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The perception of the students of the fifth semester of foreign languages with emphasis in English

on their professors and how it influences their level of English

Julio César Rendón

David Stivens Castro
Diego Vergaño
Daira Lizeth Rosero Erazo

Fifth Semester
Group 4

Unidad Central de Valle del Cauca

Bachelor degree in foreign languages

INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................... 4
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ...................................................................................................... 5
Perception of the students about the professors .............................................................................. 5
Professor’s features ......................................................................................................................... 6
METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................................. 6
Sample ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Population ................................................................................................................................... 8
Data collection Technique: Survey ............................................................................................. 8
Results ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Relation of the student’s perception about their teachers with the English level .............................. 17
DISCUSSION ...................................................................................................................................... 18
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 19
Limitations ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Recommendations ............................................................................................................................. 21
References ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Annexes ............................................................................................................................................. 23


Table 1. Population. Source: The perception of the students about their teachers. ............................ 7

Figure 1 Age. Source: Students’ perception about their teachers ..................................................... 8

Figure 2 Teachers reinforce positive behaviors and strengths. Source: Students’ perception about
their teachers....................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3 Teachers answer the question posed by students. Source: Students’ perception about their
teachers. ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 4 Critical and Reflective debate in English Classes. Source: Students’ perception about their
teachers. ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 5 Teachers motivated students. Source: Students’ perception about their teachers.............. 11
Figure 6 Teachers concerned about your overall growth. Source: Students’ perception about their
teachers. ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 7 Teachers are essential in your English level. Source: The perception of the students about
their teachers..................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 8 Teachers facilitate the learning of English. Source: Students’ perception about their
teachers. ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 9 The English level is related with the teacher. Source: Students’ perception about their
teachers. ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 10 The figure of the teacher influences in the attitude towards the subject. Source: Students’
perception about their teachers......................................................................................................... 14
Figure 11 How to consider your relationship with your the English teachers? Source: Students’
perception about their teachers......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 12 Has any teacher been important in your life? Source: Students’ perception about their
teachers. ............................................................................................................................................ 16

This research focuses on analyzing the perception of the students of the fifth semester of
foreign languages with emphasis in English of la Unidad Central del Valle (UCEVA) about
their teachers and how it influences the performance of English language skills.

This research emerges owing to the interest to know the causes that determine the
development of the skills of the English language in the students and if the perception that
these have about the professors generates positive or negative effects that, according to the
authors, (Cotnoir C., 2004) this influence extends well beyond academic achievement, that
is to say that the links and the relations are considered important in the learning. In
particular, a study by (Covarrubias & Robledo, 2004), which deals with the correlation
between teacher-student interaction and learning, reveals that students decisively consider
the influence of some teachers in their learning.

Furthermore, as students of foreign languages and future teachers, the English level is
turned into a factor very important that must be developed in the process of teaching and
learning of English, taking into account that the UCEVA according to the (Ministerio de
Educación Nacional, 2004) proposed that foreign language teachers must acquire a C1 level
according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), for this reason, it is
not only important to determine the English level of the students but to determine the
causes that depend on the improvement of this. This is why this research wants to know if
the perception, either positive or negative of the students towards their professors can be a
factor that benefits or affects this process.

According to the above, the following research question arises: what influence does the
students' perception of teachers have on their level of English? and from it the following
objectives: to identify the English level of the students of fifth semester of foreign
languages with emphasis in English, to know the perception of the students of fifth
semester of foreign languages with emphasis in English about their professors through a
survey and to compare the perception of the students survey in relation to the English Level
of students of the fifth semester of the Bachelor´s degree program in foreign languages
focusing on English of the Unidad Central del Valle (UCEVA) in Tuluá city.

Perception of the students about the professors

The perception according to (Oviedo, 2004), it's been object of several ways of
explanations, but the considered most systematic is the Gestalt movement. This movement
was born in Germany, which authors: Wertheimer, Koffka and Kóhler consider the
perception as the elemental process of the mental activity, and it is considered that the
others psychology activities as, learning, memory, thought, and many others need that
perceptual organization, have an accurate functioning.

