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CDI 5 (DRUG EDUCATION) “Narcotikos”.

it is
sometimes know
Drug – a chemical substance used “Opiates”
as medicine or in the making of
 Drug Abuse – is the
medicine, which affects the body
illegal, wrongful or
and mind and have potential for
improper use of any
Chemical – is any substance  Drug addiction –
taken in the body that alters refers to the state
the way of mind and body work. of periodic or
chronic intoxication
Nature of Drugs produced by the
repeated consumption
1. Prescriptive Drugs – These
of a drugs.
are drugs requiring written
 Drug Dependence –
authorization from a doctor
refers to the state
to allow a purchase.
2. Over the Counter Drugs – or psychic or
physical dependence
The OTC drugs are non-
or both on dangerous
prescription medicines,
drugs following the
which may be purchased from
administration or use
any pharmacy or drugstore
of that. Who defines
without written
bit as the periodic
authorization from a
continuous repeated
administration of
 Chemical Abuse – is
an instance when the
 Physical Dependence –
use of chemical has
an adaptive state
produced negative or
caused by repeated
harmful consequence.
drug use that reveals
 Narcotic Drug –
itself by development
refers to illegally
of intense physical
used drugs or
symptoms when the
dangerous drugs,
drug is stop
which are either
(withdrawal syndrome)
prohibited or
 Psychological
regulated drugs. It
Dependence – an
also refers to drugs
attachment to drug
that produces sleep
abuse that arises
or stupor and
from a drug ability
relieves pain due to
to satisfy some
its depressant effect
emotional or
on the CNS. The term
personality needs of
narcotics come from
an individual.
Greek word
 Tolerance – is the Jan 8, 1958 – The Philippine
increasing dosage of Constabulary conducted the first
drugs to maintain the marijuana raid in Pasay city.
same effect in the
 Use - Any act of Middle East – Discovery,
injecting, Plantation, Cultivation, Harvest
intravenously or
intramuscularly, of Turkey – Preparation and
consuming any Distribution
dangerous drugs.
Europe – Manufacture Synthesis
 Administer - Any act
and Refine
of introducing any
dangerous drug into US – Marketing
the body of any
without his/her
*Drugs that originate from the
knowledge, by
Golden Triangle
inhalation, ingestion Burma/Myanmar
or other means.

Marijuana – Oldest cultivated

plant (Canabis Sativa)

-considered “the sacred tree” Laos Thailand

and use as a “laughter provoker”

Opium Poppy Plant – originated

*Drugs from Golden Recent
in Mesopotamia (Southern Iran)
in Greece Father of Medicine. Iran
Morphine - The Soldier Disease Afghanistan
Heroin – to treat Opium and Pakistan
Morphine addiction, consider as
Miracle Drug” or a hero. India

