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DENZIN introduced in Social Science the term “Triangulation”

Udo KELLE Triangulation as a metaphor rather than a precise concept; 3 Meanings of Triangulation; 1) Validity Model
2) Complementarity Model 3) Trigonometry Model; Should involve not only methodological and
epistemological considerations but also include theoretical considerations
Philipp MAYRING QUANTITATIVE- greater proximity to the research subject
QUALITATIVE- will profit most by making the various stages of the research process more transparent and
systematic, thus increasing the generalisability of the results.
Gerald CUPCHIK Constructivist Realism; Essentially inter-related
QUANTITATIVE- realist; contributing towards the precise identification of relevant processes
QUALITATIVE- constructivist; providing the basis for their “thick description”.
Herald WITT Difference between the two is to be seen in their research strategies which he describes as linear and
circular respectively; Combination must be in line with the overall research goals;
Gary SHANK QUALITATIVE- systematic empirical inquiry into meaning
Inspect and always keep in mind an awareness of the logical foundations of their inquiries.
Logic of inference; It is not the method but the question which is important.
Francisco GUTIERREZ His empirical application is the possibility of discriminating between political actors holding different
ideological orientations using only criteria internal to their discourse.
Dietmar JANETZKO Knowledge Tracking; Involves a transformation of data and its associated theory into formal terms.
Used Quantitatively- conducts a data-driven selection between competing theories
Used Qualitatively- carries out a data-driven reduction of one theory.
SALUDADEZ and GARCIA More complementary and less conflictual form
Nicole WESTMARLAND Feminist Perspective; Different feminist concerns speak to different research methods
SCHMITT/MEES/LAUCKE Logographic Analysis
N It is not the combination of the two but it integrates the two, thus transcends the traditional dichotomy.
Don KUIKEN and David Is above all precision in the sense of distinctiveness, coherence, and richness;
MIALL Numerically Aided Phenomenology
QUANTITATIVE-lacking in precision to the extent that it underestimates the complexity of categories of
experience, resulting in the reduction of the phenomenon to a few conventional meanings
QUALITATIVE-lacks precision in that it fails to distinguish bet. Different extents to whick a category of
experience may be present.
Gerhard KLEINING and The apparent incompatibility of the qualitative and the quantitative is basically just a byproduct of the
Harald WITT almost exclusively interpretive orientation of qualitative research in the social sciences.
Qualitative Experiment
GOBO How a qualitative research practice can be applied as an integral part of a quantitative inquiry
MANN QUALITATIVE-exposed only the factors that participants were willing to explicitly articulate
QUANTITATIVE- enabled the identification of factors that were effective but not consciously articulated
JAKOB The two are in fact interdependent and thus complementary

INTRODUCTION: On the Compatibility bet. Qualitative and Quantitative Research Method

Sequencing Quantitative and Qualitative methods are employed within one and the same study, although in different
phases of the research paper; Qualitative phase of data collection then quantitative phase of data
analysis; any kind of combination is possible
“Hybrids” Comprise a number of phases, some of which are qualitative, others quantitative; all however, are equally
necessary for achieving the objective of the approach; requires precisely one and only one specific
combination of qualitative and quantitative phases
Conventional Approach If diverse kinds of data support the same conclusion, confidence in the conclusions is increased.
What is involved in the triangulation is not the combination of diff kinds of data per se, but rather an
attempt to relate different sorts of data in such a way as to counteract various possible threats to the
validity of analysis.
Data triangulation; Theory Triangulation; Methodological Triangulation
SIEBER Qualitative data can contribute to quantitative research are depth, an idea of the range of core concepts,
and the ability to solve puzzles that the more superficial quantitative data cannot address

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