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SAT-3 NTSE(I)/14

\Lセ@ セュ。イ@ < セ@ > 2o14

Roll No.

Booklet Number セ@ <iml

セ@ セLョR@ 1


( For Students of Class X t ( 11\"IIIT X セ@ セ@ セ@ ful:t )
Tame: 90 Minutes Max. Marks · 90 セ]YP@
(For Bbnd Candidates Time . 2 Hours)
( セQG@ セ@ q; 1\<nt ll'1"' : 2 tii )
Read the following Instructions carel\t.lly
befoto you open the question booklet.
1rFI @セ セ@ "H '!6R f:rq r.rorr q;l !:liR "H
L Ans·w crl'\ セエイ」@ to be giVen on a separate セi@
aJUwer sheet (OMR sheet). I . T<R 1;!'fi :.llM'T ;;TIT """' (alTo セッ@ 31T(o セ@
2. Wruc your Roll Number·as alloned to you m ii i:H1
thC' セ、ュゥウエッョ@ card very clearly on the test·
booklet 'lnd darken the o.\ppropnate circles 2. エZセG@ 3ll1"'l "fiM "ffiiT irm f<J; セ@ !lim "" >n
on the answer sheet as per instructions Till! t. ヲ セ\BGャヲ@ m: セ@ mr ;;;rr."""'
g1ven. >n. セ@ セ@ セ@ aiR Ril '1if tffi;ii <ft <!iTMT
3. There l.ln!' 90 questions tn lhts tesL All are if.ll
compu!:;ory. The que.stiun numbers I Lo 3. "W '!"fum ii 90 liH セi@ ll'ft W'f セ@ セi@ IIV'i
35 bclon11 to
S<.1ences. 36 to 55 to <iw.rr I lf 35 セG@ 36 セ@ 55 '1iVm a:fR 51> lr
Mathemaucs and 56 to 90 nre on Social
90 fll Alf"1<!1 fcmR セ@ '<t 3ll>llfrn t' I
Science >l.lbjccts.
4. Pleaac: follow the mstruc:tions gJven on the 4. セ セ@ ᄋ 。ュ@
<); セ@ am-'ll1'l1 1l< セ@ '1if m
answer sheet for marking the answers. セ@
<ft U!R "fi <!tm <liT セ@ S\GNQBセ@ セi@
5. If you do not know the 。ョセキ・イ@ tO any s. 'lf{ atlll f<n!:ir m <nr ;;;rr -,m セ@ セ@ ffi ;nr >n
qucst10n, do not waste ume on 1t and pass "¥' セ@ ;; セ@ 3'/rt セ@ m >n セ@ "lW!I
un to lhe next one. Ttme permlthng, you can
come back to the quesuons. whtch you have
lff{ 'IR .q セ@ m r.r-r llrii <ft 3l1'f.r tm'l m
left m lhe first mstance and auempc them
00: k'll1!!t, 3"'! >n o:m:t 31l<n{ セ@ am <:lf.;w.1
b. Smce lhc ume allotted for th1s .questJOI'l 6. • -w m "" <fi 1\<nt f.:tvifto セ@ "§0 セ@
paper 1s very hmated. you should ュオォセ@ Lhe セN@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ ,jffi- f<!;<i\
best use of it by not spendsng too much ume w:r >n セ@ セ@ 'f <'1"Tlltll
on any one quesuon.
7 Rougb work can be done on the civon
1 (II; ctmi セ@
fq;qJ 'IT W!rffi t" セ@
iii *' ii セ@ '1q
3ffi"-"""'Ia!FfiT セ@
mn 'r'if >n
Blank Po.ges at the back or the booklet
but not on the answer sheet/loose papor. 1l< 'itt I
8. Every c:orrect answe·r will be awarded om: 6. 1«'<i<n mil 3ffi" <FiT セ@ at<;; lm'f fq;qJ "111!'111 セ@
mark. Thc:re will be no ncgat1ve markmg. li!OIIM•> 3t<!>;f '1if it'mr I
9 Pleas.e return the Anower oheet (OMR 9, セ@ セ@ セ@ 1ftq セ@ [tiMセ@ {afro セッ@
Sheotl only to the lnvlgilat<u after the arrro セI@ ii pオGQセB@ '1>1 セ@ I
I 0. Hincl1 vcnnun ur Lhc qucst1on paper will be 10 BGQアエヲセ@ セゥヲ@ 3Mi{ -a -3<3 ヲセ@ ..n セ@ <nT
considered as finaJ in case or any d1spute Wifil ij W'f-1(;( "<fi fpft f<m'oi lfir f4Vi\4<6 'IT'!I
O£rislng out of vuriaoon m translated version :l!f\\Tfl I
BSER 2014
Tt\e or dw contents of thls booklet rests wnh the BSER a...,d no pan of 1t should b(' used by
Tョセᄋ「ッ、ケ@ 1.0 any rnunncor$0Cver without the pnor permts-'StOn of the BSER The items are prqJi\t't'd
on be!it efJOrt 「セャDゥAGj⦅@ tn CfJSO ur 11nv dJspUtC' the O])lDlOD of the d<ptn.s appointrd by sヲセr@ wt1l be fmal.

IF-0011 NTSE(I)/14- SAT
!3I SAT-3

セ@ 4lH@ 'lffia:tr
セ@ "\Wf-lf:l it セ@ 90 lJ"R セ@ I セ@ "\Wf 1!;<ii セ\ヲゥt@ t I

l !J:{'(qiOf><iol セ@ "ll'qlq it セゥエ@ frrr 'Of>\ a"t<:: セGャュr@ セ@ 0::'1>\I<M !'1': セ@ m 'CI'i '(f;1 セᆳ
t;Il'1l '!IT'l> m
I) •

(1) (2)

.. t


I (4)
.. t
[7 01 t

The veloCity-lime graph of a body falling from rest under graVIty and rebounding
from a solld surface Is represented by

• • (I) (2)

P セ@


- - f - - ----'"--• I

NTSE(l)/ 14 -SAT I P.T.O.
( 3) SAT-3

セ@ 41n:@ 1iUa:tr
セMャヲZゥエYPQjBr@ セ@ セア[イエ@ I

1 :!,{><"l'f>qOI if; "Jl'qlq if セゥエ@ frrr "111: a't<:i セGャュrA@ 'i1 C:'I>WM セZ@ セ@ m 'CI'i "1>1 セᆳ
W!!i TIJ1l> m
v • ·'

(1) (2)

0 ---+-----------··
oj t


I (4)

.. t
ol t

The veloCity-lime graph of a body falling from rest under graVIty and rebounding
from a solld surface Is represented by

• ' (I) (2)


l ---,1,-------- - · l


- - - ¥ - - -- - ' > - -,. I


I'TT'SE(l)/ 14 -SAT I P.T.O.
SAT-3 ( ·I I

2. f:lmw if I "'!fin <tfr sU 'll Wi セ@ セ@ I セ@ セNFQTG@ \Qセ@ it <!'<l3'ii if; "f!t>;J セ@

i((>fi!ll$4•1 セ@ Wn
(I) セ@ 1:21 6·67 5 " J0- I I 1\j

(3) 13·350 X 10- 11 N (4) 3·337 X ]()-II N.

