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Non-Positivis &
Karakter Penelitian
Kelompok 1 Kualitatif
Atika Rahmayanti / 1806212702
Chico Athalla / 1806214191
Mahardhika Wida Putra / 1806218574
Zahira Verhana A / 1806221940
Penelitian Sosial
Apakah itu penelitian sosial?
Mengapa penelitian sosial itu penting?

Chico Athalla /
Paradigma Positivisme
● Metodologi yang ilmiah dan mengikuti model ilmu alam sebagai
model ideal
● Mencari teori universal yang bisa menjelaskan masalah
● Netral terhadap fenomena yang diamati

Chico Athalla /
Positivisme vs Konstruksionisme
● Cara pandang

● Metode

Chico Athalla /
Penelitian Kualitatif

3 Sifat Penelitian Kualitatif :

1. Induktif
2. Understanding / Interpretatif
3. Hasil Interaksi

Mahardhika Wida Putra 1806218574

Metode Penelitian Kualitatif
5 Metode Utama :

1. Etnografi / Participant Observation

2. Qualitative Interviewing
3. Focus Group
4. Pengumpulan Data Kualitatif
5. Pengumpulan Analisis Kualitatif dan teks/dokumen

Mahardhika Wida Putra 1806218574

Langkah Penelitian Kualitatif
1. General research question
2. Seleksi situs dan subjek yang relevan
3. Mengumpulkan data yang relevan
4. Interpretasi data
5. Conceptual and theoretical work
6. Menuliskan hasil penelitian/kesimpulan

Mahardhika Wida Putra 1806218574

Reliabilitas dan Validitas dalam Penelitian Kualitatif
Pengkategorian Menurut LeCompte dan Goetz :

Eksternal : apakah hasil penelitian dapat direplikasi?
Internal : Konsistensi observer

Eksternal : apakah hasil penelitian dapat digeneralisasikan ke konteks yang lebih luas
Internal : apakah ada kecocokan antara hasil penelitian dengan teori

Atika Rahmayanti 1806212702

The Main Preoccupations of Qualitative Research
Qualitative researchers are more influenced by interpretivism

1. Seiing through the eyes of the PEOPLE BEING STUDIED

● often accompanied by the
closely related goal of seeking
to probe beneath surface For their research on teenaged
appearances. girls’ views on and experiences
of violence, Burman et al. (2001:
● the prospect is raised that they 447) ‘sought to ground the study
might view things differently in young women’s experiences
from what an outsider with of violence, hearing their
little direct contact might have accounts and privileging their
expected. subjective views’.

Zahira Verhana - 1806221940

The Main Preoccupations of
Qualitative Research
2. Abductive Reasoning
-> keep in touch he world as it is seen by those
whose voices pro- vided the DATA.

loh ? IS IT INDUCTIVE ???????

what distinguishes abduction is

“the theoretical account is grounded in the

world- view of those one researches.”

Zahira Verhana - 1806221940

Description and the emphasis on context

-> They are concerned with explantion

-> ask “ WHY?” questions

-> thick de- scriptions : often full of detailed information about the social worlds
being examined.
Lofland and Loflan (1995: 164-5) :

the sin of what they call

“descriptive excess’
-> the amount of data of detail overwhelma or inhibts the analysis of data.

Zahira Verhana - 1806221940

Flexibity and limited structure

Quantitative Strutured

Zahira Verhana - 1806221940

Ide dasar = hal yang diteliti memiliki kebenaran dan dapat dilihat dari perspektif yang

Kriteria penelitian kualitatif menurut Yardley (2010) :

★ Sensitivity to Context
★ Komitmen dan Ketelitian
★ Transparansi dan Koherensi
★ Pentingnya dampak yang ditimbulkan

Atika Rahmayanti 1806212702


➔ Terlalu subjektif
➔ Sulit untuk direplikasi
➔ Terdapat masalah dalam generalisasi
➔ Lack of Transparency

Atika Rahmayanti 1806212702

Bryman, Alan. 2004. Social Research 2nd Edition. New York : Oxford University Press.
Chapter 17.

Marvasti, Amir B. 2004. Qualitative Reaserch In Sociology.

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