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REG NO. NIK2-F13-MBA-009

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Business Administration - Finance



Department of Business Administration,


September, 2019

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Allah Says

Recite in the name of your Lord who created.

He created man from a clot.

Read, and your Lord is the most Honorable,

Who taught (to write) with the pen?

Taught man that which he knew not.

(AL-Quran, AL-Alaq, 1: 5)







________________ ________________

Dr. Mumtaz Ali Date

Thesis Supervisor


I owe my warm gratitude and sincerest appreciation to all those people who helped me

during my research project. I would never have been able to finish without the guidance,

advice, and support. Their kindness is much indeed appreciated

I would like to Show my gratitude to my supervisor, Sir. Mumtaz Ali the valuable

assistance and advice. His excellent patience and guidance have provided a unique

environment for doing my project

I also gratefully acknowledge Sir Islam, for his valuable advice and recommendations in

banking discussion

Last but not least, I would like to extend my thanks to my family for their supports and

everybody essential to make successful realization to my this project


Title Page........................................................................................... I
Verse................................................................................................. II
Approval........................................................................................... III
Acknowledgment.............................................................................. IV
Table of Content............................................................................... V - IX
Declaration....................................................................................... X
Abstract............................................................................................. XI
List of Abbreviation......................................................................... XII


1.1 Introduction...................................................................................... 1 – 2
1.2 Banking Sector of Pakistan – Overview.......................................... 3 – 4
1.3 Statement of the Problem................................................................. 4 – 5
1.4 Research Questions........................................................................... 6
1.5 Objectives of the Study..................................................................... 6
1.6 Significance of the Study.................................................................. 6
1.7 Limitations and Delimitations.......................................................... 7


2.1 Introduction...................................................................................... 8
2.2 Literature Review on Bank Liquidity.............................................. 8 – 11
2.3 Measuring Liquidity...........................................................................11 – 13
2.4 Macroeconomic Determinants of Liquidity....................................... 13
2.4.1 Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate................................. 13 – 15

2.4.2 Inflation.................................................................................. 15 – 17
2.4.3 Unemployment...................................................................... 17
2.5 Bank-Specific Determinants of Liquidity......................................... 18
2.5.1 Capital Adequacy................................................................... 18 – 19
2.5.2 Net Interest Margin................................................................ 19 – 21
2.5.3 Return on Equity.................................................................... 21 – 23
2.5.4 Loan Loss Provision.............................................................. 23 – 24
2.5.5 Cost to Income....................................................................... 24 – 26
2.6 Related Studies in Pakistan................................................................ 26


3.1 Introduction....................................................................................... 27
3.2 Dependent and Independent Variable Description........................... 27
3.3 Dependent Variable........................................................................... 27
3.3.1 Advances to Total Aggregate Assets..................................... 27
3.3.2 Liquid Assets to Total Deposit.............................................. 28
3.4 Independent Variable........................................................................ 28
3.4.1 Capital Adequacy................................................................... 28
3.4.2 Net Interest Margin................................................................ 28
3.4.3 Return on Equity.................................................................... 29
3.4.4 Provision to Loan................................................................... 29
3.4.5 Cost to Income....................................................................... 29 – 30
3.4.6 GDP Growth Rate.................................................................. 30
3.4.7 Inflation.................................................................................. 30
3.4.8 Unemployment....................................................................... 31
3.5 Hypotheses of the Study.................................................................... 31 – 36
3.6 Nature of Research............................................................................ 37

3.7 Research Approach........................................................................... 37
3.8 Targeted Population.......................................................................... 38
3.9 Sampling Technique......................................................................... 38
3.10 Sample Size...................................................................................... 38
3.11 Research Model................................................................................ 38 – 39
3.12 Data Integration................................................................................ 39


4.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 40
4.2 Descriptive Statistics......................................................................................40
4.3 Impact of Bank-Specific Factors on Liquidity i e Advances to
Total Assets of Conventional FI.........................;......................................... 45
4.3.1 Panel Regression Model 1................................................................. 41 – 42
4.3.2 Panel Regression Model 1 - Multi-collinearity Test.......................... 42 – 43
4.3.3 Panel Regression Model 1 - Heteroscedasticity Test......................... 43 – 44
4.3.4 Panel Regression Model 1 - Auto Correlation Test........................... 44
4.4 Impact of Bank-Specific Factors on Liquidity i.e., Liquid Assets to Total
Deposits of Conventional Banks....................................................................44
4.4.1 Panel Regression Model 2................................................................. 44 – 45
4.4.2 Panel Regression Model 2 - Multi-collinearity Test.......................... 46
4.4.3 Panel Regression Model 2 - Heteroscedasticity Test......................... 47
4.4.4 Panel Regression Model 2 - Auto Correlation Test........................... 47 – 48
4.5 Impact of Bank-Specific Factors on Liquidity i e Advances to
Total Assets of Islamic Banks........................................................................48
4.5.1 Panel Regression Model 3................................................................. 48
4.5.2 Panel Regression Model 3 - Multi-collinearity Test.......................... 49
4.5.3 Panel Regression Model 3 - Heteroscedasticity Test......................... 50
4.5.4 Panel Regression Model 3 - Auto Correlation Test........................... 50 – 51

4.6 Impact of Banking Factors on Liquidity i e Liquid Assets to Total
Deposits of Islamic Banks............................................................................ 51
4.6.1 Panel Regression Model 4................................................................. 51
4.6.2 Panel Regression Model 4 - Multi-collinearity Test.......................... 52
4.6.3 Panel Regression Model 4 - Heteroscedasticity Test........................ 53
4.6.4 Panel Regression Model 4 - Auto Correlation Test........................... 53
4.7 Impact of Macroeconomic Specific Factors on Liquidity i e Advances
to Total Assets of Conventional Banks.......................................................... 54
4.7.1 Regression Model 5........................................................................... 54
4.7.2 Regression Model 5 - Multi-collinearity Test.................................... 55
4.7.3 Regression Model 5 - Heteroscedasticity Test...................................55 – 56
4.7.4 Regression Model 5 - Auto Correlation Test..................................... 56
4.8 Impact of Macroeconomic Specific Factors on Liquidity i e Liquid Assets
to Total Deposit of Conventional Banks........................................................ 57
4.8.1 Regression Model 6........................................................................... 57
4.8.2 Regression Model 6 - Multi-collinearity Test.................................... 58
4.8.3 Regression Model 6 - Heteroscedasticity Test...................................58 – 59
4.8.4 Regression Model 6 - Auto Correlation Test..................................... 59
4.9 Impact of Macroeconomic Specific Factors on Liquidity i e Advances to
Total Assets of Islamic Banks....................................................................... 62
4.9.1 Regression Model 7........................................................................... 60
4.9.2 Regression Model 7 - Multi-collinearity Test.................................... 61
4.9.3 Regression Model 7 - Heteroscedasticity Test...................................61
4.9.4 Regression Model 7 - Auto Correlation Test..................................... 62
4.10 Impact of Macroeconomic Specific Factors on Liquidity i e Liquid Assets
to Total Deposit of Islamic Banks................................................................. 62
4.10.1 Regression Model 8........................................................................... 62 – 63
4.10.2 Regression Model 8 - Multi-collinearity Test.................................... 63
4.10.3 Regression Model 8 - Heteroscedasticity Test...................................64

4.10.4 Regression Model 8 - Auto Correlation Test..................................... 64
4.11 Hypothesis Summary..................................................................................... 65 – 67


5.1 Discussion...................................................................................................... 68
5.1.1 Regression Model 1 & 3 – Impact of Banking Factors on Advances
to Total Assets....................................................................................68 – 71
5.1.2 Regression Model 2 & 4 - Impact of Banking Factors on Liquid
Assets to Total Deposits.....................................................................71 – 73
5.1.3 Regression Model 5 & 7 - Impact of Macro Economic Factors on
Advances to Total Assets................................................................... 74 – 75
5.1.4 Regression Model 6 & 8 - Impact of Macro Economic Factors on
Liquid Assets to Total Deposits......................................................... 75 – 76
5.2 Conclusion......................................................................................................76 – 77
5.3 Recommendation........................................................................................... 77

Reference....................................................................................................... 78 – 81
Appendices.................................................................................................... 82 – 102


I, at this moment, declare that:

This research project for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Business Administration - Finance is the result of my work and that due

Acknowledgment has given in the references to ALL sources of information be they

printed, electronic, or personal

NO portion of this research project has submitted in support of any application for any

other degree or qualification of this or any other university, or other institutes of learning


The purpose of this research project is to examine the factors that impact in and their significance to
Pakistan commercial and Islamic banks liquidity This Project has characterized the independent factors
into bank-specific factors and macroeconomic factors The bank-specific factors include Capital
Adequacy , Return on Equity and Net Interest Margin , Provision to Loan and Cost to Income while the
macroeconomic factors include Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate, Inflation (CPI), and
Unemployment This study obtained secondary data from Pakistan 5 commercial and 4 full-fledged
Islamic banks from the year 2009 to 2018 This study concludes the results based on panel data, using
annual data and panel regression, multi collinearity, hetroscadscity and auto correlation statistical
techniques were used The findings state that all the factors are significant.

The bank-specific factors that have positive impact on conventional banks’ liquidity with advance to
total asset liquidity ratio are NIM, CIR, PTL and with liquid asset to total deposit ratio are NIM CIR
ROE and on Islamic bank’s liquidity with both advance to total asset and liquid asset to total deposit
ratio are CAR, CIR, and ROE. The bank-specific factors that have negative impact on conventional
banks’ liquidity with advance to total asset liquidity ratio are CAR and ROE and liquid asset to total
deposit ratio is CAR and PTL, and on Islamic bank’s liquidity with both advance to total asset and liquid
asset to total deposit ratio are NIM and PTL.

On the other hand, Macroeconomics factors that have positive impact on conventional bank’s liquidity
with both advance to total asset ratio and with liquid asset to total asset ratio is ICPI and on Islamic bank
liquidity with advance to total assets is GGR and liquid asset to total asset ratio are ICPI, and UEP.
Macroeconomics factors that have negative impact on conventional banks with both advance to total
asset ratio and liquid asset to total deposit are GGR, and UEP and on Islamic bank liquidity with
advance to total assets are ICPI, and UEP and liquid asset to total asset ratio are GGR.

Liquidity, Liquidity risk, Profitability, Asset Quality, Efficiency, Macroeconomics, SBP


ATTA = Advances to Total Assets

LATTD = Liquid Assets to Total Deposits
CTI = Cost to Income
CAR = Capital Adequacy Ratio
NIM = Net Income Margin
ROE = Return on Equity
PTLR = Provision to Loan Ratio
GGR = GDP Growth Rate
ICPI = Inflation CPI
UR = Unemployment Rate
CPI = Consumer Price Index
ROA= Return on Asset
NPL = Non-performing Loan
GDP = Gross Domestic Product
BIS = Bank for International Settlement
SBP = State Bank of Pakistan




There are many risks to consider in the financial world before we take any action; risks are usually

defined as having the adverse effect on profitability of several distinct sources of uncertainty. While the

types and degree of risk an organization may have to depend on a numbers of factors such as size,

activity, volume, and complexity of business. It is consider that banks are usually dealt with several

risks such as reputation, regulatory, legal, compliance, market, operational, credit and liquidity.

However, liquidity risk special attention in the financial world. Liquidity risk is the risk of not buying

or selling an investment quickly enough to prevent or minimize loss.

There are two kinds of liquidity risk, one is funding liquidity risk, and the other is market liquidity risk,

funding liquidity risk includes just one easy issue, which is that banks can pay their commitments.

There is a risk that sufficient funds will not be available to create payments on time, this risk can play a

significant role in the operation of the bank., suppose banks having the individual that deposit money

into the bank and then bank reinvest this money by giving the loans to individuals or corporations who

need cash at the time of their personal and production needs respectively. The bank may receive interest

payments from its borrowers and must also pay some interest to the depositors, so that the bank must

anticipate the outflow of periodic withdrawals and interest payments to depositors in order to match the

income and interest receipts from deposits and customer loans, banks need to have money reserves in

the event of a crisis, individuals lose confidence in the bank during the political and financial crisis and

withdrawals at the same time, causing the bank to have a liquidity issue which leads to inadequate

funds to make the payment., and eventually this could end up in bankruptcy, henceforth ignoring

funding liquidity risk can lead to a devastating outcome; therefore, it has to be carefully monitored and

well managed. The threat of market liquidity is an illiquidity of assets or an inability to rapidly exit a

situation. An asset market liquidity defines the capacity of investments to sell rapidly without

significantly reducing their price, It also defines how much trade-off is between the velocity of the

prominent price for which it can be sold in a liquid market, the trade-off is gentle selling rapidly will

not decrease the price much in a comparatively illiquid market, selling it rapidly will involve a

reduction of its cost by a certain amount because it can be sold for products and services without any

loss of value immediately.

Liquidity represents the availability of cash or assets that can be sold quickly to pay for obligation due

to the risk of non-settlement of liabilities due to insufficient funds or liquid assets on hand, although a

bank may remain susceptible to liquidity risk despite a well-capitalized economic situation, As such a

extensive explanation of liquidity risk involves banks being unable to sustainably finance their balance

sheets at the fundamental stage, bank liquidity is a function of the bank's net cash flows, cash flows are

estimated using models and the assumption that cash flows are imperfect may vary owing to market or

bank changes in specific despite the bank's efforts to match assets and liabilities cash flow uncertainties

inevitably lead to cash inflow and outflow gaps.

“The entire banking system is mainly depending on the satisfactory degree of liquidity because if a

single bank faces the liquidity crisis, it will affect the whole financial institutions' framework through

the transmission effect due to dependencies of bank with each other and may ultimately raise the level

of systemic risk” (Malik and Rafique, 2013). “Commercial Banks play a vital role in the financial

sector; this fact is proved by the financial crises in 2007-08. The commercial banks take the surplus

funds from develop industries and give that funds to needy sectors and create a balance between surplus

and deficit units of economic and business and strengthen the overall financial condition of a country”

(Ahmed and Rasool, 2017).


In a country's economic and financial growth, the function of the banking sector is very crucial as this

industry is one of the essential industries of the economy of a nation. Over the 70 years era, In

Pakistan's banking sector, including privatization and nationalization, the numbers of commercial banks

with more branches solidness and rapid technological change and increased competition have added

stress to banks. After independence, the central bank of the country, SBP, was established on July 1,

1948, which assumed supervisory and monetary policy powers of the Reserve Bank of India. Changes

were produced later to enhance the control and operate of the SBP. In 1974 government announced

nationalization banking industry to giving banking service and loans to underprivileged population and

performance of banks was considered good on that period by offering financial service to large,

medium and small enterprises at a reasonable interest rate and both banking industry and economy have

experienced expansion and growth. Due to political influence that leads to over employed and non-

performing loan performance of the banking sector was underway to decline, to ensure growth and

sustain standard early 1990's government announced decentralization of banks. In the post privatization

period, the banking sector experienced massive development. Banking reforms attracted private and

foreign banks to enhance the quality of banking products and services, caused professionalism and the

role of IT to function effectively and enhance banks ' overall profitability. Banks in Pakistan are

supervised under prudential regulation (excluding development finance institutions and non-bank

financial companies) by Pakistan's state bank.

According to the bi-annual statistics of the State Bank of Pakistan in 2018, five public sector

commercial banks, four public sector specialized banks, twenty domestic private banks, four foreign

banks with a total share of approximately 86 percent in the banking sector and five full Islamic banks

have a total share of approximately 14 percent in the banking sector of Pakistan.

In Pakistan's financial institution sector, critical deviations (i.e. rising bank branches, technological

innovation changes, and extended rivalry) have emerged for the development and growth of the

economy over the past years, this progressiveness of the financial institution sector requires improved

performance to maintain and contend in the business. On the other hand, Pakistan's banking sector also

has an essential portion of market capitalization value in the Pakistan Stock Exchange’s 100 index,

which contains the country's top 100 companies. So the banking sector also operates as Pakistan's stock

exchange's market movers, if it faces crisis it will impact the entire capital market,, banks must obtain

appropriate liquidities when required instantly at a sensible cost. However, maintaining the ideal level

of liquidity is the efficiency of a bank's management


Following the global financial crisis of 2007-2008, the importance of liquidity renewed, before this

crisis in the banking literature, the majority of experts considered liquidity risk as a secondary risk in

order to comply with the risk management rules published by the Pakistan State Bank, the bank has

created a distinct risk management division, including a middle office, which tracks and analyzes the

hazards inherent in treasury activities separately. According to literature, “problems occur when banks

invest short term liquid assets into long term liquid assets, generating a bank liquidity shortfall and vice

versa” ( al., 2018). “Banks increase their loan portfolio as compared to capital investment,

which is likely to increase non-performing of loan, and this lead to a liquidity problem and ultimately

cause of bankruptcy” (Ahmed & Rasool, 2017). Banks in Pakistan are also a victim of insufficient

liquidity due to credit demand by corporations and the general public as well as massive borrowing of

the government of Pakistan.

Three distinct variables affect commercial bank liquidity, bank-specific, macroeconomic, and

regulatory variables in banking literature. This research concentrated on certain bank-specific and

macroeconomic variables that affect the liquidity situation of banks. The bank specific factors affecting

banks liquidity examined by this study were capital adequacy, net interest margin, return on equity, and

the cost to income and provision to loan. The macroeconomic variables were GDP growth rate,

inflation rate (CPI), and unemployment. This study aims to explain the impact of internal and external

factors on the liquidity of Pakistan's banking sector by considering five commercial and four full-

fledged Islamic banks functioning in Pakistan.

Theoretical Framework of Study


Question 1. What are the ѕignificant determinants of commercial and Islamic banks liquidity in


Question 2. What is the іmpact of bank ѕpecific (internal) and macroeconomic (external) factors on the

liquidity of commercial and Islamic banks in Pakistan?


The aim of this research is to examine how inner banks particular variables such as capital ratio, net

interest margin, and return on equity, loan losses provision and cost to income ratio affect the

commercial and Islamic banks' liquidity. Alongside, the aim of this paper is also to examine how

macroeconomic external factors such as GDP growth rate, inflation CPI, and unemployment affect the

liquidity of commercial and Islamic banks.


In this study, the researcher examines variables by introducing internal bank specific and external

macroeconomic factors that may significantly affect the commercial and Islamic banks' liquidity. This

study can be used as a reference and guidance for banks to focus and control over the variables that

bring adverse effects to its liquidity. The research makes a significant contribution to current

knowledge in the field of variables determining the liquidity of commercial banks, banks management,

regulatory bodies and education institute of the country may be the beneficiary of this study.


