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(To complete the lesson how to take order part)

The actors :
Febri : Customer 1
Fiki : Customer 2
Gusti : waiter

Febri : Hi bro, what’s up?

Fiki : Hello

Febri : How are you today?

Fiki : I’m fine, and you?

Febri : I’m fine too

Fiki : Is this your first time come to this café?

Febri : yes, This is my first time come to this café, how about you fiki?

Fiki : No, This is my second time

Febri : So, do you have recommended menu?

Fiki :My recommended menu are salad and steak

Febri : Salad and steak

(Waiter come to them)

Gusti : Hello, good morning sir? How are you?

Febri : Good morning, I’m fine

Gusti : and you sir?

Fiki : I’m fine

Gusti : Is this your first time coming here?

Fiki : No, this is my second time

Gusti : oh… thank you so much, and you sir?

Febri : I’m first time come here

Gusti : oke.. hopefully you’ll enjoy these meals

Febri : this is good café

Gusti : ohh.. thank you so much, and are you ready for ordering something?

Febri : Do you have list menu?

Gusti : Oh yes, I have this one

This one is for you and this one is for you sir

we have some food and drink so, you may choose

Febri : I want to choose steak and salad, because my friend tell me that steak and salad

here is very nice

Gusti : (Steak and salad)

Febri : do you have some sauce here?

Gusti : Oh yes, we have a kind of sauce here such as blackpapper sauce and mushroom


Febri : I want to choose blackpapper sauce, but I need more spicy

Gusti : Oke, What about the drink?

Febri : I want to drink ice lemon tea

Gusti : (ice lemon tea), what about you sir?

Fiki : I want to order alpukat juice and spaghetti

Gusti : (alpukat juice and spaghetti)

Anything else may be?

Febri : I want mineral water, cold mineral water

Gusti : and you sir, anything else?

Fiki : no,

Gusti : That’s all enough?

Fiki : Enough

Gusti : Oke… so I will repeat your order here, steak and salad with blackpapper sauce
with more spicy, then ice lemon tea, alpukat juice, spaghetti and mineral water

that’s all

Febri : that’s all

Gusti : Oke.. thank you please just wait for a while here

Hello sir, this is your alpukat juice and this one is ice lemon tea

For meals just wait for a while

This one is spaghetti and this one is salad and this one is mineral water and

French fries

Anything else?

A will take these menus list

Anything else my be?

Febri : no, i think is enough

Gusti : so, hopefully you’ll enjoy these meals

Feby : thank you… oh sorry what is your name?

Gusti : ohhh.. my name is Gusti and if you need some helps, please mention my name.

Febri : Thank you Gusti

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