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Anaesthesia 2016, 71 (Suppl. 1), 19–28 doi:10.1111/anae.


Review Article
Pre-operative haematological assessment in patients scheduled
for major surgery
omez-Ramırez2 and S. Kozek-Langeneker3
noz,1 S. G
M. Mu~

1 Professor, Peri-operative Transfusion Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain
2 Consultant, Department of Internal Medicine, Xanit International Hospital, Benalmadena, Spain
3 Professor, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Evangelical Hospital, Vienna, Austria

Peri-operative anaemia, blood loss and allogeneic blood transfusion are associated with increased postoperative mor-
bidity and mortality, and prolonged hospital stay. A multidisciplinary, multimodal, individualised strategy, collec-
tively termed ‘patient blood management’, may reduce or eliminate allogeneic blood transfusion and improve
outcomes. This approach has three objectives: the detection and treatment of peri-operative anaemia; the reduction
of peri-operative bleeding and coagulopathy; and harnessing and optimising the physiological tolerance of anaemia.
This review focuses on the pre-operative evaluation of erythropoiesis, coagulation status and platelet function. Where
possible, evidence is graded systematically and recommended therapies follow recently published consensus guidance.
Correspondence: M. Mu~ noz
Accepted: 5 October 2015

Introduction reduction of peri-operative bleeding and coagulopathy;

A significant proportion (30–35%) of allogeneic blood and harnessing the physiological tolerance to anaemia.
is transfused for acute postoperative anaemia. The pro- This review focuses on the first two of these three objec-
portion of patients transfused after a given operation tives, by grading evidence systematically where possible
varies substantially between hospitals [1–3]. and recommending therapies in accordance with
The expense and harm associated with blood recently published consensus guidance [6–12].
transfusions have prompted a growing interest in
multidisciplinary, multimodal, individualised strate- Pre-operative anaemia
gies, collectively termed ‘patient blood management’: Pre-operative anaemia is, unsurprisingly, independently
this aims to reduce the number of blood transfusions associated with subsequent transfusion, but also with
and to improve patient outcomes [4]. The 63rd postoperative morbidity and mortality [13–15]. Anae-
World Health Assembly endorsed this approach in mia should be detected before surgery that is likely to
its resolution ‘Availability, safety and quality of blood cause significant blood loss, preferably at least 30 days
products’ [5]. before scheduled operations (Grade 1C) [7, 8].
Patient blood management has three objectives: the The World Health Organization defines anaemia
detection and treatment of peri-operative anaemia; the for men and women by haemoglobin concentrations

© 2015 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 19

Anaesthesia 2016, 71 (Suppl. 1), 19–28 ~oz et al. | Pre-operative bloods for major surgery