(Rodrigez, 2012) in his study emphasizes that the causes that originates the disinterest or
demotivation in the students are the shamefulness, the nervousness to talk in front of
public, to make mistakes etc., feeling that can come up from the teaching context for extern
reasons like the professor’s attitude, for example, if the student is outgoing or has a good
sense of humor; the results of his research showed that this improves the learning process;
this means, from the points of view, the reasons that generates demotivation, the disinterest
and some others, have to do in how is the relation of the professors with their students and a
the same time, how this does not beneficiates the English learning process, what is referred
to say that if the professor is open to have any type of tie with his/her students they will get
motivation and will not be afraid of failing or any deficient self-image making that in this
way the English levels get better owing to the student thanks to the interaction with his/her
professors will be willing to talk, to listen and to ask, so, in this way the professor will
become in a learning guide.

On the other hand, (Gallardo & Reyes, 2010) talk about this kind of relation in the
university, where the seduction is the target in the learning process which looks up for the
students to get interests about the content and the class. Besides of that some elements
contribute to that interest, which mention the academic prestige, professional experience,
sympathy, antipathy, and future utility of the taught content; the students appraise that the
professors establish a tie, why is possible to say that is mainstay for fomenting the
motivation of the students and that these get a better English level, according to (Anzaldúa,
2004) the tie of student-professor is the reason why the learning is carried out and is
determined by the dynamic of teaching and learning. Then, the relation is distinguished as
essential to foment a positive feeling.
The authors (Cotnoir C., 2004) talk about the positive effects are relative with the
student-professor relation that allow to not just apprise the academic aspect but effective, in
which they talk about the relations like the capability to create personal connections with
the students, is also mentioned the passion where is showed the inspiration of the professors
in the teaching process, they also mention that the high expectative help the students to
improve and feel an experience of success. Starting from this the influence of the professors
in the learning process of the students is saw as the symbol of motivation and effect by part
of their students, the fact that the students feel their teachers are open to a positive tie,
establish the trust is necessary for the students to be able to interact in the class, where they
feel they can make mistakes and be corrected not only in the academic way that affects the
general wellness of the student, but with the intention to improve, in a mode that allow the
English level to overcome the expectative and take to improve the results.

Professor’s features

(Núñez del Río & Fontana, 2009) They pretend to determine according to the perception
of the students the characteristics of the professor that tend to motivate the students. These
collect the followings:

 To clarify the subject, to understand the mistakes as part of the learning process,
feedback exercise

 To apprise more the effort than the result, the trust as part of the relation between
the professors and students

 Activities that generate the students’ motivation and curiosity

 To foment an environment of participation and cooperation


For developing this research the qualitative method was used, the qualitative research is
that where the researcher starts examining a specific reality and the process develops a
coherent theory in order to represent what is watched (Esterberg, 2002), in other words, the
researcher is based in real events and contexts, which above all, have to do with logic,
going from the particular to the general. Through this qualitative research is possible to
observe the students perspectives about their teachers taking into account their individual
point of views. This research uses the action research process, which is used by those
researchers who have identified an issue and look forward to contribute to its improvement
(Bell, 2005), in this case, is looked forward to contribute to the improvement in the students
perspective about their teachers.

Population and Sampler

Table 1 Population. Source: Students’ perception about their teachers.



AGE 24 22,8 22 18 40 MALE

13 54,2%

STRATUM 24 2,4 2 1 5 FEMALE

11 45,8%


The sample is a group of people that is took from the population, in order to study a
statistical phenomenon (Tamayo & Tamayo, 1997), that is to say, that is focus in the
participant of study, to carry this research out, in this case there are 13 men and 11 women.
Figure 1 Age. Source: Students’ perception about their teachers


The population is defined as the totality of the phenomenon to study where the units of
this has one common feature which is studied and research data are gotten (Tamayo &
Tamayo, 1997), that is to say, is the set of people of the same type determined by its
definitive features. For this research, the population is fifth semester students of foreign
languages from Unidad central Del Valle del Cauca, most of the population are around their
22 years old.

Data collection Technique: Survey

The survey is described as the systematic search of information in which the researcher
asks to the researchers about data he/she wants to get, and then, put every single data
together to get during the evaluation of aggregate data (Mayntz, Holm, & Hübner, 1975),
this survey tries to recollect the different opinions of the students about their perspective in
respect to their professors from their faculty.
To measure the perception of the students about their professors and how influents in
their English level, is taking into account the research The Incidence of the perception of
the English First Test in the results of the English Level of Fifth Semester students of the
Bachelor Degree in Foreign Languages with emphasis in English of the Unidad Central del
Valle del Cauca (UCEVA) Tuluá, accomplished by Kevin Cuadros, Alejandra Santamaría y
David Marmolejo.


