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Feeding of the 5000 (John 6:1-14)


1. Jesus tested Philip specifically because He knew how Philip would respond. What aspect of the
circumstance did Philip focus on? What did Jesus want Philip to learn from this experience?
2. Even though the question wasn’t directed towards him, what did Andrew do to contribute in
solving this seemingly impossible situation? What do you think is the significance of his action?
3. In what ways were Philip’s response similar and different from Andrew’s in this passage?
4. When you encounter situations like this, do you respond more like Philip or Andrew?


Remember a time when the Lord called you to do something impossible but you were able to
overcome because of His strength? Take note and draw strength from your encounter with the
Lord through that experience.

II. Peter Identifies the Christ and the Transfiguration

III. Healing by Faith (Mark 9:14-32)

1. What kinds of faith in Christ did the disciples, crowd, and father exemplify through their words
and actions in this passage?
2. How did the disciples and the father respond when Jesus called them out with the state of their
faith? Were there any difference/s?
3. What characteristic does the son’s father demonstrate in verse 24? Why do you think he asked
help for his unbelief from Jesus?


Has there been a circumstance wherein you were also struggling or doubting the firmness of
your faith? Don’t be anxious! Approach the Lord, tell Him about it, and ask Him to empower you.
Let him sustain your every step in your spiritual journey.

IV. Teachings and Parables (Matthew 17:24-18:20)

1. Being the rightful Son of God, it is quite absurd that He would be asked to pay tax for a temple
built for Him. However, how did Jesus deal with this situation? What characteristic/s did he
2. How does humility help us regard other individuals in the eyes of God? Refer to verses 10 to 14.
3. According to the passages, how can we use humility in handling others and those who have
sinned against us?

With your new learning, be mindful of the way you treat the people around you. When your
patience is wearing thin – stop, pause, pray, and meditate on this passage in your heart.

V. Teachings and Parables (Matthew 18:21-19:15)


1. How would you describe the responses of the king and the servant to the pleas?
2. What did the first servant do right after he left the king and what did he refuse to give to his
debtor? What does the Lord expect us to do, instead?
3. How does forgiveness apply in relationships such as friendship and even marriages?
4. How do children act in terms of giving forgiveness to others? Are there points that we should be
reminded of through them?


Search your heart and see if there is anyone who has wronged you that you haven’t completely
forgiven yet. Lay it down upon the Lord and ask Him for help to enable you to do so.

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