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Exercise Modification Strategies to Prevent and Train Around Shoulder Pain

Article  in  Strength and conditioning journal · December 2016

DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000259


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Guillermo Escalante
California State University, San Bernardino


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Exercise Modification
Strategies to Prevent and
Train Around Shoulder
Guillermo Escalante, DSc, ATC, CSCS, CISSN
Department of Kinesiology, California State University San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California

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ABSTRACT system as well as in the prevention of There are several potential explanations
osteoporosis, sarcopenia, lower back for the relatively high rate of injuries to
pain, and other disabilities (50). The the shoulder complex. The amount of
benefits of strength training for athletes mobility allowed by the shoulder joint
RELATED TO SHOULDER PAIN IN comes at an exchange of decreased sta-
have also been well documented (51).
STRENGTH ATHLETES. THE PREV- bility. Evidence also suggests that the
The Centers for Disease Control esti-
ALENCE OF SHOULDER INJURIES shoulder, which is traditionally a non-
AND TYPES OF SHOULDER INJU- mated from a survey given between
weight–bearing joint, has to assume the
RIES SUSTAINED WILL BE RE- 1998 and 2004 that nearly 20% of adults
role of a weight-bearing joint during
VIEWED. EXERCISES THAT MAY between the ages of 18–65 years old
repetitive lifting (24). Furthermore, re-
PREDISPOSE STRENGTH ATH- participate in some sort of resistance
searchers have hypothesized that most
LETES TO SHOULDER INJURIES training 2 or more times per week (7). weight-training programs emphasize
AND SUGGESTIONS OF SPECIFIC The increase in the participation of resis- the strengthening and hypertrophy of
EXERCISE MODIFICATIONS TO tance training has naturally led to an large muscle groups and subsequently
REDUCE THE RISK OF INJURY WILL increase in the rates of injuries related neglect smaller scapular stabilizers
BE DISCUSSED. FINALLY, PRE- to resistance training (13,20,21,28,37,38). (14,23); this may lead to muscular
VENTIVE STRATEGIES TO REDUCE Injuries to the shoulder complex imbalances that may eventually predis-
THE LIKELIHOOD OF SHOULDER account for a large proportion of inju- pose weight-training participants to
INJURIES WILL BE ADDRESSED. ries caused by resistance training shoulder injuries. Additionally, common
FOR A VIDEO ABSTRACT (5,8,13,16,21,25,28,37,38,45). Calhoun resistance-training exercises frequently
DESCRIBING THIS ISSUE, SEE and Fry (5), for example, investigated place the shoulder in injury-prone posi-
VIDEO, SUPPLEMENTAL DIGITAL injury rates and profiles among elite tions such as shoulder abduction with
CONTENT 1, HTTP://LINKS.LWW. powerlifters and found that 17% of their external rotation (12).
COM/SCJ/A199. injuries were to the shoulder region. The purpose of this article is to pro-
Siewe et al. (45) studied injuries and vide the strength and conditioning
overuse syndromes in bodybuilders professional with knowledge about
and reported that 36% of their subjects the common injuries to the shoulder
trength training has evolved into

S an activity that is widely practiced

for a variety of reasons. Evidence
suggests that strength training has pos-
reported previous shoulder disorders.
Kolber et al. (25) reported that even
the recreational weight-training popu-
lation may be predisposed to subacro-
complex during resistance training as

itive effects on the musculoskeletal bodybuilding; powerlifting; resistance
mial impingement syndrome because training; shoulder disorder; shoulder
Address correspondence to Guillermo Escalante, of some of their specific exercise selec- injury; weightlifting tions and techniques.

Copyright  National Strength and Conditioning Association 1

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Exercise Modification Strategies for Shoulder Pain

Table 1
Common strength-training–related injuries to the shoulder (2–4,6,8,10,13,14,16,25,31,33,38,41,42,44,47)

