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EDUCATION and SCIENCE without borders №6/

/ volume 4

sense of logotherapy is a work with meaning, value [8]. We believe that the study of the experience of surviv-
V. Frankl noted repeatedly in his writings that there ing traumatic situations only in the context of the elimina-
is no situation in life, which would not be understood and tion of symptoms of stress disorders or enhance adaptive
could be productively used, including a critical situation. capacity severely limits human understanding of the con-
Focus on the ability to manage positive emotions and the sequences of experiencing “negative” experi-ence. Having
ability to accept positively any situation in life, finding managed to survive “successfully” an extreme situation
new meanings in many respects may be the determining and found a new sense of life, a man does not only get rid
factor in the field of psycho-logical help to people experi- of negative emotional experiences, but also discovers the
encing critical situations. opportunity to realize himself in something that was not
Another existential direction, highly effective when previously available. Having gone through difficult life
dealing with psychological trauma, is the existential-hu- situations, a person can gain experience and understand-
manistic approach, created by I. Yalom, R. May and J. ing that life’s cir-cumstances are serious, not only as pain
Byudzhental. I. Yalom considers the meaning of trau- but also as enlightenment: it allows to discover the highest
matic experiences in terms of “existential givens,” such as spiritual values – caring, love, compassion, help to look at
“death”, “freedom,” “isolation,” “futility,” which are basic life in new ways. Then this awareness can play a motiva-
immutable conditions of human existence. In a situation of tional role in overcoming grief. Therefore, the expansion
existential givens, these injuries appear as real objects of of un-derstanding of the mental functioning mechanisms
experience and traumatic disorders are reactions to these in a state of crisis requires further study the value-sense
semantic relations. Working with the trauma, according to sphere of the individual experiencing the traumatic event.
Yalom, is aimed to the adoption of the givens of human life
- the fact of adoption of the limbs of life, finding freedom Bibliography:
and ability to make life choices, making his loneliness and [1] Tumanova E.N. Help the adolescent life in a crisis situa-
overcoming isolation, as well as finding life meaning. tion. Saratov, 2002.
According to D. Byudzhental, the source of traumatic [2] Nartova-Bochaver S.K., “Coping behavior” in the con-
reaction is not the traumatic situation, but the negative cepts of individual psychology // Psychological. journal. 5
sense, which takes the situation for the victim. Opening (1997), P. 20-30.
and creat-ing new meanings occur as a result of an inter- [3] Granovskaya R.M., Nikolskaya I.M., Psychological de-
nal investigation by a subjective experience. Work with a fense in children. St. Peters-burg. “It”, 2003.
sense of existential approach is to work with deep internal [4] Sibgatullina I.F., Apakova L.V., Zaitseva, L.D., Features
subjective experience. The probability of success to over- of coping behavior in the implementation of the intellectual
activity of the subjects of high school // Applied Psychol-
come difficult situations depends on how active, enterpris-
ogy. 5-6 (2002), P. 105-107.
ing the man is, as he assesses the situation, sees him in it,
[5] Kryukova T.L., Saporovskaya M.V., Kuftyak E.V. Psy-
as well as clear are way out in his mind from this situa-
chology of the family: life’s dif-ficulties, and a condomini-
tion. um with them. St. Petersburg. “Speech”, 2005.
However, despite its importance and fundamental na- [6] Magomed-Emin M.S. Extreme psychology. Moscow Psy-
ture, these provisions dealing with the problem of over- choanalytic Association, 2006.
coming difficult life situations, as well as experimental [7] Leontiev D.A. Psychology of meaning: the nature, struc-
data on the cogni-tive mechanisms (understanding) coping ture and dynamics of sense of reality. 2nd, rev. ed. Mos-
are very few in number and expanded to a greater extent cow: Smysl, 2003.
on the level of theoretical views and have a lack of practi- [8] Frankl V. Man’s Search for Meaning: Collection: Trans.
cal development and applica-tion of that also determined from English. And therein. / Total. Ed. LY Gozman and
the choice of topic of this article. Therefore, in our opin- DA Leontief, DA Leontiev. Moscow: Progress Pub-
ion, the study of human intellectual resources that can mo- lishers, 1990.
bilized to adapt to rapidly changing condi-tions of life, is
relevant to modern psychology.


