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Science 9

Name: ___________________________________________________ Score:____________

Gr. And Section: _______________ Date:____________

Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the best answer and Write the letter of your choice on the answer

1. What do you call the pumping chambers of the heart?

A. Atrium B. Ventricle C. Aorta D. Septum
2. What do you call the receiving chambers of the heart?
A. Atrium B. Ventricle C. Aorta D. Septum
3. What chamber of the heart that receives blood from the body?
A. Right Atrium B. Left Atrium C. Right Ventricle D. Left Ventricle
4. What chamber of the heart that receives blood from the body?
A. Right Atrium B. Left Atrium C. Right Ventricle D. Left Ventricle
5. What do you call the sheet of smooth muscle located below the lungs that works during the breathing
A. Alveoli B. Bronchi C. Trachea D. Diaphragm
6. _____________ functions as the passageway for air going in and out the lungs?
A. Alveoli B. Bronchi C. Trachea D. Diaphragm
7. _____________refers to the movement of blood from the heart, to the lungs, and back to the heart.
A. Systemic Circulation B. Pulmonary Circulation C. Coronary Circulation D. Lymphatic Circulation
8. _____________refers to the movement of blood to tissues of the heart.
A. Systemic Circulation B. Pulmonary Circulation C. Coronary Circulation D. Lymphatic Circulation
9. _____________refers to movement of blood from the heart to the rest of the body, excluding the lungs.
A. Systemic Circulation B. Pulmonary Circulation C. Coronary Circulation D. Lymphatic Circulation
10. What type of blood vessel usually carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues and
organs of the body?
A. Artery B. Vein C. Capillaries D. Vena Cava
11. Which among the following statement is NOT TRUE about the how lungs work?
A. When you breathe in the diaphragm muscles contracts. C. Inhaling cause the chest cavity to expand.
B. When you breathe out the diaphragm muscle relax. D. Exhaling cause the chest cavity to increase in size.
12. If the bottom chamber of the heart is ventricle, the top chamber of the heart is __________.
A. Artery B. Alveoli C. Atrium D. Aorta
13. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Valve B. Atrium C. Bicuspid D. tricuspid
14. The following statement is TRUE about how blood flows to the except for _________.
A. All of the muscle tissues of the heart contract at the same time.
B. Different parts of the heart contract at different times.
C. When the top portion contracts, the bottom part relaxes.
D. When the bottom contracts, the top relaxes.
15. If during inhalation diaphragm is flat in position, during exhalation the diaphragm goes back to its ____
shape position.
A. Upward B. Downward C. Circular D. Dome
16. Which of the following shows the correct flow of blood within lungs and heart?
A. oxygen rich bloodvena cava  left atrium left ventriclepulmonary arterylungs
B. oxygen poor blood  vena cava  right atrium right ventricle pulmonary artery lungs
C. oxygen rich blood  lungs pulmonary vein left ventricle  left atrium  aorta
D. oxygen poor blood  lungs right atrium right ventricle pulmonary artery aorta
17.____________ occurs when the phenotype of the offspring is somewhere in between the phenotypes of
both parents; a completely dominant allele does not occur.
A. Incomplete dominance B. Codominance C. Multiple Allele D. Sex-linked traits
18. __________ occurs when two dominant alleles of a contrasting pair fully expressed at the same time in
the heterozygous individual.
A. Incomplete dominance B. Codominance C. Multiple Allele D. Sex-linked traits
19. ___________ occurs when more than two alleles control the inheritance of a character.
A. Incomplete dominance B. Codominance C. Multiple Allele D. Sex-linked traits
20. What do you call the type of non-mendellian patterns of inheritance wherein traits are controlled by
genes located on the same sex chromosome?
A. Sex- influence traits B. Sex-linked traits C. Sex limited traits D. Sex chromosome
21. Genes are found …
A. in the chromosomes in the cell C. on the cytoplasm of the cell
B. all over the cell D. in the nucleus of the cell
22. What is the other term for sex cells?
A. Gametes B. Chromosome C. Autosome D. Zygote
23. Pentose sugar is also known as _______________.
A. phosphate group B. ribose C. nitrogen base D. deoxyribose
24. What do you call the portion of DNA molecule?
A. Allele B. Chromatid C. Gene D. Loci
25. What do you call the specific location of the genes along the entire length of the chromosome?
A. Allele B. Chromatid C. Gene D. Loci
26. What is the method by which one can determine the possible genotypes and phenotypes when two
parents are crossed?
A. Phenotype B. Genotype C. Punnett square D. Mendel method
27. __________ contains the information needed to form and control the physical make-up and chemical
processes of an organism.
A. deoxyribose B. ribose C. deoxyribonucleic acid D. ribonucleic acid
28. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about genes?
A. A gene is a piece of DNA molecule C. Genes is found only in body cells
B. Genes is found in the nucleus D. Genes contain a pair of allele
29. Which of the following NOT a component of nucleotide
A. Ribose sugar B. Deoxyribose sugar C. phosphate D. nitrogenous base
30. If adenine is paired with __________ then the cytosine is paired with __________.
A. thymine, adenine B. guanine, thymine C. cytosine, thymine D. thymine, guanine
31. Which among the following are complementary bases?
A. guanine, adenine B. guanine, cytosine C. cytosine, thymine D. thymine, adenine
32. Which among the following is the correct component of DNA molecule? Refer to the figure below shows
the DNA molecule.
A. 1.) base 2.) ribose 3.) phosphate 1
B. 1.) base 2.) deoxyribose 3.) pentose sugar
C. 1.) phosphate 2.) pentose sugar 3.) base 3
D. 1.) phosphate 2.) base 3.) ribose
33. When a rooster with a genotype of BB (black) mates with a WW (white) hen. Both alleles of parents were
expressed equally in the phenotype of the heterozygote offspring. Most likely the possible genotype of
offspring will be BW, which among the following is the phenotypic expression of the genotype?
A. Black B. White C. Black and White D. Grey
34. The following are the probable blood type of offspring if a mother has type AB blood and the father has
type B blood, except for ___________.
A. A B. B C. AB D. O

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