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3.1.1 Pemanfaatan Hasil konstruksi Siswa (Utilization of Student Construction Results)

Karakteristik yang ketiga ini dimuatkan dalam penyusunan dialog komik berdasarkan
pendekatan realistic math education. Karena pada tahap inilah akan digunakan hasil konstruksi
dari proses kognisi siswa terhadap konteks dan pemodelan pada percakapan sebelumnya.

The third characteristic is contained in the organization of comic dialogue based on

realistic math education approach. It is because the result of student construction from student’s
cognition process towards the contexts and modeling in the previous conversation will be used at
this stage.

Gambar 3. Pemanfaatan hasil konstruksi siswa dalam komik online toondoo

Picture 3. The utilization of student construction results in tondoo online comic
Picture 1: The relationship between set A and B can be denoted in the form of arrow
Picture 2: The arrow diagram facilitates Mr. Jock in writing the order down.
Picture 3: Food ordered

 Rice cake
Rere .  Meatball
 Savoury Indonesia
Mamath . fishcake delicacy
 Fruit salad with
Fany . spicy/pungent dressing
 Soto1

Mieke .  Satay (Tiny grilled beef)

1. Soto: Traditional Indonesian soup mainly composed of broth, meat, and vegetables.

3.1.2 Interaktivitas

Karakteristik RME yang keempat interaktivitas dimunculkan melalui proses sosial yang
dilakukan siswa untuk menemukan konsep matematika. Mereka akan mengkomunikasikan hasil
kognisi pemikiran untuk membangun konsep baik seperti dialog yang terjadi antar tokoh komik
maupun diskusi.

The fourth characteristic of RME, interactivity, is presented through social processes
done by the students in order to discover mathematical concept. They will communicate the
results of cognition of thought to build the concept either like the dialogue that occurs between
comic characters or discussion.

Gambar 4. Penggunaan interaktivitas dalam komik online toondoo

Picture 4. The utilization of interactivity in toondoo online comic

Picture 1: 1. So, what is relation in math, guys?
2. Yeah, it’s something like that. Hehe..
Picture 2: 1. What is that, re??
2. Go on, guess!!
Picture 3: Relation from set A to set B is the rule that connects the members of set A with the
member of set B.
3.1.3 Keterkaitan
Penggunaan keterkaitan menunjukkan bahwa konsep matematika itu tidak dapat
dipisahkan dengan materi sebelumnya ataupun dengan pelajaran lain. Dengan adanya halaman
keterkaitan pada komik, maka siswa dapat membangun lebih dari satu konsep matematika secara
bersamaan. Pada teks dialog telah dibahas bahwa materi relasi dan fungsi erat sekali dengan
konsep matematika sebelumnya seperti konsep himpunan dan perhitungan aljabar. Selain itu
keterkaitan materi relasi dan fungsi ini sering dihubungkan dengan permasalahan ekonomi dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.

The use of interrelation/interconnectedness shows that the mathematical concept cannot
be separated from previous material or with other lessons. With the interrelation pages in comics,
students can build more than one mathematical concept simultaneously. In the text dialog it has
been discussed that the material relations and functions are very closely related to previous
mathematical concepts such as the concepts of sets and algebraic calculations. In addition, the
relationship between relations and functions material is often associated with economic problems
in everyday life.

Tes hasil belajar diikuti oleh 34 siswa, yang dilaksanakan selama 90 menit dan terdiri dari
20 soal pilihan ganda. Dari 34 siswa yang mengikuti tes, terdapat dua siswa yang masih dibawah
KKM. Hal inipun dikarenakan siswa tersebut tidak hadir untuk beberapa pertemuan pelajaran.
Berdasarkan tes hasil belajar siswa diperoleh ketuntasan belajar secara klasikalnya adalah
94,12% (sangat efektif), dimana kriteria ketuntasan minimalnya adalah 75.

Learning achievement test was attended by 34 students, which was held for 90 minutes and
consisted of 20 multiple-choice questions. Out of 34 students who took the test, there were two
students who did not meet the KKM (Minimum completion criteria). This is due to the absence
of those two students in several meetings of the lesson. Based on students’ learning achievement
test, it is acquired that learning completion is classically 94,12% (very effective), in which the
minimum completion criteria is 75.
Proses pembelajaran yang menggunakan komik online toondoo, dilaksanakan selama 6 kali
pertemuan di laboratorium komputer SMP 7 Negeri Kota Jambi. Selama penelitian terlihat sekali
minat siswa terhadap komik yang dibaca secara online. Mereka merasa lebih santai dan tidak
monoton, sehingga memberi kesan bahwa pembelajaran matematika bukanlah ilmu yang
menegangkan. Melalui dialog komik yang dibuat berdasarkan konteks realistic math education,
siswa mengkontruksi pengetahuannya secara bermakna dari pengalaman dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari. Setelah membaca komik siswa dapat menyerap dan mengkomunikasikan konsep
yang diperoleh dari komik tersebut. Dari hasil observasi penelitian, komik online toondoo efektif
jika diterapkan dalam pembelajaran matematika di sekolah.

The learning process that uses toondoo online comic was held during 6 meetings in the
computer laboratory of SMP Negeri 7 Kota Jambi. During the observation, students’ interest
towards comic that was read online can be seen clearly. They feel more relaxed and not
monotonous so it gives the impression that learning mathematics is not something stressful.
Through comic dialogue created based on the context of realistic math education, students
construct meaningful knowledge from experiences in everyday life. After reading the comic,
students are able to absorb and communicate the concept obtained from the comic. From the
results of research observations, toondoo online comic is effective when it is applied in learning
mathematics in schools.

Gambar 6. Proses pembelajaran yang menggunakan komik online toondoo

Picture 6. Learning process with the use of toondoo online comic
3.2 Analisis Kemampuan Literasi Matematika
Pengembangan komik online toondoo ini bertujuan memberi dukungan terhadap
kemampuan literasi matematika siswa. Setelah diterapkan proses pembelajaran komik online
toondoo pada materi relasi dan fungsi, siswa diminta untuk mengulas kembali masalah yang
terdapat didalam komik. Siswa sangat antusias untuk mengkomunikasikan hasil bacaan
komiknya serta menjelaskan beberapa temuan konsep relasi dan fungsi dari dialog antar tokoh
komik dalam komik tersebut.

Analysis of Mathematical Literacy Skills

The aim of toondoo online comic development is to provide support to students’
mathematical literacy skills. After toondoo online comic learning process has been implemented
on the subject matter of relation and function material, students are asked to review the problems
contained in the comic. Students are very enthusiastic to communicate the results of their comic
reading and explain some findings on the concept of relation and function from the dialogue
between characters in comic.

Gambar 7. Siswa mengkomunikasikan hasil bacaan komik online toondoo

Picture 8. Students communicate their toondoo online comic reading outcome

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