Saule Zh. Bralina, Vyacheslav V. Shilke
Academician E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University
28, Universitetskaya st., Karaganda, Kazakhstan, 100028

This article is dedicated to the research of the creative work of Daniil Kharms (Yuvachev): he was a writer
of the first half of XX century and is supposed to be the founder of the Russian absurdism. To achieve the goal
of our research we analyze in this article the writer`s absurd narratives, reveal their fictitious nature, their on-
nections to the folklore, its genre system and poetic structure. Besides, this article comprises questions of the
absurd literature, of its worldview basis and its relations to the existentialism philosophy. Special attention is
paid to the Russian absurdism as a specific phenomenon in literature.
№6/ EDUCATION and SCIENCE without borders
/ volume 4

Famous Russian writer Daniil Kharms (1905-1942) symptom and messenger of the false reasoning: the truth
now became an object of close attention for readers and is the embodiment of the meaning, but falsity is one of the
researchers. And the reason for it is not only the tragic fate meaningless. For the XX century philosophy absurdity of
of the writer, oblivion in which for a long time his works life is the ontological fact. Absurd became the characteris-
had been submerged, but his surprisingly modern “voice”, tics of being and not only of some scope of reasoning and
direct connection between his works and the newest mod- utterances.
ernist literature. The problem of absurd was transferred from the
We can say without exaggeration that Daniil Kharms sphere of logic and gnoseology to the sphere of ontology
“took a glance” at the future: he had become the founder by L. Shestov, A. Bergson, G. Zimmel, T. Lessing, but it
of a new direction in literature, the Russian absurdism, and was thought over in the first place by A. Camus. His essay
at the same time the founder of such new genre as absurd “The myth of Sisyphus” (with subtitle “Essay on absurd”)
narrative, which was to appear in the Russian and Euro- he based on the absurdity of existence, but this absurdity
pean literature only many decades after. does not demand to be avoided neither by the way of hope,
What made possible this “foreseeing” phenomenon of or that of suicide. Absurd is to found in the feeling of bore-
Daniil Kharms? And what is the nature of it? We will try dom, when a person feels alienation of the world, in the
to answer these questions at least partially. disgust, anxiety, perplexity, in anonymous existence and
It is common notion that under the term absurd litera- in the feeling of desperation” [2].
ture is understood to be a direction in the European litera- Close attention to the problem of absurd was reflected
ture, which appeared in the beginning of the XX century in the way the question was stated and in the attempt to
and among its representatives we can name A. Camus, J.- solve it in the creative work of some European writers and
P. Sartr, F. Kafka, S. Beckett and others. The ideological this fact allowed to call the created literature “literature of
basis of the absurd literature allows us to connect it with absurd”, and their newborn direction “absurdism”. Writers
the existentialism philosophy, which also takes its origin who we can call absurdists depicted shattered world and
in the beginning of the XX century. Its emergence was the meaningless of the human existence and this fact allows
symbol of the humankind`s spiritual crisis at the given his- us to speak about genetic connection between literature of
tory stage, which found its reflection in the feeling of lost absurd and philosophy of absurd.
world entity and the futility of existing in it. Therefore the Russian absurdism, which came into being simultane-
specific features of the existentialism philosophy became ously with the European one, was included in the sphere
revealed in the actualization of the absurd that is the term of research of literature science comparatively not so long
of the intellectual tradition. ago because of the certain ideological reasons. However,
The problem of absurd had been worked over long in spite of the fact that its artistic purposes do not coin-
before the emergence of existentialism in the works of an- cide with the ideological ones Russian absurdism can
tique and medieval philosophers. This fact is made pos- be estimated as a great stratum of the Russian literature.
sible to talk about certain interpretation tradition of such When talking about Russian absurdism in the first place is
notion as absurd. According to this tradition absurd has meant the creative work of the literary and theatrical group
three meanings: absurd is a complex of world negative OBERIU (Union of the Real Art) (in Russian – ОБЭРИУ),
characteristics, absence of logic and meaning and some- among representatives of which we can name A. Vveden-
thing that is beyond the reach of reason. Each epoch ac- skyi, K. Vaginov, E. Bahterev, N. Zabolotzkyi, D. Kharms
centuated one of this notion`s sides [1]. As we can see the and others.
problem of absurd is by no means new. However, the XX The basic OBERIU principles of poetics, which are
century as a breaking point in the history of humanity was stated in their manifest, are destruction of the objects and
exactly the period to sharpen this problem ultimately and actions, their randomization (reduction to the chaos), il-
then the specific philosophy school appeared that is school logic nature of images, grotesqueness of the worldview,
of existentialism, which took absurd as the main object of paradoxicality and eccentricity. With the help of the men-
research. tioned principles Russian absurdists transmit their vision
Therefore, in order to be able to research absurd litera- of the world. The world for them is shattered and devoid
ture we have to understand clearly the central philosophi- of inner links, a human being cannot get to know it, he or
cal category of this literature, which is category of absurd, she is helpless in the face of its disharmony.
its emergence and realization in the fiction. To solve the The convincing evidence which proves the existence
problem it is necessary, in its turn, to clarify the notion of of contact points between Russian and European litera-
absurd, which even now is still one of the most compli- ture of absurd is the fact that the philosophical basis of the
cated and “diffuse” notions in the science of literature. Russian and European absurdists artistic work is common.
