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Biofuels are combustible fuels created from biomass[1]; in other words,
fuels created from recently living plant matter as opposed to ancient
plant matter in hydrocarbons. The term biofuel is usually used to
reference liquid fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel that are used as
replacements for transportation fuels like petroleum, diesel and jet
fuel[1]. Biofuels can also include solid fuels like wood pellets and
biogas or syngas – however in this summary we will focus on liquid
There are two main types of biofuels – ethanol and biodiesel[1]. The
simplest way to distinguish between the two is to remember ethanol is
an alcohol and biodiesel is an oil. Ethanol is an alcohol formed by
fermentation and can be used as a replacement for, or additive to,
gasoline whereas biodiesel is produced by extracting naturally
occurring oils from plants and seeds in a process called
transesterification. Biodiesel can be combusted in diesel engines.

Biofuels are grouped by categories - first generation, second

generation, and third generation – based on the type of feedstock (the
input material) used to produce them.
 First generation biofuels are produced from food crops. For
ethanol, feedstocks include sugar cane, corn, maize, etc. For
biodiesel, feedstocks are naturally occurring vegetable oils such
as soybean and canola[2].
 Second generation biofuels are produced from cellulosic material
such as wood, grasses, and inedible parts of plants. This
material is more difficult to break down through fermentation and
therefore requires pre-treatment before it can be processed[2].
 Third generation biofuels are produced using the lipid production
from algae.

In addition, the term “Advanced Biofuels” is used to describe the

relatively new technological field of biofuel production that uses waste
such as garbage, animal fats, and spent cooking oil to produce liquid
Biofuels are not as energy dense as conventional transportation fuels.
1 gallon of biodiesel has 93% of the energy of 1 gallon of diesel and 1
gallon of ethanol (E85) has 73% of the energy of 1 gallon of gasoline [3].
Use of Byproducts[edit]
Many of the byproducts produced in the processing of microalgae can be used in various
applications, many of which have a longer history of production than algal biofuel. Some of the
products not used in the production of biofuel include natural dyes and pigments, antioxidants, and
other high-value bio-active compounds.[95][157][158] These chemicals and excess biomass have found
numerous use in other industries. For example, the dyes and oils have found a place in cosmetics,
commonly as thickening and water-binding agents.[159] Discoveries within the pharmaceutical industry
include antibiotics and antifungals derived from microalgae, as well as natural health products, which
have been growing in popularity over the past few decades. For instance Spirulina contains
numerous polyunsaturated fats (Omega 3 and 6), amino acids, and vitamins,[160] as well as pigments
that may be beneficial, such as beta-carotene and chlorophyll.[161]

Reliance industries in collaboration with Algenol, USA commissioned a pilot project to produce algal
bio-oil in the year 2014.[176] Spirulina which is an alga rich in proteins content has been commercially
cultivated in India. Algae is used in India for treating the sewage in open/natural oxidation ponds
This reduces the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) of the sewage and also provides algal biomass
which can be converted to fuel.[177]

85% of the worlds’ energy is obtained from fossil fuels.

1. finite 2. non renewable

Need of Biofuel!!!
Define Biofuel

2. Given these circumstances alternative sources of energy such as biofuels should be considered.

There are wide range of sources from which can obtain different biofuels like Microalgae, Yeast,
Bacteria, and Fungi.
Algae, as the third generation feedstock, are suitable for biodiesel and bioethanol production due to
their quick growth, excellent biomass yield, and high lipid and carbohydrate contents.
Only a few thousand algal species have been investigated as possible biofuel sources, and none of them
was ideal.
The choice for the most suitable energy carrier to be produced from algae is a promising option. Algae
have been explored for their unique potential to yield a variety of biofuels concomitantly with
generation of value-added products and phycoremediation of wastewater.
Many algal strains like Chlamydomonas, Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Botryococcus braunii, and so on have
been reported to produce biofuels.
Advantages of microalgae

Small land requirements

Can be incorporated into existing waste water treatment facilities
Can simulteniously sequester co2 while producing biofuel
Microalgae treatment of wastewater doesnot produce pollutants such as sludge byproducts
Requires minimal amounts of freshwater as algae growth is possible in waste water and seawater.

Nano-additive application on microalgae-biofuel enhancement has been categorized into several stages
from raw material production to end-product implications. The stages are:

(i) nano-additives for microalgae cultivation;

(ii) nano-additives for microalgae biomass conversion to biofuels;

(iii) nano-additives for microalgae-biofuel applications.

Conclusion and Future Prospects

 Biofuels have been regarded as the most feasible options for reducing the emission of carbon dioxide. Furthermore, biofuels can
easily be produced from indigenous resources available locally.
 Recently, algal biofuels are gaining a lot of attention and have been considered to be the most promising way to overcome the
global energy crisis.
 The main advantage of utilizing algae includes potentially high yield and no competition with food crops for land and freshwater
 A lot of research is going on around the world for improving the production of the biofuels.
 Biofuel is a fast-growing research field and fast-moving industry, and a major research progresses in technology for biofuel
production have been made, and a great understanding of biofuel production processes has also been acquired but fossil fuels
cannot still be replaced completely by biofuels, and a number of integrated approaches of engineering and biology are still required
for optimizing the biofuels production at the commercial scale.

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