This study has several limitations. In this study eight independent variables, five from bank specific and

three from macroeconomic were used, the result of which may not include other variables, failed to

cover a comprehensive view and further exploration of more impacts of liquidity on selected

commercial and Islamic banks of Pakistan. In this study five commercial banks and four full-fledged

Islamic banks have used as a sample of the targeted population, others medium and small size

commercial banks and Islamic banking division of commercial bank did not include, the result of which

may have been impacted vary from the current study. Secondary data has been used in this study to

pursue, and secondary data requires in depth analysis since the source of the data might be doubtful.

Besides, every country has a different attribute, political background, law and regulation, and culture,

because this study based on Pakistan's commercial and Islamic bank conclusion and recommendation

are only relevant for said banks in Pakistan and regulator. Other countries' researcher can only use this

study as a reference but may not be able to use this study in their country environment.

The delimitation of the study was to selected the variables capital adequacy, cost to income, provision

to loan, return on equity net interest margin, GDP growth rate, inflation rate, unemployment rate as an

independent variables, advances to total asset and liquid assets to deposit as a dependent variables, to

examine the impact of these selected variables on five commercial and four Islamic banks liquidity

affecting liquidity from selected period 2009 to 2018.




This research is intended to discuss the factors that affect the liquidity of big conventional and Islamic

banks in Pakistan's and their soundness and security. We addressed the results of previous studies on

internal and external variables influencing the liquidity in Pakistan and other countries of conventional

and Islamic banks. The researchers examine the factors influencing the liquidity of banks and design a

conceptual framework with the help of the theoretical framework. A hypothesis is determined

constructed on the theoretical framework established based on the analysis.

The chapter has five sections. Section 2.2 discusses the literature review of banks liquidity; Section 2.3

extensively explains measuring liquidity. Then, section 2.4 asses related empirical studies of

macroeconomics factors of banks' liquidity. Section 2.5 review the literature regarding banks specific

factors of banks liquidity. Finally, section 2.6 give summaries to relevant studies that have been done in



There are many risks to consider in the financial world before we take any action; the adverse effect on

the profitability of several different sources of insecurity is frequently described in financial risk. While

the types and degree of hazards, an organization may be unprotected to rely on multiple factors such as

its size, complexity of its business, and volume. Banks are supposed to face credit, market, liquidity,

operational, compliance, legal, regulatory, and reputational hazards in general.

“Liquidity risk special attention in the financial world, the liquidity risk is the risk of the absence of

marketability of an investment that cannot be bought or sold quickly enough to avert or minimize a

loss, There are two types of liquidity risk, first is funding liquidity risk and second is market liquidity

risk, funding liquidity risk involves in only one simple question which is can we pay our obligations so

what is funding liquidity risk it is the risk of not having access to sufficient fund to make payment on

time, market liquidity risk it is an asset illiquidity or an inability to quickly exit a position” (Drehmann

& Nikolaou, 2010).

Banks are insurers of liquidity and are susceptible to the danger of a deposit run. In general, for banks,

greater development of liquidity to the outside public leads to greater danger of losses due to the need

to dispose of illiquid assets to satisfy customers ' liquidity requirements.

“It is generally found in the banking literature that an asset is liquid if it contains low risk (such as

government debt) and if it has a short maturity (a short maturity indicates that the asset's price is less

sensitive to interest rate movements, Less probable making significant capital losses) The typical bank

assets which are liquid include cash, reserves representing an excess of statutory reserve (detained in

the account at the central bank), securities (e.g., government debt, commercial paper), and interbank

loans with short maturity (one to three days)” (Tesfaye, 2012)

Asset Side Liability side

Demands for Loan Huge volume of deposit withdrawals

Expiry of financial instrument sold (Bonds) Huge number of depositor withdrawals

Off Balance Sheet Activities (L/C, L/G) Repayment of bonds sold

According to Anthony & Marcia, (2008), “there are two reasons for liquidity risk arising: First is a

liability side reason, and second is an asset side reason. The liability side reason arises when a Bank

liability holder, such as depositors seeks to cash in their financial claims immediately. When liability

holders want to withdraw their deposits, the Banks need to borrow extra funds or sell assets to

encounter the withdrawal. The most liquid asset is cash; Banks use this asset to pay claim holders who

seek to withdraw their funds. However, Banks are practiced to keep minimum cash reserves as an asset

because these assets are not generating any interest income. The second reason for liquidity risk is asset

side liquidity risk, such as the ability to fund the exercise of giving loan commitments. A loan

commitment allows a customer to borrow funds from banks on demand. When a borrower demand for

a loan, the banks must fund the loan immediately, this creates a demand for liquidity. Banks can

encounter such a liquidity need by running down its cash assets, selling off other liquid assets, or

borrowing extra funds”.

“Liquidity risk is the risk that a bank or DFI may not be able to meet its financial commitments to

customers (depositors) and market (interbank market). Liquidity risk may emerge as a result of the

mismatch of assets and liabilities or structured products. Another facet of liquidity risk is contingency

liquidity risk, i.e., risk of not being able to meet contractual obligations due to insufficient funds”

(Lending: Products, Operations and Risk Management, IBP).

According to (Anthony & Marcia, 2008) and (Aspachs et al, 2005) Banks manage their liquidity risk

through Two approaches

(i) “On the asset side of the balance sheet, banks hold the cushion of liquid assets, the liquid

asset can be converted into cash quickly and at a low cost with little or no loss in principal value. It

trades in an active market; therefore, very little chance in large transactions fluctuate its price.

Examples of liquid assets, cash, balance in the central reserve bank, T bills, notes, bonds, or reverse

repurchase agreement”

(ii) “On the liability side of the balance sheet, on the occasion of shortage of liquidity demand,

i.e., withdrawals, demand of loan, interest and non-interest expense, banks borrow funds from other

banks and also rely on the central bank in case of emergency liquidity assistance and central bank acts

as a last resort lender on the occasion of liquidity shortage. However, mitigating liability side risk often

comes at a cost because liability sources are often more costly for the banks to utilize”

Based on the above definitions, it is built that a bank must have adequate liquid resources to fulfill its

customers ' requirements and must choose from other sources to satisfy customers ' liquid demands.

Some major sources include borrowings from inter-bank or central banks to meet client requirements in

moments of trouble. Banks may also choose Repo transactions for their liquidity requirements (buying

a short-term safety). It is vital that banks measure bank liquidity correctly because financial institutions

that are unable to satisfy the requirements of clients face illiquidity that can lead to deteriorated stability

of the financial system. We therefore examined previous studies and literature on the measurement of

bank liquidity creation.


In studies the two approaches to measure liquidity risk of banks are used widely by the bank, first is

liquidity gap approach and second is liquidity ratio approach. “The liquidity gap approach deal with the

measurement of mismatch between assets and liabilities, or cash inflows and cash outflows, banks that

wants to lessen the gap between its assets (loans to customers) and liabilities (deposits of customers)

will cluster the financial assets and liabilities into maturity buckets constructed on their frequency of

repricing or rate resetting” (Horcher, 2005). “A positive liquidity gap means for the shortfall, requiring

for liabilities to be increased” (Bessis, 2009). The liquidity gap extravagances liquid reserves as a

reservoir; the bank calculates the required liquidity by comparing inflows and outflows during a

specified period.

On the other hand, liquidity ratios used to identify liquidity tendency. Banks' liquidity exposure is also

to compare specific key ratios and balance sheet features of the banks. Various authors like Anthony &

Marcia. (2008), Doris (2017), Vodva (2013), Sheefeni & Nyambe (2016), Ferrouhi & Lehadiri (2013)

have provided considerations with “liquidity ratios such as liquid assets to total assets, liquid assets to

deposits and short term financing, loans to total assets and loans to deposits and short term borrowings,

deposit to total assets”.

“Liquid Assets to Total Assets (LATA) ratio tells us the bank's capability to absorb liquidity shock, the

higher the ratio, the higher the ability to absorb liquidity shock” (Doris, 2017). Liquid asset belongs to

cash, balances with reserve banks and other banks, the bond issued by governments and similar

securities or reverse repurchase agreement trades.

Liquid Assets to Deposit (LAD) and Liquid Asset to Deposit plus Short Term Borrowing (LADSTB)

are two ratios which are bit similar with each other, LADSTB ratio is more focused on the bank's

sensitivity of funding, it includes banks, financial institution, deposits of households, enterprises'

deposits and funds from debt securities issued by the bank. However, LAD includes an only deposit of

households and enterprises and this ratio (LAD) “measure the liquidity of a bank assuming that the

bank cannot borrow from other banks in case of liquidity need” (Vodva, 2013). This ratio also tells the

value of liquid assets that are easily converted to cash to short term funding plus total deposits. “Liquid

assets include cash and reserve banks, securities, fair value through income, loans, and advances to

banks, reverse repos, and cash collaterals. Deposits and short term funding includes total customers'

current, savings and term deposits and short term borrowing (money market instruments, CDs and other

deposits). The higher is the value of the ratio; the higher is the capacity to absorb liquidity shock”.


“Loan to Total Asset (LTA) ratio measures the share of loans in total assets. It indicates what

percentage of the assets of the bank occupied in illiquid loans. Therefore the higher ratio, the less

liquidity the bank has” (Sheefeni & Nyambe, 2016).

Loan To Deposit (LD) and Loan to deposit plus short term financing (LDSTF) are two ratios which

also are bit similar with each other, LDSTF ratio calculate the relationship of illiquid asset(bank's

loans) funded through with liquid liability(deposits) and it includes banks, financial institution and

deposit of household and enterprises, “while LD includes only household and enterprises' deposits,

when this ratio is high, it means that the bank is less liquid” (Doris, 2017 and Ferrouhi & Lehadiri.


In brief, the liquidity ratio differs in balance sheet ratios to determine the need for liquidity.


2.4.1 Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate

“The GDP growth rate measures how fast the economy is growing. It is calculated by comparing one

period of the country's gross domestic product to the previous period. GDP measures the economic

output of a nation” (Amadeo,, 2018).

“The positive coefficient of GDP growth rate signals an inverse relation between liquidity and business

cycles. This conclusion is described by the fact that many borrowers be likely to ask more loans to

finance their projects during growth. On the other side, banks want to satisfy the increasing loan

demand, thus facing less liquidity. The GDP growth rate during these years has dropped, and the

investors try not borrowing during depression periods. Banks try to be more prudent and to preserve

their liquidity” (Doris, 2017; Volva, 2013). During the economic downturn, banks hoard more liquidity

due to a lack of lending opportunity at such time. This means that as GDP growth increases, the

liquidity of banks decreases, and as GDP growth falls, the liquidity of the bank increases. An increasing

GDP rate leads to a rise in economic activity circles but also increase credit default activity, resulted

which cause an adverse effect in bank liquidity. Higher liquidity holdings in a period of economic

downturn, when holding is motivated by the principle of precaution from banks, but also by less

demand for loans from clients.

“The gross domestic products (GDP) significantly impact on bank liquidity of Pakistan. The State Bank

of Pakistan developed a strategy about the discount rate, reserve requirement, and open market

operation based on forecasted gross domestic product. Some studies in literature established a negative

relationship exists between gross domestic product and bank liquidity, but some studies established

positive relationship because during economic boom companies and household prefer less rely on

external debt and raise fund on internal sources of finance, while in recession, they prefer loan from

financial institutions” (Ahmed & Rasool, 2017).

During the expansion period in an economy, the demand for differentiated financial products is high

and may bank are capable of increasing rate in its loan and securities portfolios. Similarly, economic

downturns period banks reduce the credit supply. According to these opinions, we can assume that

banks to increase their transformation activities and their illiquidity during economic booms.

“GDP is a macroeconomic factor that affects bank liquidity, and it is because that period of significant

recession or crises in business operations decreases borrowers' ability to pay borrowed amount which

increases banks' NPLs and eventually banks insolvency, banks liquidity affection is low in the course of

economic expansion period and banks assertively expect to make profit by expanding loan

commitments to sustain economic boom, while restricting loanable funds in order to avoid an increase

in the number of loan default during economic downturn to prioritize” (Choon et al., 2013).

2.4.2 Inflation

“In an economy, inflation is a numerical degree of the rate at which the average level of price of

selected goods and services' basket increases over a period of time. It is the continuous increase in the

general level of prices resulted in a unit of currency purchases less than it did in previous periods”

(Chen, 2019, Inflation, “An increase in inflation drops the purchasing power, so

people need more money to purchase the same products; this may increase bank lending and thus lower

liquidity” (Trenca et al., 2015). “Increase in inflation decreases bank liquidity Inflation rate decreases

currency value and increases the susceptibility of banks which affects loans provided to customers”

(Singh & Sharma, 2016).

“Inflation is important to factor for banks because usually, banks deal in nominal financial instrument,

that is instruments denominated in fixed dollar amounts, For instance when a bank gives a loan, it

accepts nominal financial instruments (notes, mortgages, commercial paper, and other securities) as

evidence of the borrower's obligation to the bank and same goes to creditor, when bank borrows it

issues nominal financial instruments to creditors( bond and debenture, deposit liabilities ) as evidence

of its obligation” (Santoni, 1986).

“Inflation increase in a country which tends to reduction the returns of all business units. In such a

specific situation, the banks make fewer loans, resource allocation is less efficient, as well as reduces

the midway activities of banks. Hence, an increase in inflation in a country will increase bank liquidity”

(Ahmed & Rasool, 2017).

“An increase in expected inflation raises the nominal interest rate. This increases the number of dollars

that creditor and debtor who are transacting in nominal financial instruments expected to receive or pay

when loan mature if these expectations are realized all nominal values will be higher at maturity. If the

realized rate of inflation exceeds the anticipated rate, the price level has risen unexpectedly. The

unanticipated increase in the price level causes a comparative reduction in the exchange value of both

nominal financial assets and liabilities in term of real goods. Because banks are typically net creditors

in nominal instruments, bank owners lose wealth (bank's capital decline) when there is unanticipated

inflation” (Santoni, 1986).

Developing hypothetical literature defines mechanisms by which even expected inflation rises restrict

the financial sector's ability to effectively allocate resources. More specifically, latest theories

emphasize the significance of information asymmetries in financial markets and validate how rising

inflation rates adversely impact financial market frictions with adverse effects on financial industry

performance (both banks and equity markets) and thus actual long-term activity. The distinctive feature

of these theories is that the strictness of which is endogenous is informational friction. A rise in the rate

of inflation, given this function, drives down the true rate of return not only on cash, but on assets in

particular. The implied decrease in actual yields exacerbates the friction of the financial market. While

these market frictions lead to credit rationing, when inflation rises, credit rationing becomes more

serious. As a consequence, less loans are made by the banking industry, less effective resource

allocation, and reduced transitional activity with adverse effects on capital / long-term investment. The

quantity of liquid or short-term assets retained by financial institutions, including banks, will rise with

the increase in inflation.

2.4.3 Unemployment Rate

“Unemployment occurs when people of working age do not have a job, have actively wanted to be full

time employment in the past four weeks, and are presently available for work. Also, Temporary lay off

people who are waiting to rejoin his company are included in the unemployment” (Amadeo, 2019, “Estimated factors on the macroeconomic control variables like unemployment are

generally in line with the existing literature. The level of unemployment, through a higher chance of

default on loans, has a negative effect” (Bordeleau & Graham, 2010)

“An increase in the unemployment rate can be translated into an increase of non-performing loans and

thus depressing bank liquidity” (Trenca et al., 2015).

“Unemployment has a significantly negative impact on liquidity. Higher unemployment condensed

capital and hindered liquidity creation. Findings in this accord with the fact that banks hurt from

reduction insolvency and create lower liquidity in distressed economic periods. That increased

unemployment rate of the economy results increased bank liquidity” (Singh & Sharma, 2016).

“The impact of unemployment on the liquidity of banks demonstrate there is a negative impact, which

means that a high rate of unemployment affects the liquidity of the banks. It is shown that the loan

demand by customers declines with the increasing rate of unemployment, thereby impacting the overall

bank portfolio” (Shah et al., 2018).


2.5.1 Capital Adequacy (CAR)

“Capital Adequacy is a measurement of a financial institution to determine if solvency can be preserved

due to risks that have been sustained as a course of business. The primary measurement of CAD ratio is

equity capital to average assets. Capital permits a financial institution to grow, create and sustain both

public and regulatory confidence, and provide a reserve to be capable of absorbing substantial loan

losses above and outside identified problems. A financial institution must be able to create capital

internally, through profit retaining, as a test of capital strength” (, 2015).

If the bank manages capital adequacy and liquidity effectively, it tends to build a strong foundation for

a successful bank, and it can improve the attractiveness of the bank, reducing its financial costs and

improving the worth. The global financial crisis has highlighted the need for improved liquidity risk

management and capital adequacy, further governance, and increased transparency of financial

institutions activities. While facing a range of operational hazards, the capital of a bank is mainly used

to compensate for the losses that may arise. Therefore, special attention must be paid to managing

banks ' capital adequacy risk. “Accordingly, the accrued reserves cushion of liquid assets must be

sufficient to absorb the adverse liquidity shocks, and banks may reduce the risks to compliance with the

capital adequacy and liquidity requirements, perform more safely, and strengthens confidence in banks

and the entire financial system” (Zuk Butkuviene et al., 2014).

Capital adequacy is the measurement of the minimum capital amount required to fulfill a specified

economic capital constraint. It is generally expressed as a capital adequacy ratio (CAR) of equity that

must be retained as a percentage of risk weighted assets. Capital requirements administrate the ratio of

equity to debt, recorded on the assets side of a bank's balance sheet. It should not be tangled with

reserve requirements, which administrate the liabilities side of a bank's balance sheet in particular.

Banks capital generates liquidity for the bank since deposits are most vulnerable to liquidity risk and

prone to bank runs. Larger bank capital reduces the chance of financial distress. Adequacy of the

capital of the financial institution is calculated by the capital adequacy ratio (CAR). “CAR ratio tells

the internal strength of the bank to tolerate losses during the liquidity crisis. Capital adequacy is seen as

a tool that restrictive excessive risk taking of bank shareholders with limited liability and, thus,

promoting optimal risk sharing between bank owners and investors. On the other hand, in insolvency

crises, capital adequacy regulation is viewed as a buffer against, limiting the costs of financial distress

by reducing the probability of insolvency” (Nyaundi, 2015)

In the meantime, liquidity is a major risk factor in banks, and it seems logical that banks should set

aside capital resources to mitigate this risk. There is proof that this is already being done by banks. If

banks indigenize the capital decision, they will always hold capital reserves above those needed by the

minimum quantity of regulatory capital to cushion against liquidity shocks. However, the fact that

banks set aside liquidity reserves reflects the challenges of adopting a prevalent legislative strategy to

handling their liquidity risk.