less than 130 g.l 1 and 120 g.l 1, respectively, at sea advantages, disadvantages and diagnostic value of these
level. A target haemoglobin concentration of at least variables are summarised in Table 1.
130 g.l 1 should be used for all adult patients until When iron-restricted erythropoiesis does not
research determines more useful ‘suboptimal’ pre- explain anaemia, other investigations including serum
operative haemoglobin concentrations [12]. B12 (especially for those older than 60 years), lactate
The cause of pre-operative anaemia should be dehydrogenase and serum creatinine, may help exclude
identified and treated if possible (Grade 1C) [7, 8]. other nutritional deficiencies, haemolysis or renal dis-
Bleeding from the upper and lower gastrointestinal ease. Red cell folate may be useful if malabsorption or
tract and the genital-urinary system should be consid- severe malnutrition is present [16, 18]. Patients should
ered and investigated. The patient should be screened be referred to a haematologist for further evaluation
for coeliac disease and Helicobacter pylori colonisation. when a diagnosis is not reached.
Major surgery may have to be rescheduled, whereas
minor procedures, without blood loss, can proceed in Management of pre-operative anaemia
parallel with the evaluation of anaemia [1, 6–9]. Normal erythropoiesis needs a healthy bone marrow
There are three types of iron-restricted erythro- with an adequate supply of various nutrients (iron,
poiesis, the most common cause of anaemia world- vitamins C, B1, B6, B12 and folic acid), and hormones
wide: absolute iron deficiency; iron sequestration due (erythropoietin, thyroid hormones and steroids). The
to inflammation; and functional iron deficiency due to possible benefits of oral and intravenous iron, with or
insufficient erythropoiesis-stimulating agents. Serum without erythropoiesis-stimulating agents, are dis-
ferritin concentrations less than 30 lg.l 1 indicate cussed below. Pre-operative transfusion should be
absent iron stores i.e. iron deficiency anaemia, treatable restricted to patients who are bleeding with severe
with oral iron [16]. Serum ferritin concentrations 30– anaemia or poor physiological reserve.
100 lg.l 1 suggest a combination of iron deficiency Patients deficient in vitamin B12 should be given
anaemia and anaemia of chronic disease, which is 1 mg vitamin B12 (intramuscularly or subcutaneously)
treatable with intravenous iron [17]. Serum ferritin and 5 1 oral folic acid should be given to cor-
concentrations more than 100 lg.l 1 suggest anaemia rect its deficiency [18].
of chronic disease due to iron sequestration. Transfer-
rin saturation measures iron transport capacity, not Iron therapy
the amount of stored iron. Values less than 20% indi- Iron deficiency should be treated with pre-operative
cate anaemia that will respond to a combination of oral iron whenever there is enough time and there are
parenteral iron and erythropoiesis-stimulating agents no contraindications (Grade 2B) [10]. In some studies,
[16, 17]. Iron sequestration is identified by more than ferrous salts at doses of 100–200 1 for 2–
5% red cells being hypochromic or a reticulocyte hae- 4 weeks increased haemoglobin concentration, reduced
moglobin content less than 27 pg [17]. If these mea- transfusion rates and, in some cases, the length of hos-
sures are unavailable, the concentration of soluble pital stay [19–22], but not in other studies [23, 24].
transferrin receptor, with or without the ferritin assay, Postoperative oral iron is not recommended as it does
may help determine whether anaemia of chronic dis- not accelerate the correction of anaemia or reduce the
ease is contributed to by iron deficiency [16, 17]. Nor- transfusion rate (Grade 1B) [10, 24–27].
mal red cell volumes (80–100 fl) does not exclude iron Patients without anaemia but with low ferritin
deficiency anaemia, for instance when there is coexist- levels may also benefit from pre-operative iron admin-
ing vitamin B12 or folate deficiency, postbleeding retic- istration, particularly when substantial bleeding is
ulocytosis, during oral iron treatment, with alcohol anticipated, as they may not have enough stored iron
intake or mild myelodysplasia. The variation in the to support rapid erythropoiesis and other metabolic
volumes of red cells, the ‘red cell distribution width’, requirements [7].
can help differentiate iron deficiency from other Intravenous iron, 3–4 weeks before surgery, should
microcytic anaemias, for instance thalassaemia. The be considered: if oral iron is poorly absorbed or poorly

20 © 2015 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

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Mun Anaesthesia 2016, 71 (Suppl. 1), 19–28

Table 1 Variables in iron deficiency.