111C grav1tatlonal force betwet"n two objects of mass l ォセ@ each BセGphイ。ャ・、@ by a
、ャウエ。ョ」Lセ@ of l min vacuum キuャゥjセZ@

(I) 1el0 J+V" n·675 .. 10- II ;'\1

(3) I ZQ\セUP@ " 10- II fl. (·I) 3·337 x 10 - II N ,

3. 1Z'fi m i::&f111'1 <tfr セ@ 'll F セ@ セ@ セ@ m 7 • ffi ii セ@ <l'l fiw-ll'R ( t ) セ@ >.«'1

( Y ) <ffi mrt tm セ@ i;Rl <:r<ff 3it1 セ@ 'fli TTl セ@ I セ@ セ@ セ@ 1J<lT 'fTI.f iT'll

--;;, 1


(2) セ\ヲゥ@

(3) セ@

The force F is acting on an obji:Cl ol rn. The direction <!l 、「ーャNエ\ᄋセZイョ・@

( () and force ( P) of the object ls shown IJy an arrow to the right slrll" Work
done by the force will be-

(J ) posldve (2) negaw:c

(3) zero (4) l'lther positive or ョ・セ。ャゥカ」@

1\j-fSE(l)/ 14- SAT
r5 J SAT-3
4. ft;n_lTlt G\Qヲmセ@ fTr:< il mu 1 ;j$.JI セ@ カセ@ 'IR ュセ@


+ t
12V (j(l 2U v
(I) '!.A. 4V (2) ·lA. :.w
(3) lA. 2V (4) 21\, IV

The value of currt"nl I and カッゥャ。AHセ@ \'In the given ctrC"Utl Wtll be

12 v 6<1 2!1 v

' 2!!

(I) 2A. セv@ (2) 4A. 2V

t - IS) lA. 2V (4) 2A. IV.
5. <'RI <l; f.rzl1:l ii, ....... ........ セ@ "'{ttfOl f.rzl1:l セ@ 'IR'f'!l セ@ %I
(1) セ@ [2) セ@

[4) セi@

Lenr.·.s law is a const·que nce ol the law of con:,<crvaUon of

( l) momentum (2) charge

(:'!) <llll-(tt.lar monwnlum (4) cGョ」イァ⦅セᄋN@

:ITSE(l)/ 14- SAT I I'.T.O.

SAT-3 (6I

II) 17·:.! m 121 34 1m

(3) 172m (4) 3-1-1 m.

For hearing dtstintl echoes, lh<' nunlmum Lllslance of the obstude lrom the
sourte of sound must ht' ( Given veluctty of sound = 34-l m/s )

....lll 172m (2) 3-1 1 m

(3) 172m (-1) 3-14 m

7. <iA "l'fi!T'I ュMゥャセGヲ@ 'fir セ@ セ@ ii V titR1IJ if.- セ@ -R セ@ 'l1 5 \V セ[ヲ@ fl 1m tflm t" I _,::ij
セ@ Bャセw@ <m セ@ T.ll">l ,. mt'Cm セ@ -;;im セ@ セ@ '!1: セ@ m.-1:1 m
(1) 20 w (2) 25 w
(3) 40 w (-1) 45 w
Thr<'C equal resistors connt'dcd In scrt"s across a source of V vollLig•· lugelher
dissipates 5 W power. It thl' セ。ュエ@ resistors ·are connected In pamlld U<:Toss エィセZ@

same sourct> of カッャエセァL@ \'. lhc power d1ss1pated Will be

r- '"• ••
... ' Ill 20\V (2) 25 w

(3) 40W ,.J4l 45 w

...• セ@ "T"f4 セ@ i1 3l'fl•f'1 it<n *
セ ᄋ@ (I) セゥQャ^@

(3) クMセG\ョャ@

Every hm object em1ls

jl) mfrared rays

(3) X-rays

I 7 I SAT -3
g_ ll?f. セ@ .t w g <tt -.n-...fl w. it セ@
f.l<l;l:ft 160 m<>- 1 iF:
n if ...-"9q:i m:iT iF fp.p
セゥエ@ 」セ\Z@ セ@ 0·02 セゥエ@ t,fu セ@ f<-m i.1 omll セ@ 1 "T.i'ffq; i:i •i'r<'fl セ@ f'f,1.\ Qセ@ iR WI セ@

(l) 1·20 m (21 l 60 lll

(3) :.! 00 In (4) 2·-W m.

A bullc l ol !Hm.s '0 g イZキ・ャュァョ_NッエセAケ@ wttl, n ,-elu uty (JJ 150 Qセ@ 1 strik e"
n stati onar y woo den bloc k and エオイョBセ@ 10 resl ln 0 02 s. ThC' dista ll{'e of
rv LNセᄋ@
Ill 1-20 m ,.. F I

セQ@ 1·60 m
(3) 2·00 m (.11 2 10 111
.. - .
10. セ@ il; ffiq II. t> ヲセャ@ r -q' 'l:ftl セ@ m

(l) r セ@
2tw lit.
(2) r =
" l1 2Ttr- vJ
(31 r = I
u + v 141 r = It
The rorre d relaU on belween 11. u :tn:l r for n len" WlL1 b<"
l symb ols rcpre srnl tradi tiona l mean ing)

'-Ill r =
'.!.. Uc.-\
u-u (2} r .. lJV l

(3! r = (41 =
2(1' -11)

セ@ -I'I
U+t '
r II

(1) <f.V:if•.TT セ@ <l>l drr !2) '30.,m'l'> セ@ セ@ セ@
{3) セ@ -zyff * HI !iif-1 セ@ "'.W.ii >-itr 1
." ' l

\VhC'n a hody L'> llllmero;rd m " liqui d, the buoy tml fon·t: U1a1 act,; 'I
Oll the 「ッ、セ@
will b<·

(1) verti cally c.lownwards .(2) verlJ cally U()\V'a.rcis

(3) hortzontru.Jy right stde HᄋセI@ horiz ontal ly ldt side.

1\"TSEUl/1 I -SA T
I l'.T.O

f., J,.
(I) (2)
J,. fo

(3) Iv +f., (4) J 0 - J •..