2.5.2 Net interest margin

“The net interest margin (NIM) is used as a performance metric for financial institutions. Theoretically,

This is a ratio that every bank uses because banks are engaged in the business of taking deposits from

investors and then using the same deposit (money) to earn interests in other investments, Higher net

interest margin denotes more profitable the bank” (Vaidya,

“Net interest margin denotes the net interest income (difference between the interest income earned and

the interest paid) by a bank or financial institution relative to its interest earning assets like cash and

reserve balances with central reserve bank, due from banks, trading and available for sale securities also

include non-liquid assets (mainly other financial assets designated at fair value, held to maturity

investments and gross loans) and the interest earning mechanisms of other assets” (Retrieved from

“The statistical results showed that there is a negative and statistically significant effect of the clients'

deposits (liquidity) on the NIM. This shows that the banks raise the interest rates on deposits in case

these declined. Consequently, the NIM declines. To compensate for the increase in the interest rate on

deposits, the banks raise the interest rates on loans. This raising of the interest rates increases the NIM

more the higher loans to deposits ratio, the increase in the interest rates on loans may exceed the

increase in the interest rates on paid on deposits; therefore the NIM may increase” (Obeid & Adeinat,


“If the banks have a high amount of liquidity ratio, this means that the bank does not utilize this amount

as a loan. That is to say; this bank does not get interest income from these liquid assets. Due to this

state, there should be a negative relationship between liquidity ratio and net interest margin” (Yuksel &

Zengin, 2017).

“Banks with more significant financing gap, absence stability and cheap funding, and they rely on

liquid assets and outside funding to meet their obligations. Conversely, there was a positive relationship

between liquidity risk and Net Interest Margin, which in opposing indicated that banks with high levels

of illiquid assets, may receive higher income through interest than more liquid banks” (Kalanidis,


“The amount of liquid assets increases, a bank's liquidity risks decreases, leading to a lesser liquidity

premium component of the net interest margin (NIM). This indicates that liquidity and liquidity

premium component of the interest rate margin goes in the opposite direction” (Tesfaye, 2012).

Conventional banks earned interest from the borrowers and provide interest to the lenders. The change

among the interest income and interest expenses constitutes net interest income, and the net interest

income is divided by the total asset to calculate net interest margin. In the study, there was an effort to

regulate the effect of liquidity risk ratios to NIM of the conventional banks. After analyzing the

financial data of the banks, it was found that there was a significant influence of liquidity risk on the

NIM of the selected banks. “NIM had a positive relationship with the loan to deposit, Cash to Asset,

and Loan to Asset, where the most significant relationship existed between Loan to Deposit and Net

Interest Margin. It indicated that the more loan and advances provided compared to collect the deposit

from customers the higher the Net Interest Margin of the banks” (Chowdhury et al., 2016)

2.5.3 Return on Equity

“Return on equity (ROE) is a crucial measure of financial performance calculated by dividing net

income (the amount of income that is net of expenses and taxes that a company makes for a given

period) by shareholders' equity (Total average common stock equity for a given period). Because

shareholders' equity is equal to a company's assets minus its liabilities” (Hargrave, 2019, ROE. “This ratio is affected by the level of capitalization of the financial institution and

measures the capability to expand capital internally (increase net worth) and pay a dividend”

(, 2015).

Liquidity restricts a bank from investing all its cash though profitability comes from either investing it

or bank loaning activities. Since banks need to be profitable by shareholders demands and liquid by

legal regulations, there are fundamental battles between the profitability and liquidity and the need to

balance both. Therefore, banks should always act a stability between liquidity and profitability to fulfill

shareholders' wealth as well as the regulator. There is a trade-off between profitability and liquidity in

that increase in either one would decrease the other, which mean more liquidity implies less

profitability, profitability will be enhanced for banks that hold some liquid assets, but not so much to

hold that liquid assets reduce a banks' profitability. That is consistent with standard finance theory,

which underlines the adverse relation of liquidity and profitability. “It is constructed after study when a

bank desires to sacrifice liquidity to achieve higher profitability, which in turn increases the liquidity

risk and liquidity ratio. Liquidity need is a constraint for a bank from investing all its cash as profit

comes from either bank loaning activities or by investing it” (Choon et al., 2013)

Kalanidis (2016) studied on European banks liquidity impact on profitability found that “liquidity

metrics cash and due from Banks and total customer deposits, were found to have a negative

relationship on return on equity, providing support that the opportunity cost of holding low yield assets

and on the other hand holding deposits which cannot be invested appropriately, comes to dominate the

increased resilience of the banks due to increased liquidity”

The fact that an excessive bank's asset liquidity keeps safe it from illiquidity, but likely it can reduce

the bank's profit because of the lesser amount available for the offering the financial services. It is

constructed after the result that, the estimation in which the return on assets and return on equity is

regressed on the liquidity holdings ratio, the finding shows that the relationship takes the form of a

quadratic function with a downward concave parabolic due to the insufficient amount of fund. This

result is reliable with the idea that is funding market reward banks for holding some liquid assets, but at

some point, this benefit is outweighed by the opportunity cost of holding such low yielding cash and

cash equivalent assets. “Eventually, unnecessary liquidity asset holdings do offer safety to the bank, but

it will give lower returns. Excessive holding on liquidity lessens excess fund for financing and

consequently will catch up the bank from getting any profit. Hence, bank portfolio management should

consider and develop a strategy and liquidity plan that able to balance the acceptable profit and risks”

(Abu Bakar et al., 2018)

Contrary to most of the studies, chowdary & Zaman (2018) studied on Bangladeshi Islamic bank found

impact to Return on Equity of loan to deposit ratio and risky liquid asset to total asset are positively

related with return on equity that indicates liquidity indicators loan to deposit ratio, risky liquid asset to

total asset have no relation with Bank performance (ROA and ROE).

2.5.4 Loan Loss provision

Bank lending to borrowers rises to credit default risk if debtors are unable to repay the principal or

interest on the loan facility due to adverse economic conditions. To alleviate credit risk, banks will set

separately a specific amount as a reserve to absorb expected loss on banks' loan portfolio, and this

amount is referred to as loan loss provisions (PTLRs).

“A loan loss provision is an expense set aside doubtful uncollected loans and loan payments. This loan

loss provision is used to cover several factors related with potential loan losses, including bad loans,

customer defaults, and renegotiated terms of a loan that incur lower than previously estimated

payments” (Kagan, 2019, Inflation,

There is a significant relationship between bank performance and asset quality. Loans and advances,

loan loss provisions and non-performing loans are significant variables in determining asset quality of

a bank and banks are more worried because “loans are generally among the riskiest of all assets and

can, therefore, be endangered their liquidity position and lead to distress” (Abata, 2014)

Roman and sargu (2014) studied in Romanian and Bulgarian banks revealed that impaired loans play a

vital role in the manner banks manage their liquidity, and there is a significant connection exist

between liquidity indicator and impaired loan to gross loan ratio, in order to reduce to liquidity risk

banks must avoid an increase of the impaired loan.

The quality of assets related to provision to loan represents the potential credit risk connected with the

loan. It is considered one of the most critical variables that determine the bank's general situation. It is

considered one of the most critical variables that determine the bank's general situation. “Based on the

outcomes between bank loans and liquidity, banks should balance the principle of keeping an adequate

amount of liquidity in the bank and funding and investment activities” (Sayedahmed, 2018).

Loan loss provision is the provision set aside for doubtful loans. The ratio is calculated as the provision

expense over the gross amount of investment loss provision as a proxy for credit risk (Rashid et al.,

2017), in their study found that there is existence of a negative relationship between the loan loss

provision and two ratios of liquidity; cash to assets and investment to assets and the larger banks carry

smaller cash liquidity while their long term liquidity is also affected adversely as they invest a lot in

loans. Larger amount of loan loss provisions reduces both short and long term liquidity. Thus, larger

amount of loan losses negatively affects the profitability of the banks and trenca et. al (2015) in their

study used provision to loan proxy impact on liquidity and found that provision for loan loss has

eventually become non-performing loan due to an increase in unemployment, and this can be

translated to lowering bank liquidity.

Superior asset quality is crucial for building up liquidity; it is measured by the ratio of the provision of

a loan to total loan. “Asset quality has a positive effect on the liquidity of banks, i.e., the greater asset

quality ratio is, the higher liquidity ratio is, or the worse asset quality of a bank is, the more liquid the

bank will be. However, there is a negative relationship between asset quality and liquidity. This means

the growth of non-performing loan reduces the level of liquid assets of banks” (Assfaw, 2019).

2.5.5 Cost to Income

“Cost to income ratio is an efficiency indicator; it is measured by operating expense as a percentage of

operating income, is used to gauge efficiency and productivity for banks. Lower ratios generally

indicate the best performance and higher efficiency of banks because the lower ratio shows that it

requires less cost to produce every dollar of revenue. Theoretically, an optimum efficiency ratio is 50

percent, but banks often end up with higher figures. At 50 percent, $1 of expenses results in $2 of

revenue” (Pritchard, 2019.

Bank requires to improve its attempts to balance risk & efficiency and satisfy both shareholders and

depositors by maximizing profit and ensuring investment return at any moment operational efficiency

is the ability to produce services and products with cost effectively without sacrificing quality,

operational efficiency occurs when the right combination of people, process, and technology come

together to improve the productivity and value of any business operation while driving down the cost to

a minimum level.

Akhtar (2018) studied on Bangladeshi banks found that negative relationship between liquidity ratio

and operating efficiency which explains that bank has less liquidity risk as high loan to asset ratio

causes liquidity risk for banks and loan to deposit ratio as a proxy of liquidity found positive

relationship with operating efficiency that means providing loan to customers from deposits increase

banks operational efficiency and liquid assets to total deposits shows negative relation with operational

efficiency, implies that bank's income generating capacity decreases with increase in the liquid assets.

Many studies have discovered that inefficiency is a cause of bank risk, as a proxy for efficiency cost to

income ratio have used in various studies, “high cost to income ratio means low cost efficiency which

is positively associated with an increase in non-performing loan, poor leadership, poor loan scoring

and tracking abilities” (Khoury, 2018).

Management efficiency is helpful for bank results. Above all, it is a qualitative factor that applies to

organizations separately or can be used collectively as an indicator of management. “The expense ratio,

earnings per employee, loan size, and cost of unit per lent money is used as an alternate of the

management efficiency. More indicators should be used to evaluate the efficiency of management like

operating expenses as a percentage of assets, the personal expense to average assets, and cost to income

ratio” (Ishaq et al., 2016).

Management efficiency is helpful for bank results. Above all, it is a qualitative factor that applies to

organizations separately or can be used collectively as an indicator of management. “The expense ratio,

earnings per employee, loan size, and cost of unit per lent money is used as an alternate of the

management efficiency. More indicators should be used to evaluate the efficiency of management like

operating expenses as a percentage of assets, the personal expense to average assets, and cost to income

ratio” (Ishaq et al., 2016).


Different researchers in Pakistan accompanied some researches. Akhtar, Ali & Sadaqat (2011) studied

the comparative study of liquidity risk management between conventional and Islamic banks of

Pakistan. Malik & Rafique (2013) studied of bank specific and macroeconomic factors on 26

commercial banks liquidity in Pakistan. Ahmed & Rasool (2017) studied on determinants of liquidity

of 37 commercial banks of Pakistan. Quaid, Imran, Sadaqat & Tahir (2018) studied on 34 banks to

check the factors affecting the liquidity of the banking sector of Pakistan.




In this part discussion is done on nature and type of research study along with an introduction to

targeted population, sampling technique and sample size. Furthermore, this study also processes with

construction of research model, hypotheses and data integration technique.


This research work has attempted to examine the connection between dependent and independent

variables by testing the hypotheses of the connection between bank liquidity and bank-specific and

macroeconomic factors that affect it.


3.3.1 ATAA. Advances to Total Aggregate Assets:

This ratio is an illustration of the amount of aggregate assets in illiquid operations such as loans that

the bank has linked up. The greater the value of the ratio, the greater the bank's illiquidity, this ratio

shows the aggressiveness of a bank's loan, which ultimately leads to good profitability.

ATAA = Advances / total Assets

3.3.2 LATTD. Liquid Assets to Total Deposits

The ratio is more attentive to the bank's sensitivity to selected funding kinds, including

household and corporate deposits, as well as banks and other economic and debt resources. It shows the

bank's weakness in comparison to these funding sources. The higher the value of the ratio and the

higher the capacity to absorb the liquidity shock.

LATD = Liquid Assets / Total Deposit


3.4.1 Capital Adequacy Ratio

The Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) is the ratio of the key capital of a bank to the assets and off-balance

liabilities weighted by the risk, the risk-based capital of the bank calculates it by the complete risk

weighted assets of the bank, then multiplies it by 100. According to the Pakistan Regulation, the

minimum amount of key capital compared to the risk weighted assets that banks should retain is 10%

CAR = Risk Based Capital / Risked Weighted Assets

3.4.2 Net Interest Margin

Net interest margin (NIM) is calculated as a proportion of average earning assets by net interest income

(investment revenue minus interest cost). It shows how the earning asset base was used by good

management (the denominator focuses exclusively on income-generating resources).

This performance metric shows how effective a bank manages its investment decision (primarily with

respect to its credit portfolio) compared with its debt commitments. The lower the NIM denotes a bank

with a large volume of non earning or low yielding assets and, negative NIM means the bank is giving

more interest payment to its liabilities holder than its generating from its investments. High NIM refers

to a favorable low interest rate environment or is the result of the bank moving from safe but low yield,

low yield securities to higher risk, higher yield and lower liquid loans or investment securities.

NIM = (Investment returns – interest expenses) / Average earning on assets

3.4.3 Return on Equity

Net income is calculated above the average equity of the shareholders. The average price of the equity

of the shareholders implies that it is used to capture any variations in the equity value during fiscal

years, this ratio demonstrates the profitability of a financial institution by showing the proportion of

profit produced by the shareholder's contribution relative to the invested cash

ROE = Net operating income after taxes / Total (average) equity (common stock) for a given fiscal


3.4.4 Provision to Loan

The provision for the loss of payments is the provision for doubtful loans. Loss allowance is a reserve

account set separately by management to cover the loan portfolio's estimate of losses (charge offs). The

loan loss account has an opening balance at the beginning of the year, and it receives additional

provisions based on actual losses and anticipated losses for the coming year.

PTLR = Loan Losses Provisions / Total Loans

3.4.5 Cost to Income

Cost to revenue ratio is described as operating expenses (non-interest costs, which are administrative

and fixed costs) divided by operating revenue (net interest revenue and non-interest earnings). The ratio

does not include credit loss provision costs because these costs represent the quality of prior decision

and not the bank's present results.

CTI = Operating cost / Operating income

3.4.6 GDP Growth Rate

The growth rate of GDP measures the rapid development of the economy. As a macroeconomic factor,

it also impacts bank liquidity. The theory of bank liquidity stated that banks became optimistic when

the economy boomed and increased their long-term investment and decreased holding of liquid assets

while the opposite during the era of recession.

GGR = (GDP in current period - GDP in the previous period) / GDP in the previous period *


3.4.7 Inflation

Inflation is the rate at which the overall price level of products and services increases, resulting in

currency purchasing power falling. The repayment of loans is impacted due to the growing inflation

debts, and savings are discouraged as cash is worth more today than in subsequent periods, affecting

bank liquidity. The consumer price index is a consumer inflation metric that utilizes an index number

and tracks price modifications in a representative commodity and service basket.

ICPI = Consumer price index = Price of a basket of goods and services in the current period / Price

of the basket in the base period * 100

3.4.8 Unemployment

Unemployment occurs when, while actively searching for it, a person cannot find job. Often,

unemployment is used as a measure of the economy's health. An increase in the unemployment rate can

be converted into an rise in unsuccessful loans, thus decreasing bank liquidity.

UR = Unemployed / Labor Force


The primary research hypothesis of this study is aimed at examining the significance and relationship

of bank specific and macroeconomic variables in explaining the liquidity of selected banks of Pakistan.

Bank specific factor includes the cost to income ratio, capital adequacy ratio, net interest margin, return

on equity, and provision to loan ratio. Macroeconomic factors include GDP growth rate, Inflation

consumer price index, and unemployment rate.

