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Mole Conversions and Chemical Formula of a Hydrate

Determination – Lab Report Assistant

Since single atoms and single molecules are so tiny, chemists gave them a name
to represent the smallest quantities of substances: a mole. A mole is a unit of measure
to describe the amount of a substance to represent how many atoms or molecules. This
is referred to as Avogadro’s number (6.02x1023). in congruence, molar masses consists
of the atomic mass units. The two terms are equivalent. Next, hydrate compounds are

consisted of water molecules with a crystalline structure. When they are heated, the

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water is released from the sample.

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Aluminum pie pan
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• Matches
• Cotton ball

• Aluminum crystals
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• Aluminum cups (2 oz)

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• Burner fuel
• Burner stand
• Digital scale
• Glass stirring rod
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• Pair of gloves
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• Safety goggles
• Test tube clamp
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Procedure: (Include Pictures)

Exercise 1: Using Mass to Calculate Moles and Atoms
1. Gather the digital scale, aluminum cup, glass stirring rod, and cotton ball.
2. Using the periodic table, identify the molar mass of aluminum (Al).
3. Record the molar mass of Al in the data table.
4. Turn on digital scale and make sure it displays 0.00 g.
5. Determine the mass of the aluminum cup by placing it on the scale. Record on the data
6. Calculate the follow and record in the data table:
a. # of moles of Al present in the Al cup.
b. # of atoms of Al present in the Al cup.
7. Using the periodic table, calculate the molar mass of SiO2 and record in the data table.
8. Locate the glass stirring rod and place it on the scale. Record the mass in the data table.
9. Calculate each of the following and record findings in the data table:
a. Number of moles of SiO2 present in the glass stirring rod.
b. Number of moles on Si and O present in the glass stirring rod.
c. Number of atoms of Si and O present in the glass stirring rod.
10. Using the periodic table, determine the molar mass of C6H10O5 and record in the data

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11. Repeat steps 8 – 9 for the cotton ball.

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Exercise 2: Water of Hydration

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Put on safety goggles and gloves.
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2. Turn on the digital scale, so it reads 0.00 g.
3. Calculate the mass of the aluminum cup by placing it on the scale. Record in data table.
4. Using the second aluminum cup as a weigh boat, place it on the scale, tare the scale,

and measure 2.00 g of aluminum crystals (KAl(SO4)2).

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5. Transfer the crystals to the first aluminum cup and place it on the scale to obtain the
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mass. Record in data table.

6. Assemble the burner setup and light the fuel.
a. Gather the burner fuel, aluminum plate, burner stand, 2oz. aluminum cup, and
lighter or matches.
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b. Place aluminum plate on solid surface away from obstacles and flammable
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objects and place the burner stand towards the back.

c. Use matches or lighter to ignite the fuel – BE CAREFUL.
d. Gently slide fuel under stand.
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7. Using the test tube clamp, pick up the aluminum cup that contains the crystals and place
it on the burner stand.

8. Allow aluminum cup to heat on the burner for approximately 5 minutes or until all of
the bubbling has subsided.
9. After the aluminum cup cools, use the test tube clamp to place it on the digital scale.
Record mass of cup in data table.
10. Repeat steps 7 – 9 to complete 2nd heating using the SAME CUP OF ALUMINUM
11. Disassemble the fuel burner using the other aluminum cup to extinguish the flame by
placing it over the flame.
12. Calculate the mass of water released when the sample was heated by subtracting the
mass of the 2nd heating from the mass of the aluminum cup + aluminum crystals and
record in the data table.
13. Subtract the water mass from the original hydrate mass of 2.00g to obtain the mass of
14. Calculate the molar mass of water and record in the data table.
15. Calculate the moles of water released by heating the sample and record in the data

Data and Calculations:

Exercise 1: Using Mass to Calculate Moles to Atoms

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eH w
Molar Mass of Aluminum from periodic table 26.982 Grams/mole

Mass of Aluminum Cup from the digital scale 2.4Grams
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Number of Moles of Aluminum present in the 0.0889 Mole
Aluminum cup: Show work here using this formula:
grams / molar mass =

aC s
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Number of Atoms of Aluminum present in 5.35x1022Atoms

the Aluminum Cup: Show work here using this formula:
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Moles x Avogadro’s Number =

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.0889 mol x 6.02x1023

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Molar Mass of Silicon Dioxide from periodic 59.998Grams/mole

Mass of Silicon Dioxide from the digital scale 4.8Grams
Number of moles of Silicon Dioxide present 0.08 Moles
in the glass stirring rod
Show work here using this formula:
grams / molar mass =

Number of Moles of Silicon 0.08 Moles
(Same number as above because SiO2 has one mole of silicon in the
molecular formula)

Number of Moles of Oxygen 0.16 Moles

(the number of moles of SiO2 times 2 because there are two moles
of oxygen in the molecular formula)

Number of Atoms of Silicon 4.816x1022 SiliconAtoms

Show work here using this formula:

Moles of silicon x Avogadro’s Number

.08mol x 6.02x1023
Number of Atoms of Oxygen 9.632x1022 Oxygen Atoms
Show work here using this formula:

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Moles of oxygen x Avogadro’s Number

.16 x 6.02x1023

eH w
Number of atoms of Si and O present in the 1.445x1023 Atoms

glass stirring rod.
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(add together the answers above)


Molar Mass of cellulose, C6H10O5, from 162.11 Grams/mole

periodic table
aC s
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Mass of cotton ball from digital scale 0.6 Grams