Iron Diagnostic value for

Variable Normal deficiency Advantages Disadvantages iron deficiency
Red cell volume; fl 80–100 < 80 Inexpensive, Decreased by Sensitive for established
common chronic disease, deficiency
thalassaemia and Useful for treatment
sideroblastic anaemia monitoring
Affected after 24-h
sample storage
Red cell 27–35 < 28 Inexpensive, Decreased by Sensitive for established
haemoglobin; pg common chronic disease, deficiency
thalassaemia and Useful for treatment
sideroblastic anaemia monitoring
Red cell distribution 11–15% > 15% Inexpensive, Increased by reticulocytosis, Sensitive for
width common e.g. after blood loss and early deficiency
treated iron deficiency Helps differentiate from
other microcytic anaemias
(e.g. thalassaemia)
Platelet 140–450 > 450 Inexpensive, Increased after infections, Highly suggestive of iron
count; 9109.l 1
common trauma, allergic deficiency with microcytic
reactions, splenectomy, red blood cells
cancer and some
haematological diseases
Hypochromic red cells < 5% ≥ 6% Sensitive to rapid Affected after 24-h Well-established for
Low density changes in iron sample storage identifying iron
haemoglobin availability Limited to flow sequestration
cytometric analysers
Reticulocyte 28–35 < 28 Sensitive to rapid Affected after 24 h Well-established for
haemoglobin changes in iron sample storage identifying iron
content; pg availability Falsely normal if sequestration and
microcytosis absent deficiency with ESAs
or with thalassaemia Values < 25 pg
Limited to flow differentiate iron
cytometric analysers deficiency and
chronic disease
Red blood cell 91–107 < 87.7 Sensitive to rapid Limited to flow Encouraging sensitivity and
size factor; fl changes in iron cytometric analysers specificity for detecting
availability iron-restricted
Ferritin; 1
30–300 < 30 Inexpensive, Non-specific acute Iron deficiency if < 30,
common phase protein, increases or < 100 with
with age, not associated inflammation; > 500
with response iron overload
to ESAs (cancer)
Transferrin saturation 16–45% < 16% Inexpensive, Negative acute Iron deficiency if < 16,
index common phase protein, not useful < 20 iron-restricted
after intravenous iron erythropoiesis with
inflammation, > 50
iron overload
Serum transferrin <2 > 4.5 Insensitive to Expensive, dependent on In the absence of other
receptor; mg.l 1 inflammation the WHO standard, automated measures it
increased by erythropoiesis, may help diagnosis, with
e.g. haemolysis, chronic or without ferritin
lymphocytic leukaemia
Ferritin index <1 >2 Better than either As for serum transferrin Iron deficiency if < 1; 2–3
([transferrin receptor] / component receptors iron deficiency, chronic
log[ferritin]) in isolation disease or inflammation

ESAs, erythropoiesis-stimulating agents.

© 2015 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 21

Anaesthesia 2016, 71 (Suppl. 1), 19–28 ~oz et al. | Pre-operative bloods for major surgery

tolerated; for anaemia of chronic disease, with or with- thrombo-embolic prophylaxis [54]. It is important to
out inflammation; and when an accelerated response is make a distinction between erythropoiesis-stimulating
required (Grade 2B) [10, 28–31]. Shorter courses of pre- agents and intravenous iron, as the latter alone does
operative intravenous iron, with or without erythro- not cause supra-physiological haemoglobin concentra-
poiesis-stimulating agents, may be used (Grade 2B) [7, tions and thrombocytosis. Doses of erythropoiesis-sti-
10, 32–36]. These recommendations are also supported mulating agents should be adjusted pre-operatively
by the European Medicines Agency’s Committee for with reference to an individual’s target haemoglobin
Medicinal Products for Human Use [37]. Guidance for concentration, while ensuring adequate iron supply to
preventing and treating hypersensitivity reactions to the bone marrow and thromboembolic prophylaxis
intravenous iron has been published recently [38]. Intra- [10, 12].
muscular iron administration is not recommended [10].
A recent meta-analysis of 103 trials of 19 253 par- Pre-operative evaluation of
ticipants concluded that intravenous iron therapy did haemostasis
not increase the rates of serious adverse events or The aims of pre-operative coagulation testing are to
infections when compared with oral or intramuscular detect patients with abnormal bleeding caused by coag-
iron, no iron or placebo [39]. In large observational ulation disorders with a high prevalence (e.g. von
studies, peri-operative intravenous iron did not Willebrand disease), rarer disorders with high clinical
increase rates of infection or 30-day mortality [34–36]. relevance (e.g. coagulation factor deficiency in
Newer formulations, for instance iron isomaltoside and haemophilia) and drug-induced coagulopathy (e.g. dual
ferric carboxymaltose, can be given quickly in single anti-platelet therapy and vitamin K antagonists). Tra-
large doses of 1 g or more, which is more convenient ditional coagulation screening tests do not reliably
for patients and is less expensive [12, 29, 40, 41]. identify patients more likely to bleed or clot peri-
However, further prospective efficacy and safety trials operatively [55–58].
in various surgical settings are required to make evi- A medical history remains the most important tool
denced-based conclusions. for detecting inherited or acquired bleeding disorders
that increase the risk of peri-operative bleeding [59].
Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents The European Society of Anaesthesiology strongly rec-
Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents should be considered ommends standardised pre-operative bleeding question-
for patients with anaemia of chronic disease, after the naires or structured interviews to record patient and
correction of nutritional deficiencies. In Europe, ery- family histories of bleeding and medications, rather than
thropoiesis-stimulating agents are only indicated for routine blood tests (Grade 1C) [11]. Standardised ques-
pre-operative patients expected to have moderate tionnaires discriminate between bleeding from mucosal
blood loss, whose haemoglobin concentration is 100– or non-mucosal tissues and the circumstances associ-
130 g.l 1 (Grade 1A) [10, 42–45]. However, their min- ated with bleeding, as well as other factors, such as the
imum effective dose is unknown. Off-label use of ery- anticoagulant or anti-platelet drug usage (Table 2) [60,
thropoiesis-stimulating agents is suggested before 61]. About 11% of adults answer ‘yes’ to an item, which
cardiac surgery [32, 46–48] or gastrointestinal cancer qualifies as an abnormal bleeding history [60].
resection [49] (Grade 2B), but it is not recommended A bleeding history should be sought well before
for critically-ill patients without a prior indication elective surgery to give time for diagnoses and treat-
(Grade 1A) [10, 50]. ment. Pre-operative staff should confirm answers with
The treatment of anaemic chronic renal failure the patient or guardian. Simple laboratory tests should
patients and chemotherapy patients with erythro- be performed if a history cannot be taken from an
poiesis-stimulating agents has been associated with incapacitated patient and if the information is
thrombo-embolic events and death [51–53]. Erythro- unavailable from next-of-kin: physical examination
poiesis-stimulating agents caused deep-vein thrombosis may reveal bruising, petechial lesions or defective
in patients undergoing major spinal surgery without wound healing.