Capital adequacy ratio and bank liquidity

Author Year Proxies Effect

Malik & Rafique 2011 CAR = “Share of own capital on total Negative
assets of the bank”
L1 = “Cash and cash equivalents to total
assets”, L2 = “Advances net of provisions
to total assets”
Ahmed & Rasool 2017 CAR = “Shareholder’s equity to total Positive
L1 = “Liquid assets to total assets”
Akhtar, Ali & Sadaqat 2011 CAR = “Tier 1 Capital + Tier 2 Capital / Positive
Risk Weighted Assets“
L1 = “Cash to total asset“

Shah et al 2018 CAR = “Tier 1 capital“ Positive,
L1 = “Liquid asset to total asset“, L2 = Negative
“total loan to total deposit“
Singh & Sharma 2015 CAR = “capital adequacy ratio Tier I“ Positive
L1 = “Liquid asset to total asset“

H1= Capital adequacy has negative and significant impact on banks liquidity

Net interest margin and bank liquidity

Author Year Proxies Effect

Ghenimi & Omri 2015 NIM = “interest income to earning assets“ Positive
L1 = “liquid asset to total asset“
Obeid & Adeinat 2017 L1 = “Loan to total asset“ Positive
NIM = “difference between credit interest
rates (on loans) and debit interest rates
(on deposits) divided by total asset“.
Yuksel & Zengin 2017 NIM = “net interest income to total assets“ Positive
L1 = “Total loans to total assets“, L2 =
“Cash to total asset“

Chowdhury et al 2016 NIM = “Net interest income is divided by Positive

total asset“, L1 = “cash to total asset“, L2
= “loan to total asset“, L3 = “loan to
Kalanidis 2016 NIM = “interest income to earning assets“, Positive
L1 = “Cash to total assets“, L2 = “net loan
to total assets“

H2= Net interest margin has positive and significant impact on banks liquidity

Return on equity and bank liquidity

Author Year Proxies Effect

Malik & Rafique 2013 ROE = “Share of net profit on banks’ own Negative,
capital“, L1. “Liquid asset total asset“, L2. Positive
“Advances to total asset “

Roman & Sargu 2013 ROAE = “Net Income / Avg Negative
Stockholders' Equity“, L1 = “total loan/
total banking asset“
Abdullah & Khan 2012 L1 = “Capital to total assets“, ROE = Negative
“Earnings available to common
stockholder to total equity“
Vodova 2011 ROE = “Share of net profit on banks´ Positive
equity“, L1 = “Loan to total asset“, L2 =
“Liquid assets to deposit“,
Kalanidis 2016 ROAE = “Net Income / Avg Stockholders' Negative,
Equity“, L1 = “Cash to total assets“, L2 = Negative
“net loan to total assets“

H3= Return on equity has negative and significant impact on banks liquidity

Cost to income and bank liquidity

Author Year Proxies Effect

Nazmoon Akhter 2018 CTI = “Operating income to operating Negative,
expense“, L1 = “Loan to total asset“, L2 = Negative
“Liquid assets to total deposit“
Khoury 2018 CTI = “Operating Expenses / Interest and Negative
Non Interest Income“
L1 = “Risk Weighted Assets/Total Assets“

H4= Cost to income has negative and significant impact on banks liquidity

Provision to loan and bank liquidity

Author Year Proxies Effect

Chaarani 2018 PL = “Loan provision to total loan“, L1 = Negative,
“Total loan to total assets“ , L2 = “Total Postive
loan to total deposit“
Sayedahmed 2018 PL = “Loan Loss Provision/Gross Loans“, Postive,
L1 = “liquid asset to short term liabilities“, Negative

L2 = “Loan to deposit“
Assfawa 2018 PL = “Loan losses provision to total loan“, Negative
L1 = “Liquid assets to customers’ deposit“,
L2 = “loan to customers’ deposit“

H5= Provision to Loan has Positive and significant impact on banks liquidity

GDP growth rate (GGR) and bank liquidity

Author Year Proxies Effect

Ahmed & Rasool 2017 GGR = “Annual growth rate of GDP“, L1 Positive
= “Liquid assets to total assets“
Ferrouhi & Lehadiri 2013 GGR = “Annual growth rate of GDP“, L1 Negative
= “Loan to total asset“, L2 = “Liquid assets
to total deposit“
Vodova 2011 GGR = “Annual growth rate of GDP“, L1 Negative
= “Loan to total asset“, L2 =“ Liquid assets
to deposit“,
Shah et al 2018 GGR = “Annual growth rate of GDP“ , Positive,
L1 = “Liquid asset to total asset“, L2 = Negative
“total loan to total deposit“
Choon et al 2013 GGR = “Annual growth rate of GDP“ , Negative
L1 = “liquid assets to deposits“, L2 =
“loans divide by total assets“

H6= GDP Growth rate has negative and significant impact on banks liquidity

Inflation (CPI) and bank liquidity

Author Year Proxies Effect

Ahmed & Rasool 2017 ICPI = “Consumer price index“, L1 = Positive
“Liquid assets to deposit“,
Sheefeni1 & Jacob M. 2016 ICPI = “Consumer price index“, L1 = Negative
Nyambe “Loan to total assets“
Malik & Rafique 2013 ICPI = “Consumer price index“, L1 Negative
“Advances to total asset“
Audo 2014 ICPI = “Consumer price index“ L1 = Negative

“Liquid assets to deposit“

H7= Inflation CPI has negative and significant impact on banks liquidity

Unemployment and bank liquidity

Author Year Proxies Effect

Singh & Sharma 2016 UR = “Unemployment rate“. L1 = “liquid Positive
asset to total asset“
Doris Madhi 2017 UR = “Unemployment rate“. L1 = “Loan Negative
to Asset“
Vodova 2013 UR = “Unemployment rate“. L1 = “Liquid Negative
asset deposit“
Ferrouhi & Lehadiri 2013 UR = “Unemployment rate“, L1 = “Loan Negative
to total asset“, L2 = “Liquid assets to total

H8= Unemployment has negative and insignificant impact on banks liquidity

Summary of Independent variables and their expected effect on the dependent variables

Independent variables Proxies and Definition Expected effect

Capital Adequacy Ratio Risk Based Capital / Risked Weighted Negative

Net Interest Margin Investment returns –interest expenses) / Positive
Average earning on assets

Return on Equity Net operating income after taxes / Total Negative

(average) equity (common stock) for a
given fiscal year

Provision to Loan Loan Losses Provisions / Total Loans Negative

Cost to income Operating cost / Operating income Negative

GDP Growth Rate (GDP in current period GDP in the Negative

previous period) / GDP in the previous
period * 100
Inflation CPI Price of a basket of goods and services in Negative
the current period / Price of the basket in the
base period * 100
Unemployment Unemployed / Labor Force Negative


This research work is quantitative and secondary in nature because in this valuable contribution focus

on banking firms operating in Pakistan and has found with published annual reports with financial

statement. These reports have found with valuable information and numeric information to support

nature of research selected for present work. In addition, secondary data has found more reliable and

authenticated as compare to primary data as it is based on well calculated and authenticated techniques

along with valid check before publication. Furthermore, secondary data has found an easy approach to

gather and consolidated to perform study within shorter period of time as compare to primary data. At

last, the nature of present work and selection of variables is more suited toward collection of secondary

information as compare to primary data hence based on all these justification selection of secondary

data has rationalized.


This work has adopted with explanatory research approach as concern of this research work is to

determine the influence of designated self-determining variables i.e. bank specific and macroeconomic

specific variables on determining variables i.e. LATTD and ATAA for conventional and Islamic

financial institutions in Pakistan. This approach has found valuable contribution to computer fringe

influence of apiece designated self-determining variables on determining variables respectively.

Furthermore, this approach has also found mostly favorable for financial data to explain and interpret

constructed models.


Focused population of present work is based on banking firms operating in Pakistan in both

conventional and Islamic segment. It has reported that there are around 15 private financial institutions,

6 public sector financial institutions, 13 Islamic financial institutions of which 4 have only pure Islamic

banking operations. This represents targeted population of present work.


This study has adopted with random sampling technique with pre condition of conventional and Islamic

banking operations. Random sampling technique has found with no biasness and ensure authenticity of

research study without personal preference.


The size of approached elements for present work is based of 5 conventional financial institutions and 4

Islamic financial institutions with collection of data for period from 2009 to 2018. In addition,

macroeconomic data has also collection for same time period.


Research Model of present work are as follow:

ATAA = η0 + η1 CTI + η2 CAR + η3 NIM + η4 ROE + η5 PTLR → eq. 1

LATTD = η0 + η1 CTI + η2 CAR + η3 NIM + η4 ROE + η5 PTLR → eq. 2

ATAA = η0 + η1 GGR + η2 ICPI + η3 UR → eq. 3

LATTD = η0 + η1 GGR + η2 ICPI + η3 UR → eq. 4


ATAA = Advances to Total Assets

LATTD = Liquid Assets to Total Deposits

CTI = Cost to Income

CAR = Capital Adequacy Ratio

NIM = Net Income Margin

ROE = Return on Equity

PTLR = Provision to Loan Ratio

GGR = GDP Growth Rate

ICPI = Inflation CPI

UR = Unemployment Rate


This study has adopted with descriptive statistics and panel regression techniques for bank specific

models as collected information has both time series and cross sectional attributes. As cross section

attribute data has more than one banking institutions while as time series data has collected for more

than one year. Furthermore, macroeconomic specific model has applied ash multivariate regression

technique as determining variables are averaged for the industry i.e. conventional banking industry and

Islamic banking industry. In addition, different statistical techniques are applied to test for assumptions

of multi collinearity, autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity.




This piece of investigation process with the application of selected statistical techniques on collected

secondary data, compiled in excel file, using statistical software i.e. E Views to get results and test

hypotheses. Furthermore, results are also interpreted to determine or identify significant or in

significant variables along with their marginal impacts.


It is obvious from numeric outcomes mentioned below that mean number of CTI is 0.602 with standard

deviation of 0.203, min number of 0.263 and extreme number of 0.946. It is also obvious from numeric

outcomes mentioned below that mean number of CAR is 0.158 with standard deviation of 0.030, min

number of 0.103 and extreme number of 0.222. Furthermore, the mean number of PTLR is 0.049 with

standard deviation of 0.051, min number of 0.000 and extreme number of 0.175. Similarly, the mean

number of NIM is 0.038 with standard deviation of 0.012, min number of 0.022 and extreme number of

0.070. In addition, the mean number of ROE is 0.189 with standard deviation of 0.105, min number of

0.319 and extreme number of 0.393. However, the mean number of LATTD is 0.148 with standard

deviation of 0.040, min number of 0.072 and extreme number of 0.227. Furthermore, the mean number

of ATAS is 0.395 with standard deviation of 0.076, min number of 0.287 and extreme number of 0.588.

In continuation, the mean number of inflation is 8.27 with standard deviation of 4.05, min number of

2.53 and extreme number of 13.88. Similarly, the mean number of GDP growth rate is 0.60 with

standard deviation of 1.98, min number of 0.93 and extreme number of 6.15. Finally, the mean number

of unemployment is5.91 with standard deviation of 0.20, min number of 5.50 and extreme number of


Table 4.0

Descriptive Statistics


Mean 0.19 0.04 0.16 0.05 0.60 0.15 0.40

Standard Deviation 0.10 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.20 0.04 0.08
Minimum (0.32) 0.02 0.10 0.00 0.26 0.07 0.29
Maximum 0.39 0.07 0.22 0.17 0.95 0.23 0.59


Mean 0.28 0.03 0.14 0.01 0.98 0.11 0.58

Standard Deviation 0.21 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.52 0.11 0.68
Minimum (0.10) 0.01 0.10 0.00 0.33 0.01 0.26
Maximum 0.74 0.05 0.26 0.05 3.64 0.78 4.70
Macroeconomics % Inflation (CPI) GDP Growth Rate
Mean 8.27 3.75 5.91
Standard Deviation 4.05 1.43 0.2
Minimum 2.53 0.4 5.5
Maximum 13.88 5.4 6.1



4.3.1. Panel Regression Model 1

As data collected for conventional bank is panel in nature having both cross sectional and time series

aspects hence applied with panel regression technique. It is obvious from regression output, as

mentioned below, that overall research construct is acceptable at 5 percentage acceptability level with

acceptability number of 0.000. Furthermore, the number of F-statistics is also higher than 5 i.e. 8.34

that also supports the consideration of “Simple Panel Regression that is actually depicting the impact of

CTI, CAR, NIM, ROE and PTLR on ATAA. Furthermore, investigation reveals that coefficient

numbers of CAR and NIM are only significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability

number of 0.000 and 0000 respectively while coefficient numbers of CTI, ROE and PTLR are not

significant at even 10 percent level of acceptability with coefficient numbers of 0.653, 0.750 and 0.867

respectively. This model is now applied with basic assumption test of regression model to determine

that either this model those requirements or not. Those basic econometric assumption tests include test

for multi collinearity, heteroscedasticity and auto correlation.

Table 4.1

“Simple Panel Regression Model: 1

Determining Variable: ADV_TO_AGGREGATE_ASST
Method: Panel Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Periods included: 10
Cross sections included: 5
Aggregate panel (balanced) “Simple Panel Regression Model 50

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t Statistic Prob.

CAR -2.063928 0.479274 -4.306359 0.0001

CTI 0.032176 0.071077 0.452693 0.6530

NIM 4.778875 0.908846 5.258177 0.0000

PTLR 0.052507 0.312472 0.168037 0.8673

ROE -0.029250 0.091507 -0.319644 0.7508

C 0.523081 0.084596 6.183287 0.0000

R squared 0.486764 Mean determining var 0.395200

Adjusted R squared 0.428442 S.D. determining var 0.076990
S.E. of regression 0.058206 Akaike info criterion -2.737496
Sum squared resid 0.149068 Schwarz criterion -2.508054
Log likelihood 74.43741 Hannan Quinn criter. -2.650123
F-statistic 8.346113 Durbin Watson stat 0.835379

Prob (F-statistic) 0.000013

4.3.2. Panel Regression Model 1 Multi Collinearity Test

Correlation matrix has used to determine the factor of multi collinearity within panel regression model

1 among different determining and self-determining variables. As general criteria for testing multi

collinearity is that if the number of correlation is higher than 0.95 than it reveals presence of multi

collinearity otherwise there is no serious issue pertaining to it. It is obvious from table, mentioned

below, that there is no serious element of multi collinearity among different variables as all correlation

numbers are below 0.95 hence reject the presence of multi collinearity within mentioned model.

Table 4.2
“Simple Panel Regression Model: 1 – Multi collinearity Test


ATAA 1 -0.391 - 0.315 0.255 0.327 -0.121

CAR -0.391 1 0.608 0.561 -0.713 0.428

CTI -0.315 0.608 1 0.169 0.793 0.151

NIM 0.255 0.561 0.169 1 0.316 0.363

PTLR 0.327 -0.713 -0.793 -0.316 1 -0.332

ROE -0.121 0.428 0.151 0.363 -0.332 1

4.3.3. Panel Regression Model 1 Heteroscedasticity Test

In this part panel regression model 1 has applied with test for heteroscedasticity i.e. Koenker Bassett

(KB) test to determine the existence or non-existence of the phenomenon. In this model error term of

model is extracted along with fitted number from panel regression model 1 that has than applied with as

per basic requirement of KB test. The table 4.3 is the output of KB test based regression model.

In this step, coefficient number of square of fitted number is test with Wald test to determine that either

coefficient number is acceptability or not. It has found clearly from table 4.4 that coefficient number is

not significant at event 10 percent level of acceptability with acceptability number of 0.1693 as obvious

from chi square.

4.3.4. Panel Regression Model 1 Auto Correlation Test

Durbin Watson is commonly used test for auto correlation. It has already extracted in table 4.1. the

benchmark number is 2 for the test but in results as expressed in table 4.1 that number is less than 2 i.e.

0.835 hence depicts presence of serial correlation hence necessary to be applied with remedial methods

to overcome this factors to extracted model. White cross section correction in commonly used remedial

used to perform this requirement as already applied and mentioned below in table 4.5. It is obvious

from table that overall research construct is acceptable at 5 percentage acceptability level with

acceptability number of 0.000 with F-statistics number also higher than 5 i.e. 28.32 hence support the

consideration of auto correlation corrected model. Furthermore, coefficient numbers of CAR, NIM and

ROE are significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability numbers of 0.000, 0.000 and

0.001 respectively while coefficient numbers of CTI and PTLR are not significant at even 10 percent

level of acceptability with acceptability number of 0.304 and 0.235 respectively. It is also obvious from

numeric outcomes mentioned below that CAR determines negatively and ROE determines negatively

ATAA while NIM determines positively ATAA of conventional financial institutions operating in

Pakistan. Marginal impact of NIM is relatively superior followed by CAR and ROE.



4.4.1. Panel Regression Model 2

As data collected for conventional bank is panel in nature having both cross sectional and time series

aspects hence applied with panel regression technique. It is obvious from regression output, as

mentioned below, that overall research construct is acceptable at 5 percentage acceptability level with

acceptability number of 0.014. Furthermore, the number of F-statistics is 3.23 that also support the

consideration of “Simple Panel Regression that is actually depicting the impact of CAR, CTI, NIM,

ROE and PTLR on LATTD. Furthermore, investigation reveals that coefficient numbers of CAR are

only significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability number of 0.00 while coefficient

number of CTI, PTLR, NIM and ROE are not significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with

acceptability number of 0.164, 0.102, 0.084 and 0.396 respectively hence not found with significant

impact on liquid assets to aggregate deposit.

CAR has found with negative impact on liquid assets to aggregate deposit with coefficient numbers of

1.08. This model is now applied with basic assumption test of regression model to determine that either

this model those requirements or not. Those basic econometric assumption tests include test for multi

collinearity, heteroscedasticity and auto correlation.

Table 4.6
“Simple Panel Regression Model: 2
Determining Variable: LATTD
Method: Panel Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Periods included: 10
Cross sections included: 5
Aggregate panel (balanced) observations”: 50
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t Statistic Prob.

CAR -1.087548 0.302560 -3.594487 0.0008
CTI 0.063445 0.044870 1.413974 0.1644
PTLR -0.328836 0.197260 -1.667025 0.1026
NIM 1.013253 0.573744 1.766038 0.0843
ROE 0.049450 0.057767 0.856033 0.3966
C 0.249963 0.053404 4.680576 0.0000

R squared 0.269031 Mean determining var 0.148400

Adjusted R squared 0.185966 S.D. determining var 0.040726
S.E. of regression 0.036745 Akaike info criterion -3.657484
Sum squared resid 0.059407 Schwarz criterion -3.428041
Log likelihood 97.43709 Hannan Quinn criter. -3.570111
F-statistic 3.238812 Durbin Watson stat 0.732427
Prob (F-statistic) 0.014151
4.4.2. Panel Regression Model 2 Multi collinearity Test

Correlation matrix has used to determine the factor of multi collinearity within panel regression model

2 among different determining and self-determining variables. As general criteria for testing multi

collinearity is that if the number of correlation is higher than 0.95 than it reveals presence of multi

collinearity otherwise there is no serious issue pertaining to it. It is obvious from table, mentioned

below, that there is no serious element of multi collinearity among different variables as all correlation

numbers are below 0.95 hence reject the presence of multi collinearity within mentioned model.

Table 4.7
“Simple Panel Regression Model: 2 – Multi collinearity Test

LATTD 1 0.067 -0.220 0.0717 -0.1013 0.2204

NIM 0.0670 1 -0.3161 0.3638 0.5612 0.1697

PTLR -0.220 -0.3161 1 -0.3322 -0.7136 -0.7931

ROE 0.0717 0.3638 -0.3322 1 0.4288 0.1515

CAR -0.1013 0.5612 -0.7136 0.4288 1 0.6082

CTI 0.2204 0.1697 -0.7931 0.1515 0.6082 1

4.4.3. Panel Regression Model 2 Heteroscedasticity Test

In this part panel regression model 2 has applied with test for heteroscedasticity i.e. Koenker Bassett

(KB) test to determine the existence or non-existence of the phenomenon. In this model error term of

model is extracted along with fitted number from panel regression model 2 that has than applied with as

per basic requirement of KB test. The table 4.8 is the output of KB test based regression model.

In this step, coefficient number of square of fitted number is test with Wald test to determine that either

coefficient number is acceptability or not. It has found clearly from table 4.9 that coefficient number is

not significant at event 10 percent level of acceptability with acceptability number of 0.6711 as obvious

from chi square therefore reject element of heteroscedasticity.

4.4.4. Panel Regression Model 2 Auto Correlation Test

Durbin Watson is commonly used test for auto correlation. It has already extracted in table 4.6. The

benchmark number is 2 for the test but in results as expressed in table 4.6 that number is less than 2 i.e.

