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(dl Office Telephone Number 315'-7!f?-?w

3 . (a) Marital S t a t u s .
If married, please give
spouse's f u l l name including maiden name where applicable.
$Ti & iZA. A. ftt.a.f^ukneh
(b) L i s t the names of a l l unemancipated children.

Answer each of the following questions completely, with respect to

calendar year 2 0 0 9 , -unless another period or date is otherwise
specified. If additional apace is needed, attach additional pages.
Whenever a "value" o r flamountw ie required to be reported hereh,
such value or amount shall be reparted as belag &thin OW of the
following Categories: Category A --under $ 5 , 0 0 0 ; Category a -
$ 2 0 , 0 0 0 to under $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 ;
$ 5 , 0 0 0 to under $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 ; Category C
Category D - $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 to under $100,000; Category E - $100,000
to under $ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 ; and Category F - sz50,000 or over. A reporting
individual shall indicate the Category by l e t t e r only.
Whenever nineomen i e required, to be reported herein, the tern uincome'
S-1 mean the aggxeqate net income before taxes from the S O W C @

The term r@calendary e a w &I1 mean the year e n h q the December 31st
preceding the date o f f i l h g of che annual statement.
(bl List any off ice, trusteeship, directorship,
partnership, or position of any nature, 'whether
compensated or not, held by t h e spouse or imemancipated
child of the reporting i n d i v i d u a l , with any firm,
corporation, association, partnership, or
organization other than the S t a t e of New York. Include
compensated honorary positions ; do HOT list meniberehip or
uncompensated honorary positions. If t h e listed entit
was licensed by any s t a t e or local agency, was regulate
by any state regulatory agency or local agency, or, as
regular and significant part of the business or activit
of said entity, d i d business w i t h , or had matters othe
t h a n ministerial matters before, any state or l o c a l
agency, l i s t the name of any such agency.
State o r
Position Organization Locql Agency

(a) List the name, address and description of any

occupation, employment, (other than the employment
listed under Item 2 above), trade, business or
profession engaged in by the r e p o r t i n g individual. If
such activity was licensed by any state or l o c a l
agency, was regulated by any s t a t e regulatory agency or
local agency, or, as a regular and significant part of
t h e business or activity of s a i d entity, d i d business
b) If the spouse or uneniancipated child of the reporting
ndividual was engaged in any occupation, employmen
rade, business or profession which activity was l i m n s
by any s t a t e or l o c a l agency, was regulated by any s t a
regulatory agency or l o c a l agency, o r , as a regular an
d g n i f i c a n t part of the business or activity of sai
entity, did business with, or had matters other than
ministerial matters before, any state or local agency,
list t h e name, address and description of such occupation,
employment, trade, business or profession and the name of
such agency,
~affle6 Address
Position of organization Local Agency

List any interest, in EXCESS of $1,000, held by the

reporting individual, such individual's spouse or
unemancipated c h i l d , or partnership of which any such
person ie a member, or corporation, 10% or more of the
stock of which is owned or controlled by any such person,
whether vested or contingent, in any contract made or
executed by a s t a t e or local agency and include the name
of the entity which holds such interest and the
relationship of t h e reporting individual or such
individual '6 fipouse or such c h i l d to such entity and the
i n t e r e s t in such c o n t r a c t . Do NOT include bonds and
notes. DO NOT l i s t any interegt in any such contract o
which final payment has beeri made and all obligations
under t h e c o n t r a c t except f o r guarantees and. warranties
have been performed, provided, however, t h a t such an
interest must be listed if there has been an ongoing
dispute during the calendar year f o r which this statement
is filed with respect to any such guarantees or
warranties. Do NOT list any interest in a contract made
in Contract

List any p o s i t i o n the reporting individual held as an

(a) If the reporting individual practices law, is licensed

by the department of state as a r e a l estate broker or
a g e n t or practices a profession licensed by the department
of education, give a general description of the principal
s u b j e c t areas of matters undertaken by such i n d i v i d u a l .
Additionally, if such an individual practices with a firm
or corporation and is a p a r t n e r or shareholder of t h e firm
or corporation, give a general description of principa
s u b j e c t areas of matters undertaken by such firm or
corporation. Do not list t h e name of the individual
clients, customers or patients.

List each source of gifts, EXCLUDING campaign,

contributions, in EXCESS of $1,000, received during the
reporting period for which this statement is f i l e d by t h e
r e p o r t i n g individual or such i n d i v i d u a l I s spouse o
unemancipated child from the same donor, EXCLWDING gi
from a. relative. IHCLODE t h e name and address of
donor. The term "giftsu does not include reimbursements
which term is defined in item 10. Indicate the value an
n a t u r e of each such g i f t .
self, category of
Spouse or Kame of
Child Donor

Identify and briefly describe the source of any

reimbursements for expenditures,EXCLUSING campaign
expenditures and expenditures in connection w i t h offic
duties reimbursed by the state, in EXCESS of $1,000 fr
each such source- For purposes of this item, the term
ureimbursements" s h a l l mean any travel-related expenses
provided by nongovernmental sources and f o r activities
related to the reporting individual o f f i c i a l duties su
as, speaking engagements, conferences, or factfinding
events. The term ~reimbursernentsfldoes 'S07 i n c l u d e g i f t s
reported under item 9.
source Description

List the identity and value, if reasonably ascertainable,

t h e estate of, a relative.

a V Ã ˆ l u or EUch interest shall be reported, only if reasonably ascerttiinabi

(a) Describe t h e terms of, and the parties to, any

contract, promise, or other agreement between
reporting individual and any person, firm, or corporat
wich respect to the employment of such individual after
leaving o f f i c e or p o s i t i o n (other t h a n a leave of
absence! .