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Table 2 Standardised questionnaire items to detect an Fibrinogen plays a major role in routine coagula-
increased bleeding risk. tion tests such as the aPTT and the prothrombin time.
Known coagulopathy Two methods are used: counting the fibrinogen mole-
Unexplained epistaxis cules, for example by immunology, gravitometry or
Unexplained haematoma, petechial lesions on the torso or
heat precipitation; and measuring clottable fibrinogen,
an unusual location
Defective wound healing for example by Claus’s method, which is affected by
Prolonged bleeding after accidental or surgical cuts, heparin and fibrinogen degradation products. Excessive
including dental work
Abnormal requirement for blood products after previous bleeding has been reported at fibrinogen concentra-
surgery tions below 50–100 mg.dl 1 [62, 63]. Fibrinogen con-
Hypermenorrhagia requiring > 7 tampons per day,
centrations of 200–380 mg.dl 1 are required for
bleeding > 7 days since menarche
Medication affecting coagulation: pain killers, sufficient fibrin clot polymerisation [64, 65]. Low pre-
anti-thrombotic and anti-platelet drugs, operative fibrinogen levels are associated with intra-
over-the-counter drugs and dietary factors
operative bleeding during cardiac surgery. The fibrino-
gen concentration is the single variable best correlated
There is little evidence to support routine with postpartum bleeding [66]. Individual coagulation
pre-operative laboratory testing. Guidelines suggest factors and molecular markers of the coagulation and
laboratory investigations of haemostasis in patients fibrinolytic systems are rarely assayed pre-operatively,
with normal bleeding histories when they are sched- because these tests can take a long time and might be
uled for surgery with a high risk of bleeding or if there unavailable. Patients with inherited coagulation defects
is a relevant co-morbidity [61]. Global coagulation may exsanguinate with trauma or major surgery unless
tests were not developed to predict bleeding or to deficient factors are replaced, for instance factors 8
guide peri-operative coagulation management, even and 9 or von Willebrand factor concentrate.
though most hospitals perform four tests as a ‘global Routine pre-operative coagulation tests are poor
coagulation panel’. predictors of peri-operative bleeding and mortality.
The activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) Although aPTT > 1.8 times normal and INR > 1.8
was developed to monitor the effect of heparin, to char- have been associated with mortality in trauma, particu-
acterise clotting factors and for haemophilia research. larly when they co-exist, moderately-prolonged times
The aPTT is sensitive to coagulation factors 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, have not been associated with adverse outcome [56,
11 and 12, as well as heparin, fibrinogen degradation 63, 67, 68]. Platelet concentration also does not inde-
products, inhibitors, hypothermia and hypofibrino- pendently associate with mortality in emergency medi-
genaemia. Multiple factor deficiencies tend to prolong cine [69].
the time for a given factor concentration than single fac- Global coagulation tests are inadequately standard-
tor deficiencies. An aPTT 1.5–1.8 above the normal ised, with variable sensitivities of test reagents and
upper limit (> 60 s) might prompt treatment. variation between laboratories and investigators. Rou-
The prothrombin time was developed to monitor tine tests do not identify which coagulation factor is
and adjust the doses of coumarins. This test is sensi- deficient. The speed of fibrin strand formation is
tive to coagulation factors 1, 2, 5, 7 and 10. The pro- assessed by the prothrombin and aPTT, but they do
thrombin time of a sample is calibrated against that of not assess the mechanical and functional properties of
known certified plasma samples, which generates the clot formation. Functional fibrin polymerisation may
standard international normalised ratio (INR). A pro- be impaired despite normal fibrinogen concentration,
thrombin activity below 40% might prompt treatment. in the same way that platelet function may be
Platelet concentrations are routinely counted by impaired despite normal platelet concentration. Global
automated machines, the value of which does not coagulation tests are of plasma at a standardised tem-
reflect platelet function. A platelet concentration below perature in the absence of platelets and blood cells.
50 9 109.l 1 might prompt treatment. Tests of plasma function do not interrogate the