The most complete explanation of the notion “ab- However, it is not right to set the sign “equal” between
surd” we can find in the “New Encyclopedia of philoso- them. Russian absurdism does not have only points of con-
phy”: “Absurd (from Latin word absurdus – preposterous) tact with the European one, but also several differences.
is a border, the inner and the other part of meaning, its The explanation for it can be found, in the first place in, the
transmuted form. The rise to the problem of absurd was difference between philosophical and artistic traditions.
given during trying to distinguish between right and wrong Russian absurdism is perfectly autonomous direction.
reasoning, which had great importance for rhetorical and It was evolving independently, without sustaining the in-
legal discourse. For the antique philosophy absurd is a fluence of the European literature of absurd and, in some
EDUCATION and SCIENCE without borders №6/
/ volume 4

sense, even antedating it (absurdist plays of V. VVeden- of absurd, where the cumulation principle becomes an ar-
skyi and D. Kharms were created earlier than plays of tistic method with completely different aims of view.
E. Ionesco and S. Beckett). This autonomity also excludes The story of Kharms “Fapple”, which title has the
the influence of the existentialism philosophical notions on mistake in it on purpose, is organized according to the fol-
the Russian absurdism. lowing cumulative structure:
It means that there were sources of Russian absurdism “Once upon a time there was a man and his name was
which lay deeper. In the case of the Daniil Kharms literary Semenov. Once he went for a walk and lost his handker-
heritage these sources we think to trace in the folklore. It is chief. Semenov started to search the handkerchief and lost
possible to say that Russian avant-garde in the face of fu- his hat. He started to search the hat and lost his jacket. He
turists and modernists in the beginning of XX century con- started to search the jacket and lost the boots.
stituted literary environment, context, by which Kharms – Well, – said Semenov, – this way I can lose every-
was influenced, but the genetic connection of his creative thing. I should better go home.
works can be without doubt traced to the folklore. Semenov went home and got lost.
This connection is obvious. We can find on the level of – No, – said Semenov, – I should better sit and rest.
form as well as on the level of content. In essence Kharms Semenov sat upon a stone and fell asleep” [5].
creates special form narration in which absurd plot appears As we can see there is cumulation in the story which
as a story or occasion told by someone, and this form in is represented by meaningless, reasonless aggregation of
contemporary theory of literature coincides with the narra- losses of more and more valuable things and the result is
tive [3], and in the case of oral culture with folklore. the loss of home.
In fact in the absurdist narrative of Daniil Kharms we In his story “Losses” Kharms used method of accentu-
can find artistic features of many folklore genres: fairy tale ating stringing, which is built upon the principle of grow-
(everyday, cumulative), anecdote, fable, farce, popular ing or on the principle of lessening: “Andrey Andreevich
theater, genres of children folklore. The fact that the author Myasov bought a wick on the market and brought it home”
used the genres of popular fiction as well as popular poetry [5]. Further we see chain of losses of bought things and be-
genres shows the great role the folklore tradition played in sides these things are important for the story hero. He loses
his creative work. one by one his wick, newspaper, kefir, Poltava sausage,
It was namely folklore and its connection with an oral French roll and pince-nez. In the story “Blue notebook N
narrator and a listener, with its tendency to the entertaining 10” the absence of its hero is made clear by the negation
and fantastic forms, to depiction of the comic and absurd- of the presence of the body parts and the “importance” of
ity of the routine life was the real basis for the Russian these parts grows steadily bigger: “There was a red-haired
absurdists helping them to achieve their artistic purpose. man and he had no eyes and ears. He had no hair and
In the stories of Daniil Kharms the thought of the therefore he was called red-haired only conventionally.