0.73 hence depicts presence of serial correlation hence necessary to be applied remedial methods

overcome this factors to extracted model. White cross section correction in commonly used remedial

used to perform this requirement as already applied and mentioned below in table 4.10. It is obvious

from numeric outcomes mentioned below that overall research construct is acceptable at 5 percentage

acceptability level with acceptability number of 0.000 with F-statistics number also higher than 5 i.e.

5.70 hence support the consideration of auto correlation corrected model. Furthermore, coefficient

numbers of CAR, PTLR and NIM are significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability

numbers of 0.001, 0.002, 0.000 and 0.018 respectively while coefficient numbers of CTI and ROE are

not significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability number of 0.0748 and 0.333

respectively. It is also obvious from numeric outcomes mentioned below that CAR and PTLR

determines negatively liquid assets to aggregate deposit ratio with coefficient number of 0.93 and 0.34

respectively while NIM determines liquid assets to aggregate deposit ratio positively with coefficient

number of 1.13.



4.5.1. Panel Regression Model 3

As data collected for Islamic bank is panel in nature having both cross sectional and time series aspects

hence applied with panel regression technique. It is obvious from regression output, as mentioned

below, that overall model is not even significant at 10 percent level of acceptability with acceptability

number of 0.893. Furthermore, the number of F-statistics is also lower than 5 i.e. 0.325 that also does

not support the consideration of “Simple Panel Regression. This model is now applied with basic

assumption test of regression model. Those basic econometric assumption tests include test for multi

collinearity, heteroscedasticity and auto correlation.

Table 4.11

“Simple Panel Regression Model: 3

Determining Variable: Advances to Aggregate Assets

Method: Panel Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Periods included: 10
Cross sections included: 4
Aggregate panel (balanced) observations”: 40

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t Statistic Prob.

CAR -0.398267 3.819515 -0.104272 0.9176

CTI -0.068373 0.334726 -0.204266 0.8394
NIM -8.541360 17.43163 -0.489992 0.6273
PTLR -10.20723 13.72852 -0.743505 0.4623
ROE 0.066312 0.625934 0.105941 0.9163
C 1.040758 0.754042 1.380239 0.1765

R squared 0.045710 Mean determining var 0.576500

Adjusted R squared -0.094626 S.D. determining var 0.676490
S.E. of regression 0.707774 Akaike info criterion 2.284096
Sum squared resid 17.03208 Schwarz criterion 2.537428
Log likelihood -39.68192 Hannan Quinn criter. 2.375693
F-statistic 0.325718 Durbin Watson stat 2.270144
Prob (F-statistic) 0.893957

4.5.2. Panel Regression Model 3 Multi Collinearity Test

Correlation matrix has used to determine the factor of multi collinearity within panel regression model

3 among different determining and self-determining variables. As general criteria for testing multi

collinearity is that if the number of correlation is higher than 0.95 than it reveals presence of multi

collinearity otherwise there is no serious issue pertaining to it. It is obvious from table, mentioned

below, that there is no serious element of multi collinearity among different variables as all correlation

numbers are below 0.95 hence reject the presence of multi collinearity within mentioned model.

Table 4.12
“Simple Panel Regression Model: 3 – Multi collinearity Test



Advances to 1 -0.087 -0.085 -0.063 -0.186 0.035
CAR -0.087 1 -0.138 0.396 0.142 -0.213

CTI -0.0854 -0.1388 1 -0.535 0.583 -0.0105

NIM -0.0638 0.396 -0.535 1 -0.1688 0.2279

PTLR -0.1861 0.1424 0.5831 -0.1688 1 -0.2191

ROE 0.0355 -0.213 -0.0105 0.2279 -0.2191 1

4.5.3. Panel Regression Model 3 Heteroscedasticity Test

In this part panel regression model 3 has applied with test for heteroscedasticity i.e. Koenker Bassett

(KB) test to determine the existence or non-existence of the phenomenon. In this model error term of

model is extracted along with fitted number from panel regression model 3 that has than applied with as

per basic requirement of KB test. The table 4.13 is the output of KB test based regression model.

In this step, coefficient number of square of fitted number is test with Wald test to determine that either

coefficient number is acceptability or not. It has found clearly from table 4.14 that coefficient number is

not significant at event 10 percent level of acceptability with acceptability number of 0.2495 as obvious

from chi square hence reject occurrence of heterokesdascity.

4.5.4. Panel Regression Model 3 Auto Correlation Test

Durbin Watson is commonly used test for auto correlation. It has already extracted in table 4.11. the

benchmark number is 2 for the test but in results as expressed in table 4.11 that number is higher than 2

i.e. 2.27 hence depicts presence of serial correlation therefore necessary to be applied remedial methods

to overcome this factors on extracted model. White cross section correction in commonly used remedial

used to perform this requirement as already applied and mentioned in table 4.15. It is obvious from

table that overall research construct is acceptable at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability

number of 0.008 hence support the consideration of auto correlation corrected model. The coefficient

number of PTLR and ROE are significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability number

of 0.0049 and 0.0296 respectively while coefficient number of CAR, CTI and NIM are not significant

at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability number of 0.555, 0.725 and 0.147 respectively.

Marginal impact of PTLR and ROE are negative 6.75 and positive 0.19 respectively.



4.6.1. Panel Regression Model 4

As data collected for Islamic bank is panel in nature having both cross sectional and time series aspects

hence applied with panel regression technique. It is obvious from regression output, as mentioned

below, that overall model is not even significant at 10 percent level of acceptability with acceptability

number of 0.395. Furthermore, the number of F-statistics is also lower than 5 i.e. 1.068 that also does

not support the consideration of “Simple Panel Regression. This model is now applied with basic

assumption test of regression model. Those basic econometric assumption tests include test for multi

collinearity, heteroscedasticity and auto correlation.

Table 4.16

“Simple Panel Regression Model: 4

Determining Variable: LATTD
Method: Panel Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Periods included: 10
Cross sections included: 4
Aggregate panel (balanced) observations”: 40

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t Statistic Prob.

NIM 1.568342 2.764649 0.567284 0.5742
PTLR -0.588933 2.177337 -0.270483 0.7884
ROE 0.136238 0.099273 1.372363 0.1789
CTI 0.016311 0.053087 0.307241 0.7605
CAR 0.702111 0.605773 1.159033 0.2545
C -0.093328 0.119591 -0.780392 0.4406

R squared 0.135741 Mean determining var 0.108500

Adjusted R squared 0.008644 S.D. determining var 0.112741
S.E. of regression 0.112253 Akaike info criterion -1.398650
Sum squared resid 0.428422 Schwarz criterion -1.145318
Log likelihood 33.97299 Hannan Quinn criter. -1.307053
F-statistic 1.068015 Durbin Watson stat 2.406338
Prob (F-statistic) 0.395182

4.6.2. Panel Regression Model 4 Multi Collinearity Test

Correlation matrix has used to determine the factor of multi collinearity within panel regression model

4 among different determining and self-determining variables. As general criteria for testing multi

collinearity is that if the number of correlation is higher than 0.95 than it reveals presence of multi

collinearity otherwise there is no serious issue pertaining to it. It is obvious from table, mentioned

below, that there is no serious element of multi collinearity among different variables as all correlation

numbers are below 0.95 hence reject the presence of *multi collinearity within mentioned model.

Table 4.12
“Simple Panel Regression Model: 4 – Multi collinearity Test
Liquid Assets NIM PTLR ROE CTI Ratio CAR
to Aggregate
Liquid Assets 1 0.2422 -0.0600 0.2480 -0.0599 0.1962
to Aggregate
NIM 0.2422 1 -0.1688 0.2279 -0.5352 0.3967

PTLR -0.0600 -0.1688 1 -0.2191 0.5831 0.1424

ROE 0.2480 0.2279 -0.2191 1 -0.0105 -0.2134

CTI Ratio -0.0599 -0.5352 0.5831 -0.0105 1 -0.1388

CAR 0.1962 0.3967 0.1424 -0.2134 -0.1388 1

4.6.3. Panel Regression Model 4 Heteroscedasticity Test

In this part panel regression model 4 has applied with test for heteroscedasticity i.e. Koenker Bassett

(KB) test to determine the existence or non-existence of the phenomenon. In this model error term of

model is extracted along with fitted number from panel regression model 4 that has than applied with as

per basic requirement of KB test. The table 4.18 is the output of KB test based regression model.

In this step, coefficient number of square of fitted number is test with Wald test to determine that either

coefficient number is acceptability or not. It has found clearly from table 4.19 that coefficient number is

significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability number of 0.0099 as obvious from chi

square hence accept occurrence of heterokesdascity.

4.6.4. Panel Regression Model 4 Auto Correlation Test

Durbin Watson is commonly used test for auto correlation. It has already extracted in table 4.16. the

benchmark number is 2 for the test but in results as expressed in table 4.16 that number is higher than 2

i.e. 2.40 hence depicts presence of serial correlation therefore necessary to be applied remedial methods

to overcome this factors on extracted model and also heterokesdascity. White cross section correction

in commonly used remedial used to perform this requirement as already applied and mentioned below

in table 4.20. It is obvious from table that overall model is not significant at 5 percentage acceptability

level with acceptability number of 0.44 hence does not support evidences in favor of the model.



4.7.1. Regression Model 5

Industry average has taken for ATAA for conventional financial institutions and treated with

macroeconomic variables within the regression model. It is obvious from table, mentioned below, that

overall research construct is acceptable at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability number of

0.000 and also the number of F-statistics is also higher than 5 i.e. 303 that also support the

consideration of the model. Furthermore, inflation, GDP growth rate and unemployment rate are

significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability number of 0.000, 0.0058 and 0.000

respectively. GDP growth rate and unemployment have found negative impact on ATAA while

inflation has found positive impact on ATAA. The marginal impact of unemployment is relatively

higher than as compare to other macroeconomic indicator with coefficient number of 0.79.

Table 4.21

“Simple Regression Model 5 – Autocorrelation Corrected Model

Determining Variable: ATAA
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
included observations”: 10

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t Statistic Prob.

GDP Growth -0.025320 0.006049 -4.185699 0.0058

Inflation CPI 0.054730 0.003382 16.18221 0.0000
Unemployment -0.794154 0.069779 -11.38104 0.0000

C 6.232209 0.428652 14.53908 0.0000

R squared 0.993444 Mean determining var 1.975880

Adjusted R squared 0.990166 S.D. determining var 0.321529
S.E. of regression 0.031884 Akaike info criterion -3.764226
Sum squared resid 0.006100 Schwarz criterion -3.643192
Log likelihood 22.82113 Hannan Quinn criter. -3.897000
F-statistic 303.0733 Durbin Watson stat 1.109219
Prob (F-statistic) 0.000001
4.7.2. Regression Model 5 Multi Collinearity Test

Correlation matrix has used to determine the factor of multi collinearity on regression model 5 among

different determining and self-determining variables. As general criteria for testing multi collinearity is

that if the number of correlation is higher than 0.95 than it reveals presence of multi collinearity

otherwise there is no serious issue pertaining to it. It is obvious from table, mentioned below, that there

is no serious element of multi collinearity among different variables as all correlation numbers are

below 0.95 hence reject the presence of multi collinearity within mentioned model.

Table 4.22

Simple Regression Model 5 – Multi collinearity Test

ATAA GDP Growth Rate Inflation CPI Unemployment Rate

ATAA 1 0.3298 0.9214 -0.8407

GDP Growth Rate 0.3298 1 0.4111 -0.4152

Inflation CPI 0.9214 0.4111 1 -0.6072

Unemployment Rate -0.8407 -0.4152 -0.6072 1

4.7.3. Regression Model 5 Heteroscedasticity Test

In this part regression model 5 has applied with test for heteroscedasticity i.e. Koenker Bassett (KB)

test to determine the existence or non-existence of the phenomenon. In this model error term of model

is extracted along with fitted number from regression model 5 that has than applied with as per basic

requirement of KB test. The table 4.23 is the output of KB test based regression model.

In this step, coefficient number of square of fitted number is test with Wald test to determine that either

coefficient number is acceptability or not. It has found clearly from table 4 that coefficient number is

not significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability number of 0.6579 as obvious from

chi square hence reject occurrence of heterokesdascity.

4.7.4. Regression Model 5 Auto Correlation Test

Durbin Watson is commonly used test for auto correlation. It has already extracted in table 4.21. the

benchmark number is 2 for the test but in results as expressed in table 4.21 that number is lower than 2

i.e. 1.10 hence depicts presence of serial correlation therefore necessary to be applied remedial methods

to overcome this factors on extracted model and also heterokesdascity. White cross section correction

in commonly used remedial used to perform this requirement as already applied and mentioned below

in table 4.25. It is obvious from table that overall research construct is acceptable at 5 percentage

acceptability level with acceptability number of 0.000 hence support the consideration of auto

correlation corrected model. Furthermore, coefficient numbers of GDP growth rate, inflation and

unemployment are significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability number of 0.000,

0.000 and 0.000 respectively. Furthermore, coefficient numbers of GDP growth rate, inflation and

unemployment are 0.025, 0.05 and 0.79 respectively that means GDP growth rate and unemployment

determine ATAA negatively while inflation rate determines ATAA positively. Marginal impact of

unemployment is higher as compare to other variables.



4.8.1. Regression Model 6

Industry average has taken for liquid assets to aggregate assets for conventional financial institutions

and treated with macroeconomic variables within the regression model. It is obvious from table,

mentioned below, that overall research construct is acceptable at 5 percentage acceptability level with

acceptability number of 0.02 and also the number of F-statistics is also higher than 5 i.e. 6.64 that also

support the consideration of the model. Furthermore, inflation has only significant impact on liquid

assets to aggregate deposit at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability number of 0.01 and

coefficient number of 0.02. In contrast, unemployment and GDP growth rate have not found significant

impact on LATTD at even 10 percent level of acceptability. This has applied with further applied with

econometric assumption tests.

Table 4.26

“Simple Regression Model 6

Determining Variable: Liquid Asset to Aggregate Deposit
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
included observations”: 10

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t Statistic Prob.

GDP Growth -0.005599 0.010773 -0.519702 0.6219

Inflation CPI 0.021193 0.006023 3.518474 0.0125
Unemployment -0.021256 0.124272 -0.171041 0.8698
C 0.695645 0.763407 0.911237 0.3973

R squared 0.768580 Mean determining var 0.741823

Adjusted R squared 0.652869 S.D. determining var 0.096379
S.E. of regression 0.056784 Akaike info criterion -2.609934
Sum squared resid 0.019347 Schwarz criterion -2.488900
Log likelihood 17.04967 Hannan Quinn criter. -2.742708

F-statistic 6.642282 Durbin Watson stat 1.970837
Prob (F-statistic) 0.024638

4.8.2. Regression Model 6 Multi Collinearity Test

Correlation matrix has used to determine the factor of multi collinearity on regression model 6 among

different determining and self-determining variables. As general criteria for testing multi collinearity is

that if the number of correlation is higher than 0.95 than it reveals presence of multi collinearity

otherwise there is no serious issue pertaining to it. It is obvious from table, mentioned below, that there

is no serious element of multi collinearity among different variables as all correlation numbers are

below 0.95 hence reject the presence of multi collinearity within mentioned model.

Table 4.27

Simple Regression Model 6 – Multi collinearity Test

LATTD GDP Growth Rate Inflation CPI Unemployment Rate

LATTD 1 0.3075 0.6931 -0.6126

GDP Growth Rate 0.3075 1 0.4111 -0.4152

Inflation CPI 0.6931 0.4111 1 -0.6072

Unemployment Rate -0.6126 -0.4152 -0.6072 1

4.8.3. Regression Model 6 Heteroscedasticity Test

In this part regression model 6 has applied with test for heteroscedasticity i.e. Koenker Bassett (KB)

test to determine the existence or non-existence of the phenomenon. In this model error term of model

is extracted along with fitted number from regression model 6 that has than applied with as per basic

requirement of KB test. The numeric outcomes mentioned below is the output of KB test based

regression model.

In this step, coefficient number of square of fitted number is test with Wald test to determine that either

coefficient number is acceptability or not. It has found clearly from table 4.29 that coefficient number is

not significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability number of 0.5398 as obvious from

chi square hence reject occurrence of heterokesdascity.

4.8.4. Regression Model 6 Auto Correlation Test

Durbin Watson is commonly used test for auto correlation. It has already extracted in table 4.26. the

benchmark number is 2 for the test but in results as expressed in table 4.26 that number is lower than 2

i.e. 1.97 hence depicts presence of serial correlation therefore necessary to be applied remedial methods

to overcome this factors on extracted model. White cross section correction in commonly used remedial

used to perform this requirement as already applied and mentioned in table 4.30. It is obvious from

table that overall research construct is acceptable at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability

number of 0.02 hence support the consideration of auto correlation corrected model. Furthermore,

coefficient numbers of GDP growth rate and inflation are significant at 5 percentage acceptability level

with acceptability number of 0.02 and 0.002 respectively. In contrast the number of coefficient

unemployment is not significant at even 10 percent level of acceptability with acceptability number of

0.75. Furthermore, coefficient numbers of GDP growth rate, and inflation are 0.0209 and 0.0028

respectively. Marginal impact of inflation has found higher than GDP growth rate.



4.9.1. Regression Model 7

Industry average has taken for ATAA for conventional financial institutions and treated with

macroeconomic variables within the regression model. It is obvious from table, mentioned below, that

overall model is not significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability number of 0.601

and the number of F-statistics is also lower than 5 i.e. 0.668 that also support the consideration of the

model. This model has further applied with econometric test to determine presence or absence of

assumption based errors.

Table 4.31

“Simple Regression Model 7

Determining Variable: ATAA
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Included observations”: 10

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t Statistic Prob.

GDP Growth 0.047047 0.285305 0.164901 0.8744

Inflation CPI -0.200723 0.159517 -1.258323 0.2550
Unemployment -0.685398 3.291121 -0.208257 0.8419
C 7.986127 20.21744 0.395012 0.7065

R squared 0.250519 Mean determining var 2.304679

Adjusted R squared -0.124221 S.D. determining var 1.418317
S.E. of regression 1.503832 Akaike info criterion 3.943084
Sum squared resid 13.56906 Schwarz criterion 4.064118
Log likelihood -15.71542 Hannan Quinn criter. 3.810310
F-statistic 0.668515 Durbin Watson stat 2.824299
Prob (F-statistic) 0.601580

4.9.2. Regression Model 7 Multi Collinearity Test

Correlation matrix has used to determine the factor of multi collinearity on regression model 7 among

different determining and self-determining variables. As general criteria for testing multi collinearity is

that if the number of correlation is higher than 0.95 than it reveals presence of multi collinearity

otherwise there is no serious issue pertaining to it. It is obvious from table, mentioned below, that there

is no serious element of multi collinearity among different variables as all correlation numbers are

below 0.95 hence reject the presence of multi collinearity within mentioned model.