Type of injury Suspected pathology Exercises commonly

associated with injury

Osteolysis of the distal clavicle (weightlifter’s Bone breakdown at the distal clavicle, widening of 1. Flat bench press (18)
shoulder) (27) the acromioclavicular joint, subchondral stress
fractures (5,43,44)
Soft tissue damage to the rotator cuff (mainly Repetitive microtrauma to the tissues from raising 1. Military press
supraspinatus) and the long head of the biceps of the shoulder or when the arms are raised
at the shoulder origin inclusive of bursitis, tears, overhead (8)
and shoulder impingement (10,15,35,40,51)
2. Upright row
3. Side raise (28)
Peripheral nerve injuries such as suprascapular, Overtraining, improper technique, direct injury, 1. Military press (33,47)
long thoracic, and medial pectoral neuropathy muscle hypertrophy, and stretch injuries from
(2,3,33,47) end range of motion positions (33)
Anterior shoulder instability, glenohumeral Positions requiring the humerus to be extended 1. Flat bench press
capsular hyperlaxity, or dislocations (12,16,18) behind the trunk or that require the shoulder to
be in a position of simultaneous shoulder
abduction and external rotation (40)
2. Behind the neck lat
3. Military press
4. Chest fly (16)
5. Snatch

well as exercises that may predispose with biomechanical exercise modifica- implemented in a strength and condi-
individuals to potential injury due to tions that will make certain exercises tioning program for the shoulder will
the biomechanical demands placed on safer and just as effective at achieving be discussed. The information in this
the shoulder with these exercises. Fur- the goal to strengthen the upper article may help the strength and con-
thermore, the article will provide the extremity. Finally, a brief overview ditioning specialists improve the work
strength and conditioning professional of preventive measures that can be they perform in conjunction with med-
ical professionals in helping athletes
prevent injuries to the shoulder.


Multiple types of injuries have been
reported with strength training. Ac-
cording to Lavallee and Tucker (30),
strength-training injuries can be cate-
gorized as acute nonemergent (i.e.,
muscle strains, ligament strains), acute
emergent (i.e., fractures, dislocations,
and tendon ruptures), and chronic (i.
e., tendinopathies, stress fractures). Evi-
dence suggests that 46–60% of all acute
injuries sustained in strength training
are muscle strains and ligament sprains
(5,22). In the shoulder, various types of
injuries have also been reported with
Figure 1. The “high five” position. This position may make the shoulder vulnerable to injury. resistance training. The prevalence and

2 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2016

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Table 2
Summary of biomechanical shoulder exercise modifications and alternatives

Exercise Exercise modification (s) Exercise alternative (s)

Barbell bench press 1. Hand spacing no wider than 1.5 times the 1. Reverse grip bench press
biacromial width
2. Place a towel roll or pad 4–6 inches thick on the 2. Decline bench press
3. Use a barbell hand-off from a spotter 3. Use dumbbells
4. Use a modified pressing bar
Dumbell or 1. Avoid excessive horizontal abduction by cuing the 1. Cable fly or cable cross over following the same
machine chest fly athlete to begin the movement with the elbows modification may be used as a progression or
slightly below the shoulders and maintain the alternative to the dumbbell or machine fly version
elbows below the shoulders throughout the
2. Cue the athlete to only horizontally abduct their 2. Place the athlete supine on the floor to perform
shoulders so that the elbows are to their mid or this exercise to limit range of motion
posterior trunk at the bottom of the movement
Barbell military 1. Place the hands and elbows anterior to the 1. Use dumbbells following the recommended
press shoulder modification
2. Use machine overhead press following the
recommended modification
Behind the neck lat 1. Lat pull-down to the front 1. Modified lat pull-down to the front (see text for
pull-down explanation)
2. V-Bar lat pull-down
3. Underhand lat pull-down
Lateral raise 1. Stay below 908 of shoulder abduction 1. Scaption lateral raise with the arms externally
rotated (thumbs up) in a plane 308 anterior to the
frontal plane
2. Avoid internally rotating the humerus during the
Upright row 1. Bring the bar up to the nipple line or through 1. Use dumbbells following the recommended
a pain-free range of motion modification
Snatch 1. Not Applicable 1. Power clean
2. Hang clean