(b) Describe the parties to and the terms of any agreement

providing for continuation of payments or benefits to the
REPORTING INDIVIDUAL in EXCESS of $1,000 from a p r i o r
employer OTHER THAN t h e S t a t e . (This includes i n t e r e s t s
in or contributions to a pension fund, profit-sharing
plan, or life or health insurance; buy-out agreements;
severance payments; e t c . )
income in EXCESS

ve) from compensated employment whether ptAlic 0

vate, directorships and other fiduciary positions
contractual arrangements, teaching income, partnerships
honorariums, lecture fees, consultant fees, bank and ban
interest, dividends, income derived from a trust, rea
Income from a

address in the case of real estate rents and otherwise

the name of the entity and not by the name of t
individual customers, clients or tensuits, with t
aggregate net income before taxes for each buildi

support payments shall not be l i s t e d -

List the sources of any deferred income (not retirement

income) in EXCESS of $1,000 from each source to be p a i d
the reporting individual following the close of t
calendar year for which this disclosure statement i
filed, other than deferred compensation reported in ite
11 herein above. Deferred income derived from the
practice of a profession shall be listed in t h e aggregat
and shall identify as the source, t h e name of the firm,
corporation, partnership or association through which the
income was derived, but shall not identify individual
Category of
L i s t below the type and market value of securities held by
the reporting individual or such individual ' s spouse from
each issuing entity in EXCESS of $1,000 at t h e close of the
taxable year l a s t occurring prior to t h e date of filing,
including the name of t h e i s s u i n g entity exclusive of
securities h e l d by the reporting individual issued by a
professional corporation. Whenever an interest in aecur
ties exists through a beneficial interest i n a t r u s t , th
securities held in such c r u s t s h a l l be listed ONLY IF th
reporting i n d i v i d u a l has knowledge thereof except where
reporting individual or t h e reporting individual ' s spo
has transferred a s s e t s to such trust f o r his or her benefit
in which event such securities shall be listed unless they
are not ascertainable by the reporting individual because
the trustee is under an obligation or has been instructed i
writing not to disclose the contents of t h e trust to the
reporting i n d i v i d u a l . Securities of which the reporting
individual or the reporting individual's spouse is t h e owne
of record but in which such individual or the r e p o r t i n g
individual*^ spouse has no beneficial interest s h a l l n o t be
listed. Indicate percentage of ownership ONLY if the
reporting person or the r e p o r t i n g person's spouse h o l d s m o r
than five percent ( 5 % ) of the stock of a corporation i n
which t h e stock is publicly traded or more than ten percent
(10%) of t h e stock of a corporation in which the s t o c k is
NOT publicly traded. ~ l a olist securities owned for
investment purposes by a corporation more than fifty percen
( 5 0 % ) of the stock of which is owned or controlled by the
reporting individual or such individual's spouse. For the
purpose of t h i s item the term msecuritiesH shall m e a n mutual
funds, bonds, mortgages, n o t e s , obligations, warrants and
s t o c k s of any class, investment interests in l i m i t e d or
general partnerships and certificates of deposits ( C D s ) and
such o t h e r evidences of indebtedness and c e r t i f i c a t e s of
of corporate
stock owned

7. L i s t below t h e location, s i z e , general nature, acquisitio

d a t e , market value and percentage of ownership of any rea
p r o p e r t y in which any vested or contingent interest in
EXCESS of $1,000 is held by the r e p o r t i n g individual or
the r e p o r t i n g individual's spouse. Also list r e a l
property owned for investment purposes by a corporation
more than fifty percent ( 5 0 % ) of t h e stock of which is
owned or controlled by t h e r e p o r t i n g individual or such
individualls epouse. Do NOT list any real property whi
is the primary or secondary personal residence of the
r e p o r t i n g individual or the reporting individual ' s spous
except where there is a co-owner w h o is other than a

8. List below all n o t e s and accounts receivable, other than
from goods or services sold, held by the reporting
i n d i v i d u a l at t h e close of the taxable year l a s t occurring
p r i o r to the d a t e of filing and other debts owed to such
individual at t h e close of the taxable year l a s t o c c u r r i n g
p r i o r to t h e date of filing, in EXCESS of $1,000, including
ny, excluding securities reported i nitern 16 herein above
ebts, n o t e s and accounts receivable owed to the individua
y a relative s h a l l not be reported.

Type of Obligat
Date Due, and K

List below a l l liabilities of the reporting individual a

such individual'e spouse, in EXCESS of $5,000 as of the da
of filing of this statement, other than liabilities to
relative. Do NOT list liabilities incurred by, o
guarantees made by, the reporting individual or sue
individual's spouse or by any proprietorship, partnership o
corporation in which the reporting individual or sue
individual ' s spouse has an interest , when incurred or made
in the ordinary course of the t r a d e , business or profes
s i o n a l practice of the reporting individual or sue
individual's spouse- Include the name of the creditor an
any c o l l a t e r a l pledged by such individual to secure payment
of any such liability. A r e p o r t i n g individual shall n o t
list any obligation to p a y maintenance in connection with
matrimonial action, alimony or c h i l d support payments - An
loam issued in the ordinary course of business by
financial i n s t i t u t i o n to finance educational costs, t h e cos
of home purchase or improvements for a primary or secondar
residence, or purchase of a personally owned motor vehicle
household furniture or appliances shall be excluded. If an
such reportable liability has been guaranteed by any t h i r
person, list the l i a b i l i t y and name the guarantor,

Name of creditor Type of Iiiabilicy

or Guarantor and C o l l a t e r a l , i f any

r <^È^-

The requirements of law relating to the reporting of

a x i a l interests are in t h e nubile interest and n o adverse -- - - - -

nference of unethical or illegal conduct or behavior w i l l be

drawn merely - from
- - .
compliance with these requirements.

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