world absurdity is in most cases is vested in the form of He could not speak for he had no mouth. He also had no
cumulative fable, which is the chain of different forms of nose. He even did not have arms and legs. He also did not
accumulation, addition, conjunction, conglomeration, in- have stomach, he did not have back, he did not have spine,
creasing and strengthening and all this is cut short by a and he had no entrails. There was nothing! It is not con-
jolly catastrophe. There is no variety of bright events in ceivable whome is this story about. It is better for us not to
the plot of a cumulative fable. For the basis it has a trifling speak about him further” [5].
event which brings tragic consequences and here is the One still brighter example of the accentuating string-
comic point of the fable. ing is already mentioned story “Fapple”, in which things
From this point of view the classic examples of the got lost by the hero are clearly differ from each other in
Russian cumulative fables are fables “Kolobok”, “Ter- respect to the size and value: handkerchief, hat, jacket,
emok”, “The giant turnip” and so on: “An old man planted boots [5].
a turnip. The old man started to pull the turnip out of the The examples mentioned make us believe that the
ground. He pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out. So cumulative effect in the Kharms narrative was not meant
he called the old woman over. The old woman took hold to fulfill emotional and entertaining functions of popular
of the old man, the old man took hold of the turnip, they fables. On the contrary using unmotivated agglomeration
pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out. So the old wom- of objects and actions Kharms is trying to convey the idea
an called the granddaughter over. The granddaughter about shattered and chaotic state of the surrounding world
took hold of the old woman, the old woman took hold of the and its absurdity.
old man, the old man took hold of the turnip, they pulled Together with the multiple repetitions as a method to
and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out. So the granddaughter organize the texts of Daniil Kharms it is necessary to state
called the dog over. The dog took hold of the granddaugh- that the writer`s creative work was also influenced by folk-
ter, the granddaughter took hold of the old woman, the old lore genres, such as popular everyday fable and popular
woman took hold of the old man, the old man took hold of anecdotes. In other words the texts of Daniil Kharms are
the turnip, they pulled and pulled – and finally pulled out close to the folklore text and it is not only because of the
the turnip!” [4]. common methods, but also because of the common genre
As we can see the main interest in the cumulative fable features. This closeness can be seen in the composition as
is not one of meaning but of the bright, colorful, repeated well as in the type of hero.
word. But the situation is another in the case of literature First point which brings together stories by Daniil
№6/ EDUCATION and SCIENCE without borders
/ volume 4

Kharms and Russian everyday fables is various forms of come a grown-up young lady. But Natasha’s father had
fiction. There are many strange, unusual and preposterous become aged and bent. But they will both remember how
things in the everyday fable. Its characteristics are “illogi- they had taken each other for dead and so they will fall on
cality of the unusual”. Absurd situations make the comic the divan and just laugh.
effect of the everyday fable. All this we can find not only And their neighbors, as soon as they hear this laugh-
in the works of Daniil Kharns but in whole “literature of ter, immediately put on their coats and go off to the cin-
absurd”. ema. And one day they went off like that and never came
In most cases there is something unusual and strange back again. Seemingly, they were run over by a car” [5].
in the center of the stories of Daniil Kharms. The story It is important to underline that Daniil Kharms, just
“Father and daughter” is significant in this respect: like the narrator of the everyday fables, does not try to
“Natasha had two sweets. Then she ate one of the make fiction seem plausible. On the contrary the reader
sweets and one sweet remained. Natasha placed the sweet must understand that the events depicted are sheer fiction
on the table in front of her and started crying. and not a story from real life. This pragmatic purpose is
Suddenly she has a look and on the table in front of achieved by showing usual people (the narrator himself
her there lie two sweets again. and his neighbors) in the absurd situation of everyday rou-
Natasha ate one sweet and again started crying. tine.
Natasha cries and keeps one eye on the table to see In the Russian everyday fables we often can see forms
whether a second sweet will appear. But a second sweet of hyperbolization in the depiction of something and these
did not appear. forms have special ideological and artistic function. Meth-
Natasha stopped crying and started to sing. She sang od of hyperboles is not a stranger even to the narrative of
and sang away, and suddenly died. Kharms. For example, in the story “What do they sell in
Natasha’s father arrived, took Natasha and carried shops these days” a blow inflicted with a unnatural big cu-
her to the house manager. cumber became the cause of death of a personage: “Then
– Here – says Natasha’s father – will you witness the Tikakeev snatched out of the bag the biggest cucumber
death? and hit Koratygin in the head. Koratygin grabbed his head
The house manager blew on his stamp and applied it with his arms, fell and died. Such big cucumbers they sell
to Natasha’s forehead. in shops these days!” [5].