types of injuries observed in strength shoulder at risk. Specific exercises that in this “high five” position with heavy
training are typically dependent on have been associated with injuries to loads may contribute to hyperlaxity
the exercise selection and load used the shoulder are identified in Table 1. or instability to the static glenohum-
by different strength-training programs Several authors discuss exercises that eral ligamentous-capsular restraints
(30). Table 1 summarizes some of the place the shoulder joint in the “high (14,24,26). Jobe and Kvitne (19) sug-
common shoulder injuries as a result of five” position as potentially hazardous gested that when increased laxity or
strength training that have been re- to the shoulder joint because of the instability occurs at the shoulder, the
ported in the literature. increased stress placed on the anterior dynamic rotator cuff muscles likely
shoulder (12,14,24,26). The “high five” exert a greater force to stabilize the
SHOULDER EXERCISES WITH A position is defined as the shoulder in humeral head. This repetitive dynamic
HIGH RISK OF INJURY 908 of external rotation simultaneously compensation of the rotator cuff may
Some commonly performed strength- with 908 of shoulder abduction (Fig- result in fatigue followed by tendinosis
training exercises may place the ure 1). Repeatedly placing the shoulder and pain in the rotator cuff.

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Exercise Modification Strategies for Shoulder Pain

athlete’s goals. Furthermore, if athletes

are recovering from a shoulder injury
the strength and conditioning profes-
sional should be able to provide the ath-
lete with pain-free range of motion
exercises or exercise modifications that
will facilitate their return to a normal
level of function; this should be accom-
plished in conjunction with other medi-
cal professionals such as certified athletic
trainers, physical therapists, or physi-
cians. Understanding the underlying bio-
mechanics of the shoulder will help the
strength and conditioning professional
provide appropriate guidance to athletes.
Table 2 provides an overview of effective
exercise modifications or alternatives
that still target the appropriate muscula-
ture with less stress on the commonly
injured shoulder structures.
The bench press is a commonly per-
formed exercise among athletes that is
often used as a 1 repetition maximum
to assess upper extremity strength.
Although there are benefits that can
be gained from this compound exercise,
the risks described in the previous sec-
tion may contribute to shoulder injuries.
Figure 2. Wider grip bench press. When the hands are placed greater than 1.5 times To reduce the risks, several exercise
the biacromial width, there is more demand on the rotator cuff and the modifications and exercise alternatives
biceps tendon. Notice that the shoulder approaches 908 of abduction. exist to make the exercise safer.
Alternating the spacing of the hands
There are other commonly performed population, Kolber et al. (25) concluded from a wider grip to a grip, no wider
resistance-training exercises that may that avoiding the performance of the than 1.5 times the biacromial width
place the shoulder joint at risk. Reeves upright row and lateral deltoid raises (Figures 2 and 3) has been suggested
et al. (37,38) suggested that exercises beyond an angle of 908 of shoulder to reduce the peak torque in the press-
placing the shoulder in a position of abduction could potentially reduce the ing motion and thus reduce the
extension past the trunk could likelihood of sustaining shoulder demand placed on the rotator cuff
also contribute to anterior shoulder impingement. Hawkins and Kennedy and the biceps tendon to stabilize the
instability and rotator cuff injuries. Sim- (17) reported if the shoulder is internally head of the humerus (15,49). The
ilarly, Haupt (16) associated osteolysis rotated during scapular elevation, the closer hand position has also been sug-
of the distal clavicle with the bench greater tuberosity of the humerus im- gested to allow the athlete to keep the
press during the eccentric phase of pinges the rotator cuff tendons and shoulder abducted to less than 458
the exercise when the shoulder is bursa against the acromion. throughout the range of motion as well
extended posterior to the trunk due as prevent it from exceeding 158 of
to the repeated microtrauma at the shoulder extension when the bar rea-
acromioclavicular joint. ALTERNATIVES ches its lowest point (12). The alter-
Other exercises that may predispose To successfully strengthen and hypertro- ation in the amount of shoulder
the shoulder to injury are those in phy the muscles of the upper body with- abduction from the closer hand place-
which the shoulder is internally rotated out predisposing athletes to shoulder ment allows the clavicular border of
during shoulder abduction (e.g., lateral injury, it is important for the strength the pectoralis major and the biceps bra-
deltoid raises). In a study investigating and conditioning professional to provide chii muscles to gain a mechanical
characteristics of shoulder impingement athletes with safer exercise alternatives advantage to aid in shoulder flexion
in the recreational weight-training that are effective in achieving the through the initial and middle range

