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MODUL 6 KEGIATAN BELAJAR 4 Mutimatus Sa’adah

Menelaah Tes Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris-Kelas A

Kompetensi Pedagogik


Pilih dua Kompetensi Dasar sesuai mata pelajaran yang Anda ajarkan. Kembangkan soal tes tertulis bentuk pilihan
ganda (lima alternative jawaban) untuk mengukur penguasaan siswa terhadap materi kedua KD tersebut, khususnya
pada aspek Pengetahuan. Kembangkan soal sesuai langkah-langkah dan kaidah-kaidah penulisan soal tes pilihan


No Bentuk
No Kompetensi Dasar Kelas Materi Indikator
Soal Soal
1 3.10 Menerapkan struktur VIII Teks 3.10.1 Dapat mendeskripsikan
teks dan unsur struktur teks lisan dan
kebahasaan untuk tulis dari teks deskriptif
melaksanakan fungsi dengan menyatakan dan 1
sosial teks deskriptif menanyakan tentang
dengan menyatakan deskripsi orang,
dan menanyakan binatang, dan benda,
tentang deskripsi pendek dan sederhana
orang, binatang, dan 3.10.2 Dapat mendeskripsikan
benda, pendek dan unsur kebahasaan dari
sederhana, sesuai teks deskriptif dengan PG
dengan konteks menyatakan dan
penggunaan nya menanyakan tentang
deskripsi orang,
binatang, dan benda,
pendek dan sederhana
3.10.3 Dapat fungsi sosial teks
deskripsi orang,
binatang, dan benda
yang pendek dan
2 4.16 Menangkap makna VIII  Notice 4.16.1 Menyebutkan informasi 4
pesan singkat dan rinci atau tanpa informasi
pengumuman/pemberita rinci dari berbagai teks
huan (notice), sangat pengumuman /
pendek dan sederhana pemberitahuan ( short
notice) yang di tampilkan PG

4.16.2 Menyebutkan tujuan dari

pemberitahuan (notice)
yang dibaca oleh siswa
Text for no.1-3!

Aloe vera is also known as the "crocodile's tongue" plant in Indonesia. It is called so because
the leave is thick, long and sharp, and the sides are serrated like the body of a crocodile. Aloe vera
is planted in dry areas and in warm climates. It takes little water to grow.
Aloe vera is a short-stemmed succulent plant growing to 60-100 cm tall. Spreading by
offsets, the stems are thick and fleshy, green to grey-green, with some varieties showing white
flecks on the upper and lower stem surfaces. Aloe vera is a multifunctional plant. It can be used to
cure a wound caused by burning. Using aloe vera to heal the wound is easy and simple. Pick the
leaves, peel the rind, then squeeze the sticky liquid and spread it over the wound. Aloe vera also
can be made into healthy drink to prevent rheumatism and diabetes because it contains vitamin and
Generally, the drink helps to repair the damaged cells and makes the organs of the human
body work well. Aloe vera can also make our hair thick too. Apply it over the scalp and massage it
gently so it could soak thoroughly. Ten minutes later, rinse the hair.

1. Where does aloe vera grow?

a. In dry areas and warm climates
b. In wet areas and cold climates
c. In the mountain and dry areas
d. In wet and damp places
e. In wet and damp area

2. "It can be used for curing the wounds caused by burning."

From the underlined word, we can conclude that ....?
a. Aloe Vera is a medical herb
b. the plant has a magical power
c. Aloe Vera is a very fleshy plant
d. Aloe Vera can be squeezed
e. the plant has a magical Aloe vera

3. What does paragraph three tell us about?

a. The physical appearance of aloe vera
b. The advantages of aloe vera
c. The procedure to plant aloe vera
d. The reason why aloe vera called crocodile's tongue
e. The reason why aloe vera plant in Indonesia
Text for no.4-5!
4. What is the poster about?
a. Save the lamp d. Save energy
b. Turn the energy e. Don’t waste the lamp
c. Turn it off
5. “Don’t waste it” what does the word “it” refers to??
a. Energy d. AC
b. Lamp e. Computer
c. On-Off

No Soal Jawaban Benar Salah

1 A. In dry areas and warm climates 20 0
2 A. Aloe Vera is a medical herb 20 0
3 B. The advantages of aloe vera 20 0
4 C. Save energy 20 0
5 B. Lamp 20 0

Nilai Akhir : Jumlah Benar X 20

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