1ltt' dislanee beN.ecn the objective lens and the cyc·pleccc of en dSLronomical

tclc,cope will be


_.(4) f o-f e·

[3) AIN (4) MgC1 2 •

SaiL ma<if' nl non-metallic elements only ts

(!) N.tll

131 AJN (4) MgCI 2 .

(l} セ@ (2) セPTGQ@

l3J 'ill"1<t.•.11 (4) 'iRffil1 . '

By whtch property are gases ancl l.lqulds different from solids 'I

(I) \'oJJUIIlC (2) Mass


(3) Condu<"th'ily (4) Fluidity.

NTSEllt/14 -SAT
(9 l
f SAT ·3
15. 'W\'1 <fT 1\;;fp.p'I<H?.'R \ヲセ@ miPn ............... "R 3lll<lfllf t
(l) :;m ii ヲ」ャセ@

The: actt on of c:leamng of oily dirt by セッ。ー@ Is base.d on
(I) solu bUt ty in watc:-r

(2) hyd rop hili c pro per ty

(3) hyd rop hob n: pro per ty

(4) pre sen ce of bot h hyclroph11Jc and hvd

rop hob lc gro ups

(l) Na • (2) :v1!t 2 •

(31 AI 2 +
(4) AI.

Adcilng an alp ha part icle to nuc leu s of

sod ium atom . pro duc t will be:-

(2) Mg 2 •

(4) AI

Ill 6 (2) 9

(3) 12
(4) 15.

Bc:Iv.ene hns ..... ..... .... num ber of eov

alem bon ds.
II) 6
...l:ll 9
13) 12 (·1) 15.

SA T- 3
I W l

Ill セ@ LNoi_ᄋセGヲ@ <il B^ゥセNヲャ@ セ@ セ@ --n .>W-P v- tl !1

t2l セ@ セ@ iJ Jim-:rt セ@ [Mエセ@ <N セ@ e!l iR ln'l t.

Fa lse <,talemt"nt fo r »>

'l.'ond pc no d de tn el lt"
fl) <'h an ge m nu m be r of
el(...-tron.s !Jroducf"S !on
(2) 'lu m ix '.r ; of pro>tons セュャ@ elf'< u-om; !lr>.: •.:q uu
l lllneutr-.1.1 at01;1
J=»' nu m be r ol nc ut ro tlS
Is ks s th an ll:e- nu rn he
r oJ 1- ro ton s In at om s
HI lh an ge lfl th e nu m be r
of (lf 'al ro ns in at om
pr od uc r> s iso to pe s .

Ul Cu
121 Mg
(31 Zo
ヲセャ@ Na .
\\'h lc. h m et al catlfl<''
ili sp lac e ィイ、N^ァセQ@ fro m di lu r,. fld d« ?
J ll Cu
tll Mg
{.11 Zn .

[ li '!I; IV- i
(2) <itf-FI
(3) q<i:;fr
( 1-1 mmiR
Ai ro om let l1J t(· rat un :
Li qu id no r• me til ll< ;

Ill c·mt1on
1:.!1 hr on un e
(3) lUC 'TC Uf )'
(.J I l<>dine.

nゥセeャIOQT@ - 51\T
I II l SAT·3

21 "'W'l ;fin j i! ,.,i '1 "'"lWll t

Ill H {2) H<·

(3) Na I" .... K.

'>:<'utro nkss neutral atom Is

Ill H {2) He

13) nNセ@ (4) K.

RセN@ セュ@

Ill C.•O I s J + II 2 0 ( I J
-· Ca I OH I 2 I uq )

(2) Ph I s J + CuCJ 2 l aq I セ@ PbCl 2 ( aq l f Cu { s l

-. MnCI 2 I s l + 2 H 20 I I ) + Cl 2 ( g )
(3) :'.I nO 2 { s I + -l UCI I I J

{·1) c r,ll 120 tj ' 6 0 :l -· 6 C0 2 + H 20.

Dlsplun ·menl rt'<l<'tic n h

Ill CaO ( s l 4 H 2 0 I 1) -. Ca I OH l ::.> l w1 l

Nセカ@ Ph l s I • C uct 2 I uq l .., PbCI 2 { aq l + Cu ( s I

(3) MnO 2 ( s ) セ@ 4 HCl l I J -4 MnCI 2 ( s l + 2 H 2 0 l I) .,. Cl 2 { y l

(4) c 611 セRP@ 6 • 6 02 セ@

6 C0 2 + H 2 0.

23. ^ヲイウャMセ@ ';#.! pH it<fi ?:

(I) 7 (2) < 7

(3) '> 7 (4) 0

pi I ol suda-w akr Is

Ill 7 セ@ IZJ < 7

(3) '>7 {4) 0,

I P.T.O.
NTSEll )/ J.l - SAT
! 12 l

(2) セ@ .• セ@
(4) 'fW-fi'l, '1<AiT :ffi\ セ@ I
Thre< cr op , th at co nt nb
ut e m ax im um to gl ob al
fo od gr wn pr od uc tio n ar e
ill W ht• at Ri ce an d !\.1a1
a (2) W he at. Rice> a11d B' lrl ev
(3} W he at. M<me an d So
r'( hu m (4) Rice. m。ャNセZ・@ M fl So rg hu m

(1) 4"1'tit"'11P

(4) 1'11$1'll«t4 I
Cell or gn ne lle 'B iop las l'
wa s givf'n an ot he r na m e
by Be nd a, wh ich ts
U l Ch lo ro pl as t
(2) Mllochonc:bia

(2) 'fX! f:r1f.vl

(4) ....n <!>! セ@
In ph nN ab sc isl c ac id co
ntr oL<;
.. .>11 セイッキエィ@ in :;h oo t
(2) flowct ヲッイュ\セ@ tlo n
(3) ce ll dlv isi OJ l
H) fall of lea l.

!II セ@ f«•JJ•s'l セ@
(3) >W '$'lll
Tl1e so ur ce of cnt'TI(y
In <UlY sta r ts

(l) Nucl('<tr fis sio n re ac tio

n 12) Nu cle ar fu ,to n re ac tio n
(3) So lar cm-rgy
(4) Fo ss il fu el
NT SE (ll /1 4- SA T
( 13 l SAT-3
28 fst'il:i!"'c:-1 ッZセオヲキ[ア@ q;q <!i1 3Tittm セゥ@ fウwゥセキャ@ q;q '!liT セN[アL@ セ@ セQMイヲエ@ t <lli'lfcl;
(I ) セ@ "l:ll'l'l <!