4 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2016

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that keeping shoulder abduction below
458 reduces the compressive forces at
the distal clavicle and alters the touch
position at the bottom of the movement
to a point more superior to the xiphoid
process that reduces the net torque on
the shoulder (12,15,32).
Another effective modification reported
in the literature to reduce the stress on
the shoulder during the bench press is
placing a towel roll or pad 4–6 inches
thick over or under the shirt (Figures 4
and 5) while performing the exercise
(11,12). Performing this modification
provides a visual and tactile cue to the
athlete as to the distance the bar should
travel during the eccentric portion of
the movement. Furthermore, it prevents
the shoulder from extending past the
trunk which has been suggested as
a movement to avoid to decrease inju-
ries to the rotator cuff and acromiocla-
vicular joint as well as reduce anterior
instability (16,37,38).
Using a barbell hand-off from a spotter
is another strategy that may be imple-
mented to help reduce the likelihood
of injuries to the shoulder. The litera-
Figure 3. Closer grip bench press. When the hands are placed less than 1.5 times the ture suggests that the hand-off should
biacromial width, there is less demand on the rotator cuff and the biceps be used for every set performed for the
tendon. Notice that the amount of shoulder abduction is less than 458. bench press, inclusive of warm-up sets
(12). According to Fees et al. (12), the
of motion; furthermore, a decrease in the shoulder moves into horizontal barbell hand-off may reduce the risk of
stress occurs on the long head of the adduction (1,12,29,36). In addition to shoulder subluxations or dislocations
biceps muscle at the bicipital groove as these benefits, the literature has suggested during the removal or return of the
bar back to the rack position.
Various exercise alternatives or varia-
tions may also be implemented that
target the musculature in a similar
fashion. One example is the underhand
grip (reverse grip) bench press where
the hands are on the bar in a fully supi-
nated position (Figure 6). This exercise
places the shoulder in a position of rel-
ative external rotation which subse-
quently puts the long head of the
biceps tendon under the acromion
and rotates the supraspinatus muscle
posteriorly away from the acromion
(12,35). Conversely, the traditional
overhand grip bench press places the
shoulder in a position of relative inter-
Figure 4. The bench press with no towel or pad. When the shoulder extends beyond nal rotation and places the biceps
the plane of the body, there is a higher risk for injury. tendon out from under the acromion

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Exercise Modification Strategies for Shoulder Pain

while positioning the supraspinatus

directly under the acromion (9,12).
Despite the biceps tendon being placed
away from the acromion, the full fore-
arm pronation of the overhand bench
press stresses the attachment of the
long head of the biceps during the
exercise (12). It is also important to
comprehend that if a structure is
directly under the acromion, it is
potentially at risk from mechanical
abrasion if the athlete has a hooked
(type III) acromion (12) or if the struc-
ture itself is inflamed.
Another exercise alternative is the use
of the decline bench press. Durall et al.
(11) and Fees et al. (12) both reported
Figure 5. The bench press with a towel or pad. The shoulder does not extend beyond
the plane of the body and may decrease injuries to the rotator cuff,
that throughout the movement of
acromioclavicular joint, and the anterior shoulder structures. a decline press, the shoulder is kept
in a safe position below 908 of flexion
and 458 of abduction with neutral
external rotation. Unlike the decline
bench press, the incline barbell bench
press should be prescribed with cau-
tion as the “high five” position is main-
tained throughout the exercise and
increases the strain on the anterior
middle and anteroinferior glenohum-
eral ligaments (12,14,34). Athletes with
anteroinferior shoulder instability
should perhaps consider avoiding this
exercise all together.
The modified bench press bar (Figure 7)
provides another alternative method to
perform the bench press. The modified
bench press bar allows the shoulder to
be kept in a position of approximately
458 of abduction which provides the
same benefits as described with the
closer hand placement of the barbell
bench press. One of the advantages of
the modified bench press bar over the
traditional barbell is that the hand and
wrist maintain a more neutral position
and remain in alignment of the forearm
and the humerus throughout the move-
ment. Furthermore, this movement pat-
tern is more specific to sports such as
football where offensive linemen block
defensive players in a plane similar to
that provided by the modified bench
Figure 6. The reverse grip bench press. This exercise places the shoulder in a position
press bar.
of relative external rotation which subsequently puts the long head of the
biceps tendon under the acromion and rotates the supraspinatus muscle Using dumbbells is another alternative
posteriorly away from the acromion. to using a barbell for chest pressing

