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1. Review of simple Past tense

Choose the correct past simple verb to fill the gap in each sentence.

1. I ___________ about a yellow unicorn last night.




2. Anna ___________ to class yesterday because she was at the hospital.

didn't come

didn't take

didn't arrive

3. It was snowing last night. It ___________ so cold!




To have a second language is to posses a second soul. Charlemagne

4. Lucy ___________ her mother's watch, so she bought a new one.




5. We ___________ at the library for three hours yesterday.




6. I ___________ an e-mail to the company but they never answered.




2. Remember the Simple past form of the following verbs and its meaning.

- Sleep - Take
- Keep - Think
- Buy - Understand
- Eat - Begin
- Fly - Drive
- Forget - Win

To have a second language is to posses a second soul. Charlemagne

3. Change the sentences below into questions in simple past tense.

They saw a movie ths week.

Anna wrote him a letter.

George and Lisa had dinner at the Maya Restaurant on Friday.

They got up at 7 o'clock to go to work.

He bought a new car last year.

I arrived late for class.
Yesterday it rained.
We sat near the front.
He walked to work yesterday.
She spoke to him about that.

4. Anwer de following personal questions. (Use simple past tense)

a. What did you do yesterday? _________________________________________

b. What time did you get up this morning? _________________________________
c. What did you watch on TV yesterday? __________________________________
d. What did you eat for breakfast this morning? _____________________________
e. Where did you go yesterday? _________________________________________

5. Complete the following sentences with the correct structure for the past
continuous tense.
a. Julie _____________ ( Sleep) At three o’clock.
b. You ______________( Study) At three o’clock.
c. Luke _____________( Read) At three o’clock.
d. They ______________( Work) At three o’clock.
e. We _______________(Eat) Lunch At three o’clock.

To have a second language is to posses a second soul. Charlemagne

6. Choose from the options the correct form of the past continuous form.

a. The boy ___________________

is sleeping

was sleeping

were sleeping

b. I ———————– when the lights went out.

was reading

were reading

am reading

c. She ———————– the clothes .

is washing

was washing

were washing

d. I ————————- dinner when the visitors arrived.

am cooking

was cooking

were cooking

e. Julia ————————- her homework at 8 pm.


To have a second language is to posses a second soul. Charlemagne

was doing

were doing

f. James ————————– the car.

was repairing

were repairing

is repairing

g. Sophia ————————– for the bus.

was waiting

has waiting

were waiting

h. The boys ———————— their lesson.

was learning

were learning

are learning

i. She ———————— dressed.

was getting

were getting

have been getting

To have a second language is to posses a second soul. Charlemagne

7. Read the following story and Highlight the verbs in past progressive then
answer the questions below.

Yesterday, it was raining all day. Anna was playing inside the house. She wanted to be

outside. She wasn't playing outside because it was raining. She was feeling tired of being

trapped inside the house. Anna was trying to keep busy inside the house. She was reading

her book until the electricity went out. Then, she was singing until lunchtime. After lunch, she

was sitting by the window while it still raining. While Anna was watching the rain, the phone

rang. Her mother was calling to say she was coming home and she was bringing her a new

game. Anna and her mother ate ice cream and played the game. While they were playing,

the rain stopped! But Anna didn't even notice, she was having such a good time with her

mom and her mom was enjoying it!


a. What was Anna doing before the electricity went out?

b. Why Anna didn’t go out to play?
c. What was the object Ana Got from her mom?

8. Change each verb into the past progressive form.

(Was/were + Verb+ Ing)

- Las week I ____________ ( visit) my grandparents while my sister was

__________( travel) around the country.
- At 5 0’clock she _____________ (cook) dinner.
- Sally ______________ (study) while Jan _________ (play).
- She ______________ ( sing) While They _________________ ( eat)
- They __________________ (swim) until it started to rain.
- The cat ________________( sleep) at my bed last night.
- The girls ________________( talk) during the class.

To have a second language is to posses a second soul. Charlemagne

9. Complete the sentence and create the appropriate negative form for each

Example: Her mom was _calling_.

Negative: Her mom was not calling.

- She was ____________ Negative:

- Her mom was _________ Negative:
- It was _____________ all day Negative:
- She was __________with the cat Negative:
- The cat ______________ in her bed. Negative:

10. Answer the following questions.

Did you go to any special place last weekend? ________________________________

Did you do any exercise or sport this week? _________________________________

What were you doing two hours ago? _______________________________________

What were your friends doing yesterday? ____________________________________

Were you happy today? ________________________________________________

To have a second language is to posses a second soul. Charlemagne

11. Create 5 sentences for the following pronouns, Use past progressive!

She ________________________________________________________

My dog______________________________________________________

They _______________________________________________________

My classmates_______________________________________________

The phone __________________________________________________

12. Narrate an Imaginative or real situation with past simple tense and past
progressive tense.


To have a second language is to posses a second soul. Charlemagne

Write down a short reflection about the level of comprehension of the topics seen in this
unit, the strengths or difficulties you found as well as the abilities that you consider you
developed during these weeks. It could be in Spanish if you want or try it in English to
challenge your knowledge!


To have a second language is to posses a second soul. Charlemagne

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