(2) Tセ@ 31mR1 i1 セ@ t

(3) ni<f.T 1'1' セi@ ll .,:p.f;1IT i
(4) セ@ GZヲャセ@ セ@ アヲセエオゥ@ 'R \ゥ^Gエセ@ セ@ :m m>"1! I

The usc of dlspo::.aulc iJ<tper-cup-; It; more benefici al over disposab le plastic-
cups. 「」。オセ・@

(I) It iS cheaper

(2) It iS easUy available

(3) il can b(' イセオ@ sed

,)4) ll.s recycllng proceq.<; h;ts no hannful impact on environm ent.

29. au1o<fl r*<i <fiT 'i{"l"irq m-m t

(1) セ@ (2} lt•JI'bltl

(3) f'4•!f•1<1 (4) '1!1fui<1 I

The t>ndospem1 ot angiospe rms Is

, _Ill haploid (2) diplotd

(3) triploid (·l) polyploid.

30. ᄋセQABヲィゥ[@

(l) M セ@ [2) セ@

(3) ヲセTQャ^ᆱ@ [4) GJ^セエヲャ@ f"'fot<l«

The author of the book ·sy:,,tema セ。エオイ」G@ is

(11 Lamarl.'k (2) Darwin

HセI@ Thcoph rastus セ@ Carolus Unnatu s.

NTSE(I) /!4 -SAT ( P.T.O.
SAT -3
( 11 )

(1) セヲャGゥ@
(2) セ@
(3) -.:rcroft (.!) if"'" I
In whi ch of the lollm vlng anim als join ted
ャ・セAウ@ an· not foun d ?
(1) Pala emo n [2) Sco rpio n
(3) Hou sefl y
MセG@ LI-ce h.
32 . f.11::r ii セ@ """''·F"ll <'ffirq; -.iwvJ セ@ セMᆱQ@ Trl "'Iii t 7
(I I pョ^ヲ\Qセ@ (2) セサエAj@

(3} セ@ (41 セi@

Wbt ch of the foUowinl( 、ャウ・NセscA^@ Is noL rela ted with sex ual tran smi sslu n?
(1) Syphi!Js 12) 00II OJT bot> a

J31 Allergy (4) AID S.

33. f-fq ii ll セMゥャ@ ij[Gャセ@ ;;>1 セAM[{@ >iti\9 '!f'Fl<l t ?
(1) i.'11$ii"' (2) セ@
(3) セ@ (•1) カNセ@
Wh ich of the folloWing enz yme s Is relaLcd
Mth dlge.sUon of prot ein 'I
(I) Lip ase (21 Pepo>tn
(31 Sue r as!" 14) Amylase.
34. 31ft.>.! <1ii セ@ セ@ セ@ qrff i セ@ <1ii セ@ セ@
(11 'fi11SIT (2) 3 41 f,..q

!3) l"W1 (4) カヲエ。ョュセ@

The stru ctur e that connect!! a bon e
w1th mt.tscles Is kno wn as

..)ll Ten don (21 Cartilage

.J3l U!!;amc:nt (4) Arr olar tiss ue .

NTS E(T )/14 - SAT
( 15 l SAT·3

35. 」[Gヲ\セN@ ;;ft 'i•» 'Rf?.i! Qヲセ@ ^ゥャヲᆬセ@ q; セ@ 31€!m <ITt:"' wMQセ@ セ@ t セ@ t
!II liS il•·iPI 121 "'lT"'l1 セ@

131 1fW.I> セ@ {4) セi@

C<:U orgEulcllr that 。ャッキセ[@ cnl<lin :substances to enter or come out from the cc:U

Ill rゥャoセ^ッュ・@ (2) Plasma membrane


13) Ct'ulro,.owe (4) Golgi body.

::!6. <f.: x. y. z セ@ "11"1f<Ni mr.mH セ@ a, b. 」セ@ セ@ セ@ ョ\セ@

-- I f - - 1 - - + 1 <;"t"tfPI t
1 +XIt-u t \e-n 1 セ@ セNオMィKG|イ@ b 1 +Xb C'+xa·f"

(l) • I 12) 0


If x. y. 2 .we pnsiUv<: re<;l numbers and u. b. c are rational numbers. then lhe
1 1 I
value of • -- +· . !s
ャKクセM。N[L⦅@ a l+xa-fl+x < b l+xll " +xa-c

Ill - I (2) 0

13! I-ll None of these

3 t. 't!fu W.fl (! 'T<J セ@ m?."J セᄋイ^\ャ@ 1101 'HJl O.(t; 3 t 3(rr セ@ b 'f;l セ@ uTzl セ@ IJU('ft!IU セ@

7 t if<! a• b a;J 'lf'ffi GPQセ@ セ|ャヲゥG@ tヲセ@ t

!II 2 (2} 3

l·ll w.
If ᄋセ@ Is the least prlnll' factor of number Cl and 7 IS tht' least prime faC'tor of

number h, then thr- least. prime factor of a+ b Is

(2) 3

(3) :5 ('11 10.

1\ISE(I)/14 -SAT I PT.O. '
SAT-3 ( 16 J

3R. '1ft; 9. a. b. - 6 'WfPf< W{l ii セN@ Oil a + tJ =

Ill 1 121 5

13) 15 HJ 3.

If 9. u. b. - 6 a re In 1\rithmebc ーイッヲセ・NZ[ャョ@ lh<:n a + b -
(1) 1 セ@ 5

(3) 15 141 3.

39. '1ft; Wfl(f.iOI X'). .. bx + 12: O<r.T セ@ '¥1 2t 3iT>: fllflif>tOI x2 + lJx + q = ofli セ@

wセrュN@ セ@ (J•

(1} 8 121 - 8

.(3) 16 (1\J lG.

If 2 Is a root of the equation x 2 + bx + 12 = 0 and the equation x2 + bx + q = 0

has equal roots. then q =
1.1 ....
R 「セ ャZ\I@ Yb;' .., .., (..
(I) 8 121 -8 '--t-

(3) 16 M セイ@ 16. t l

10. 'ffc: sin 9- cos 9 = {2 sin I 90" - 9 I ゥfセ@ tan 9 =

I{, \ ' ' セ@
"v (,

(11 -.J2 - I (2) ..;z '
-, .
(3) 1- {:i. 141 {2 + 1. ..
If sin 6 - cos 6 =..;2 -;in I 90' - 6 ). then lan 8 =

(1) -.J2 - I

(4) ..J2 + 1. I , h ... ¢


l'."TSE(I)/ 14- SAT .... セ@ (., I

..., 1- (

r .. l .. Mセ・オᄋN@ - l-

U1-. H If .. セ@ lG•

I J7 l SAT·3
41. tffi: a ('OS 0 - b sin 6 = c O'l a sin 0 + IJ cos 0 =

If a 」ッZセ@ 6- b セ[ゥョ@ 6 = c. Uu·n a sin o+ h cus 0 ..,.