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complex haemostatic interaction of plasma proteins, tive evaluation of patients with a positive bleeding
platelets and the vessel wall. history (Fig. 1) [60, 73]. Second-level tests are indi-
However, an increasing number of tests can be cated when global panel and viscoelastic coagulation
performed immediately on venesected whole blood, tests cannot diagnose the haemostatic defect responsi-
using point-of-care automated devices. The measure- ble for bleeding, particularly for patients taking anti-
ment of prothrombin time and aPTT times immedi- platelet drugs, patients with inherited or acquired
ately before surgery can be useful for patients platelet defects, and patients on extracorporeal bypass
chronically anticoagulated, for instance using circulation.
‘CoaguChekâ’ (Roche Diagnostics Ltd, Burgess Hill, There is still no simple reliable method for measur-
UK). New tests are anticipated for direct factor Xa ing platelet function. Static tests, such as measurement
inhibitors. Immediate test results are not identical to of b-thromboglobulin, capture only one single point in
laboratory test results, but normal values suggest that time and cannot accurately reflect the dynamic pro-
vitamin K antagonists or direct thrombin inhibitors, cesses encountered intra-operatively. Dynamic tests
such as dabigatran, have been sufficiently eliminated. such as the bleeding time reflect the time-dependent
contribution of platelets to overall clot formation. How-
Platelet function tests ever, the bleeding time is poorly standardised, is depen-
The European Society of Anaesthesiology recommends dent upon temperature, catecholamines and vascular
assessing pre-operative platelet function only for disorders, lacks specificity and sensitivity, increases
patients with an abnormal bleeding history (Grade 2C) non-specifically during surgery and transfusion and
[11]. The widespread adoption of anti-platelet agents does not predict bleeding [67, 74, 75].
into everyday clinical practice has revolutionised con- Several modern analysers assess the platelet
temporary care of cardiovascular patients. However, response to an agonist. The platelet function analyser
these drugs increase peri-operative bleeding, a problem PFA-100â (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Marburg,
that will become increasingly important [70–72]. Plate- Germany) provides a measure of platelet function
let function tests are first level tests in the pre-opera- in citrated whole blood at high shear rates. This

Figure 1 Austrian algorithm of the pre-operative coagulation work-up [60].

aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; PHC, primary haemostasis capacity; POCT, point-of-care functional
coagulation monitoring (e.g. ROTEM); PT, prothrombin time. *Standardised questionnaire (Table 2). †Laboratory
testing may be performed before intracranial and spinal surgery, retina surgery, neuraxial blockade with catheter
insertion in non-obstetric patients, infra- or supra-clavicular approach of central venous catheter insertion. ‡In
patients with known coagulopathy, e.g. factor VIII activity in haemophilia A.