6 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2016

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motions. Dumbbells allow the athlete deltoid in dumbbell chest presses com- horizontal abduction should be avoided
more freedom in terms of finding pared with barbell although dumbbell when performing this exercise to avoid
a pain-free range of motion. Hence, it loads were 63–83% of the barbell loads. stress to the anterior capsule. To accom-
is easier to avoid at risk positions such Because lighter loads may be used with plish this, cueing the athlete to lower
as the “high five” position with the dumbbells without hindering EMG their elbows to their mid or posterior
dumbbells than with a barbell. Because activity in the target musculature as trunk at the bottom of the movement
of the increased control the athlete has compared with using a barbell, this could prove to be an effective strategy
with dumbbells, Durall et al. (11) rec- could prove to be advantageous to (Figures 8 and 9). If the athlete requires
ommended using them as a potential those athletes returning from an injury. a tactile cue to successfully avoid exces-
alternative even in a relatively higher sive horizontal abduction, the athlete
risk exercise such as the incline press. THE CHEST FLY may be placed supine on the floor to
Evidence suggests that using dumb- The chest fly is an exercise commonly perform the exercise so that the floor
bells instead of barbells may require performed to target the chest and ante- serves as the tactile cue when the el-
individuals to control and balance the rior deltoid musculature. Similar to the bows make contact with the floor. Du-
weights independently and potentially bench press, lowering the shoulder past rall et al. (11) recommend that the
alter the involvement of the agonists, the trunk of the body should be elbows should be kept inferior to shoul-
synergists, stabilizers, and antagonists avoided to decrease injuries to the rota- der level to reduce shear across the sub-
(39). Both Welsch et al. (48) and Sae- tor cuff and acromioclavicular joint as acromial space (which may irritate the
terbakken et al. (40) reported similar well as reduce instability to the anterior rotator cuff tendons and bursa); they
electromyographic (EMG) activity in shoulder structures (16,37,38). Durall suggest to advise the athlete to begin
the pectoralis major and anterior et al. (11) suggest that excessive the movement with the elbows slightly
inferior to the shoulders and maintain
the elbows in that position throughout
the movement.
Another exercise alternative is to per-
form the exercise with adjustable cable
pulleys in place of dumbbells or
a machine. Unlike dumbbells, the ca-
bles provide a constant level of tension
throughout the range of motion yet
provide various range of motion angles
because the exercise can be performed
in standing at various body and shoul-
der positions or on a bench in a similar
position as the dumbbell fly. The vari-
ous shoulder angles and body posi-
tions available with the adjustable
cable pulleys for the chest fly exercise
can help the strength and conditioning
professional to identify pain-free range
of motion movements for the athlete
for this exercise that also avoid high-
risk shoulder positions such as exces-
sive horizontal abduction and the “high
five” position.


The overhead (military) shoulder press
is an exercise that is sometimes per-
formed behind the neck (Figures 10
and 11). The behind the neck version
Figure 7. The modified bench press bar. The shoulder is kept in a position of of the exercise places the shoulders in
approximately 458 of abduction which decreases the demand of the rotator the risky “high five” position. To avoid
cuff and biceps tendon. The hand and wrist also maintain a more neutral this position, Durall et al. (11) recom-
position that is easier on the wrists. mend to instruct the athlete to maintain

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Exercise Modification Strategies for Shoulder Pain

