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Swiss-knife budget

iust liklthe easv_
swrtcn al t-tn-one tool from Switzerland-

,.The national budget is not only a simple spending plar

armougn paymg tor dil sorts of govemment biils is iti tjasic
. lt is a socio-economic tool for broadJy addressins human
injuries,_crop and property damage, liu"tii ooa r"i*i&, i"l,i_
try stabi ti ty, and even other clea r and presen t dan eers js well as
potenhat threats to fhe health, safety, and well_beireof citizens
ftom wnose taxes funding for the budget is raised. "
- And so we absolutely;gree with ai'd support Senate presi_
dent Pro l empore Ralph Recto in ca.lling for'b'udsetsensitiyirv..
1". "a macr6_econonic a ssumptidn
whlch should not be ignored,'
. Recto said calamitie"s, manmadeornatural, have Lhe power to
aJter "the landscape of the nationaltuJ;;il;;;;; :;;;;;:
Ll:p "* drp bgpart ofthe first respoise in addition'16 being
Key to reconstruction',.
"OnepowerfuJ typhooncanblow away manyelementsof
.budget,'Recto the
said.' "
Hemade the comrnentas hecalled onboth houses ofConeress
tg look into the funding neeas in iadiessin; th" ;ft;lil;;
oeveropments in the agriculture and health frYonts,,.
which were
nor present when the 2020 national budget was being
in the Executive branch.
Ambng these''recentdisruptions" the discoverv ofAfrican
^Jwme Fever rn domestic hogs, the lowarepalay prices, ihe deneue
eprqemrc and thewamhs raiied on th-e poSsible resurgencE oi
polio virus.
"Ang suggestion ko ay, at the very least, pag_aralan.
9apat pondokin, then let ui cI""ta'fridin;;;";;i?
remporar y setting aside postponable profects,,, the
s?*or ied-
ator sard.
"We can augment the
budget of the concemed asencv. But
w,eoo notwant to gisturb theppgramnred portion
df neitvearG
;:,ff :Llt##l$ff, { e'an authorize tundin g in
. Recto had earlier called on tlre govemmmt to readv ,.a finan_
cial lifeline to hog producers" fi,t
"* the spread of ASi.ffi.
purs.uant to protocols on how to contain
.we should brace for the financial falloui, and readv the
ps.:isiance, if the_ worsr-case .ce" *iU rui Irala ti"irrizi
Duxon aJear rndustry," *re former Socio_economic planning


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