Codeine – “Cough Syrup” Dosage – it refers to the amount

introduces to the body are in
nga-nga – common among Filipino time.
Minimal Dose – the amount to
1972 – President Marcos enacted Treat or heal that is smallest
RA 6425 or the Dangerous Drug amount of a drug that will
Act. produce a therapeutic effect
Maximal Dose – largest amount of 3. Addiction – powerless to
the drug that will produce a stop drug use.
desired effect without 4. Physical Dependence - an
accompanying symptoms of adaptive state caused by
toxicity. repeated drug use that
reveals itself by
Toxic Dose – amount of the drug development of intense
that produces untoward effect or physical symptoms when the
poisoning. drug is stop (withdrawal
Abusive Dose – amount needed to syndrome)
5. Psychological Dependence –
produce the side effects and
Emotional or Mental
action desired by an individual
6. Withdrawal Syndrome –
who uses it improperly uses it.
medical condition arise
Lethal Dose – amount of the drug from stopping drug use.
it will cause death.
1. Association – a would be
1) Oral - Taken by the mouth any user start using drug
and must pass through the through association with
stomach before being those who do.
absorbed in the 2. Experimental – starts with
bloodstream. experimenting the use of
2) Injection – introduced drug.
directly to the blood 3. In experience doctor –
stream use of a needle. incompetency in
3) Inhalation – make use of administering.
gaseous and volatile drugs. 4. Habitualization –
4) Topical – direct inducement of euphoric
application to a body site effect.
or skin. 5. Toleration – refers to the
5) Iontophoresis – electric necessity to increase the
current is used to dose to obtain an effect
introduce substance under equivalent to the original
skin. dose.
6. Dependence – continue use
1. Compulsion/Uncontrollable
Craving – produce the drugs GROUP CLASSIFICATION OF DRUG
by any means. ABUSERS
2. Tolerance – tendency to
increase the drug dose to 1. Situational Users – use
produce a greater effect. drugs to keep them awake or
for additional energy to 1. Depressants – are group of
perform an important work. drugs that has the effect
of depressing the Central
2. Spree Users – school age Nervous System.
users who take drugs for
“kicks”, an adventurous 2. Stimulants – are group of
daring experience, or as a drugs having the effect of
means of fun. stimulating or excite the
Central nervous system.
3. Hard Core Addicts – those
whose activities resolves 3. Hallucinogens – refers to
almost entirely around the the group of drugs that are
drug experience and considered to be mind
securing supplies. altering drugs and give the
general effect of mood
4. Hippies – those who are distortion.
addicted to drugs believing
that drug is an integral TYPES OF DRUGS
part of life.
Depressants (Downers) - these
IDENTIFICATION OF DRUG are drug which suppress vital
ABUSERS body functions especially those
of the brain or central nervous
1. Change in interest – they system with the resulting
lose interest in their impairment of judgement,
studies and in their work. hearing, speech and muscular
2. Frequent shifting of mood – coordination.
they are euphoric, elated
and sometimes even ecstatic 1. Narcotics – are drugs which
when under the influence of relieve pain and produce
drugs. profound sleep or stupor
3. Changes in behaviour – they when introduced to the
usually spend a lot. They body.
come home late, they become 2. Opium – derived from a
disrespectful and would poppy plant.
sell personal or family 3. Morphine – most commonly
valuables. used and best used opiate.
4. Changes in physical Effective as a painkiller
appearance – if they can be six times potent than
even under the influence opium.
the following can be noted. 4. Heroin – is three to five
times more powerful than
5. Codeine – a derivative of
According to effects, the
dangerous drugs are classified morphine, commonly
available in cough 1. Amphetamines – used
preparations. medically for weight
6. Paregoric – a tincture of reducing in obesity, relief
opium in combination with of mild depression and
camphor. Commonly used as a treatment.
household remedy for 2. Cocaine - It is usually in
diarrhea and abdominal the form of powder that can
pain. be taken orally, injected
7. Demerol and Methadone – or sniffed as to achieve
common synthetic drugs with euphoria or an intense
morphine – like effects. feeling of “highness”.
used as a painkiller in 3. Caffeine – it is present in
childbirth. the coffee, tea, chocolate,
8. Barbiturates – are drugs cola drinks, and some wake-
used for inducing sleep in up pills.
persons plagued with 4. Shabu/ “poor man’s cocaine”
anxiety, mental stress, and – chemically known as
insomnia. methamphetamine
9. Seconal – commonly used hydrochloride. It is a
among hospitality girls. central nervous system
10. Tranquilizers – are drugs stimulant and sometimes
that calm and relax and called “upper” or “speed”.
diminish anxiety. They are 5. Nicotine – an active
used in the treatment of component in tobacco which
nervous states and some acts as powerful stimulant
mental disorders without of the central nervous
producing sleep. system. A drop of pure
nicotine can easily kill a
11. Volatile Solvents – They person.
are inhaled by the use
plastic bags, handkerchiefs Hallucinogens (Psychedelic)- The
or bags soaked in these group of drugs that consists of
chemicals. a variety of mind-altering drugs
12. Alcohol – the king of all which distort reality, thinking
drugs with potential for and perceptions of time, sound,
abuse. space and sensation.

Stimulants (Uppers) - They 1. Marijuana – It is the most

produce effects opposite to that commonly abused
of depressants. Instead of hallucinogen in the
bringing about relaxation and Philippines because it can
sleep, they produce increased be grown extensively in the
mental alertness, wakefulness, country. Many users choose
reduce hunger, and provide a to smoke marijuana for
feeling of well being. relaxation in the same way
people drink beer or THE DRUG ABUSE JARGONS
cocktail at the end of the
day. The effects of Jargons-Meaning
“opiate”- Narcotic
marijuana include a feeling
“nodding” - suspended sleep
of grandeur. It can also “to shoot” - injecting a drug
produce the opposite into the vein
effect, a dreamy sensation “a hit”- slang for injection of
of time seeming to stretch drugs
out. ‘Work”-apparatus for injecting a
2. Lysergic Acid diethylamide drug
“a fix”- one injection of opiate
(LSD) – This drug is the
“juni”- heroin
most powerful of the “junkie”- an opiate addict
psychedelics obtained from “skin popping”- to inject a drug
ergot, a fungus that under the skin
attacks rye kernels. “a bag”- a pocket of drug
3. Peyote – Peyote is derived “cold turkey’- withdrawal
from the surface part of a effects of opiate use
small gray brown cactus. “Track”- scars on the skin due
4. Mescaline – It is the injection
alkaloid hallucination “Overdose’ - death occurred
extracted from the peyote “Speed”- amphetamines
cactus and can also be “Speed freaks”- amphetamine
synthesized in the addicts
laboratory. “Uppers”- street slang for
5. STP – It is a take-off on amphetamines
the motor oil addictive. It “Rush”- the beginning of a high
is a chemical derivative of “High”- under the influence of
mescaline claimed to drugs
produce more violent and “Coke”- street slang for cocaine
longer effects than
mescaline dose. “Flashbacks”- drug use after
6. Psilocybin – This stoppage
hallucinogenic alkaloid “Acid”- slang term for LSD
from small Mexican “Acid head”- LSD user
mushrooms are used by “Drop”- taking drug orally
Mexican Indians today. “Joint”- an MJ Cigar
7. Morning Glory Seeds – The “Roach”- butt end of a joint
black and brown seeds of “Stoned”- the intoxicating
the wild tropical morning effect of a drug
glory that are used to “Trip”- reaction that is caused
produce hallucinations. The by drugs
seeds are ground into “Head”- drug user
flour, soaked in cold “Downer”- street slang for
water, then strained though depressant.
a cloth and drunk

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