– Thank you – said Natasha’s father and carried Na- Talking about the influence of separate fable plots on
tasha off to the cemetery. Daniil Kharms`s creative work we have to give first place
But at the cemetery was the watchman Matvei; he al- to the fables about fools. The character of the main hero
ways sat by the gate and didn’t let anyone into the ceme- of such fabels completely coincides with the characters of
tery, so that the dead had to be buried right on the street. Kharms personages. Common feature of their personage is
The father buried Natasha on the street, removed his “fabulous foolishness that is accentuated and underlined.
cap, placed it on the spot where he had interred Natasha For him it is something like a profession, that is to act fool-
and went off home. ish and to get into funny and preposterous situations” [6].
He arrived home and Natasha was already sitting This type of personage has special position: he seems to
there. How come? It’s very simple: she climbed out from be “not of this world”, beyond real connections with the
under the earth and ran back home. surrounding world.
What a thing! The father was so taken aback that he In fables about fools we see the most characteristic
collapsed and died. feature of the everyday fiction, it means its eccentricity.
Natasha called the house manager, saying to him: - Eccentricity is understood as “strangeness”, “oddity”. All
Will you witness a death? actions of the fool-hero and his behavior is unusual and
The house manager blew on his stamp and applied it fantastically odd, they are the inner nature of this hero and
to a sheet of paper and then on the same sheet of paper he indicate his special and unusual consciousness, his relation
wrote: ‘This certifies that so and so has actually died.’ to the surrounding world.
Natasha took the piece of paper and carried it off to The personage of Daniil Kharms is a modification of
the cemetery for burial. But the watchman Matvei tells Na- this folklore fabulous type. He sees the world in his own
tasha: – I’m not letting you in on any account. way. His eccentric behavior is nothing else but conscious
Natasha says: – I just want to bury this piece of palm- escape from the borders of routine and normal stream of
er. life. Often what is obvious for the fool-hero is not obvious
And the watchman says: – Don’t even ask. Natasha and vice versa: “Bobrov was walking along the road and
interred the piece of paper on the street, placed her socks thinking: why does soup become not tasty if they put sand
on the spot where she had interred the piece of paper and into it” [5], “Now everyone knows how it is dangerous to
went off home. swallow the stones” [5], “I welcome the idea of Shuev. Let
She gets home and the father is already sitting there us drink vinegar” [5].
at home and is already playing against himself on a mini- Further research of the absurdist narrative of Da-
ature billiard table with little metal balls. niil Kharms leads us to the conclusion that there is close
Natasha was surprised but said nothing and went off connection between his texts and another folklore genre,
to her room to grow up. namely, with the popular anecdote. In the creative work of
She grew and grew and within four years she had be- Kharms the most famous are his literary anecdotes. In the
EDUCATION and SCIENCE without borders №6/
/ volume 4

literary anecdote the comic effect is achieved by the nar- ning, looked at the picture, smelled the frame and said:
ration about a funny, unusual situation in the life of some – No, I do not know what is on this picture. May be, it
famous writer. Here we can see, as well as in the popular is cheese, pi-pi-pi! And, may be, it is a candle, py-py-py?
anecdote, something resembling to plausibility which of- Then came the rooster Erofey. He stood on his toes,
ten proves to be wrong and this is the source of the comic looked at the picture and said:
impression. – No, I do not know what is on this picture. May be, it
In the “Anecdotes from Pushkin`s life” every conse- is millet porridge, ku-ka-re-ku! And, may be, it is wooden
quent anecdote is the next step, which leads far from any tub, re-ku-ka-re! <...>” [5].
biographical form of the real image of the poet, it is a step As we can see the most important feature of artistic
from the reality to absurdity: world of Kharms`s works for children is its “distortion”
“Pushkin was a poet and kept writing something. and “topsy-turvy form”. The writer in his creative work
Once Zhukovskyi saw him write and exclaimed: “I should does not recreate an objective picture and does not reflect
bet you are scribbler!”Since then Puskin grew to like Zhu- the real world, he rather ruins it. Breaking real world in
kovskiy very much and called him in a friendly was Zhu- components the author creates a “new” world, a “new” re-
kov”. ality. Parts of the “old” world can now be used for odd con-
“Pushkin had four sons and all of them were idiots. structions and be ranged in the most unreal consequence.
