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Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 6

2.2 Crude oil storage pump rooms The survey is to include the:
• confirmation that potential sources of ignition in or near
2.2.1 The survey is to include the: the crude oil pump rooms, such as loose gear, excessive
product in bilge, excessive vapours, combustible mate-
• examination of all pump room bulkheads for signs of oil rials, etc., are eliminated and that access ladders are in
leakage or fractures and, in particular, the sealing satisfactory condition
arrangements of penetrations in these bulkheads
• examination, as far as practicable, of crude oil, bilge,
• examination of the condition of all piping systems. ballast and stripping pumps for excessive gland seal
leakage, verification of proper operation of electrical
and mechanical remote operating and shutdown
2.3 Ballast tanks devices and operation of the pump room bilge system,
and checking that pump foundations are intact
2.3.1 Ballast tanks are to be internally examined when
• confirmation that the ventilation system, including porta-
required as a consequence of the results of the class
ble equipment, if any, of all spaces in the storage area
renewal survey or the intermediate survey.
(including crude oil pump rooms) is operational, ducting
is intact, dampers are operational and screens are clean
2.3.2 For units above 15 years of age, all ballast tanks adja-
• confirmation that electrical equipment in dangerous
cent to (i.e. with a common plane boundary) a storage tank
zones, crude oil pump rooms and other spaces is in sat-
with any means of heating, where such heating is confirmed
isfactory condition and has been properly maintained
to be in use, are to be internally examined. For single sided
units, tanks or areas in tanks where coating was found to be • confirmation that the remote operation of the crude oil
in GOOD condition at the previous intermediate or class pump room bilge system is satisfactory
renewal survey may be specially considered by the Society. • examination of the heating system
For double sided units, ballast tanks which were found, at • examination of the storage arrangement and confirma-
the previous intermediate or class renewal survey, to have tion that the unit's storage hoses are suitable for their
no substantial corrosion within the tank and which were intended purpose and in satisfactory condition
found in compliance with either of the following condi-
• confirmation that any special arrangement made for
bow or stern loading/unloading is in satisfactory condi-
• coating in GOOD condition, or tion and test of the means of communication and
remote shutdown of the crude oil pumps.
• coating of the common boundary, including adjacent
structures, in GOOD condition and the coating of the
3.2 Instrumentation and safety devices
remaining parts of the tank in FAIR condition
3.2.1 The survey is to include the:
may be specially considered by the Society.
• examination of crude oil storage tank gauging devices,
high level alarms and valves associated with overflow
2.3.3 When considered necessary by the Surveyor, thick-
ness measurements are to be carried out and if the results
indicate that substantial corrosion is present, the extent of • verification that installed pressure gauges on crude oil
the measurements is to be increased in accordance with discharge lines are properly operational
Tab 6 or Tab 7 for double sided units These extended thick- • confirmation that the required gas detection instruments
ness measurements are to be carried out before the survey is are on board and satisfactory arrangements have been
credited as completed. made for the supply of any required vapour detection
Suspect areas identified at previous class renewal surveys
• confirmation that devices provided for measuring the
are to be examined.
temperature of the crude oil, if any, operate satisfactorily.
Areas of substantial corrosion identified at previous class
renewal or intermediate survey are to have thickness meas- 3.3 Fire-fighting systems in storage area
urements taken.
3.3.1 The survey is to include the:
• external examination of piping and cut-out valves of
3 Annual survey - Crude oil storage fixed fire-fighting systems related to crude oil storage
machinery items tanks and crude oil pump rooms,
• confirmation, as far as practicable and when appropri-
3.1 Storage area and crude oil pump rooms ate, that the remote means for closing the various open-
ings are operable,
3.1.1 The Owner or his representative is to declare to the • examination of the appropriate portable fire-extinguish-
attending Surveyor that no modifications or alterations ing equipment,
which might impair safety have been made to the various • examination of fire-fighting systems of any type fitted on
installations in dangerous zones without prior approval board such as deck foam, water-spraying, etc., as appli-
from the Society. cable.

December 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Offshore Units 83

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