The following results will be shown are samples gotten from a survey applied to the
students of fifth semester of foreign languages, this survey was done in order to know the
perspectives and thoughts students have about their English level and how the teachers
influence in it.

Figure 2 Teachers reinforce positive behaviors and strengths. Source: Students’ perception about
their teachers.

54, 2% (13 students) of the

students were surveyed think
sometimes the teachers reinforce
the positive conducts and
strengths of the students, another 37,
5% (9 students) of the students opine
that is usually done, and the 8, 3% (2
students) opine is hardly ever done.
something must be pointed out, is that,
none of the students answered never nor
always, so, owing to the very lack of the students who think teachers don’t reinforce these
positive conducts, is got to the conclusion teachers are reinforcing the positive conducts
named before.

Figure 3 Teachers answer the question posed by students. Source: Students’ perception about their

45, 8% (11 students) of the students were surveyed, are agree that their teachers usually respond
to the students queries, another 37, 5% (9 students) think they always do it, and the 16, 7% (4
students) leftover opine sometimes, it means, teachers usually respond to the students' questions,
since no student answered that they hardly ever or never do it; means there are few occasions
students where students end still having doubts.
Figure 4 Critical and Reflective debate in English Classes. Source: Students’ perception about their

58,3% (14 students) of the students were surveyed, are agree that their teachers usually propitiate
critical debates and reflexive in their English, conversely, 37,5% (9 students) it happens sometimes,
and the 4,2% (1 student) leftover opine. They hardly ever do. None of the students answered ever,
so, according to the figure, teachers usually adjust spaces in the English classes opening critical and
reflective debates.

Figure 5 Teachers motivated students. Source: Students’ perception about their teachers.

54,2% (13 students) of the students were surveyed, opine that their teachers usually motivate
them to learn and improve their English level, another 29,2% (7 students) think they do it
sometimes, a 12,5% (3 students) of the students say they always do, and the 4,2% (1 students)
leftover opine they hardly ever do. None student answered the teachers never motivate the students,
it can be concluded that according to the perception of the students, the teachers usually motivate
their students.
Figure 6 Teachers concerned about your overall growth. Source: Students’ perception about their

41,7% (10 students) of the students were surveyed, think their teachers usually worry about their
integral growth as person and not only as learners of content of the subjects, another 37,5% (9
students) opine they do it sometimes, and the 20,8% (5 students) leftover answered they hardly ever
do it. the options always, never were not answered by the students, and the highest results over the
sample are usually and sometimes meaning to say students think the teachers are accomplishing
with their concerning.

Figure 7 Teachers are essential in your English level. Source: The perception of the students about
their teachers.
41,7% (10 students) of the students were surveyed, are strongly agree that the figure of the
teachers is essential for the learning of contents and the development of the skills that help the
English level, another 37,5% (9 students) are partially agree, and the 20,8% (5 students) leftover are
agree,. as can be seen all the students are agree in some way with the fact teachers are an important
figure and none of them are strongly disagree with this.

Figure 8 Teachers facilitate the learning of English. Source: Students’ perception about their

50% (12 students) of the students were surveyed, are partially agree that the teacher facilitates
the English learning, another 29,2% (7 students) are strongly agree, and the 20,8% (5 students)
leftover are agree. None student are strongly disagree that the teacher facilitates learning, it means
that the teacher plays a very important role in learning English process and in turn, influences the
English level.
Figure 9 The English level is related with the teacher. Source: Students’ perception about their

45,8% (11 students) of the students were surveyed are partially agree that their English level is
in some way related to the teachers, the 20,8% (5 students) are agree, another 20,8% (5 students)
are strongly disagree, and the 12,5% (3 students) are strongly agree. According to the figure, most
of the students answered their English level is partially related in any way to the teacher, so, it
means, teachers influence in the students’ English level.

Figure 10 The figure of the teacher influences in the attitude towards the subject. Source: Students’
perception about their teachers.
50% (12 students) of the students were surveyed, are strongly agree that the figure of the teacher
influences in attitude to the subject, another 25% (6 students) are agree, the 16, 7% (4 students) of
the students are partially agree, and a 8,3% (2 students) leftover are strongly this
question a half of the students answered that teacher’s role influences in achieving the subject

Figure 11 How to consider your relationship with your the English teachers? Source: Students’
perception about their teachers.