1·11 None of lセ・ウ」N@

42. 7 m セ@ \l<FI * セ@ セ@ 1l:'-li セ@ zy,p セイッキ@ 'f;1 T>Pn m 60"t m-r セ@ '1'1"! 3:1
31<WR m 45" t. 1 セ@ 'ifil エセ@ iW if wr.
(1) 7 ( v3 - I ) (2) 7 ..; セゥ@

(3) 7 + {3 (·1) 7 ( ..J3 + I ) •

lhc top of a 7 m high buildin g. lhe angh.: of t'levatlo n of the- top of a cable
tower'" ' 60, and the angle of 、・ーイエセL[ゥッョ@ of its foot Is 45". The hcqhf of the
towel 111 rnelr<' 111 "'1. Nセ@ セ@ .,.. .
(1) 7 ( -J3 - I ) 121 7 .J3
I . ._
(3) 7 + {3
(4i 7 ( .,[3 + 1 }
43 セ@ aift..,<•4 セ@ kx + 3y- ( k- 3 1 = o. 12x + ky- k = ッセ@ >nfrf'111 セ@

セ@ 3f.t<r.
I t • ' I •

Ill 6 !21 - 6 1

(3} 0 .. '
If the system of equatio ns lex+ 3y- I k- 3 I= IJ. 12x + l(u- k = 0 ィ。ウセ[⦅Z@
lnfmite ly many solution :;. lhen k =


(3) 0
'I \

. - i セ@ .f" "

-I -li

None of th<'sl'.
.- .
• • .
NTSE! Il/14- SAT
... •
t セ@ ' '\t:. セicN@
I ?TO. -
SAT·3 ( 18 )

l •I , Gャセ@ 12 3l'I!TXi セSャGゥ@ '!i11.ltf'-'!<t.l t

Ill 13 121 1l

(3) 15 (-1) 17

I\ '
. I
,, The m<'dlan of ftrsl 12 prime numb<'rs ts

( 1) 13 (2) 14

(3) i5 (4) 17.
45. T{<fi '<lril <i' セ@ <!IT セ@ "mill t I fif.1:fr \ft <lR 5 -m セ@ <f.t IHf'l<l·dl セヲャ@

35 25
(I) (2)
36 36
(3) HI
36 36.

1\ die Is thrown twice The probal>i!Hv LhaL 5 will not come up t•llher of thf' tltnf'


::!5 25
( l) ::!6 121 36

1 11
131 36 36 .

4 6. <lR '!!.<f; セ@ i;; セ@ -q 25% 'it ;-¢J ti ;;miT t iT OWf.T <!If セQ@ q セ@ f<l>lR 'lflllfif セ@
m 7

Ill 43·75% (2) 21·88%

(3) 50%

If the diameter of a sphere. 18 tkcrt·a,.,t·cl by 25%, by キィNセエ@ I"'' t'<'lll doe:. lls
ru rved surface area deereas<' ?

(I) 43-75% ._...!21 2 I 88%

(3) 50% (-1) 25%.

I 19 l SAT-3

47. Jl'T!ffil '<1. 1t'fi 'lfU "!<: A. B. C afu D '!lT7 f'r.Ri iJ I A C ;f.>: BV セ@ fu';;; E 'il 'rn '!mf
WI'«)<: m •?: F;; L BEC - 125 ml1 L ern セ@ 30° セM rii L BAC ..

Ill 95° 12] II 0

131 ss• t<ll ws•.
In figure. A. B. C and D nrc four points on a cirdc AC and BD lnterst'Cl at a
penni E sud1 !hal L BEC = 125' aud L F:CD" 30'. Then /. HAC =


"" tSC..
-.(II 95• セi@ 110'
....... .
1:11 as• .,_.14) !05.
48. J\BCofn' bdeセ@ f14ii41§ ftl"fJJ セ@ セ@ ff flf; D '{Jl1 BG'l'fl'f':q ヲッイセ@ t I fi.<'J'iii A/JC
..m rュセ@ セ@ 'l'l 3T'l'ffiT t:
Ill 2: I (21 1:2
(31 セ@ • I (41 I : 4.
ABC rutd BDE are two equllatl·ral trlauglcs sud1 that D Is the mid point of BC
Ratio of the areas of trtanglcs ABC' nnd BDE Is
Ill 2 121
...... 141
I •2

I •4

NTSEIIl/1·1 -SAT I I' T 0.
( 20 l
-19. A abcセN@ AB = 6 {3 em. AC = 12 em 31'r< I3C = 6 crn t iセ@ at

I II 120 (2) 60"

131 go• (4) 45°.

iョセ@ ABC . AB = 6 ..[3 em, AC = 12 em and HC

= 6 em. The ;mg k B Is

(2) 60'

131 go• (1) ·15°

50. セ@ il, ABC j';p!n 14. em em'\ '((Cii セ@ 'iliT Gャ\ェセ@ t <let! HC< il セ@ lfA W. '((Cii セ@
セ@ '1!<11 t I IJII<i if<lin \!Ill 'iliT セ@ lrrn

(1) gs em 2
.. (21 154 em 2

13'1 56 em 2

In figu re. ABC Is a qua dra nt of a

eu·C'Ie of radi us 1tl em and a st•m lctrc
le Is
draw n wtth BC as diam eter . The area of the
sha ded r<'gton Is

(1) 98 em 2 121 154 rm 2

(3) 56 rm 2 141 Non e of thes e
NTS E(I) /14 - SAT
I 21 I SAT-3

5I セ@ tr-1 i!> ·31Tll"iR <111 セ@ Off v;:l' •il ,; i\ i1 セ@ -lr.. セ@ '{7T· '!0 セ@ <ml1 't. irrn

(I) 6 : It (21 It ; 6

(31 It 12 1·1) 12 • lt.

Till" ralio of tlw volume of" t·uhc to that ol u sphere whiC'h f"xacUy fll:-. Inside
the cube Is

Ill 6: It 121 It : 6

セ@ \31 It : 12 • (41 12 : n.