Table 4.32

Regression Model 7 – Multi collinearity Test

ATAA GDP Growth Rate Inflation CPI Unemployment Rate

ATAA 1 -0.1307 -0.4890 0.2260

GDP Growth Rate -0.1307 1 0.4111 -0.4152

Inflation CPI -0.4890 0.4111 1 -0.6072

Unemployment Rate 0.2260 -0.4152 -0.6072 1

4.9.3 Regression Model 7 Heteroscedasticity Test

In this part regression model 7 has applied with test for heteroscedasticity i.e. Koenker Bassett (KB)

test to determine the existence or non-existence of the phenomenon. In this model error term of model

is extracted along with fitted number from regression model 7 that has than applied with as per basic

requirement of KB test. The table 4.33 is the output of KB test based regression model.

In this step, coefficient number of square of fitted number is test with Wald test to determine that either

coefficient number is acceptability or not. It has found clearly from table 4.34 that coefficient number is

not significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability number of 0.5398 as obvious from

chi square hence reject occurrence of heterokesdascity.

4.9.4 Regression Model 7 Auto Correlation Test

Durbin Watson is commonly used test for auto correlation. It has already extracted in table 4.31. the

benchmark number is 2 for the test but in results as expressed in table 4.31 that number is higher than 2

i.e. 2.82 hence depicts presence of serial correlation therefore necessary to be applied remedial methods

to overcome this factors on extracted model. White cross section correction in commonly used remedial

used to perform this requirement as already applied and mentioned below in table 4.35. It is obvious

from table that overall is even not significant at even 10 percent level of acceptability.



4.10.1 Regression Model 8

Industry average has taken for ATAA for conventional financial institutions and treated with

macroeconomic variables within the regression model. It is obvious from table, mentioned below, that

overall model is not significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability number of 0.92

and the number of F-statistics is also lower than 5 i.e. 0.14 that also support the consideration of the

model. This model has further applied with econometric test to determine presence or absence of

assumption based errors.

Table 4.36

“Simple Regression Model 7

Determining Variable: Liquid Asset to Aggregate Deposit
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Included observations”: 10

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t Statistic Prob.

GDP Growth -0.015429 0.041202 -0.374467 0.7209
Inflation CPI 0.013212 0.023036 0.573529 0.5871
Unemployment 0.184762 0.475283 0.388740 0.7109
C -0.757604 2.919674 -0.259482 0.8039

R squared 0.069175 Mean determining var 0.434251

Adjusted R squared -0.396238 S.D. determining var 0.183792
S.E. of regression 0.217174 Akaike info criterion 0.072937
Sum squared resid 0.282987 Schwarz criterion 0.193971
Log likelihood 3.635317 Hannan Quinn criter. -0.059837
F-statistic 0.148632 Durbin Watson stat 2.861374
Prob (F-statistic) 0.926846

4.10.2 Regression Model 8 Multi Collinearity Test

Correlation matrix has used to determine the factor of multi collinearity on regression model 7 among

different determining and self-determining variables. As general criteria for testing multi collinearity is

that if the number of correlation is higher than 0.95 than it reveals presence of multi collinearity

otherwise there is no serious issue pertaining to it. It is obvious from table, mentioned below, that there

is no serious element of multi collinearity among different variables as all correlation numbers are

below 0.95 hence reject the presence of multi collinearity within mentioned model.

Table 4.37

Regression Model 8 – Multi collinearity Test

Liquid Asset To Aggregate GDP Growth Inflation Unemployment

Deposit Rate CPI Rate

Liquid Asset To Aggregate 1 -0.12855 0.10291 0.0899


GDP Growth Rate -0.12855 1 0.41116 -0.41522

Inflation CPI 0.10291 0.41116 1 -0.6072

Unemployment Rate 0.08997 -0.41522 -0.60726 1

4.10.3 Regression Model 8 Heteroscedasticity Test

In this part regression model 8 has applied with test for heteroscedasticity i.e. Koenker Bassett (KB)

test to determine the existence or non-existence of the phenomenon. In this model error term of model

is extracted along with fitted number from regression model 8 that has than applied with as per basic

requirement of KB test. The table 4.38 is the output of KB test based regression model.

In this step, coefficient number of square of fitted number is test with Wald test to determine that either

coefficient number is acceptability or not. It has found clearly from table 4.39 that coefficient number is

not significant at 5 percentage acceptability level with acceptability number of 0.5398 as obvious from

chi square hence reject occurrence of heterokesdascity.

4.10.4. Regression Model 8 Auto Correlation Test

Durbin Watson is commonly used test for auto correlation. It has already extracted in table 4.36. the

benchmark number is 2 for the test but in results as expressed in table 4.36 that number is higher than 2

i.e. 2.86 hence depicts presence of serial correlation therefore necessary to be applied remedial methods

to overcome this factors on extracted model. White cross section correction in commonly used remedial

used to perform this requirement as already applied and mentioned in table 4.40. It is obvious from

table that overall is even not significant at even 10 percent level of acceptability.


The summary of Hypotheses is as follow:

Sr. Description Sig. Comments

# Number
1 “There is a ѕignificant impаct CAR on ATAA for conventional 0.000 Hypotheses
financial institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Accepted
2 “There is a inѕignificant impаct CTI on ATAA for conventional 0.3040 Hypotheses
financial institutions in Pakistan”. (+ve) Rejected
3 “There is a ѕignificant impаct NIM on ATAA for conventional 0.000 Hypotheses
financial institutions in Pakistan”. (+ve) Accepted
4 “There is a inѕignificant impаct PTLR on ATAA for conventional 0.2358 Hypotheses
financial institutions in Pakistan”. (+ve) Rejected
5 “There is a ѕignificant impаct ROE on ATAA for conventional 0.0000 Hypotheses
financial institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Accepted
6 “There is a ѕignificant impаct CAR on LATTD for conventional 0.0010 Hypotheses
financial institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Accepted
7 “There is a inѕignificant impаct CTI on LATTD for conventional 0.0748 Hypotheses
financial institutions in Pakistan”. (+ve) Rejected
8 “There is a ѕignificant impаct PTLR on LATTD for conventional 0.0211 Hypotheses
financial institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Accepted
9 “There is a ѕignificant impаct NIM on LATTD for conventional 0.0185 Hypotheses
financial institutions in Pakistan”. (+ve) Accepted
10 “There is a inѕignificant impаct ROE on LATTD for conventional 0.3330 Hypotheses
financial institutions in Pakistan”. (+ve) Rejected
11 “There is a inѕignificant impаct CAR on ATAA for Islamic financial 0.5556 Hypotheses
institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Rejected
12 “There is a inѕignificant impаct CTI on ATAA for Islamic financial 0.7250 Hypotheses
institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Rejected
13 “There is a inѕignificant impаct NIM on ATAA for Islamic financial 0.1472 Hypotheses
institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Rejected

14 “There is a ѕignificant impаct PTLR on ATAA for Islamic financial 0.0049 Hypotheses
institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Accepted
15 “There is a ѕignificant impаct ROE on ATAA for Islamic financial 0.0296 Hypotheses
institutions in Pakistan”. (+ve) Accepted
16 “There is a insignificant impаct CAR on LATTD for Islamic financial 0.5853 Hypotheses
institutions in Pakistan”. (+ve) Rejected
17 “There is a ѕignificant impаct CTI on LATTD for Islamic financial 0.0471 Hypotheses
institutions in Pakistan”. (+ve) Accepted
18 “There is a insignificant impаct PTLR on LATTD for Islamic 0.9598 Hypotheses
financial institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Rejected
19 “There is a insignificant impаct NIM on LATTD for Islamic financial 0.7418 Hypotheses
institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Rejected
20 “There is a inѕignificant impаct ROE on LATTD for Islamic financial 0.7181 Hypotheses
institutions in Pakistan”. (+ve) Rejected
21 “There is a ѕignificant impаct GDP growth rate on ATAA for 0.0000 Hypotheses
conventional financial institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Accepted
22 “There is a ѕignificant impаct CPI on ATAA for conventional 0.0000 Hypotheses
financial institutions in Pakistan”. (+ve) Accepted
23 “There is a ѕignificant impаct unemployment rate on ATAA for 0.000 Hypotheses
conventional financial institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Accepted
24 “There is a ѕignificant impаct GDP growth rate on LATTD for 0.0209 Hypotheses
conventional financial institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Accepted
25 “There is a ѕignificant impаct CPI on LATTD for conventional 0.0028 Hypotheses
financial institutions in Pakistan”. (+ve) Accepted
26 “There is a insignificant impаct unemployment rate on LATTD for 0.7593 Hypotheses
Conventional financial institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Rejected
27 “There is a insignificant impаct GDP growth rate on ATAA for 0.1598 Hypotheses
Islamic financial institutions in Pakistan”. (+ve) Rejected
28 “There is a inѕignificant impаct CPI on ATAA for Islamic financial 0.0867 Hypotheses
institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Rejected

29 “There is a insignificant impаct unemployment rate on ATAA for 0.1442 Hypotheses
Islamic financial institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Rejected
30 “There is a insignificant impаct GDP growth rate on LATTD for 0.0744 Hypotheses
Islamic financial institutions in Pakistan”. (-ve) Rejected
31 “There is a insignificant impаct CPI on LATTD for Islamic financial 0.4500 Hypotheses
institutions in Pakistan”. (+ve) Rejected
32 “There is a insignificant impаct unemployment rate on LATTD for 0.648 Hypotheses
Islamic financial institutions in Pakistan”. (+ve) Rejected



This chapter of research study discuss findings of current study in light of previously conducted studies

to justify findings and summarize results that are used to design recommendation based on findings.


5.1.1 Regression Model 1 & 3 – Impact of Banking Factors on Advances to Total Assets

It is evident from current study that there is significant role of capital adequacy ratio, net interest

margin and return on equity in determination of advances to total assets of listed conventional banking

firms in Pakistan while in case of Islamic it has found with no impact hence reveals deviation in

structural constructs as per regression model three. It has also found from first model that there is a

negative impact of capital adequacy ratio in determination of conventional banking firm’s liquidity in

term of advances to total assets an increase in capital adequacy ratio results in betterment in financial

condition of the conventional banking firm therefore increase stakeholder’s confidence on performance

of the conventional banking firm. Hence report with an increase in level of advances to total assets that

is supportive to banking firm’s business capability. Zuk-Butkuviene et al (2014) revealed through a

study that there is a significant correlation between liquidity management practices and capital

adequacy ratio for banking firms in a country that ensure sound foundation for the banking firms along

with betterment in level of competitiveness. It also results in decline in financial cost and improvement

in level of growth of the firm.

Capital adequacy ratio has determined as a cushion toward possible risks to the firm hence an increase

in risk to bank’s operation results in regulatory call to raise CAR therefore reduce possibilities for the

firm to increase in advances of the bank with respect to total assets. Hence a decline in CAR is an

indication of betterment in financial position of banking firm therefore reports with an increase in level

of idle funds. This raise the option for the bank to increase the volume of advances and absorb excess

liquidity (Nyaundi, 2015). Another study also revealed that there is an inverse correlation between

CAR and bank liquidity position therefore bank is requiring with quality lending practices to ensure to

confront with low level of CAR that increases the options for the bank to raise level of advances to

increase the business. A decline CAR observed with stability and betterment in financial status of the

banking industry with an increase in level of confidence of stakeholders on bank’s overall performance.

It has considered as positive sign for long term growth of the banking institution (Shah Et. Al, 2018).

Similarly, net interest margin reflects conventional banking firm’s earning capacity and determines

positively conventional banking firm’s advances to total assets while in case of Islamic banks has found

with no impact du rot structural differences as per regression model three. Hence an increase in

conventional banking firm’s earning capacity reveals with an increase in net interest margin. It reports

with an increase in advances therefore results in an increase in advances to total assets. It shows an

improvement in conventional banking firm’s performance. Net interest margin has also found as an

essential variable to determine the performance of banking firms in a country. It actually shows earning

capacity of the firm, interest earning minus interest expenses, with its business returns. An increase in

level of net interest margin observe with increase in level of profitability to the firm hence result in its

positive impact on banking firm’s with a positive sign of better market conditions. This observe with a

raise in advances to total assets for banking institutions (Obeid & Adeinat, 2017).

Net interest margin shows bank’s net income level in comparison to its assets holding in the form of

cash and other reserves. It is also in comparison to trading in securities. It has also found through study

that bank usually compensate their funding cost with alternative less risky investment opportunities

hence an increase or improvement in business opportunities for banking firms observed with betterment

in bank’s business level therefore observer with an increase in advances level relative to total assets

holdings (Yuksel & Zengin, 2017). Furthermore, another study revealed that there is significant role of

improvement in net interest margin of the firm with its operational efficiency therefore observe with an

increase in level of operational efficiency in the form of betterment in net interest margin report with

increase in advances to total assets of the firm to contribute in its earning capacity (Kalanidis, 2016).

Furthermore, an increase in firm’s return on equity reports with decrease in firm’s advances to total

assets i.e. negative association in case of conventional banks and Islamic bank. An increase in

conventional banking firm’s return on equity is an evidence of an increase in earnings of the

bank with respect to equity invested but due to market condition it raise a concern with respect to

economic condition of the country toward probable return on funded hence report with relatively lower

level of growth in advances but reports with an increase in alternative channels of investment

specifically T-bills and other short term instrument to diversify earning possibility for the bank. It has

also found through conducted research studies that return on equity is a key measure to determine level

of performance of the firm hence betterment in return on equity of financial institution is in an

indication of better allocation of fund but in developing countries due to unstable financial market and

varying day to day condition an increase in return on equity also determined as possible level of excess

lending and adverse practice therefore observe with reduction in level of advance and selection of

alternative investment options hence report with decline in level of advances to total assets to diversify

portfolio (Hargrave, 2019).

Return on equity also found as a regulatory variable to determine rational level of performance hence it

has sometime used to determine investment composition for banking firms hence an indication of raise

in advances with an increase in return on equity therefore banking firms usually opt with alternative

investment options to diversify portfolio (Choon et al, 2013). Furthermore, another study revealed that

stable banking operations observe with diversified investment hence an increase in return on equity is

usually optimized with investment on safe venture specifically government instrument to ensure

optimum level of returns to the banking firms (Kalanidis, 2016).

It has observed in case of Islamic banks that there is significant and negative correlation of provision to

loan ratio to advances to totals assets as per regression model three while in case of conventional banks

has found with no significant evidence as per regression model 1. Provision to loan ratio has also found

with increase in liquidity position as funds are allocated to ensure deficiency of funds in case of bad

loans. It has observed that an increase in funds level usually observed with an increase in liquidity

position with raise in advancing along with allocation of funds for probable bad loans in the form of

provisioning. It has also revealed through a stud that there is a positive correlation of provision to loan

ratio to banking firm’s liquidity position. Firm usually in case of availability of deposit funds and in

response of suitable response level of the market extend with lending that is than used to increase

earning opportunities. It has supported with regulatory allocation of provisioning for advances hence

observe with an increase in level of provision to loan ratio (Pritchard, 2019). Another study also

revealed that an increase in level of advance observe with an increase in probability of non-performing

loan therefore observe with an increase in level of provision to loan ratio this results in an increase in

efforts to raise deposits hence evident with an increase in position of liquidity of the bank to overcome

probable unexpected event (Khoury, 2018).

5.1.2 Regression Model 2 & 4 - Impact of Banking Factors on Liquid Assets to Total Deposits

Capital adequacy ratio has found negative correlation to liquid assets to total deposits of conventional

banking firms in Pakistan as per regression model 2. It reveals that an increase in CAR observed with

decline in retention of liquid assets to apply with an increase in advances relatively to compensate

earning capacity of conventional banking firms while in case of Islamic banks there is no such

correlation as per model 4. It has revealed through previously conducted study that sound capital

adequacy management observed with better and efficient liquidity management practices results in

competitiveness of firm which results improved lending hence less required with management of liquid

assets. It may enhance the bank’s competitiveness, decreasing its financial costs and increasing the

worth. Global financial crisis has exposed the necessity to further improve liquidity risk management

and capital adequacy, governance and to enhance the transparency of the operations of financial

institutions (Butkuviene et. Al, 2014). Furthermore, another study also revealed that banks are also

subjected to variety of risk factors Hence banking firm’s capital is used primarily for compensation the

losses that may incur, therefore the management of capital adequacy risk of banks must be given

particular attention and alternative to liquid assets management. Accordingly, the accrued reserves

cushion of liquid assets must be sufficient to absorb the adverse liquidity shocks, banks may reduce the

risks to compliance with the capital adequacy and liquidity requirements, perform in a safer manner,

and strengthens confidence in banks and the entire financial system (Hargrave, 2019).

Furthermore, provision to loan ratio has also found with negative impact on liquid assets to total

deposits for conventional banks as per regression model 2 while in case of Islamic banks has not

observed with significant impact due to difference in structure as per regression model 4. An increase in

provision to loan ratio observed with lesser availability of funds and negative impact on firm’s

performance hence found with lesser availability of liquid fund. It results in decline in liquid assets to

total deposits. It has also revealed through previously conducted studies that a loan loss provision is an

expense set aside doubtful uncollected loans and loan payments. Loans and advances, loan loss

provisions and non-performing loans are major variables in determining asset quality of a bank and

banks are more worried because loans are generally among the riskiest of all assets and can therefore be

endangered their liquidity position and lead to distress (Abata, 2014). Roman and Sargu (2014) studied

in Romanian and Bulgarian banks revealed that impaired loans play a key role in the manner banks

manage their liquidity and there is a significant connection exist between liquidity indicator and

impaired loan to gross loan ratio, in order to reduce to liquidity risk banks must avoid an increase of the

impaired loan.

Net interest margin has observed with positive correlation to liquid assets to total deposits for

conventional banks while in case of Islamic banks has not observed with no such relationship as

Islamic banks are based on profit loss sharing model therefore not subject to it. It has revealed through

study that there is a positive relationship between liquidity risk and Net Interest Margin, which in

contrary indicated that banks with high levels of illiquid assets, may receive higher income through

interest than more liquid banks (Kalanidis, 2016).