Number of moles of cellulose from a cotton .0037 Moles
ball: Show work here using the formula:
ed d

Mass / molar mass =

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.6g / 162.11g/mol
Number of Moles of Carbon 0.03 Moles
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There are 6 moles of carbon in each mole of cellulose from the

molecular formula: C6H10O5

Number of Moles of Hydrogen 5.94 Moles

There are 10 moles of hydrogen in each mole of cellulose from the
molecular formula: C6H10O5

Number of Moles of Oxygen 0.19 Moles

There are 5 moles of oxygen in each mole of cellulose from the
molecular formula: C6H10O5

Number of Carbon Atoms in cellulose 1.806x1022 Atoms

Show work using this formula:
Moles of carbon x Avogadro’s Number
(0.03 mol)(6.02x1023)
Number of Hydrogen Atoms in cellulose 3.576x1024 Atoms
Show work using this formula:

Moles of hydrogen x Avogadro’s Number

(5.94 mol)( 6.02x1023)

Number of Oxygen Atoms in cellulose 1.144x1023 Atoms
Show work using this formula:
Moles of oxygen x Avogadro’s Number

(0.19 mol)( 6.02x1023)

Total number of All Atoms in a Cotton Ball: 3.708x1024 Atoms
Add the three values together:

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eH w
Post Lab Questions:

1. Describe the relationship between moles and atoms:
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A mole of atoms of any given element has a mass the is equal to the atomic mass of the
element in amu.

2. A sample of 2 tsp of sugar, C12H22O11, weighs 9.00 grams.

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a. How many moles of sugar are in this sample: Show work here:
C12H22O11 = 342g/mol 9.00g / 342g/mol = 0.0263 mol
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b. How many moles of carbon are in this sample? Show work here:
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O11=144g/mol 9.00g / 144g/mol = 0.0625 mol

c. How many atoms of Carbon in this sample? Show work here:
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(0.0625)(6.02x1023) = 3.76x1022 atoms


d. How many total atoms are in this sample? Show work here:
Hint: Multiply the number of moles of sugar x Avogadro’s number x the total
number of atoms in the molecular formula, C12H22O11.
(0.0263 mol)(6.02x1023)(3.144x1023) = 4.98x1045

Exercise 2: Water of Hydration
Data Table 1. Alum Data
Object Mass (g)
Aluminum Cup (Empty) 2.4 g
Aluminum Cup + 2.0 grams of Alum 4.5 g
Aluminum Cup + Alum After 1st Heating 3.6 g
Aluminum Cup + Alum After 2nd Heating 3.5 g
Mass of Released H2O 1g
Moles of Released H2O
Show work here for mole of water calculations:
Mass of released water in grams / molar mass of water =
0.056 mol
H2O = 18g/mol

er as
1g / 18g/mol

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Post Lab Questions:

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A) Calculate the moles of anhydrous (dry) KAl(SO4)2 that were present in the sample.
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Step 1: Find the mass of the dry anhydrous salt show work:

Final weighing – mass of pan = mass of anhydrous salt.

3.5g – 2.4g = 1.1g

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Step 2: Find the molar mass of KAl(SO4)2 and show work here
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K = 39g Al = 27g S2 = 64g O8 = 128g

Total mass = 258g/mol
Step 3: Find the moles with work shown: grams of the dry salt divided by the molar mass = moles
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1.1g / 258g/mol = 0.0042 mol

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B) Calculate the ratio of moles of H2O to moles of anhydrous KAl(SO4)2. Note: Report the ratio
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to the closest whole number.


Show work here: Take the value of the moles of water and divide by the moles of the salt. Round to the nearest whole number.

H2O moles = 1 mol / 18g/mol = 0.0556 mol

0.0556 mol H2O / 0.0042 mol KAl(SO4)2 = 13

C. Write the empirical formula for the hydrated alum, based on your experimental results and
answer to Question B. Hint:
IF the ratio of moles of H2O to moles of anhydrous KAl(SO4)2 was 4, then the empirical formula would be: KAl(S04)2•4H20. Show your work.

KAl(SO4)2 x 13 H2O
D) Describe any visual differences between the hydrated alum and the dried, anhydrous form.
The hydrated aluminum crystals were almost a powder form, while the dried anhydrous form is
very dark and looks like dried volcanic lava (except it’s white!). There are bits of the anhydrous
form that are darkened from being heated, and it does not move when you move the aluminum
cup like the hydrated form did.

E) How would the following errors affect the empirical formula for the compound? That is, will
these errors cause the calculated number of moles of water in the hydrate to be artificially high
or low?
a. The student ran out of time and did not do the second heating.
The calculated number of moles of water will be higher if the second heating was not

conducted, because additional water was not released by the heat.

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b. The student recorded the mass of the cup + sample incorrectly and started with 2.2 g

of hydrated compound but used 2.0 g in the calculations.

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The calculated number of moles of water would be artificially higher, because there was

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more hydrated compound than stated in the calculation
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Summary Paragraph:

In summary, this lesson provided an overall understanding of the mole, molar mass,
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hydrates, and conversions. First, this lesson provided multiple opportunities to calculate molar
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mass using the periodic table. After computing the molar mass, the lab provided opportunities
to calculate the amount of moles and atomic particles in a given sample or element. Using
these newly practiced skills, I learned that aluminum crystals are hydrated before they are
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heated. After heating, the water is completely released from the sample.
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