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Public Services Careers:

Read the Help Wanted ads below and match each description to a job title.

For carin
g individ
work und uals to
er the dir
profession e c tion of
dividual als to he
q ualified in For qualifi lp indi-
Look in g fo r
ish ed individ viduals, c Job Title:
d extingu to investigat ual hildren or
ontrol an e alleged
Accepting applications for
solve the fa milies
to help c merg ce n y
or ir problem
ond to e suspected cr Individuals who can main-
s . Must A. Judge
fires o r re sp
roperty, iminal viola be excell
re life, p tions of Fed - tain order, enforce laws and ent listen
n s w h e eral laws an ing must e r. Train-
situatio t is at ri
to gather in d ordinances, and protect include C
B. Tax Collector
e e n vironmen formation an Send résu ertificate.
or th
hysical st
amina apprehend d life and property in an as-
mé. C. Police Officer
g re at p suspects. M
Require s
ssociate be willing to u st signed patrol district. Must
n g th and an A work in dan be in excellent physical 4. _______
__ D. Fire Fighter
and st re
gerous situat -
ax résum
é. ions. Bachel condition and hold an As-
Degree. F Degree requ or E. FBI Agent
ired. sociate Degree.
F. Animal Control Worker
1. _______ 2. _________ 3. _________
G. Social Worker Assistant

H. Homeland Security Specialist

to help de
mine tax lia ter-
bility and
Seeking qualified person
lect taxes
from indiv
who can arbitrate, advise
or business
firms accord
r Job candidates who can ing
adjudicate, or administe
Specialist to develop, monitor, to IRS laws
handle animals for the pur- and regula
cou rt of law . and evaluate different types tions.
justice in a of emergency preparedness pose of investigations of
Must be ab
le to take d
end ant s irec-
May sentence def programs. All duties must be mistreatment, or control of
tion and h
old an Ass
in criminal cases accord
Degree. Se
performed in accordance with abandoned, dangerous, or nd résumé.
ing to government statut
La w De gre e
guidelines of the Department of unattended animals. Need Next S tep
Must hold
CA Ba r.
Homeland Security. Must pass good people skills and be
8. ________
_ s…
and have passed extensive background clearance
comfortable working with If this sec
Send complete résumé.
tor intere
and hold at least an Associate sts you…
animals. Certificate required. q Identi
Degree. Send Résumé. fy severa
l job title
5. _________ 7. _________ q Talk w s to explo
6. _________ ith some
one with
q Follow a jo b that inte
a Profess rests you
ional Ass .
q Visit y o c iati o n o
our camp n Tw itter.
us career
center. Answers: 1. D 2. E 3. C 4. G 5. A 6. H 7. F 8. B

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