One of them could not even sit on a chair and kept fall- In all this we see again an element of child`s play. Be-
ing. But even Pushkin himself sat on a chair pretty bad. cause of it all these experiments with the reality is so close
Sometimes it was really funny: they sit at the table; at one to the child`s consciousness, which gets to know itself and
end of the table Pushkin keeps falling from the chair, and the surrounding world with the help of play. In the idea
at the other end the same does his son. Absolutely ridicu- to redo the world, to change the places of its parts and to
lous!” [5]. see what is the result we can spot childish behavior of the
Special place in the creative work of Daniil Kharms writer himself. It is worth mentioning that the presence of
take his works for children. There is a paradox as to the the “childish” tone in the aesthetics of the Russian absurd-
emergence of Kharms works for children and this paradox ists explains their ability to write for children as well as to
consists in the fact that the writer himself did not have any understand children’s creative work.
children and thought of them only as a source of irritation, Basing on the mentioned features of the artistic world
bringing a mess in the work but he became a classic of of Kharms`s works for children it is more concise to use
literature for children. notion “anti-world” instead of “artistic world” for it. In fact
Artistic world of the Kharms works for children dif- the struggle of the author to break connections between
fers perceivably from ones of the other writers who wrote artistic world and real one, which is reflected in the para-
for children. In reality he creates new direction in the lit- doxicality of depicted situations and images, gives as a re-
erature for children, which we can call paradoxical and sult emergence of certain anti-world, turned upside-down
playing literature. This term is conventional, but it reveals twin of the real world. Anti-world of Kharms`s works
methods which gave birth to the artistic world in the works for children is like a mirror reflection of our usual world,
of the writer. however, not just a common reflection, but such reflection,
In the first place it is paradox or, in other words, some- which contradicts the routine human life.
thing what contradicts the common sense and seems to be The anti-world of Kharms is built on the ground of
impossible and unexpected. Secondly, it is playing with antithesis: things that do not happen in reality are consid-
the reader, direct dialog with him in the language which he ered in the borders of the anti-world completely normal. In
over and above understands. Due to the fact that the writer folklore genre of “tall tale” coincides with such narrative
turns to the folklore tradition and uses such material as discourse. Therefore “tall tale” character of the writer`s
grotesque, paradox, fiction, humor a child gets in the world stories is the most remarkable features of anti-world in his
completely different from the real one. Works of Kharms stories for children on the whole. Presence of fantasy, in
are devoid of edification, the writer`s goal is to surprise, to its turn, for a reading child means that he left behind the
impress children`s imagination, make children to develop borders of the real world and into another one still unex-
lateral thinking and creativity. A child by reading books of plored.
Kharms gets into the fabulous atmosphere of the feast and For example, in the children`s story “Firstly and sec-
in the center of extraordinary events. ondly” the fantastic atmosphere is created basing on the
The author gives to his reader full creative freedom description of unreal features of the personages: a man
and the possibility to get into the situations impossible in “as high as a pail”, a man “so long you cannot see where
the reality. Routine and usual human life is made poetic his legs end”; unreal place of the action – painted picture:
by the author, a child participates in a jolly game, during “Volodya drew a house, and in the window of this house hi
which it becomes aware of unlikeness and paradoxical drew a man with black beard, near the house he drew a tree
novelty of the world created by Kharms. Such world we and far away he drew a forest. Then he drew a bush near
can see in his story for children “About the dog Bububu”: the house and began to think what else could he draw. Vo-
“Once upon a time lived one very clever dog. Her lodya took a pencil and drew a hare. “Ei-ei-ei! – suddenly
name was Bububu. She was so clever that she even could cried out from the window of the house black-bearded
paint. One day she painted a picture. No one could say manikin. – Where is this hare here from? I will shoot him
what was painted on the picture. Tiny-Mouse came run- with the gun!”; implausible features of human character:
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/ volume 4

“I am not, – told Fedor Fedorovich Kolpakov, – afraid of ated not only with the help of fantasy, play and humor, but
anything!” etc. [5]. also with the help of language tools. If this world is full
Still, it is not only fiction, play and humor we can dis- of unusual phenomena they must be spoken about in unu-
cern among the “construction materials”, which Kharms sual language. Experiments in the sphere of the language
chose for creation of the artistic anti-world. The roots of is characteristic to the Kharms`s creative work as a whole
Kharms`s anti-world are in the market, carnival folklore and it is connected with the principles of poetics common
culture, which finds its quintessence in the “balagan” (farce to all members of OBERIU. Deviations from the language
show) and it is Russian national theater, scenic action with standards, different types of language games and rhyme
specific peculiarities. mark the text and point out that the world, which unfolds
In farce show special attention was paid to the ex- before a reader is an unreal, buffoon world.
otic and unheard-of spectacle. The public saw giants and As the result whole stories of Daniil Kharms can be
dwarfs, mermaids and satyrs, animals with several heads built on the play of the narrator with only one word, which
etc. Culture of farce show meant different mystifications, he transforms senselessly in different ways. The example
odd spectacles and all this was in harmony with the com- we can name story “I forgot how do they call it”, which is
mon notion of the market folklore culture with its charac- just a language game with the usual word “chicken”:
teristic tendency to make the surrounding reality absurd. “Do you want me to tell you a story about this chukin?