83, 3% (20 students) of the students surveyed consider they have a good relationship with the
English teacher and the 16, 7% (4 students) of the students leftover answered they have a regular
relationship with the English teacher. None of the students answered they have an excellent or a bad
relationship with teachers, so, it means, most of them a just have a good.
Figure 12 Has any teacher been important in your life? Source: Students’ perception about their

79, 2% (19 students) of the students have had an important teacher/professor in their lives, while
the other 20, 8% (5 students) of the students said they have not. This figure shows that most of the
students have had a teacher who has been really significant in their life.

Do you think that your teachers influence your academic performance? Why?

Most of the students think the professor influence really affects the academic performance, many
of them opine that the attitude, motivation, and methodology used by the professor is fundamental
to have a good perception about the professor and in this way have a good academic performance.

Adapted from:
 (Suller & Acevedo, 2017), Universidad Alas Peruanas
 (Chiara, 2014) -Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
Relation of the student’s perception about their teachers with the English level

For this relation, have been considered the results of English first being a platform that measures
the English level from A1 to C2 as the common European framework and the survey that looked for
knowing the perception of the student. In this part, the target is to compare the results of the survey
regarding the perception students have about their professors and the incidences this has in their
English level with test applied in English first by the students of fifth semester of foreign languages
with emphasis in English (UCEVA) in Tuluá.

The English level results place 25% (6 students) of the population in the levels C1 and C2,
according to the survey of student perception about their professors the group of people who are in
C English level can be said that hardly ever end having doubts, why usually think the professors
respond to their queries in any English topic, they think professors motivate them and reinforce the
critical and reflective debate, in some occasions. In general, they have a good perception of the
professors, owing to the fact that they consider that they have a very good relationship with them
and some of them feel like they have had teachers who were important in their life; besides this,
they consider the figure of the teacher important for learning the English language, some few others
feel intimidated and shy with some professors and this makes them think their performance in the
English level depends, to a large part, on the professor.

On the other hands, the students grouped in the B1 and B2 level are part of the 41% (10
students) of the population, same as the ones from the C level, they usually think the professors
respond to their queries, but think that just sometimes professors motivate them to improve their
English level and on certain occasions they propose the critical and reflective debate in the English
class, that is the reason why they think professors are part of the development of skills of the
English language and for this motive the professors are the ones who facilitate the learning process.
This makes them agree that professors are related with their English level, getting to the conclusion
that students have a regular perception of the English professors, whereby, they consider their
English level has something to do in big way with the professor, but, they don’t stop thinking they
responsible of themselves performance in respect to their English level.

Lastly, the students classified in A1 and A2 level are 33, 3% (8 students) of the population, think
the professors in most of the cases respond to their queries, and also think their professors just
some few times reinforce critical and reflective debates, for this reason they consider sometimes it
just has to do with contents seen before and not about their growing as a person. These students are
strongly agreeing that the professors are an essential figure, not only to learn about contents but to
develop their English skills and according to these facilitate the English learning, reason why they
think that although the figure of the professor is important. Their English level is totally their
responsibility, concluding their perception about their professors is not very good, and their
relationships with the professors is only good because of the facts that they have had important
teachers in their life, which they have considered pillars of the academic performance.

In conclusion, those students who have a good perception about their professors and consider
having a good relationship with them have an advanced English level that according to the common
European framework of reference are placed in a C level, although in some occasions they feel
nervous and intimidated. On the other hand, the students who have a regular perception of their
professors and although consider the teacher is important for the English learning process their
personal dedication and effort are also influential are placed in an intermediate English level being
classified in the category B. by last, those students whose perception about their professors is not
very good, but consider it to be of big importance in their academic performance and their
development of the language skills, are placed in A level.


After the observation from the recollected data, the authors (Oviedo, 2004) consider, the
student’s perception about their professors is an important point for the development of learning,
owing to having a good perception can make a good relationship student-professor, in this way, the
students are free of interacting and interfering during the classes to solve their queries and to be
corrected by the professor.

