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Second Semester Examination, 2018-19

Subject: Pauline Theology Total Marks: 100

Class: Master of Divinity Non-Residential Mode Time: 3 Hours

Section I: Answer the following in two or three sentences. (10x2=20)

1. What is legalistic nomism?

2. What are the boundary marks of the Jewish religion?
3. Who are the three main characters Paul introduces in Romans 1-6? Why?
4. What are the different categorizations of Pauline epistles?
5. Define the term ‘Hellenism’?
6. How does Martin Luther view Paul’s understanding of Jews and the Law?
7. What are the main changes happened in the life of Paul as a result of his Damascus experience?
8. What are the three major factors that enabled Paul to develop his theology?
9. What are the major reasons behind Paul's negative portrayal of Law?
10. Who is Epimenides and how Paul is influenced by him?

Section II: Answer the following in two paragraph. (8x5=40)

1. How does Paul validate his argument on the universality of sin in Romans 1 and 2? Explain.
2. What is Pauline mysticism? Explain it with sufficient biblical support.
3. Validate Paul’s argument on knowledge and how it leads a person to salvation on the basis of I Corinthians 8.
4. Write about the major motives behind Paul’s ethical teachings?
5. How does Paul explain about the importance of all the spiritual gifts in the Body of Christ? Explain it with
sufficient biblical references.
6. Evaluate Paul’s understanding of salvation on the basis of ‘Already… Not yet’ concept.
7. How does Paul explain his theology of Church? Explicate it by different metaphors used by Paul in his letters.
8. Explain about the sociological and ecclesiological implications of Paul’s view on Lord’s Supper.

Section III: Answer any FOUR of the following in 400-500 words. (4x10 =40)

1. Christian Tradition considers Apostle Paul as the first Christian theologian. Elucidate it with adequate
historical and theological evidence.
2. Explain Paul’s negative and positive portrayal of law described in Romans and Galatians and how Scholars
view on this diverse depiction?
3. Against the traditional understanding of Acts 9, James Dunn states, “Paul did not experience a conversion
from one religion to another.” How do you see Paul’s conversion experience on the basis of Dunn’s perspective?
Evaluate it with Paul’s life and teaching.
4. Explain the problem of sin Paul discusses in the book of Romans. How does he bring a conclusion to it by
applying the theory of ‘Solution to Plight’?
5. Elucidate Pauline Christology in light of the principle texts discussed in the class.

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