cover up that in
many cases it is not really consciously acknowledged and therefore remains
unrecognized. Such an incident is to be expected while window shopping, at the cinema
or theater, enjoying the nightlife or otherwise amused. Friends, acquaintances, or
perhaps your partner are possibly with you. Through a careless remark, a slight
clumsiness, or a wrong word without bad intent, you suddenly find yourself in an
embarrassing situation, feel yourself hurt or belittled. Characteristically, only you are
affected, as a particular sensitivity was disturbed - therefore the others will probably not
have noticed anything.

If you react in an injured manner, demand apologies or become aggressive, this will
probably only cause further, unnecessary pain for you. As you have already often
experienced similar situations before, and are presumably aware of the fact that this
incident was completely unintended, you will keep yourself under control, keep quiet
about the affair and not let it show. It is probably better this way - why spoil everyone's
fun just at this moment? Nevertheless, you should not just leave things at that and
should later, at the right moment, talk it over with your partner or someone else close to
you. You should at the very least find a quiet moment to think over the incident, as it
points to a particular oversensitivity and could, under other circumstances, lead to a
complete overreaction. The more you find out about this personal sensitivity the easier it
will be to accept it. Then you could go one step further and explain this singularity to
your friends or partner, so that they know what to watch out for.

Transit selected for today (by user):

Chiron sextile Venus, ,
activity period end of March 2018 until beginning of March 2019

Strong personality
Valid during several weeks: At this time of year, you will become more concerned with
personal matters and less with the world at large. You can project yourself with more
forcefulness than usual. It is an excellent time for making an impression on others, but
you must be careful because you will not be especially sensitive to their needs. For this
reason, you may find it difficult to work with others during this transit. If your efforts to
work on projects with others don't seem to get anywhere now, perhaps you should defer
them until later. First you should take care of the proper business of this transit, which is
to experience yourself in a subjective frame of reference. You have a great need to
express yourself now, and it is a valid need. No purpose will be served by denying all
your own needs in favor of a misguided concept of duty.

Transit selected for today (by user):

Sun in 1st house, 1,
activity period from 25 January 2019 until mid-March 2019

Negatively suggestible
Valid during many months: The effects of this influence can vary considerably. On the
one hand, it can indicate a "bolt out of the blue" lucky chance or change in fortune, a
sudden opportunity that significantly changes your life. But on the other hand, it can
indicate such restlessness and impatience with restrictions that you create a major
disturbance in your life in your efforts to become free.

Under any circumstances you are likely, rightly or wrongly, to see change as the only
way to get ahead, and to a certain extent this is always true. But the danger here is that
you will seek change for its own sake and not take the time to examine carefully which
changes will be most effective. There is a strong tendency to be negatively suggestible,
that is, to always go in the opposite direction from any pressure.

Freedom in general is very important to you at this time, and you will work very hard to
get it in some area. In relationships, this can be disruptive because you are likely to be
hostile toward anything that keeps you "in line." Also this influence can signify a time of
constant change, when you cannot tell from one day to the next what you are going to
do.But opportunity will probably come, if you can maintain a certain degree of restraint
without putting yourself into such a straitjacket that you cannot move when the
opportunity presents itself. You do in fact need freedom from something at this time, and
you will probably get exactly what and how much you need, as long as you avoid
moving so quickly and impulsively that you ruin your chances for creative change. If you
remain calm, you will suddenly see and be able to take an opportunity to get ahead or to
become free from restriction. Be patient, and you will discover that not much more
patience is required.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:

Jupiter square Uranus, ,
activity period from 28 January 2019 until beginning of October 2019

Something is wrong
Valid during many months: During this time you will make many adjustments in your life,
separating yourself from persons or circumstances that are doing you no good. You will
change many standards of behavior and morality that you realize are inappropriate and
generally realign your conception of duty and responsibility more in accordance with
reality. In the process you may experience a considerable amount of tension, and for a
time you may be confused, not quite knowing whether to go backward or forward, to
expand or cut back.

Probably you would be well advised to go off by yourself for a while, because other
people's advice will be of little value, unless you select your advisors with great care.
The challenge here is to increase and go forward in some areas but to cut back in
others. You will not be able to keep everything going, no matter how much you want to.
Unfortunately there is no way of telling in advance which areas of your life will be
Under this influence there is often a strong feeling of restlessness and uncertainty. You
know clearly that something is wrong, but you are not sure what it is. The best way to
deal with this is not to be in a hurry. Usually you will have all the time you need to make
a decision based on careful observation of the facts, so don't rush.

In business and professional matters, this is a critical time, but not necessarily a bad
one. It simply means that whatever you do now will have a more important effect than
usual on the future. It is possible that you will change jobs during this time, because a
new offer gives you more opportunities to get ahead than your old job. In that case, take
it, because such changes are often beneficial with this influence. In general you should
take any opportunity that comes along now to broaden your scope and release yourself
from limitations that have held you back. The trick is to do this in a way that is not
destructively disruptive.

