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Name : Muhamad Fberiansyah Hanan

Student’s number : 231324389

Mapel : Curriculum analysis


An ideology is a collection of ideas, a comprehensive vision, a way of looking at

things, or a worldview that embodies the way a person or a group of people believes the
world should organized and function. It is “a certain ethical set of ideals, principles,
doctrines, myths or symbols of a social movement, institution, class, or large group. Ideology
is used to distinguish between motives that underlie behavior and articulated.
The Scholar Academic Ideology
It means that The culture has collected the important knowledge in dicipline academic
which found at University. Dicipline academic involves studying the contents, the
conceptual framework, and way of thinking. The teacher should know the knowledge about
dicipline so she or he can educates the students clearly and accurately and Scholar
Academics assume that the academic disciplines, the world of the intellect, and the world of
knowledge are loosely equivalent. The teacher also should to introduce the young people to
the students as a student unuversty from the bottom of the hierarchy toward its top.
The Social Efficiency Ideology
It means that The students can be a part of the society by giving a good curriculum
and educating them such asproductive lives and perpetuate the functioning of society so that
They can be contributed to the society. It also believes that competencies and the activities
they are capable of performing.
The Learner Centered Ideology
It means that The school where the students can get education can educate them well
because The goal of education is the growth of individuals, each in harmony with his or her
own unique intellectual, social, emotional, and physical attributes. In addition, people are
viewed as the source of content for the curriculum.
The Social Reconstruction Ideology
It means that to tell the true purpose of the education is educating all people
invariably even the students have different racial, gender, social,and economic
inequalities.Because education from a social perspective however education is to facilitate
the construction of a new and more just society that offers maximum satisfaction to all of its
Historical Perspective on the Ideologies
It means that the ideologies within the richness of the traditions and evolution of each
ideology. The Scholar Academic
ideology will be examined by exploring the period of curriculum development that
resulted from the work of Charles Eliot and the Committee of Ten in the 1890s, the
“new curriculum” movement of the 1960s, and E. D. Hirsch’s cultural literacy
movement at the end of the 20th century. The nature of the Social Efficiency ideology will
be explored by examining the tradition linking Franklin Bobbitt, Ralph Tyler, and the
Race to the Top Fund (and its predecessor, the No Child Left Behind Act).


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