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Andini Fikarda | Gharin N Savero | M Rhadia Rahman

Pressure Control
CE 1 - I
A control system is an interconnec�on of components forming a system configura�on that will provide a desired system response. Thereʼre 2 types of control system: automa�c and manual control system. Automa�c control system are more used inIndustrial plant.
Pressure control is a control device that be used to regulate pressure automa�cally in a tank. Pressure control will control the flow to/out the tank if the pressure that be measured on the tank doesnʼt match with set point by opening or closing thevalve. Pressure control
system consist of inflow and ou�low system. PID controller are most commonly used as automa�c controller. PID controller consists of 3 controllers that have different parameters that must be regulated in order to operate properly, namely propor�onal controller,
deriva�ve controller, and integral controller. PID tuning is the process of finding the values of propor�onal, integral, and deriva�ve gains of a PID controller to achieve desired performance and meet design requirements. PID controller tuning appears easy, but finding the set
of gains that ensures the best performance of your control system is a complex task. PID tuning is divided into 2 methods, reac�on curve and ul�mate period.

1. The working principle of pressure control is to change the input or output parameters in a vessel. In this Pressure Control module there are 5 control
1. To understand the principle of pressure control (inflow and ou�low) 2. Pressure control inflow regulates its input parameters in the form of pump speed, while ou�low sets the output parameter in methods namely manual, on/off, P only, PI, and finally PID.
2. To understand the difference in the principles of automa�c pressure the form of a solenoid valve. In the PID control the response produced is the best,
control systems and manual systems 3. Manual control is done directly by an operator, while automa�c control is carried out by a system that is monitored by the because the presence of the three of P, I, and D which is
3. To understanding the effect of using on / off on the pressue control operator. responsible for predic�ng errors so that the resul�ng
process and PID 4. On the on / off controller, the control variable is turned on/off automa�cally to reach the set point. In the PID response is be�er and faster. PID controller requires a trial
4. Determine the PID range corresponding to the pressure control with control, gain and error are calculated further to produce far be�er and more stable results. to determine P, I, and D, this is done by using reac�on curve
the tunning method 5. The PID range can be determined using either reac�on curve method or Ziegler-Nichols. method. The response from the PID controller can be made
even be�er with more trials.


Control System

Manual Automa�c

Adjust the set point

On/Off PID

Controlling the system by se�ng

manually the input or output Adjust the set point

Controlling the system by se�ng Adjust the Adjust the Adjust the
automa�caly the input or output set point set point set point
parameter on the PC

Adjust the Adjust the Trial Error

P(PB) value P(PB) = 10%
200, 50, 10, 2% I(IAT) = 100s Adjust the
P(PB) = 17%
I(IAT) = 1s
D(DAT) = 0.26

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