sometimes performed by athletes and

potentially places the shoulders at risk
due to the stresses placed on the shoul-
der with the “high five” position. Instead
of performing this exercise behind the
neck, the lat pull-down to the front is
a viable alternative. Sperandei et al. (46)
reported that the EMG activity of the
target muscle (latissimus dorsi) was the
same when performing the exercise
behind the neck compared with the
front and concluded that the pull-
down to the front is a better choice.
Furthermore, they suggested that the
V-bar lat pull-down, which places the
hands in a close grip position with
a neutral grip, could be used as an alter-
Figure 8. Chest fly with the elbows horizontally abducted past the trunk of the body. native exercise.
When the shoulder extends beyond the plane of the body, there is Another lat pull-down variation reported
a higher risk for injury to the shoulder. in the literature is the modified lat pull-
down to the front (Figure 12). Fees et al.
the hands and elbows anterior to the a pain-free range of motion. Further- (12) described the modified seated lat
shoulder during the movement when more, Saeterbakken and Fimland (39) pull-down where the torso is reclined in
using either barbells or dumbbells. If reported increased neuromuscular 308 of trunk extension and the bar is sus-
a shoulder press machine does not activity in the deltoid muscle using pended at arms’ length in line with the
allow the athlete to keep their hands dumbbells over barbells in the shoulder xiphoid process. Using a grip of 1.25–1.5
and elbows anterior to the shoulder, press despite the dumbbell shoulder times the biacromial width, the bar is
Durall et al. (11) suggest to place the press having a lower 1 repetition max- pulled from overhead to slightly above
athlete facing backward on the seat to imum strength value as compared with the xiphoid process in the sagittal and
avoid the “high five” position. the barbell shoulder press. coronal planes. Fees et al. (12) suggest that
Dumbbells are also a good alternative this modified version of the lat pull-down
for the shoulder press. Similar to the THE LAT PULL-DOWN to the front places a greater emphasis on
chest press, the use of dumbbells offers Similar to the shoulder press, the behind the scapular retractor and latissimus dorsi
the advantage of more freedom to find the neck variation of the lat pull-down is muscles as compared with the behind the
neck variation of the exercise.
The underhand (supinated) grip lat
pull-down is another alternative to
the behind the neck lat pull-down.
The supinated grip, as previously dis-
cussed, puts the long head of the
biceps tendon under the acromion
and rotates the supraspinatus muscle
posteriorly away from the acromion
(12,35); hence, it may be a good alter-
native for those athletes recovering
from primary shoulder impingement
syndrome. Fees et al. (12) recommend
implementing this exercise as part of
a pain-free range of motion progression
to lead to a front lat pull-down.


Figure 9. Chest fly with the elbows horizontally abducted to the plane of the body. UPRIGHT ROW
When the shoulder does not extend beyond the plane of the body, there is The lateral raise and the upright row
a decreased risk in injuries to the anterior shoulder. are excellent exercises to strengthen

8 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2016

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coaches may opt to instruct athletes
to eliminate the upright row altogether
and to substitute the traditional lateral
raise exercise with the movement in
the scapular plane (308 anterior to the
frontal plane) with the shoulders exter-
nally rotated (Figure 15) in an effort to
maintain the size of the subacromial
space during the motion (43).

The snatch and the clean and jerk are
weightlifting exercises prescribed by
strength and conditioning coaches to
help improve power output with their
athletes. Although these are excellent ex-
ercises, it is important to note that the
Figure 10. The behind the neck military press. This exercise places the shoulder in the ballistic nature of the movements creates
at risk position. a potential hazard for the athlete.
Because the exercises require the athlete
the middle deltoid, supraspinatus, and population among 77 men and re- to accelerate the weight quickly while
the upper trapezius. Because the tradi- ported that a significant association ex- generating maximum power and veloc-
tional performance of these exercises isted between clinical characteristics of ity, this can place the athlete at risk. Le-
require simultaneous elevation and shoulder impingement and performing vallee et al. suggest that the jerking and
internal rotation of the shoulder as the lateral deltoid raise and the upright rotational movements of these lifts may
the arm goes to shoulder level and row above 908 of shoulder abduction. cause dislocations, tendon ruptures, and
beyond, the greater tuberosity of the In prescribing these exercises with fractures (30). Furthermore, Lavalleee
humerus may impinge the rotator cuff asymptomatic individuals, the strength et al. suggest that when the shoulder is
tendons or the subacromial bursa and conditioning professional may cue placed in the “at risk” position of extreme
against the acromion (17). The repeti- athletes to keep the shoulder below the shoulder flexion and abduction, such as in
tive nature of this movement may lead 908 mark of shoulder abduction during the snatch, rotator cuff injuries or support-
to shoulder impingement or tears to the exercises (Figures 13 and 14). ing musculature strains may occur (30).
the rotator cuff. Kolber et al. (25) inves- In athletes recovering from shoulder To avoid the “at risk” position of the
tigated the characteristics of shoulder impingement or other rotator cuff shoulder all together, the power clean,
impingement in the weight-training pathology, strength and conditioning the hang clean, and the high pull (to just
below 908 of shoulder abduction) are
good alternatives to the snatch and the
jerk to develop power without placing
the shoulder in the “at risk” position.
With athletes recovering from rotator
cuff tendinosis or subacromial impinge-
ment, the strength and conditioning
coach may want to start the athlete with
a kettlebell swing where they can prac-
tice the triple extension component of
the movement without having to put
the shoulder in the upright row position
during the execution of the power clean
or the power clean derivatives. These
modifications are easy to implement for
both the athlete and the strength coach.