The public was affected with the methods of unexpected- No, not chukin, but chuchikin. Or not about chuchikin,
ness, redundancy and shocking. All mentioned facts gives but about churikin. Phu! Not a churikin, but chikurikin.
reason to perceive farce show as real anti-world, which is No, not chikurikin, but churichikin! No, again wrong!
created with the help of destruction of accepted in the soci- Chirikichukin? No, not Chirikichukin! Chirikrukikin? No,
ety forms and of bringing chaos in the world order. again wrong! I forgot how do they call this bird. And if I
Having for the basis all mentioned above, we can hadn`t forgotten, I would have told you a story about this
distinguish one more equally important feature of Daniil churikurkukurekin” [5].
Kharms`s absurdist narrative that is farce-show charac- There is no doubt that the absurd language of the
ter. Farce-show semantics is characteristic not only of the writer`s stories is connected with oral tradition that is
writer`s works for children, but also in his adult works. with sacral speech, language “nonsense”, which in folk-
However, this farce-show character is more important in lore serves as a sign of “another” world. In the works of
the works for children because it reflects artistic purpose of Kharms unusual things in language are also certain sign
all Russian absurdists that is to impress child`s conscious- of passage in another space dimension, another world, in
ness. Here is the source of the Kharms`s turning to the which everything is conversed and topsy-turvy.
farce-show tradition, which is expressed in its close atten- The world of Daniil Kharms`s stories is an expressly
tion to everything exotic and unusual. artificial construction, which is opposed to the real world.
The story “One after another” is a description of It is specific space, where the laws of objective reality
whole range of unusual, odd and therefore funny inven- have no force and any deviations from norm are perceived
tions. We almost have here the same culture of “cabinet as norm, where all events of human routine life are turned
of curiosities” of the farce-show with its display of unu- upside-down and became “topsy-turvy”. All mentioned
sual phenomena, but instead of exotic creatures and body facts allow us to use term anti-world for the artistic world
defects a reader sees inventors with the defects in their of Kharms`s narrative, which borders on the real world,
minds. Among the useless until absurdity inventions we but does not depend on it.
find – sunthermos, which gives “light to all the world and As we can see, developing a new for his time literary
you can hide from it only behind thick curtains”; umbrella method, Daniil Kharms became the creator of the innova-
“for those, who work in the field” in the form of tent on the tive in its essence narrative that is absurist narrative. This
wheels; method to cut out fabric for a dress: “an animal is type of narrative has genetic connection with the Russian
cut in two parts. They cut neck and tail and get two jack- oral storytelling or, in other words, folklore. Genre na-
ets. One of them with the choker”; method to keep your- ture of Kharms`s narrative in many points proves to re-
self warm: “breath under your blanket and the warm from peat specific features of folklore genres, such as everyday
your mouth will wash your body”; method to paint horses: fable, anecdote, tall story and popular theater. Therefore,
“bind her forelegs and hind legs and put into the tub with to achieve the artistic effect Daniil Kharms used methods,
milk”; device, which is to be placed on the head, “which which were stored in folklore long before the emergence
helps to remove your hat automatically” etc. [5]. of literary absurdism, which are as follows: illogical char-
The fact that connection between stories of Daniil acter, grotesque, paradox, tall tale effect, fantasy, humor,
Kharms with the farce-show art does not consist only in language game etc.
modeling of funny and unusual situations is also worth Thus, the absurdist narrative of Daniil Kharms, which
mentioning. The language used by Kharms, which tends successfully developed traditions of national folklore,
to the farce-show language with its use of oxymoron, alo- came in the history of world literature as a phenomenon of
gism, breaking of the old meanings of a word and forming Russian avant-garde of the begging of XX century.
of new ones, agglomeration and impossible word combi-
nations, rhyme, assonance and alliteration, is also playing Bibliography:
an important role. [1] Burenina O., What is absurd, or In the wake of Martin Es-
In other words, absurdist narrative of Kharms is cre- slin, Absurd and around: Collection of articles. Moscow:
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Languages of Slavic Culture, 2004. [4] Aphanasjev A.N. Russian popular fables: 3 Vol. Moscow:
[2] New encyclopedia of philosophy: 4 vol. Moscow: Thought, Science, 1984.