52. セ。N@ JI x l = x 2 - p 1 x + I )- ciF. セヲN@ (Iii l a+ 1 I iセK@ I l•

Ill c- J (21 I - c

\_)31 c

If a. II are the zeros of polynomia l f (x ) = x 2 p l x + l I - c. lhen

HcエKャIセ 。@

(I) c- 1 !21 c

(3) c (4) +C

53 セ@ セ@ <111 1\h'tfiH ::> qrj V-lifi t I セ@ <it vfttt'f i.n ヲQセゥ\ャ@ ( 2. I l 3ffi ( 3. - 2 iセ@ I
iftml WI !J = ... + 3 '17 fu.ra セ@ I <i\wl mq t

Ill ( i· 0 121 (- セN@ セ@ )

131 ( - セN@ k3 ) (.1) ( セ N@ セ@ ) •

The area of a triangle 5 squart> unlls . Two of its vcrll<·es are I 2. 1 I and
( 3. - 2 ). The third vertex lies on !I = x + 3. The third vertex is

( 1l ( 7
2' 2
:i 1
l セ N@ セ I@
(31 (- セ@ 13)2. 2 '-"
(4) (セN@ セIN@
( P.T.O.
NfSE(Il/ 14 -SAT
SAT-3 (22 1

54. セゥヲ@ >.Jfu QT l PR. L TQR = 40' 3fu L SPR = 30•'f., mケセ@


(!) 7()• (2) 110°

!31 go• ..___.(41 so·.

In ヲゥセオイ・N@ If Q1' .L PR. L TQR = 40' and L SPR = 30". then 11 is

Q s
(I J 70• (21 II o•
t3l go• (41 so·.
55. ( I + tan 9 + sec 0 J ( I + col 0 - cosec 0 ) <l':ffi セ@

(I) 0 (2) 2

(3) 1 (4) -; l.

( I + tan 0 + sec e I ( I + cot 9 - cosec 9 I is equal to

(I) 0 (21 2

J.$) - 1.

NTS£(1)/ 14- SAT
( 23) SAT-3

56. セ@ iii 1791 it; >:ffi!UA セ@ <r.<: 'Fit <i セSゥ@ 't 31'f.l 'jlf* · Gャセ@ 1Fr.1 セ@ f;;r-ti1 ュゥャセ@

l!'CiiF[ "'I

I 1l fi;r.ri! lF.R

(4) tlqf1fll lj-ij I

The clnh wWch [ᄋN。セ@ most セオ」・ウヲャ L@ 」ッョウuエオセ、@ by lhe men and women of

hance, after the Conslll ulion of 1791 was

(I) Ulx·rty club (2) Zollvcr eln

(3) Jac:obln dub (4) Equalit y club

(2) ift セri@ '1.1 71'011 (ltl iゥセ@ '1 'lT'1

(4) セキ@ 1

The grt>al Indians who were Influen ced by the though ts of Fre:nch H!'volullon

(I) Hatdn All & Tlpu Sultan (2) Tlpu Sultan & Raja Rammo hun Roy

(3) La!,, Lajpal RaJ & TUak (4) Bahadu r Shah Jafar & l.nxmtb aJ.

(I) セ@ ii (2) セ@ i{

(31 セゥヲ@ (4) セゥi@

The usC' of wood was much needed In 1850s to spread lht Indian Railwa
tracks. It was us<·d

(I) In Jlu ildlnl'(s (2) In R.'1ilway wagons

(3) In Furnitu re .._.(4) In Sleeper s.

( P.T.O .
NTSE( I)/14- SAT
SAT -3
l 24 I

(II セ@ (2) セ@
(3) i:jifil 'll\1
(4) セ@
Th•· sht·phf'rdOI of Htmu<.:hal Prad esh ;;lrt' callr-<1
Ill Gujj<1r 121 Gad di
'-"'131 Bak arwa l (41 Bho!ia.
60. 'lml if セ@ q;l セ。ュゥ@ q;'l セ@ tow l1'1f!T7.I <il lt en: t
(I) '<lmii (21 trot
(3) l'flnfr (4) セi@
Th<' first tnclJan com mun ity to star t play ing
the セ。イョ・@ or Cric ket was
(J l Pars ce
セ@ (2) Chr istia n
(3) Mar alhl (41 Ben ga tee.

(1) s;rn
(31 r.rm セ@

The ino; Utuu on like Indi an Parl iam ent that

wa,. rsta blls hed afte r the F'nm ch
Rcv olut lon in fran t·c was

(1) Dum a (2) Zollverein

(3) HOll 'IC of Lord s (ill Nutt onn ! A"-semhly

121 セュイッ@

The foun der of 'Ho.-l Hao ' mov eme nt tn VIet

nam was
Ill Con fuciu s (2) Lao tse
(3) I h•yn b Pho So l4l uan g Qlch au.

( 25 ) SA'l'-3

(1) セ@ QRュセ@

131 W-Rr (4) qffi<i'll'f I

In which Conference were lmernalional Monetary Fund and World Bank

established ?

{1) Brussels (2) Bretton Woods

(3) V1enna ' -{4) Washington.

( !) \セtゥャ@ (2) iT
(3) 7'li"'W (4) セi@

Bombay ·was a group of how many Islands ln 17th Century ?

Jll Seven (2) Nine

(3) Eleven (4) Five.

14) DセサQAャ@ I

In which texl did Jyotlba Phule vvrlte about the Injustices or Caste system ?

{1) Amar Jivan (2) Gulamgiri

f3) lndirabai {4) lndralekha.

(2) ifilst"fi'11M

131 "sl'u<i swl (4) w.fVI I

Hill station located In Palanl Hills Is

, (1) PruwhnJarhl (2) Koda.J.kana.l

(:.i) Udagamandalam (4) Panchgani.

NTSE(I)/14 -SAT ( P.T.O.
SAI'-3 I 26 I

6 7. Pt'"lifq;n -q il '!l'{l セ@ t
iャセ Mセ@ (2) '1ii4\'j(4 - 1mt -.m
(3) セ@ - •ii<:t'lfl .,ey (4) セ@ - 'ffi"'l :fft I

The corTN'l patr amongst Ulc ヲッャキョセ@ l<>

(JJ Chamba- River Chenab ...__ 121 Kanchipuram ·- River Par.·att

(3) Nanded - Rln·r Godavari (4 I Ujjain r ftiver Son.
68. f.:!':;;jf-.;.i\'lil '!qf<'lil セ@ :
l<fl.'lf - I 'l'f'l'l.'lf - II

UJ ;cf<w>i 'i'B4 ᄋ[ヲイ」セ@ 'fill f>.m7

(8) セ@ (U) セ@ [オ^\セ@

ICI mT!'tiR (til) 1lR1'l <il1'l ftml

HdIセ@ {lv) セ@ セ@ -rnrt

A B c D

(I) ill (\" u

(2) tv II Ill

(3) ill tv u
(4) 1\" Ill J II.

Match the followtng columns :

Column - I Column -n
(A) Uttarakhand [I) Sarlska Wildlife Sanctuary

fBI Assam Ul) Pertyar tャセNGイ@ Ht•SC'TYC'

(C) Rajasthan (W) Manas tエセ」イ@ f<C'serve

(D) Kernla (lv) Corbett NaUonal Park

A B c D

(I) Ill IV ii

(2) IV II ill

(3) ill 1 iv u
(41 l\' ill IJ.