Transit selected for today (by user):

Jupiter square Saturn, ,
activity period from 28 January 2019 until beginning of October 2019

Life and death

Valid during many months: This influence denotes a time when you will become more
concerned with mystical and otherworldly ideas and beliefs. You will want to explore the
hidden depths of existence and have experiences that are profound and revealing. If
you are ready, your experiences may be very enlightening and give you great
understanding about your own life and about the lives of others.

Even if you are not inclined to study the occult, this influence will awaken you to the
more spiritual dimensions of existence. If you are so inclined, it will involve you in the
occult or in a spiritual movement as well. A materialistic view of the universe will no
longer seem at all satisfactory, and you will be aware that other elements of existence
are in many ways stronger than material concerns.

The mysteries of life and death are not abstractions to you anymore but are directly and
immediately relevant to your own life. This does not mean that you have to worry about
your own death particularly, but you will refuse to accept any explanation of the world
that begs the question of the meaning of life and death.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Pluto sextile Neptune, ,
activity period beginning of April 2018 until end of November 2020

Valid during many months: This is a particularly good time to stand by those close to
you who are physically or mentally suffering. Your intuition is now unusually powerful,
enabling you to sense the often hidden causes underlying human suffering. Through
your daily contacts with others you may, without being conscious of the fact, develop
therapeutic skills. Even if your work does not involve helping those in crisis, you may
have to deal more often with such issues on a daily basis. You are now far more
receptive to human suffering, particularly when - as is often the case - it is connected to
some kind of loss.

If you are mourning some loss at this time this influence will help you to better accept
and understand the larger life-processes. Issues such as birth, death, winning and
losing are integral parts of life, and it is only when we suppress the natural mourning
process which accompanies these that complex emotions form in the unconscious
which can cause fear or anxiety. The more positive aspects of this influence can help us
to develop a calmer and more conciliatory approach to any challenges which life has to
offer. This also applies to painful experiences which continue to influence our emotional
life. You will now find it easier to lessen the ongoing impact of such events on your life,
and to learn to accept them as important life-experiences.

Transit selected for today (by user):

Pluto sextile Chiron, ,
activity period beginning of February 2018 until end of December 2019

Extreme thoroughness
Valid during many months: This is a good time for deep intellectual probing of ideas and
beliefs. If you want to or must find out about something, this is an excellent time for it.
Your mental powers are sharp and your perception is keen. Also you are in the right
frame of mind for working with extreme thoroughness. You are not satisfied with
superficial answers and will not be happy until you understand the whole truth.

This is also an excellent time to probe your own mind and see what makes it work. Your
desire to explore the secret depths of everything applies even to your own self, so this is
a very good time for self-inquiry. Communications with others take on a heavier tone
now. You value significant communication and are uninterested in superficial banter.
Your everyday intercourse with the world around you becomes the vehicle for important
discoveries that will eventually change your whole way of thinking. You will have a spirit
of discovery rather than a feeling that everything is caving in around you, as often
happens when you encounter ideas that seem to invalidate your former beliefs. Your
burning desire to get at the truth makes every discovery interesting instead of alarming.
And as your depth of mind increases, so will your ability to influence other people. What
you say will have greater weight with others. People will believe you because they know
you have checked the facts thoroughly and speak with great conviction.

Ideas, concepts and philosophies that are inherently mysterious or that explain the
world from an occult point of view are more attractive to you now. This is an excellent
time to study occult philosophy, metaphysics or even psychology or psychiatry. Any
discipline related to healing he mind will be beneficial at this time.

Transit selected for today (by user):

Pluto sextile Mercury, ,
activity period mid-February 2018 until end of December 2019

In a tight spot
Valid during many months: This influence can have the effect of arousing your ambition
to achieve great things. You feel as if your energies could carry you higher and farther
than usual, and you are willing to strive for power and success. But your efforts may run
into considerable resistance from others, especially if you are not completely scrupulous
about your methods. This time can bring you success and social standing, but it also
can deprive you of these. Instead of gaining power, you may simply provoke conflict
with those who are in power, sometimes quite innocently. You may have no intention of
challenging anyone, yet you find yourself in a tight spot with the authorities.

Another manifestation of this energy is that you may become involved with a project to
repair or rebuild something. It might be physical property, a neighborhood or a more
abstract matter, such as reorganizing or reforming a government, business or other
institution. Your aim is to improve, but here again you may encounter opposition from
people who do not agree with your ideas or who feel threatened by your actions.

You must avoid becoming obsessed with any plan or course of action, and be
particularly ready to reexamine your ideas of right or wrong in any matter. Stand up for
what you believe is right, but first make sure that you are right. This influence
sometimes can make you feel convinced of a point of view that is actually shaky. You
should look at religious, philosophical or metaphysical views very closely. If you wish to
lead others to enlightenment, first make very certain of the quality of your own.

In some cases this influence can lead to legal conflicts, and you should be very sure
that any legal matter you are involved in is strictly legitimate. Avoid underworld or shady
persons in any matter.

Transit selected for today (by user):

Jupiter square Pluto, ,
activity period from 24 January 2019 until beginning of October 2019

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