24 © 2015 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

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Mun Anaesthesia 2016, 71 (Suppl. 1), 19–28

instrument aspirates 800 ll of blood through a capil- Other platelet monitoring techniques are currently
lary and microscopic aperture within a membrane under development but have not yet been tested dur-
coated with platelet agonists, collagen and either adre- ing the assessment of platelet-related peri-operative
naline or adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Activated bleeding.
platelets attach to the membrane where they aggregate
to form a plug. The time taken to occlude the aper- Conclusion
ture is a function of platelet concentration and reac- In conclusion, pre-operative anaemia should be
tivity, von Willebrand factor activity and haematocrit detected, classified and treated before major elective
[76]. The normal times for aperture closure are less procedures and while emergency cases are prepared
than 165 s for adrenaline cartridges and less than for surgery. Anaemia should be treated with iron and
186 s for ADP cartridges. The response of aperture erythropoiesis-stimulating agents, as appropriate.
closure time to desmopressin should be assessed in Blood transfusions should be reserved for severely
patients with platelet dysfunction, unless there are anaemic patients, particularly with poor physiological
contraindications. This method can rapidly identify reserve, when time does not permit standard treat-
pre-operative platelet disorders, including those associ- ment. Intravenous iron is safe, reduces blood transfu-
ated with von Willebrand syndrome [60, 73, 77]. In sions and hastens recovery. A combination of pre-
cardiac surgical patients, the pre-operative aperture operative iron and erythropoiesis-stimulating agents is
time correlated with postoperative blood loss in some justified for both elective and urgent surgery, particu-
cardiac studies [78], but not in others [79]. larly for anaemia with an inflammatory component,
Other platelet aggregometers measure changes in although the minimal effective dose is presently
luminescence or impedance after platelet agonist stim- unknown.
ulation. Originally, these techniques were only per- Standardised questionnaires should be used to
formed by specialised laboratories as their widespread gauge the bleeding history instead of routine global
adoption has been limited by several technical barriers. coagulation screening. An abnormal history of bleed-
The ‘Multiplate’ aggregometer (Roche Diagnostics Ltd) ing, with or without drugs, should trigger further tests
avoids several methodological problems of the original of plasmatic haemostasis and platelet function if the
platelet aggregometers. Whole blood (300 ll) is mixed patient is scheduled for surgery with a high risk of
with set concentrations of collagen, arachidonic acid, bleeding or when there is a relevant co-morbidity. Pre-
ADP, thrombin receptor activator peptide 6 or risto- operative platelet functional assessment should be used
cetin in a single-use plastic cup with a pair of elec- when indicated. The value of point-of-care coagulation
trodes and a stirring bar. Platelet adhesion and testing in patients with bleeding disorders and that of
aggregation change electrical impedance between the genetic testing for evaluating bleeding risk deserves
electrodes. The changing impedance characterises the further research.
aggregation velocity, the maximum aggregation and
the area under the aggregation curve. This device can Competing interests
detect the effects of anti-platelet drugs [80–82] and MM has received honoraria for consultancy, lectures
changes in platelet function after cardiac surgery [81, and travel from Stryker Iberica (Spain), Wellspect
83]. Impedance aggregometry could help diagnose HealthCare (Sweden), Ferrer Pharma (Spain), Roche
causes of acute bleeding [84, 85]. However, it has not (Spain), Vifor Pharma (Spain and Switzerland),
been validated for low platelet counts and, thus, its use PharmaCosmos (Denmark) and Zambon (Spain), but
in haemorrhagic thrombocytopaenia has yet to be not for this work. SK-L has received honoraria for lec-
determined. Blood samples drawn for platelet function turing and funding for the academic, non-profit educa-
tests have to be handled carefully, withdrawn without tional e-learning platform http://www.peri-operative
stasis and rested for a set time before adding anticoag-, from companies involved in peri-operative
ulant to the test cuvette, without cooling or freezing coagulation monitoring (Roche, TEM International).
the sample. SG-R has nothing to declare.

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