NTSEil)/14- SAT
I 27 l SAT-3

69. '!R if; 1J'itTl i;m セ@ u 'Oil< <1ft :om '4ffil i!> i'l"1ifi'l><t "fflii 1i1 BGヲᄋセィN^jッ@ \ャエ[ ,

11\1 セ@

(B) セ@

(C) Wfll1

(0) ;ojlj{i<:iiil

(I) B.(', D . A (21 B. D.C. A

(3) D. C. U.A I-ll D. £l. A C.

By ustrll( t•nd<>, arrang<· th<' following ••lues of lmlla from south to north '

(N Amrit,;a r

[B) Anantap ur

ICJ 1\lwar

(0) Arnaravau. ,•
Ill B.C. D. A B. D.C. A
HセI@ D. C. B. A (4) D, B. A. C.

121 m -'l'fi <>4iQIF'"' m 6Rl <lirtl 、ヲGャセBウ@ if wn

!3J q,,\'1 .;W. ᄋ セ@ it '{cf Lil'l't.:il wrt
(4) <STRf1 gFャヲセG@ ii セ@ lg'IJ

'Mango showers ' are

Ill Western 、ゥウエオイ「。ョセL@ in Punjab and Hima<:ha l Pradt"Sh

!2) Rainft1ll by north·ea:>t trade winds In CO<tslal Tamll Nndu

.... Pre·mon soon rains In Kerala and Karnat.aka
14) Cloud burst In Khas! hills.

NTSE(I )/14- SAT [ P.T.O.

net. (R) 1l.'l' Z'l セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ WlWT 10 fq;<"iJUI9 ifTf'fr;;:r <Iff :.ii<H"''f;<11
m セ@

( 1) (A) -ml t, "tlt<:t (R) Qュセ@ i

(2) (A) ゥGャセ@ (R) m 7.ftl セ@ ;,fi{ {R), {A) セ@ "ffi1 セ@ 'lmO セ@

(3) {A) ゥGャセ@ (R)-< "l'l(r セ@ セ@ (R}. (A) <iii mfi セ@ "!til <Fm11 セ@

{4) (A) \Qセ@ (R} -ey:n 'R'ii'l セ@ I

Consider lbe following slalerneuls ·

Assertion (A) Manganese •s used U1 the rnanularturtng of steel.

Reason {R) Nearly 10 kllogram ol manganese Is ne<"decl to make one

tonne ol steel

Select lhe correcl option from lhe g!Vc'n all em a lives :

(1} 11\1 is true, but (R} Is la!Sl'

セᄋ@ Both (A} and IRJ are true ilnd (R) is lhe correct expl<u1alion of (AI

(3) Both (AI and (R) are true. bul (R) Is not lhe correct explanation col (A}

(4} Bolli (A) and fR) are false.

(1) セ@ 12} BGセ@

(3) セ@
( 'I) 'T'1 I

Where Is lhe national headquarters of Software Technology Parks of lndta '?

Ill Bengaluru {21 Chcnnai

(3) New Delhi {4) Pune.

NTSE(I)/ 14 -SAT
( 29) SAT-3

73 セ@ tr.flWf -7 'ffi<l セ@ mf-1 w<ii it セ@ セ@ %?

(!} 6 (2) 5

(3) 8 (4) 7.

National !-llghway-7 passes through how many states of India ?

(I} 6 ......A2J 5
(4) 7.

Consider I he following slalemenls and choose lhe correct opllon ·

Statement I Humus conlenl Is less In Laterite soils.

Statement Ll Red laterite soils are suitable for crops of cashewnut.

Statement Ill Laterite soils are found Jn Kcrala and Tamil Nadu.

(1} Statement I and Statement II are true. but Statement Ill Is false

12) St.alement D and Statement lD are true. but Statement I is false

{3) Statement I and Statement Ill are true, but Statement II Is false

(4) All U1e three statements are true.

NTSE(I}/ltJ. - SAT I P.T.O.
SAT-3 ( 30 I
til m (:.!) ᄋ セ@ Wll<'l
(31 セュ@ 14) f<i'rn I
At•t·ordlng to Census 20 I I, the statr• hnvtug h•ghc:....t dt·nsuy of puJI\11,11 10n Is
(I) Q|エセイ。ャ@ Hセi@ wセZ[エ@ lkngal
(3J.- Uttar Prmksh (4) B1har.
76. セM@ l{'ft-nil fxlw-1 セjイゥャ@ v<f •.,&• "flf! lr.l セ@ ,;rf;;,il :
セMQ@ セ M ョ@
(A) lHif,]{ t. '>ilii it '4i"1 !llf.fl q;J mrn
(B) ;.,:s: <! セ@ if mri lfi1 セ@ II. セNAr@ m<m
IC) fl;f\F;'f セャGヲNLエゥ@ wWi it; セュゥャ@ Ti' tll?f<;i[i Ill. セ@ cr.t fil'l'NA
lDl i! 'q] セ@ 'i1 3lfi.f<i; <:;:ff it; セ@ ll'!l <f.i tllfi<:i\1 IV• titfr<! "ffilf;Tl:
.tl B c D
(I) II Ill IV
(2) Ul IV II
(3) II Ill IV
(·l) IV Ill II I.
Match Ust-1 |セエィ@ Ust-n and select the <"Orrect amswu
List-1 Ust-n
(A) lJI\'!slon of pow<'rl\ among orgaus of I. Communt ty governme nt
fBI DMslon of powrrs between セョエイ・@ and II. Coalltlon governme nt
(C) Shilling of powt·rs nmong ulfll·n·nt Ill Separatio n of powers
soctnl groups
(D) sィ。ョセ@ of powers between lwo dr IV. Ft"deral gowmme nl
tilure than twu purt1t>S.
A B c D
(I) II Ill IY
(2) Ill IV lJ •
(3) II Ill IV
(4) IV Ill II I.

NTSE(l)/ 14 -SAT
I 31 I SAT-3

77. ffiq;[( " " mr atr1 セ@ セ@ <f,1!fur セ@ %. %


[4) ID:f I

The organ of government which makes la\Th Is

, liJ Le!(islaturc (2) Executive

<..J3) JudiCiary 14) Press.

Ill セGiャ@

t3J セュ@ 'lni [セ@

The fnsUtutlon in which セ@ rd reservation for women has been constiluUonally

given, is

(Jl Lok Sabha (2) Slate Legislatme

(3) l'anchayatl Raj Lnstltutlon (4) Judiciary.

( 1) Wll1<l1 "" 3!1>-l'iiR (2I t<lil :::1 Cll <li1 3i ft1 Cfi II

(3) •.rrfi:f<f. +"'ii"" ill <f,1 a:rfml»'':

Which right ol the Constitution of lndi>l negates lhe handed labour ami duld

(JJ Right to e<.juallty (2) Righi to liberty

(3) Right lO religious freedom セTQ@ Right against exploitation.