Cost to income has found positive correlation with liquid assets to total deposit. An increase in cost to

income of the banking reflects increase in operational level therefore shows increase in funds utilization

hence observed with increase in level of liquid assets to total deposits. Furthermore, raise in cost to

income is an indication of raise in cost of deposit mobilization hence observed with decline in liquid

assets to total deposits. It has also revealed through studies that an increase in operational expense is an

indication of raise in cost structure of the firm therefore observed with an increase in cost to income

ratio of the firm. In contrast, a decline in cost to income ratio is an indication of improvement in

performance level along with betterment in efficiency. This shows increase in availability of funds with

raise in liquidity position (Chowdhury et. Al, 2016)

5.1.3 Regression Model 5 & 7 - Impact of Macro Economic Factors on Advances to Total Assets

GDP growth rate has found with negative correlation to conventional banking firm’s liquidity position

as observed with advances to total assets as per regression model 5 while in case of Islamic banks no

such relationship found significant as per regression model 7 because majorly financial sector of the

economy is dominated by conventional banking structure. An improvement in GDP growth rate of the

country observe with positive condition and environment for financing hence results in increase in both

private and public sector financing hence observed with an increase in secured financing i.e. public

sector financing therefore results in decline in advances to total assets. It has revealed through a study

that GDP growth has significant role in determination banking firm’s performance with availability of

funds to the industry hence an improvement in bank’s overall health with betterment in its financial

status result in improvement in level of financing with alternative options to diversify risk (Choon et al,


It has also observed through regression model 5 that there is a positive correlation of CPI to advances to

total assets for conventional banks because an increase in inflation observed with higher financing need

due to lower purchasing power of currency while in case of Islamic banks it has not observed during to

lower percentage share of the Islamic banking firms within financial sector in Pakistan. Inflation is a

critical to an economy and an increase in level of inflation observe with an increase in cost of financing

that observe with a required level of increase in liquidity risk to overcome the probable risk of any

possible impact of bad loans It has observed through previously conducted studies that there is a

negative correlation of inflation level of a country to its financial sector performance. Usually banks

with decline in economic conditions and increase in inflation level therefore observed with a raise in

liquidity position of the bank hence in case of developing countries it has observed that there is a

sensitive association of Inflation with liquidity of banking institutions (Chen, 2019).

Unemployment has found with negative correlation of bank’s liquidity position as per regression model

5 because an increase in unemployment observe with decline in business activities and cash holdings at

banks therefore observed with relative increase in ratio due to nature of advances and withdrawal of

deposit to meet their short term need from their deposits. While in case of Islamic banks it has not

observed during to lower percentage share of the Islamic banking firms within financial sector in

Pakistan. It has found that an increase in level of unemployment observer with a decline in liquidity

position due to utilization of available level of funds hence banking institution are observed with an

improvement in business level with a decline in level of unemployment that results in increase in better

allocation of found with lesser requirement of excess for unexpected events. Trenca et. al (2015)

revealed through a study that there is a negative correlation of unemployment level to firm’s level of

liquidity position hence banking institution are found with increased level of lending with a better

condition of economic setup of developing countries. Singh & Sharma (2016) also revealed through

study that there is negative correlation of unemployment level in a country to liquidity practices of

banking firms in developing countries.

5.1.4 Regression Model 6 & 8 - Impact of Macro Economic Factors on Liquid Assets to Total


It is clearly evident from regression model 6 that there is a significant and positive impact of GDP

growth rate on liquid assets to total deposits of conventional banking firms while in case of Islamic

banks it has not observed during to lower percentage share of the Islamic banking firms within financial

sector in Pakistan as per regression model 8. It has observed that an increase in GDP growth rate results

with increase in business activities and circulation of money hence observed with an increase in lending

activities of banks therefore required with management of liquid assets to meet short term obligations.

Furthermore, it has also found form regression model 6 there is negative and significant impact of

inflation on liquidity management practices of conventional banks in Pakistan while in case of Islamic

banks it has not observed during to lower percentage share of the Islamic banking firms within financial

sector in Pakistan. It has found that an increase in inflation observe with decline in purchasing value of

money hence results in decrease in savings of household sector. It results in decline in cash holding

therefore observed with reduction in liquid assets to total deposits.


This study has conducted with an objective to determine the impact of bank specific factors and

macroeconomic factor on banking industry operating in Pakistan. In this study explanatory research

approach has adopted using quantitative approach with utilization of secondary data collected from

annual reports of listed firms in banking industry including both Islamic and conventional banks in

Pakistan. Data is collected for 10 years from 2009 to 2018 and constructed model are applied with

panel regression techniques using Eviews.

It has overall found from this study there is different behavior of both conventional banks and Islamic

banks in response of banking and macroeconomic factor due to uneven market share. It has evident

from this study that there is significant impact of CAR, net interest margin and return on equity on

advances to total assets of conventional banks in Pakistan. Similarly, there is also significant impact of

CAR, provision to loan ratio and net interest margin on liquid assets to total deposit for conventional

banks in Pakistan. In addition, for Islamic banks there is significant impact of provision to loan and

return on equity on advances to total assets of commercial banks while there is significant impact of

cost to income on liquid assets to total deposit for Islamic banks in Pakistan. Furthermore, there is a

significant impact of GDP growth rate, CPI and unemployment rate on advances to total assets for

conventional banks. Similarly, there is also significant impact of GDP growth rate and CPI on liquid

assets to total deposits also for conventional banks in Pakistan while in case of Islamic banks there is no

such impact.


The list of recommendations designed based on current study are as follow:

• It is required to both conventional and Islamic banks ensure quality lending practices to

optimize return on advances with its lesser impact on liquidity of banking institution. It can be

done through proper risk assessment and employment of standard procedures as per defined by

banking firms at filed level.

• It is also required to banks to make sure dynamic utilization of deposits with maximum

utilization of depositor’s funds with diversified investment structure and its positive impact on

profitability and liquidity of banking firm.

• It is also needed to diversify product structure with attraction of untouched segments to increase

return and interest income to bank with its positive impact on profitability or income level of the



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Model 1: Impact of Bank Specific Factors on Liquidity i.e. ATAA of Conventional Financial Institutions

• 4.3 : Heteroscedasticity Test

• 4.4 : Wald Test
• 4.5 : Auto Correlation Test

Model 2: Impact of Banking Factors on Liquidity i.e. LATTD of Conventional Financial Institutions

• 4.8 : Heteroscedasticity Test

• 4.9 : Wald Test
• 4.10 : Auto Correlation Test

Model 3: Impact of Banking Factors on Liquidity i.e. ATAA of Islamic Financial institutions

• 4.13 : Heteroscedasticity Test

• 4.14 : Wald Test
• 4.15 : Auto Correlation Test

Model 4: Impact of Banking Factors on Liquidity i.e. LATTD of Islamic Financial institutions

• 4.18 : Heteroscedasticity Test

• 4.19 : Wald Test
• 4.20 : Auto Correlation Test

Model 5: Impact of Macroeconomic Specific Factors on Liquidity i.e. ATAA of Conventional

• 4.23 : Heteroscedasticity Test

• 4.24 : Wald Test
• 4.25 : Auto Correlation Test

Model 6: Impact of Macroeconomic Specific Factors on Liquidity I.e. LATTD Conventional Financial

• 4.28 : Heteroscedasticity Test

• 4.29 : Wald Test
• 4.30 : Auto Correlation Test

Model 7: Impact of Macroeconomic Specific Factors on Liquidity i.e. ATAA of Islamic Financial institutions

• 4.33 : Heteroscedasticity Test

• 4.34 : Wald Test
• 4.35 : Auto Correlation Test

Model 8: Impact of Macroeconomic Specific Factors on Liquidity I.e. LATTD of Islamic Financial institutions

• 4.38 : Heteroscedasticity Test

• 4.39 : Wald Test
• 4.40 : Auto Correlation Test

Banking Data

Macroeconomic Data

Table 4.3

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 1 – Heteroscedasticity Test

Dependent Variable: Square of Residual of Model 1
Method: Panel Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Periods-included: 10
Cross-sections-included: 5
Total panel (balanced) observations: 50

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

Fitted Value of Advances to Total

Assets -0.023288 0.016687 -1.395611 0.1693
C 0.006684 0.002750 2.430419 0.0189
Mean dependent
R-squared 0.038995 Var. 0.002981
S.D. dependent
Adjusted-R-squared 0.018974 Var. 0.005167
S.E.-of-regression 0.005118 criterion -7.672882
Sum-squared-resid 0.001257 Schwarz-criterion -7.596401
Log-likelihood 193.8220 criter -7.643757
F-statistic 1.947730 Durbin-Watson-stat 1.353020
Prob-(F-statistic) 0.169255

Table 4.4

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 1 – Wald Test

Wald Test:
Equation: EQ02_ATTA

Test Value df Probability

t-statistic -1.395611 48 0.1693
F-statistic 1.947730 (1, 48) 0.1693
Chi-square 1.947730 1 0.1628

Null Hypothesis: C(1)=0

Null Hypothesis Summary:

Restriction (= 0) Value Std. Err.

-0.023288 0.016687
Restrictions are linear in coefficients.

Table 4.5

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 1 – Autocorrelation Corrected Model

Dependent Variable: Advances to Total Assets
Method: Panel EGLS (Cross-section SUR)
Sample: 2009 2018
Periods-included: 10
Cross-sections-included: 5
Total panel (balanced) observations: 50
linear estimation after one-step weighting matrix
White cross-section standard errors & covariance (no d.f. correction)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

Capital Adequacy
Ratio -2.051088 0.097901 -20.95061 0.0000
Cost to Income 0.013804 0.013274 1.039983 0.3040
Net Interest
Margin 5.052030 0.699950 7.217696 0.0000
Provision to Loan
Ratio 0.092115 0.076631 1.202065 0.2358
Return on Equity -0.054458 0.015665 -3.476342 0.0012
C 0.523376 0.014807 35.34571 0.0000

Weighted Statistics

R-squared 0.762953 Mean dependent var 6.637437

Adjusted-R-squared 0.736016 S.D. dependent var 5.308838
S.E.-of-regression 1.031637 Sum-squared-resid 46.82808
F-statistic 28.32342 Durbin-Watson-stat 1.378149
Prob-(F-statistic) 0.000000

Unweighted Statistics

R-squared 0.480311 Mean dependent var 0.395200

Sum-squared-resid. 0.150943 Durbin-Watson-stat 0.846040

Table 4.8

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 2 – Heteroscedasticity Test

Dependent Variable: Square of Residual of Model 2
Method: Panel Least Squares

Sample: 2009 2018
Periods-included: 10
Cross-sections-included: 5
Total panel (balanced) observations: 50

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

Fitted Value of Square of Liquid

Assets to Total Deposits -0.014913 0.034909 -0.427211 0.6711
C 0.001523 0.000814 1.870512 0.0675
Mean dependent
R-squared 0.003788 var 0.001188
Adjusted-R-squared -0.016967 S.D. dependent var 0.001541
S.E.-of-regression 0.001554 criterion -10.05657
Sum-squared-resid 0.000116 Schwarz-criterion -9.980087
Log-likelihood 253.4142 criter. -10.02744
F-statistic 0.182509 Durbin-Watson-stat 1.185817
Prob-(F-statistic) 0.671136

Table 4.9

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 2 – Wald Test

Wald Test:
Equation: Untitled

Test Value df Probability

t-statistic -0.427211 48 0.6711
F-statistic 0.182509 (1, 48) 0.6711
Chi-square 0.182509 1 0.6692

Null Hypothesis: C(1)=0

Null Hypothesis Summary:

Restriction (= 0) Value Std. Err.
C(1) -0.014913 0.034909
Restrictions are linear in coefficients.

Table 4.10

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 2 – Autocorrelation Corrected Model

Dependent Variable: Liquid Assets to Total Deposits
Method: Panel EGLS (Cross-section weights)
Sample: 2009 2018

Periods-included: 10
Cross-sections-included: 5
Total panel (balanced) observations: 50
linear estimation after one-step weighting matrix
White diagonal standard errors & covariance (no d.f. correction)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

Capital Adequacy
Ratio -0.936760 0.264588 -3.540452 0.0010
Cost to Income 0.056030 0.030703 1.824888 0.0748
Provision to Loan
Ratio -0.348440 0.145676 -2.391882 0.0211
Net Interest
Margin 1.138268 0.465500 2.445257 0.0185
Return on Equity 0.032577 0.033281 0.978853 0.3330
C 0.231965 0.045660 5.080267 0.0000

Weighted Statistics

R-squared 0.393160 Mean dependent var 0.175259

Adjusted-R-squared 0.324201 S.D. dependent var 0.091269
S.E.-of-regression 0.036372 Sum-squared-resid 0.058208
F-statistic 5.701358 Durbin-Watson-stat 0.775641
Prob-(F-statistic) 0.000388

Unweighted Statistics

R-squared 0.252815 Mean dependent var 0.148400

Sum-squared-resid. 0.060725 Durbin-Watson-stat 0.665242

Table 4.13

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 3 – Heteroscedasticity Test

Dependent Variable: Square of Residual of Model 3
Method: Panel Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Periods-included: 10
Cross-sections-included: 4
Total panel (balanced) observations: 40

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

Fitted Value of Advances to Total
Deposit 3.173786 2.713988 1.169418 0.2495
C -0.693745 1.035143 -0.670192 0.5068

Mean dependent
R-squared 0.034738 var 0.425802
Adjusted-R-squared 0.009336 S.D. dependent var 2.501638
S.E.-of-regression 2.489932 criterion 4.711095
Sum-squared-resid 235.5910 Schwarz-criterion 4.795539
Log-likelihood -92.22190 criter. 4.741627
F-statistic 1.367538 Durbin-Watson-stat 2.262071
Prob-(F-statistic) 0.249518

Table 4.14

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 3 – Wald Test

Wald Test:
Equation: EQ02_ATTD

Test Value df Probability

t-statistic 1.169418 38 0.2495
F-statistic 1.367538 (1, 38) 0.2495
Chi-square 1.367538 1 0.2422

Null Hypothesis: C(1)=0

Null Hypothesis Summary:

Restriction (= 0) Value Std. Err.
C(1) 3.173786 2.713988
Restrictions are linear in coefficients.

Table 4.15

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 3 – Autocorrelation Corrected Model

Dependent Variable: Advances to Total Deposits
Method: Panel EGLS (Cross-section SUR)
Sample: 2009 2018
Periods-included: 10
Cross-sections-included: 4
Total panel (balanced) observations: 40
linear estimation after one-step weighting matrix
White cross-section standard errors & covariance (no d.f. correction)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

Capital Adequacy -0.345223 0.579940 -0.595274 0.5556

Cost to Income -0.011188 0.031537 -0.354768 0.7250
Net Interest
Margin -1.761959 1.187764 -1.483426 0.1472
Provision to Loan
Ratio -6.754756 2.243663 -3.010593 0.0049
Return on Equity 0.194617 0.085673 2.271634 0.0296
C 0.622534 0.093750 6.640399 0.0000

Weighted Statistics

R-squared 0.356389 Mean dependent var 1.359982

Adjusted-R-squared 0.261740 S.D. dependent var 4.466002
S.E.-of-regression 0.875795 Sum-squared-resid 26.07860
F-statistic 3.765387 Durbin-Watson-stat 1.830730
Prob-(F-statistic) 0.008056

Unweighted Statistics

R-squared 0.021179 Mean dependent var 0.576500

Sum-squared-resid. 17.46991 Durbin-Watson-stat 2.216517

Table 4.18

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 4 – Heteroscedasticity Test

Dependent Variable: Square of Residual of Liquid Assets to Total Deposits
Method: Panel Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Periods-included: 10
Cross-sections-included: 4
Total panel (balanced) observations: 40

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

Fitted Value Square of Liquid
Assets to Total Deposits 2.114420 0.778910 2.714589 0.0099
C -0.017738 0.013160 -1.347893 0.1857
Mean dependent
R-squared 0.162424 var 0.010711
Adjusted-R-squared 0.140382 S.D. dependent var 0.054294
S.E.-of-regression 0.050339 criterion -3.091363
Sum-squared-resid 0.096293 Schwarz-criterion -3.006919
Log-likelihood 63.82725 criter. -3.060830

F-statistic 7.368991 Durbin-Watson-stat 2.355759
Prob-(F-statistic) 0.009924

Table 4.19

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 4 – Wald Test

Wald Test:
Equation: Untitled

Test Value df Probability

t-statistic 2.714589 38 0.0099
F-statistic 7.368991 (1, 38) 0.0099
Chi-square 7.368991 1 0.0066

Null Hypothesis: C(1)=0

Null Hypothesis Summary:

Restriction (= 0) Value Std. Err.
C(1) 2.114420 0.778910
Restrictions are linear in coefficients.

Table 4.20

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 4 – Autocorrelation Corrected Model

Dependent Variable: Liquid Assets to Total Deposits
Method: Panel EGLS (Cross-section weights)
Sample: 2009 2018
Periods-included: 10
Cross-sections-included: 4
Total panel (balanced) observations: 40
linear estimation after one-step weighting matrix
White cross-section standard errors & covariance (no d.f. correction)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

Net Interest
Margin -0.232663 0.699746 -0.332496 0.7418
Provision to 0.016538 0.325449 0.050815 0.9598

Loans Ratio
Return on Equity -0.025850 0.070963 -0.364274 0.7181
Cost to Income
Ratio -0.021719 0.010505 -2.067550 0.0471
Capital Adequacy
Ratio 0.099270 0.180040 0.551380 0.5853
C 0.130069 0.047661 2.729037 0.0104

Effects Specification

Cross-section fixed (dummy variables)

Weighted Statistics

R-squared 0.157184 Mean dependent var 0.265410

Adjusted-R-squared -0.060317 S.D. dependent var 0.181307
S.E.-of-regression 0.095137 Sum-squared-resid 0.280585
F-statistic 0.722684 Durbin-Watson-stat 1.985578
Prob-(F-statistic) 0.670258

Unweighted Statistics

R-squared 0.099733 Mean dependent var 0.108500

Sum-squared-resid. 0.446271 Durbin-Watson-stat 2.419638

Table 4.23

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 5 – Heteroscedasticity Test

Dependent Variable: Residual Square of Advances to Total Assets
Method: Panel Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Included observations: 10

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

Fitted Value Square of Advances -0.000149 0.000337 -0.442856 0.6696
to Total Assets
C 0.001207 0.001417 0.851602 0.4192
0.023929 Mean dependent 0.000610
R-squared var
Adjusted-R-squared -0.098080 S.D. dependent var 0.001319
0.001382 Akaike-info- -10.15369
S.E.-of-regression criterion
Sum-squared-resid 1.53E-05 Schwarz-criterion -10.09317
Log-likelihood 52.76844 Hannan-Quinn- -10.22007

F-statistic 0.196121 Durbin-Watson-stat 1.241758
Prob-(F-statistic) 0.669600

Table 4.24

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 5 – Wald Test

Wald Test:
Equation: Untitled

Test Value df Probability

t-statistic -0.442856 8 0.6696
F-statistic 0.196121 (1, 8) 0.6696
Chi-square 0.196121 1 0.6579

Null Hypothesis: C(1)=0

Null Hypothesis Summary:

Restriction (= 0) Value Std. Err.
C(1) -0.000149 0.000337
Restrictions are linear in coefficients.

