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1.i) The half life of Lisinopril is about ?

a)10 hrs b)12 hrs c)13 hrs d)14 hrs

ii) What is the correct formula to measure total cholesterol


iii) Estrogen synthesized from

Graafian Follicle b)corpus luteum c)Both of them d)none of them

iv) Location for Estrogen Receptor α

a) Breast, b) Hypothalamus, c) Blood Vessel d)All of them

v) Estrogen Mainly metabolized through

a) Glucuronide conjugation b) Sulphate conjugationb c)both a & b d) None of them

vi) Progesterone will increase

a) LDL level b) Lipoprotein Lipase c)HDL level d)Both a & b

vii) Comiphene Citrate can be used for

a)Male infertility b)Female infertility c) In vitro fertilization d) All of them

viii)Example of inotropic drug which is not a cardiac glycoside

a. Digoxin b. Dobutamine c. Digitalis d. all of these

ix) A drug indicated in severe hypertension with CHF & renal dysfunction, as well as, in gout is –
Furosemide b) Torsemide c)Eplerenone d)Indacrinone

x) Which of the following antihypertensive drugs tend to elevate plasma triglycerides?

a) Calcium channel blockers b)Alpha adrenergic receptor blocker c)Thiazide diuretics d)ACE inhibitors

xi) Which antihypertensive drug has to be avoided in a diabetic patient who is taking insulin?
a)Guanethidine b)Alpha methyl dopa c)Propranolol d)Hydralazine

xii) Select the most suitable antiarrhythmic drug for counteracting ventricular extrasystoles due to digoxin toxicity:
a) Lignocaine b) Quinidine c)Verapamil d) Amiodarone

xiii) The risk of developing high blood pressure can be reduced by:
a) Reducing salt intake b). Eating a balanced diet c). Avoiding harmful use of alcohol d). All of these

xiv) What organs is not affected by high blood pressure?

a) eyes b). Kidney c). Heart d). Brain

xv) Persistent dry cough may occur as a side effect of the following antihypertensive drug:
a). Enalapril b). Atenolol c). Diltiazem d). Methyldopa

xvi) Loss of taste sensation can be a side effect of the following antihypertensive drug:
a). Clonidine b). Captopril c). Verapamil d). Prazosin

xvii) . What should be the recommended first choice drug to treat hypertension with patient having ischemic heart
a) ACE inhibitors b)beta blocker c) CCBs d )ARBs.
xviii) Which of the following diuretic does not allow to K+ loss
a. Spironolactone b. Indapamide c. Thiazide d. HCZ

xix) Trimethaphan Is a -
a).Ganglionic Blocker b).Central Sypatholytics c).Alpha Blocker d).Beta Blocker

xx) The primary repolarization phase of the Purkinje fibre or ventricular muscle cell action potential:
a)Phase 0 b) Phase 1 c) Phase 2 d)Phase 3

xxi) During relatively rapid repolarization which pump gets activated?

a)Na+ b) Proton pump c) k+ d) Ca2+

xxii) Na+ channels get progressively inactivited if the resting membrane potential drops over
a)-80 to -60 mv. b)-70 to -50 mv C)-85 to 65 mv d) -95 to 75 mv

xxiii) The antihypertensive agent also used for hair regrowth is-
a) Nitroglycerine b)Nitroprusside c)Minoxidil d)Verapamil

xxiv) What is an Arrhythmia?

(a) accelerated heart beat (b) slow heart beat (c) irregular heart beat (d) a type of heart cancer

xxv) One example of angiotensinll receptor blockers -

a. Captopril b. Felodipine c. Amlodipine d. Losartan.

xxvi) Histamine elicits inflammatory response like

a) Red spot b)Wheal c) Flare d) All of them

xxvii) Example of second generation antihistaminic

a.Cinnarizine b. Chlorpheniramine c. Amlodipine d. Cetrizine

xxviii) Total 90% of 5-HT localized at

a) Intestine b) Brain c) Liver d) All of them

xxix) Four families of 5-HT receptors comprising of …………. Receptor sub type.
a) 14 b) 10 c) 08 d) 06

xx) Selective cox2 inhibitor ……..

a) Celecoxib b) Felodipine c) Aspirin d) All of them.

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