2012. [5] Kharms D. Daniil Kharms century. Moscow: Zebra E,
[3] Contemporary foreing literary studies (West Europe coun- 2006.
tries and USA): conceptions, schools, terms. Encyclopedic [6] Yudin Yu.E. Russian popular everyday fable. Moscow:
reference book. Moscow: Intrada-INION, 1999. Academy, 1998.


Manyak G. Erznkyan, Gulnara K. Slanbekova, Gulzada B. Kapbassova, Rosa T. Alimbayeva
Academician E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University
28, Universitetskaya st., Karaganda, Kazakhstan, 100028

This article is devoted to studying of cross-cultural distinction of role functioning in family systems of
Kazakhs and Russian in the conditions of uniform polycultural space. Created by authors on the basis of inte-
grative model of system family diagnostics the program of studying of role interaction of families will promote
reation of new programs and algorithms of diagnostics, with use of the adapted, reliable diagnostic tools.
On the whole, it is a question that the structure of role functioning of Russian and Kazakh families differs on
traditional– egalitarian character degree (the Kazakh families are more traditional in sharing of family roles,
than Russian families).

In the contemporary age, all the post-Soviet states ried couples, with different married life experiences, living
are undergoing major reforms due to the changes in social in Karaganda city. The overall convenience sample con-
and economic life of the society and a value system of the sisted of 40 families, subdivided into 2 groups (20 Kazakh
modern as well, oriented to their cultural, historical, ethnic and 20 Russian families).
and linguistic origins. In this regard, the importance of the We assume that the particular role functioning in the
relationship between culture and human psychology has family due to ethno-cultural and socio-cultural character-
received public and scientific recognition, but we strongly istics. In particular, the structure of the role functioning of
believe that there is a lack of a proper understanding of this Russian and Kazakh families differ in the degree of tradi-
relationship and its basic mechanisms in modern society. tionalism - egalitarianism (Kazakh families are more tra-
The family researches aimed at clarifying its profound ditional in the distribution of family roles than the Russian
essence, studying regional and national peculiarities takes family).
an important role. This allows identifying both general The questionnaire we held served as basic diagnostic
laws of its formation and development, as well as special information about the structure of family roles in Kazakh
and singular examples. Only an integrative conceptual at- and Russian families. It was carried out to assess general
titude towards a family as a multidimensional and dynam- information about family, such as the married life expe-
ic phenomenon, in interaction with other social formations riences, age and social characteristics, its role structure,
will provide an objective, scientifically proved evaluation availability and characteristics of external and internal
of its status and role in the modern world [1]. borders, the degree of emotional intimacy of the spouses
Features of the marital relationship in family systems with the family, the availability and characteristics of fam-
of the Kazakh and Russian are defined by specific features ily rules and traditions, the way they behave in the conflict
of their national psyche, as well as cultural and historical situation, the difficulties and problems in family life. In
traditions of the ethnic groups studied. addition to these parameters of family system diagnostics,
This research will reveal the social and psychologi- the questionnaire made it possible to determine which
cal characteristics of the marital relationship in family sys- solutions to family problems made by spouses, that they
tems of the Kazakh and Russian in a single multi-cultural would like to change in their relationship.
dimension. It will greatly contribute in establishing new On basis of the current classification of families on the
programs and diagnostic algorithms, using customized, reference to marital life experience, all married couples in
reliable diagnostic tools. In general, this will improve the both groups were divided into four subgroups (table 1).
organizational aspects of giving social and psychological The results of the questionnaire were helped us to ana-
support to families on the marital relationship. lyze the functioning of family systems in the two groups.
The aim of the research is to study cross-cultural dif- On the basis of integrative model of family diagnosis we
ferences in family functioning and family roles. studied the following parameters such as the family struc-
The key members (a husband, a wife and children) ture, the interrelation between the members of the family,
of the nuclear family and their role in family structure are family role structure [2].
considered to be the basic unit of analysis in the research. Cohesion, hierarchy, internal and external borders
Individuals were selected from “Family Center” “(Kara- were identified as the criteria for evaluating family struc-
ganda city). As the object of the research manifested mar- ture. Family communication was evaluated on the basis
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