According to (Rodrigez, 2012), the teacher plays an important role inasmuch as the perception
that the students have about the teacher, owing to the aptitude the professor shows in the educative
context will affect in a negative or positive way the students, affecting meaningfully the English
level, in another side, In the research made by (Covarrubias & Robledo, 2004) the interaction
student-teacher and their relationship with the learning process, the students appreciate their own
learning starting from the cognitive and perceptive changes that recognize as the result of the
relationship they have with those in charge of their education, and by the influence perceived from
themselves about their own ways of thinking and acting, on the other hand, during this research the
results endure that the learning process is influenced by the perception the students have, the survey
made to the students of 5th semester of the bachelor degree in foreign languages with emphasis in
English shows that the majority of the students think that the figure of the professor is essential for
the development of learning in the classroom and in the context of English learning every student
think that the professor is who facilitates this, as the (Chiara, 2014) research shows it, the
relationship between teacher-student in which the learning process is a shared target between
students and professor, besides of that, it stands out that the personal component and the students
perception help with learning process and reaching out the academic goals.

The (Ministerio de Educación Nacional, 2004) has created el Programa Nacional de Bilinguismo
with the goal of having teachers with an intermedium high English level (B2+C1) for the high
education, which means to say that, for accomplishing this, the English level inside the classroom
has to be meaningful. Talking about the reality is being lived with the students of the bachelor
degree of foreign languages with emphasis in English of 5th semester at UCEVA, is possible to see
through a test that was applied (English first test) that some relevant part of the students has still not
reached the English level they supposed to have at 5th semester (B1), but from the other side, some
other students are on the point. This test is mentioned owing to it was necessary to be related to the
survey that was applied in this research, the survey looked up to know for the student’s perception
about their professors, and for the results of this survey was got that the students who have low
English level don’t have a really good perception about their professor, the opposite happened with
the students who have high English level, since these have good perceptions about their professors.
Gallardo G. and Reyes P talk about the importance that a relation student-professor have, and
how this take the students to look forward their professors to motivate them to learn.

In the research made by (Gallardo & Reyes, 2010), is evident that the students education is
acquired when is made in a context where there is a good relationship with their teachers, according
to their research, the teachers provide a safe environment to the students for exploring, doubts,
mistakes and triumph.


One of the objectives of this research was to identify the English level of the students of fifth
semester of foreign languages with emphasis in English and with the help of the research about the
Incidence of the perception of the English First Test in the results of the English Level of Fifth
Semester students of the Bachelor Degree in Foreign Languages with emphasis in English of Valle
del Cauca Central (UCEVA) Tuluá, accomplished by Kevin Cuadros, Alejandra Santamaría and
David Marmolejo, resulted in the elementary level A1 ( 3 students) and A2 (5 students) there are 8
students, in the Intermediate level B1 (6 students) and B2 (4 students) there is a large part of the
students with a total of 10 students. And finally in the Advanced level C1 (4 students) and C2 (2
students) a small part of the population is in the advanced level which has 6 students, with these
results is possible to conclude that the students English level is not balanced, because there are 8
students who are still placed at the elementary level while in the advanced level there are 6 students,
this reflects an important difference during the performance in the English communicative skills.

This research has another objective, which is, to find out how the students perception about their
professors can be influential in their English level, so, for being able to accomplish it, a survey was
carried out where there were 13 questions related to the student-professor relationship, twelve of
this questions were of multiple choice, and the last one allowed them to give their opinion. The
results of this were unexpected, since, those students who count with a high English level concluded
that they have good relationship with their English professors, and also consider it as an important
aspect for their English learning process. On the other side, student with lower English level
concluded almost the opposite, saying they are aware of their responsibility for learning, but they do
not see students-professor relationship as something that can be really meaningful, therefore, their
answers showed many of them do not have a good perception about their professors.
As conclusion of the third objective to compare the perception of the students survey in relation
to the English Level of students of the fifth semester of the Bachelor´s degree program in foreign
languages focusing on English of the Unidad Central del Valle (UCEVA) in Tuluá city of the
research, is possible to say that the 25% (6 students) of the population who are in C English level,
have a good perception of their professors, think professors motivate them and reinforce the critical
and reflective debate, and consider that most of their performance of the English level depends on
the professor. On the other hands, the 41% (10 students) of the population who are in B English
level, think that just sometimes professors motivate them to improve their English level, for this
reason; they think professors are part of the development of their English level. Finally, the 33.3%
(8 students) of the population who are in A English level, think their professors just some few times
reinforce critical and reflective debates, and think their English level is their responsibility.

