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My name is Des Pestillo

I am a Hr supervisor

Im incharge in employee & Labor relation

I have been working for 10 years and 3 months

What else would you like to know?

When you went here at Jpark,is hr is your first job?

My first job in my personal career i started as a human resource recruitment staff and it is not here in
jpark its in Celeste Corporate Phil. its actually a manufacturing firm, it’s not hospitality firm, when it
comes to hospitality it is the 1st hospitality that i have been working with since 2009

Okay so knowing your job,can you discuss the background ,types and importance of Hr in department
,industry and organization?

Well the most important part of a hr department in certain industry is because the fact it is hr so we are
the ones who deaos with ofcourse talents,developments,hiring and training that is included we also
provides plans for the management to make sure that it is sustainable for this employess that it will be
friendly for them and peaceful for them and it will be condusive for every employee who would be
working in the industry so i think basicallly those are the main challenge feauture being in HRD cause if
you are in HRD you actually the one between the employess and management.

In relation to job analysis,can you discuss to us, Jparks hiring approach?What are the qualifications?

Application/Recruitment between here and jpark its start from the very beginning where in a
department for example there is a vactating position in company reside that they raise a personal
request for that matter and if ever there is a new positiob is just the same process,once recruitment in
charge would be ablento accept that req. thats the time advertisement would follow, we advertise that
we have opening positions either we use media and also we use intnernal hiring so whenever there is
emplotyee that was interested in that particular position they will have an oppurtunity to be able to
apply , now for external hiring thats the time that we use website we also use other recruitment
systematic mean such as jobstreet.and then ofcourse print media cause ofcourse for us be able to reach
out to other areas maybe those who do not have access but i dnt beleive that people dont have access
to social media right? or the media itself.But we still reosrt to print media just to be able intact more
applicants we also join and support movements/advocacy espcially for ngos and at the same time local
goverments so im not sure but we have in lapu² that peso office wherein they actually provide
applicants also for technical/skill cause here in jpark or in the high of Nc2 appreciation for students, the
working age is becoming more younger compared to what we have before that like 23 yrs old. ,25, but
today if youre 18 or less than yoy can actually work and were open to it.

Can you discuss to us maam diff. psychology test ?applitude?iq?personality?

Here in jpark we corporated those testing methods or kinds in essay type that be actually did ourself
basing on a competency matrix that we have rigght now in Jpark on our standards.

What is the usual of employment through organization being cater provisionary or contractual?

By law contractual employee it is no longer allowed right now,what we have for local hires they are
either provisionary or regular employee thee are the 2 qualifications of employee that we had and by
law we acquired talents where they are expatriates, so there'll be under the law and they are not
considered as regular employee they are the ones who are enclose with particular contract because on
that they are pretreats thats not our external rule that is actually a law provided by the Phil. we
followed that .

So how often or what are the process of hrd in evaluating employee jobs?

Evaluation in employee appraisal program we use to do it twice a year. As a semi annually evaluation
recently because of the consent on the introduction of competency ,matrix we are doing it once a year
that would be the last quarter of the year so it wills start October we will be distributing already a
evaluation forms by OCTOBER and submitting will in second month of quarter.

Regarding to compensation and wages given to employees , do you have any basis for starting salary?

The basis that we have that is actually coming from the law is minimum wage so we followed that one if
there are new introduction compensation increase we also comply because of course we have penalties
if we dont comply there are disturtions.

Does the company accommodate special payments? As a general

principle what is written by the law are also the things we got to followed so when you day retirement
that is provided by law we provide that as long as the employee serve for at least 5 yrs and has the reach
of 60 or voluntarily we provide necessary benefits to the exact 1/2 or monthly pay or 1 1/2 pay of every
year service thats the particular equivalent that we have so what the law required we provide that .
Other incentive programs we have i think youve all aware when it comes to hospitality industry that we
have service charge employees akso enjoy the same so what is provide d by law begpre because there
is recent mandate that is 85.50 but jparK already practice 90% & 10 for the breakage.

In addition to does employee have maternity,patrenity,vacations,specials service

,hospitalization,cash bonuses ?


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