(I) 84 (2) 47

(3) 32 (4) 22.

How many seats are rest,rved for Scheduled Castes In the Lok Sabha ?

{l) 84 '- (2) 47

(3) 32 {4) 22.

NTSE(I)/14- Sl\T I PT.O.
SAT·3 ( 32)

(l) 4\>111'? (2) '1l<n

(3) qmj

'Maharnshtrawadi Gomantak party' ls related to which state ?

Jll Maharashtra (21 Goa

(3) Kf'rala (41 Andhra Pradesh.

{3) 11iJRI{l
. '
'11 tn (4) <lR'T Tjrnm; セ@ I

Who was lhe edltor of Young India' magazine?

Ill Jawaharlal Nehru (2) Gopal Krishna Gok.halc

(31 Mahatma Gandh1 {4) Bal Gangadhar Tilak.

(l J 'WT'ft (2) セ@

(3) セ@ {4) 'lf>'Rl I

Whtch cow•Lry holds ·veto Power' in United Nations ?

..JJ-J.. Germany (2) Japan

(31 Italy (4) France.

{2) セ@

(3] "'FfWI (4) TセQH@

Wh1ch state was <:l'('.ated on the basts of culture. geography and ctiUllclty ?

(I) Ultarakhand (2) Punjab

131 Guj arat (41 Maharashtra.

l\lTSE{l)/ 14 - SAT
( 33) SAT·3

85. l{'i'r·I <iJ セMu@ it fqffi'l セ@ l{<i m1 '1m セ@ WR セ@ :

セMi@ セMョ@
(AJ "*"rfnfi <m セ@

(B) M1<f1 セエイ@ 'li1 Sli--dit11 II. 3'm"' 'lJ'l1 セ@

(C) A<iql"4 mTl q;J '1'!¢1

(D) mr-ftf!f'<f; 1'!'ff

A B c D

(I) lll IV II I

(2) ll IV Ill

(3) IV Ill II

(4) II Ill IV.

Match Liat-1 with Li•t-n and select the correct answer :
List- I List -n
(AJ Oq(•tnlsallon of emplovees I. Narm;1da Bad1ao Andolan
(BJ lッョセ@ lcrm movement IL Asorn Gnna Panshad

(CJ Support to common or general lnt<"rcsl Ill. FEDECOR

(D) Political party IV. BA.\1CEf.

A B c D



(4) 11 Ill IV

86 f'l'"lf"'fl!ld セ@ セ@ ;f.R セ@ <nTlf jョヲセ@ fti;m t ?

ru セ@ セ@ 'j';j q;1 セ@ 121 'IFii セ[ヲゥャュM 'lfil ilft mu セ@
(3) -.:ffi セ@ '11'frll1fii "<)qJ q;;::u (4) 't.l'l t' セ@ ij セ@ O"'A1 I

Which work or the folloWing Js an economic activity ?

(11 Teacher teaches his son
(2) Service rendered by a wife to her sick husband ·
(3) Service to a patient rendered by a nurse
141 Growing カ・セエ。「ャウ@ In kitchen garden.

lF-002 j NTSEIIJ/ 14- SAT ( P.T.O.
SAT-3 ( 34 }

8 7. ._.;,., J 'l"· 1)' セ@ セ@ 'iliUi f. q>:j'jfq;

w ;;qr;;J fltBm t
(BJ '!f.\1 wヲセ@ mit %
!Cl '!Pl 7!lr ir. セ@ li セ@ lrcfr t
!D) 1f=J 'fi;l セ@ セ@ t"
{1) AJfn B 121 83th c
(3) A. 13 aft{ C 14) A. B, cセ@ D.
People 、・ーッセゥエ@ money In the bank because
1/\J Get Interest -·
(BJ Money remains secured
{C) Money Is used !n country's development
(OJ Value of money im.Teases.
(I) A and U 121 Band C
(3) A, B und C ./(41 A, B, C and 0.

as. • 'll1'1'ff'lt <hlTm 'I'IT'Rl SAヲセE@ f."fl7. ヲNイゥZ[セ@ -q t1 セMJ@ セ@ .m f ?

IAJ q;f1f it oャヲセ@ q, tlTtl T.j;1ll lift l1TT'ii
(B) fllf..:n if 100 ft::i -;r.J "Uwm
{CI セ@ ir. セ@ U;it ii セ@
!Dl ilf101111{i 'rn ilil セャr@ 1
111 ,'\, a <>m c (2) B. C3fn D
(31 A. B <ffi< D 14) A. B. CW D.
Which of the following sL:lteme.Ilts are lnte for National Hural Employment
Guarantee Act ?
1AJ Right to work with guarantee of Job
!B) 100 days employment in a ytar ·
(C) lrnpl!'mented In all tht' regions olthe country

!D) l'rovbJOn of unemplo)'menl nllowances.

Ill A. B .mel C (2) B. Cand D
(3) A. B and V ' - (4) A. B. C and D.

( 35) SAT·3

s9. <'lfffill if.- rnn t<vtilft ヲ\セキLア@ if s"lf'if it イョセ@ セ@ -.:r: 1ft セ@ f ' m<1>1il セ@ .;., セャvッG@ セ@

セ@ セ@ .rn rt. ffi11. m 'lT'fl ヲGQB\ャイオセ@ if il セ@ m &;, ,; &-n i

£31 3Tilm -m
Since £ive years Lalita's father Is working In Government school us a teacher To
purchase goods from a government ration shop which ol thl' following cards
should he possess ?

(1) BPL cnrd J.2} API. carrl

{3) Aadhar card (4) Antyodaya card.

(A) 1<4tJ1':1'l if セ@ q!l 。アヲエ\セQ@ t セ@

(B) セ@ qfy セ@ セ@ ii tim\ ltni t

(C) セ@ '11; 'lit!ID "lf{Vfltl i1 セュ\@ ir<11 t
{D) セ@ if aH't'c: 'Qi m ュセ@ セ@ t ,
(I) Aam B (2) bセc@

(3) A l'iTl D (4) cセdN@

Which ol the following statements are true for mid-day me.alschcm e?

(A) lnr-rl".ase In atlcntlance of children 111 !>chool

(8) Improvemen t In nulrltlon ウエ。オセ@ of エィセ@ chJJdren

(C) Improvemen t m examination results of the ch1ldren

(OJ Increase the l.nt<'resllow ards gamt'S In the 'children.

A nnd B (2) Band C

... {1)
[3) A and D (4) C and D.

NTSE0}/14 - SAT ( PTO.

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