The analysis made in the present simple study, can be confirmed the next: the students are
agreeing about the education target as the student personal growing and are a task of parts, they
recognize that the professor has a fundamental role during the education process, also they are not
sure if having a good relationship with the professor influences in their English level and their
learning process, but, they do know it affects their attitude towards the subject, and the majority of
the students have had teachers that have been important in their lives.


According to this research the narrow circumstances have to do with:

Firstly, there were little previous studies about the research of the topic, this helped to take into
consideration the basis in order to understand the research problem, which were also widely
consulted the main basis of international data;

For the last lace, in the open question, the information that was expected was not obtained,
which shows that open-question instruments, such as interviews, would have been more relevant;
however, they could not be applied because the time established for the research did not allow for
the application of instruments completely open questions, and thus measure, analyze and interpret

Some recommendations for this research are:

- To enlarge the simple for the students and professors.

- To extend the research to other colleges and schools with different characteristics.

- To study if there are differences in the answers according to the gender of the students and

- One way of deepen in the topic would be to study the relationships between students and
tutors, for comparing them with the ones from the students and professors.

Anzaldúa, A. (2004). La subjetividad en la relación educativa: cuestión eludida. TRAMAS, 40.

Bell, J. (2005). Doing your research project (4th ed.). Open University Press.

Cotnoir C., P. S. (2004). The lasting impact of influential Teachers.

Covarrubias, P., & Robledo, P. (2004). La interacción maestro-alumno y su relación con el

aprendizaje. Revista Latinoamericana de estudios educativos, 34 (1).

Esterberg, K. G. (2002). Qualitative methods in social research. McGraw-Hill.

Gallardo, G., & Reyes, P. (2010). La relación profesor-alumno en la universidad: arista fundamental
para el aprendizaje. Calidad de la educación., 101.

Mayntz, R., Holm, K., & Hübner, P. (1975). Introducción a los métodos de la sociología. Madrid:

Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2004). Programa Nacional de Bilinguismo. Inglés como lengua
Extranjera: Una estrategia para la competitividad, 7.

Núñez del Río, M., & Fontana, M. (2009). Competencia socioemocional en el aula: características
del profesor que favorecen la motivación por el aprendizaje en alumnos de enseñanza
secundaria obligatoria. REOP, 20(3), 261.

Oviedo, G. (2004). La definición del concepto de percepción en psicología con base en la teoría
Gestalt. Estudios Sociales, 1-8.

Rodrigez, N. (2012). Causas que intervienen en la motivación del alumno en la enseñanza-

apredizaje de idiomas: el pensamiento del profesor. Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura, 381-

Tamayo, M., & Tamayo. (1997). El proceso de la investigación científica. Mexico : Limusa.

Students’ perception about their teachers

The perception of the students of fifth semester of foreign languages with emphasis in English
about their professors and how it influences in their English level
Gender *
o Female
o Male
Age ______

1. Your teachers reinforce positive behaviors and strengths of you as a student *

o Always
o Usually
o Sometimes
o Hardly ever
o Never
2. Your teachers answer the questions posed by students *
o Always
o Usually
o Sometimes
o Hardly ever
o Never
3. Your teachers encourage critical and reflective debate in English classes. *
o Always
o Usually
o Sometimes
o Hardly ever
o Never
4. Your teachers motivate you permanently to learn and improve English level *
o Always
o Usually
o Sometimes
o Hardly ever
o Never
5. Your teachers are concerned about your overall growth as a person and not only that you
learn the contents of the subject they teach *
o Always
o Usually
o Sometimes
o Hardly ever
o Never
6. Do you think that the figure of the teacher is essential to learn the contents and develop the
skills that help your level of English? *
o Strongly agree
o Partially agree
o Agree
o Strongly disagree
7. Do you think that the teacher facilitates the learning of English? *
o Strongly agree
o Partially agree
o Agree
o Strongly disagree
8. Do you think your level of English is related in any way to the teacher? *
o Strongly agree
o Partially agree
o Agree
o Strongly disagree
9. Do you think that the figure of the teacher influences your attitude towards the subject? *
o Strongly agree
o Partially agree
o Agree
o Strongly disagree
10. How to consider your relationship with your English teachers? *
o Excellent
o Good
o Regular
o Bad
11. Has any teacher been important in your life? *
o Yes
o No
12. Do you think that your teachers influence your academic performance? Why? *
(Suller & Acevedo, 2017)

(Chiara, 2014)

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