Figure 11. Military press to the front. This safer alternative keeps the shoulders in In an effort to avoid injuries to the
a safer plane throughout the movement. shoulder, the strength and conditioning

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Exercise Modification Strategies for Shoulder Pain

range of motion in shoulder flexion,

abduction, and internal rotation as
compared with controls who did
not participate in resistance training.
Conversely, weight-training partici-
pants had increased active range of
motion for shoulder external rotation
as compared to the control group.
Furthermore, the weight-training par-
ticipants had greater posterior shoul-
der tightness and larger agonist to
antagonist muscular imbalances as
compared to the control group.
Kolber et al. (23) reported that the
findings in their investigation suggest
that the recreational weight-training
population is predisposed to strength
and mobility imbalances that have
been associated with shoulder disor-
ders. The authors suggested that rec-
reational weight-training participants
may bias their training toward the
larger muscle groups such as the pec-
toralis or deltoids and neglect the
smaller muscle groups such as the
scapular stabilizers and rotator cuff
that are responsible for stabilizing
the scapula and rotating the gleno-
humeral joint; this likely contributes
Figure 12. The modified lat pull-down. This modification of the exercise has been to the imbalances observed. Evidence
suggested to place a greater emphasis on the scapular retractor and latissimus of these imbalances and their propen-
dorsi muscles as compared with the behind the neck variation of the exercise. sity to contribute to shoulder pathol-
professional should be familiar with Kolber et al. (23) reported that recre- ogy have been reported among
predisposing factors that may put ational weight-training participants weight-training participants with sub-
strength-training athletes at risk. had decreased mobility for active acromial impingement (27). A shoul-
der screening process for coaches to
use with athletes to assess an athlete’s
suitability for overhead lifting exer-
cises as recommended by Howe and
Blagrove (18) is a tool to use in order
to help prevent shoulder injuries.
Furthermore, it is recommended that
the strength and conditioning coach
implement exercises that target the
lower trapezius, middle trapezius, ser-
ratus anterior, and external rotators to
improve the balance between the
larger muscle groups and the smaller
stabilizing muscles. Additionally,
stretching exercises that address pos-
terior shoulder tightness such as
stretching the shoulder into internal
rotation and stretching of the poste-
Figure 13. The lateral raise to 908 of abduction. Raising the arms to no more than 908 rior shoulder capsule could prove to
of shoulder abduction may decrease the risk of shoulder impingement. be beneficial.

10 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2016

Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
predispose them to injuries. Once
these imbalances are located, the
strength and conditioning coach
should prescribe appropriate exer-
cises to help correct the imbalances
and ensure that training is well-
balanced between the larger muscle
groups and the smaller stabilizing
muscles of the shoulder region so
that the likelihood of injuries is
decreased. If an athlete is recovering
from a shoulder injury, it is essential
that the strength and conditioning
coach to work closely with the med-
ical staff to ensure there is continuity
of care among all members of the
sports medicine and sports perfor-
Figure 14. The upright row to lower-/mid-chest line. Modifying the range of motion mance enhancement personnel.
of this exercise to mid-chest helps to keep the shoulder to no more than Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
908 of shoulder abduction and may decrease the risk of shoulder The author reports no conflicts of interest
and no source of funding.

CONCLUSION AND PRACTICAL to certain exercises can help the

APPLICATIONS strength and conditioning coach Guillermo
The shoulder is a complex joint that become better prepared to assist ath- Escalante is an
sacrifices stability for a great amount letes in avoiding injuries to the shoul- Assistant Profes-
of mobility. The repetitive nature of der as well as assist athletes in sor of Kinesiology
strength training, along with the recovering from shoulder injuries. It at California
compromising positions in which is recommended that strength and State University
the shoulder is placed in many tradi- conditioning coaches provide appro- San Bernardino.
tional strength-training exercises, priate screening for athletes before
makes the shoulder joint susceptible initiating overhead activities that
to a variety of injuries. Understand- may help to find mobility and
ing the biomechanical modifications strength imbalances that may

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