Table 4.25

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 5 – Autocorrelation Corrected Model

Dependent Variable: Advances to Total Assets
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Included observations: 10
HAC standard errors & covariance (Bartlett kernel, Newey-West fixed
bandwidth = 3.0000)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

GDP Growth Rate -0.025320 0.001760 -14.38931 0.0000
Inflation CPI 0.054730 0.003274 16.71665 0.0000
Unemployment -0.794154 0.088096 -9.014632 0.0001

C 6.232209 0.536132 11.62440 0.0000

R-squared 0.993444 Mean dependent var 1.975880

Adjusted-R-squared 0.990166 S.D. dependent var 0.321529
S.E.-of-regression 0.031884 Akaike-info-criterion -3.764226
Sum-squared-resid 0.006100 Schwarz-criterion -3.643192
Log-likelihood 22.82113 Hannan-Quinn-criter. -3.897000
F-statistic 303.0733 Durbin-Watson-stat 1.109219
Prob-(F-statistic) 0.000001 Wald F-statistic 10041.10
Prob(Wald F-statistic) 0.000000 Mean dependent var 1.975880

Table 4.28

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 6 – Heteroscedasticity Test

Dependent Variable: Square of Residual of liquid Assets to Total Assets
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Included observations: 10

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

Fitted Value Square of Liquid -0.006500 0.010602 -0.613127 0.5568
Assets to Total Deposits
C 0.005554 0.006037 0.919922 0.3845
Mean dependent 0.001935
R-squared 0.044882 var
Adjusted-R-squared -0.074508 S.D. dependent var 0.003867
0.004009 Akaike-info- -8.023771
S.E.-of-regression criterion
Sum-squared-resid 0.000129 Schwarz-criterion -7.963254
Hannan-Quinn- -8.090158
Log-likelihood 42.11886 criter.
F-statistic 0.375925 Durbin-Watson-stat 2.799316
Prob-(F-statistic) 0.556817

Table 4.29

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 6 – Wald Test

Wald Test:
Equation: Untitled

Test Value df Probability

t-statistic -0.613127 8 0.5568
F-statistic 0.375925 (1, 8) 0.5568
Chi-square 0.375925 1 0.5398

Null Hypothesis: C(1)=0
Null Hypothesis Summary:

Restriction (= 0) Value Std. Err.
C(1) -0.006500 0.010602
Restrictions are linear in coefficients.

Table 4.30

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 6 – Autocorrelation Corrected Model

Dependent Variable: Liquid Asset to Total Deposit
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Included observations: 10
HAC standard errors & covariance (Bartlett kernel, Newey-West fixed
bandwidth = 3.0000)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

GDP Growth Rate -0.005599 0.001802 -3.106938 0.0209
Inflation CPI 0.021193 0.004353 4.868841 0.0028
Unemployment -0.021256 0.066282 -0.320684 0.7593
C 0.695645 0.413695 1.681541 0.1437

R-squared 0.768580 Mean dependent var 0.741823

Adjusted-R-squared 0.652869 S.D. dependent var 0.096379
S.E.-of-regression 0.056784 Akaike-info-criterion -2.609934
Sum-squared-resid 0.019347 Schwarz-criterion -2.488900
Log-likelihood 17.04967 Hannan-Quinn-criter. -2.742708
F-statistic 6.642282 Durbin-Watson-stat 1.970837
Prob-(F-statistic) 0.024638 Wald F-statistic 46.50430
Prob(Wald F-statistic) 0.000151 Mean dependent var 0.741823

Table 4.33

Regression Model 7 – Heteroscedasticity Test

Dependent Variable: Residual of Square of Advances to Total Assets
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Included observations: 10

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

Fitted Value Square of Liquid 0.497024 0.259451 1.915675 0.0917
Assets to Total Deposits
C -1.508487 1.718452 -0.877817 0.4056

R-squared 0.314471 Mean dependent 1.356906
Adjusted-R-squared 0.228779 S.D. dependent var 3.046485
S.E.-of-regression 2.675398 Akaike-info- 4.982930
Sum-squared-resid 57.26204 Schwarz-criterion 5.043447
Log-likelihood -22.91465 Hannan-Quinn- 4.916543
F-statistic 3.669812 Durbin-Watson-stat 2.896624
Prob-(F-statistic) 0.091725

Table 4.34

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 7 – Wald Test

Wald Test:
Equation: Untitled

Test Value df Probability

t-statistic 1.915675 8 0.0917
F-statistic 3.669812 (1, 8) 0.0917
Chi-square 3.669812 1 0.0554

Null Hypothesis: C(1)=0

Null Hypothesis Summary:

Restriction (= 0) Value Std. Err.
C(1) 0.497024 0.259451
Restrictions are linear in coefficients.

Table 4.35

Regression Model 7 – Autocorrelation Corrected Model

Dependent Variable: Advances to Total Assets
Method: Generalized Linear Model (Newton-Raphson / Marquardt steps)
Sample: 2009 2018
Included observations: 10
Family: Normal
Link: Log
Dispersion computed using Pearson Chi-Square
Convergence achieved after 11 iterations
Coefficient covariance computed using the Newey-West HAC method with
Observed Hessian (Bartlett kernel, Newey-West fixed bandwidth = 3.0000)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

GDP Growth Rate 0.630034 0.448146 1.405866 0.1598
Inflation CPI -0.205793 0.120136 -1.712998 0.0867

Unemployment 6.538101 4.477509 1.460209 0.1442
C -37.11488 26.24242 -1.414309 0.1573
Mean dependent var 2.304679 S.D. dependent var 1.418317
Sum-squared-resid 11.72336 Log-likelihood -15.53851
Akaike-info-criterion 3.907701 Schwarz-criterion 4.028735
Hannan-Quinn-criter. 3.774927 Deviance 11.72336
Deviance statistic 1.953894 Restr. deviance 18.10462
LR statistic 3.265919 Prob(LR statistic) 0.352414
Pearson SSR 11.72336 Pearson statistic 1.953894
Dispersion 1.953894 S.D. dependent var 1.418317

Table 4.38
Regression Model 8 – Heteroscedasticity Test
Dependent Variable: Square of Residual of Liquid Assets to Total Deposits
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Included observations: 10

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

Fitted Value Square of Liquid 0.636688 0.517723 1.229785 0.2537
Assets to Total Deposits
C -0.093103 0.100802 -0.923623 0.3827
R-squared 0.158990 Mean dependent 0.028299
Adjusted-R-squared 0.053864 S.D. dependent var 0.066296
S.E.-of-regression 0.064486 Akaike-info- -2.467895
Sum-squared-resid 0.033267 Schwarz-criterion -2.407378
Log-likelihood 14.33947 Hannan-Quinn- -2.534282
F-statistic 1.512371 Durbin-Watson-stat 2.510136
Prob-(F-statistic) 0.253715

Table 4.39

Simple-Panel-Regression-Model: 8 – Wald Test

Wald Test:
Equation: Untitled

Test Value df Probability

t-statistic 1.229785 8 0.2537
F-statistic 1.512371 (1, 8) 0.2537
Chi-square 1.512371 1 0.2188
Null Hypothesis: C(1)=0
Null Hypothesis Summary:

Restriction (= 0) Value Std. Err.
C(1) 0.636688 0.517723
Restrictions are linear in coefficients.

Table 4.40

Regression Model 8 – Autocorrelation Corrected Model

Dependent Variable: LOG (Liquid Asset To Total Deposit)
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 2009 2018
Included observations: 10
HAC standard errors & covariance (Bartlett kernel, Newey-West fixed bandwidth = 3.0000)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

GDP Growth Rate -0.029957 0.013890 -2.156689 0.0744
Inflation CPI 0.018526 0.022931 0.807904 0.4500
Unemployment 0.175416 0.365796 0.479546 0.6485
C -2.059838 2.279838 -0.903502 0.4011

R-squared 0.053354 Mean dependent var -0.888038

Adjusted-R-squared -0.419968 S.D. dependent var 0.313385
S.E.-of-regression 0.373437 Akaike-info-criterion 1.157039
Sum-squared-resid 0.836730 Schwarz-criterion 1.278073
Log-likelihood -1.785193 Hannan-Quinn-criter. 1.024265
F-statistic 0.112723 Durbin-Watson-stat 2.944970
Prob-(F-statistic) 0.949468 Wald F-statistic 3.276726
Prob(Wald F-statistic) 0.100640 Mean dependent var -0.888038

Bank-Specific Data

Return Capital Provision Asset to Advances
on Adequacy to Loan Cost to Total to Total
Year Nature Banks Equity NIM Ratio Ratio income Deposit Assets

2018 Conventional HBL 7.10% 0.027 16.20% 0.0046 0.88 0.17 0.36

2017 Conventional HBL 5.20% 0.030 16.00% 0.0004 0.92 0.16 0.32

2016 Conventional HBL 18.10% 0.033 15.53% 0.0012 0.70 0.17 0.30

2015 Conventional HBL 19.90% 0.035 16.98% 0.0075 0.50 0.15 0.29

2014 Conventional HBL 20.20% 0.037 16.16% 0.0026 0.65 0.16 0.32

2013 Conventional HBL 16.80% 0.032 15.39% 0.0024 0.68 0.16 0.33

2012 Conventional HBL 18.80% 0.036 15.31% 0.0141 0.66 0.19 0.31

2011 Conventional HBL 21.60% 0.049 15.62% 0.0147 0.59 0.21 0.40

2010 Conventional HBL 18.90% 0.051 14.61% 0.0169 0.59 0.20 0.50

2009 Conventional HBL 17.80% 0.054 13.25% 0.0205 0.70 0.18 0.53

2018 Conventional NBP 21.78% 0.022 16.35% 0.0122 0.79 0.18 0.33

2017 Conventional NBP 28.98% 0.027 15.95% 0.0016 0.73 0.12 0.30

2016 Conventional NBP 31.47% 0.030 16.54% 0.0006 0.73 0.18 0.33

2015 Conventional NBP 29.35% 0.035 17.59% 0.0230 0.78 0.12 0.34

2014 Conventional NBP 20.83% 0.044 17.39% 0.0199 0.80 0.18 0.41

2013 Conventional NBP 6.89% 0.045 15.24% 0.0331 0.91 0.21 0.45

2012 Conventional NBP 10.81% 0.028 16.98% 0.0108 0.72 0.19 0.50

2011 Conventional NBP 13.04% 0.033 16.80% 0.0118 0.69 0.22 0.46

2010 Conventional NBP 39.34% 0.042 17.23% 0.0146 0.66 0.20 0.46
2009 Conventional NBP 37.23% 0.040 17.24% 0.0235 0.61

0.23 0.50

2018 Conventional UBL 11.60% 0.029 17.70% 0.0777 0.69 0.18 0.40

2017 Conventional UBL 20.60% 0.027 15.40% 0.0637 0.49 0.15 0.32

2016 Conventional UBL 24.90% 0.035 15.10% 0.0725 0.43 0.15 0.34

2015 Conventional UBL 25.70% 0.039 14.80% 0.0837 0.46 0.15 0.34

2014 Conventional UBL 23.90% 0.039 13.90% 0.0953 0.48 0.13 0.41

2013 Conventional UBL 22.30% 0.036 13.30% 0.1052 0.50 0.17 0.41

2012 Conventional UBL 24.30% 0.041 14.80% 0.1093 0.51 0.19 0.43

2011 Conventional UBL 23.70% 0.048 14.30% 0.1118 0.53 0.18 0.45

2010 Conventional UBL 19.80% 0.046 14.50% 0.0948 0.60 0.18 0.50

2009 Conventional UBL 19.50% 0.051 13.20% 0.0742 0.68 0.18 0.59

2018 Conventional MCB 15.48% 0.031 17.02% 0.0035 0.89 0.11 0.34

2017 Conventional MCB 17.65% 0.032 16.34% 0.0022 0.95 0.11 0.35

2016 Conventional MCB 16.94% 0.041 19.68% 0.0027 0.85 0.10 0.32

2015 Conventional MCB 23.21% 0.049 20.07% 0.0022 0.80 0.09 0.30

2014 Conventional MCB 23.83% 0.047 20.41% 0.0055 0.85 0.07 0.32

2013 Conventional MCB 23.09% 0.046 22.18% 0.0116 0.89 0.10 0.30

2012 Conventional MCB 24.50% 0.053 22.16% 0.0012 0.60 0.12 0.31

2011 Conventional MCB 25.24% 0.068 21.88% 0.0183 0.57 0.12 0.35

2010 Conventional MCB 25.12% 0.065 22.04% 0.0145 0.53 0.11 0.45

2009 Conventional MCB 26.72% 0.070 19.10% 0.0295 0.46 0.12 0.50

2018 Conventional Askari 14.98% 0.026 12.51% 0.0762 0.32 0.09 0.49

2017 Conventional Askari 19.97% 0.025 12.09% 0.0991 0.36 0.09 0.39

2016 Conventional Askari 22.14% 0.024 12.50% 0.1146 0.34 0.12 0.38

2015 Conventional Askari -31.94% 0.022 10.39% 0.1749 0.30 0.11 0.41

2014 Conventional Askari 22.35% 0.027 13.03% 0.1652 0.28 0.08 0.38

2013 Conventional Askari 24.54% 0.028 12.51% 0.1425 0.28 0.09 0.37

2012 Conventional Askari 6.70% 0.027 11.81% 0.1331 0.26 0.13 0.41

2011 Conventional Askari 9.64% 0.029 11.35% 0.1106 0.27 0.12 0.44

2010 Conventional Askari 6.09% 0.030 10.30% 0.1024 0.27 0.14 0.49

2009 Conventional Askari 7.85% 0.036 11.75% 0.0933 0.30 0.16 0.53

2018 Islamic Meezan 23.77% 0.030 14.55% 0.0023 0.73 0.08 0.55

2017 Islamic Meezan 19.26% 0.026 12.89% 0.0031 0.78 0.10 0.53

2016 Islamic Meezan 19.58% 0.027 12.91% 0.0001 0.78 0.10 4.70

2015 Islamic Meezan 20.00% 0.033 10.98% 0.0026 0.77 0.09 0.39

2014 Islamic Meezan 21.35% 0.029 11.88% 0.0027 0.74 0.08 0.40

2013 Islamic Meezan 22.31% 0.031 12.48% 0.0007 0.71 0.10 0.38

2012 Islamic Meezan 24.34% 0.038 14.08% 0.0045 0.72 0.08 0.32

2011 Islamic Meezan 28.18% 0.047 14.89% 0.0176 0.68 0.10 0.35

2010 Islamic Meezan 16.64% 0.038 12.41% 0.0241 0.75 0.10 0.39

2009 Islamic Meezan 13.29% 0.041 12.77% 0.0307 0.80 0.08 0.38
2018 Islamic Islami 1.69% 0.028 15.10% 0.0003 0.97 0.08 0.55
2017 Islamic Islami 13.46% 0.023 14.68% 0.0033 1.34 0.07 0.55
2016 Islamic Islami 4.27% 0.024 13.43% 0.0261 1.73 0.06 0.43
2015 Islamic Islami -2.37% 0.021 12.34% 0.0070 1.31 0.06 0.39
2014 Islamic Islami 5.35% 0.033 16.70% 0.0010 0.92 0.07 0.40
2013 Islamic Islami 3.38% 0.029 15.37% 0.0033 0.82 0.06 0.44
2012 Islamic Bank 7.68% 0.033 15.25% 0.0033 0.33

Islami 0.08 0.37
2011 Islamic Islami 8.29% 0.045 17.18% 0.0034 0.50 0.09 0.42
2010 Islamic Islami 0.99% 0.039 19.50% 0.0002 0.50 0.08 0.43
2009 Islamic Islami -9.93% 0.028 18.24% 0.0102 0.45 0.15 0.32
2018 Islamic Bank 61.92% 0.035 14.00% 0.0014 0.74 0.10 0.66
2017 Islamic Bank 57.02% 0.035 13.39% 0.0015 0.79 0.07 0.65
2016 Islamic Bank 55.99% 0.034 11.22% 0.0012 0.93 0.11 0.62
2015 Islamic Bank 74.09% 0.029 11.13% 0.0018 1.04 0.10 0.67
2014 Islamic Bank 66.07% 0.040 10.00% 0.0050 0.94 0.12 0.58
2013 Islamic Bank 48.84% 0.039 10.00% 0.0129 1.09 0.08 0.44
2012 Islamic Bank 51.98% 0.045 19.06% 0.0073 0.90 0.78 0.41
2011 Islamic Bank 45.77% 0.046 20.85% 0.0007 0.93 0.09 0.50
2010 Islamic Bank 35.17% 0.049 20.87% 0.0079 1.08 0.10 0.58
2009 Islamic Bank 34.62% 0.052 20.05% 0.0056 0.95 0.10 0.58
2018 Islamic Baraka 49.64% 0.033 11.77% 0.0103 1.05 0.15 0.58
2017 Islamic Baraka 42.81% 0.030 10.17% 0.0026 1.15 0.09 0.58
2016 Islamic Baraka 29.87% 0.018 10.26% 0.0025 1.09 0.18 0.52
2015 Islamic Baraka 51.97% 0.029 14.54% 0.0022 1.33 0.15 0.55
2014 Islamic Baraka 47.63% 0.023 14.24% 0.0004 0.96 0.08 0.50
2013 Islamic Baraka 37.85% 0.020 11.97% 0.0018 1.05 0.08 0.42
2012 Islamic Baraka 19.09% 0.021 11.18% 0.0261 1.75 0.01 0.39
2011 Islamic Baraka 36.89% 0.023 15.29% 0.0079 0.92 0.06 0.40
2010 Islamic Baraka 12.86% 0.009 15.88% 0.0486 3.64 0.09 0.26
2009 Islamic Baraka 28.09% 0.034 25.53% 0.0328 0.56 0.09 0.48

Macroeconomic Data

GDP Growth Rate% Inflation (CPI)% Unemployment%

2018 5.20 8.27 6.10
2017 5.40 4.09 6.00
2016 4.60 3.77 6.00
2015 4.10 2.53 5.90
2014 4.10 7.19 6.00
2013 3.70 7.69 6.00
2012 3.80 9.68 6.00
2011 3.60 11.92 6.00
2010 2.60 13.88 5.60
2009 0.40 13.65 5.50


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