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Scientific paper


group 2



School year 2018-2019

Thanksgiving the writer said to Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala who had given His mercy and blessings to
the writer so that the writer could finish this paper well. As for the title of this paper is “extreme
weather due to global warming”.

This paper is compiled from the search results and the preparation of data relating to extreme weather
due to global warming. The author realizes that this paper is far from perfection. therefore it is
expected that constructive criticism and suggestions from readers so that we can improve and then be
able to arrange other papers well.

Hopefully this paper is useful for those who need it.


5 februari 2019

PREFACE WORDS ........................................................................................................................... ..... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ ........................... ii

CHAPTER I (INDTRODUCTION) ....................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background ............................................................................................................. ......................... 1

1.2 Purpose of the paper........................................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Problem Formulation ......................................................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER II (THEORY AND DISCUSSION) ...................................................................................... 2

2.1 Global Warming................................................................................................................................. 2

2.2 Extreme weather ................................................................................................................................ 2

2.3. Effect Extreme weather due to global warming ................................................................................ 2

CHAPTER III (CLOSING) ..................................................................................................................... 4

3.1 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 4

3.1 Suggestion .......................................................................................................................................... 4

BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................................... 5


1.1 Backround of the paper

Extreme weather due to global warming has become a problem for the life of the wider community.
Given that the weather itself is a natural condition that can occur at any time. Public weather services
are very helpful for the community in dealing with and anticipating expected weather. But changes in
weather that occur suddenly and extreme are very difficult to predict. Extreme weather also has a big
impact on the community both to carry out daily activities and in various sectors that are very
dependent on the weather. For example, salt farmers are very dependent on the weather. In addition,
weather conditions that occur suddenly and extreme can disrupt health.

1.2 Purpose of the paper

a. knowing the notion of global warming

b. know the kinds of extreme weather

c. knowing the consequences of extreme weather due to global warming

1.3 Problem Formulation

a. what is the meaning of global warming?

b. what are the consequences of extreme weather due to global warming?



2.1 Global Warming

Global Warming is an increase in the average temperature of the earth's surface due to an increase in
the amount of Greenhouse Gas emissions in the atmosphere. Global Warming will be followed by
Climate Change, such as increased rainfall in several parts of the world causing floods and erosion.
Meanwhile, in the other hemisphere will experience a prolonged dry season due to rising

2.2 Extreme weather

At the beginning of 2011, a number of disasters occurred due to extreme weather. Extreme weather
occurs because sea surface temperatures increase so as to accelerate the evaporation that forms rain
clouds. As a result, continuous rainfall occurs throughout the year. The main cause of extreme
weather is the presence of vertical cloud expansion, increased rainfall and the possibility of causing a
tornado. Extreme weather occurs due to wet and dry cycles that are too fast due to La Nina and global

Some extreme weather:

1. La Nina

High and continuous rainfall is caused by the La Nina phenomenon. La Nina phenomenon arises
because the sea water temperature in the eastern Pacific is more commonplace. When La Nina
appeared, the western part of the Pacific experienced increased rainfall while the eastern part of the
Pacific experienced reduced rainfall.

2. Strong winds

3. Landslides

4. Tornado

2.3. Effect Extreme weather due to global warming

Global warming is an unnatural process of natural or climate change, this is characterized by rising
average temperatures in the atmosphere, sea and earth. According to Gatut Susanta (2007: 6) the
symptoms of global warming can be observed and felt in the presence of:

1. Seasonal changes that cannot be predicted.

2. Rainstorms occur everywhere.

3. Frequent occurrence of tornadoes.

4. Floods and violence occur at the same time.

5. Outbreaks in many places.

6. The coral reef turns white.

Many consequences caused by global warming, one of which is climate change or increasingly
extreme weather. NASA states that global warming has an impact on the increasingly extreme
changes in the weather and the Earth's climate. The pattern of rainfall changes unpredictably, causing
flooding in one place, but drought in another.

This extreme weather can be seen with the presence of typhoons and new tropical storms that are
increasingly emerging. In addition, the increase in heat around us is also an impact of global warming.
We can also see how unpredictable the arrival of the rainy season or dry season is causing losses to
farmers because the planting season that should have been done during the dry season turned out to

In recent years we have increasingly been hit by storms that disrupt the shipping and transportation of
both sea and air.

while for diseases that arise due to climate change due to global warming to health is :

a.Diare (Malnutrition)

Climate change causes an increase in sea levels because the melting of polar ice, destroys mangrove
ecosystems, causes marine intruders to land so that water is increasingly difficult to obtain, and
narrows the land used for agriculture. an increase in sea levels also causes floods that damage food

b. Acute Respiratory Tract Infection (ARI)

Forest fires, can disturb the earth's ecosystem, produce greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
while the black smoke directly disrupts human life, the smoke containing fine dust and various carbon
oxides causes respiratory problems and acute respiratory infections starting with asthma and so on.

C. Dengue Fever and Malaria

D. Disease Due to Ozone Layer Thinning

The impact of global warming also affects the depletion of ozone, including increasing the intensity of
ultra violet rays reaching the earth's surface causing disruption to health, such as skin cancer,
cataracts, decreased endurance, and the growth of genetic mutations.

Experts estimate that there are around 35 new types of infectious diseases arising from climate
change, including ebola, bird flu, etc. animal diseases that can spread to humans. the most vulnerable
diseases that occur in Indonesia are degenerative diseases and infectious diseases. This can quickly
develop in communities with poor nutritional conditions and inadequate environmental health

effects of environmental conditions from extreme weather

Climate change occurs because of changes in environmental balance. Increasing the concentration of
greenhouse gases (water vapor, CO2, NOx, CH4, and O3) in the atmosphere due to the activity of
burning fossil fuels by humans causes the formation of a kind of blanket that does not appear to eye
which encapsulates the heat waves of sunlight reflected by the earth's surface. The effect is that the
surface of the earth is increasingly heating up and ultimately triggering climate change


3.1 Conclusion

If global warming is not addressed, the longer our earth will be destroyed. Global warming will have
an impact on social as well, with the presence of global warming, there will also be emerging
diseases. Besides that, the occurrence of major disasters will cause many casualties and cause poverty
in the community, besides that, disasters also cause people to suffer psychological stress which causes
depression or stress.

3.2 Suggestion

let us protect our earth, starting from the smallest thing we do to improve our earth so that global
warming does not increase.

This life originated from life on earth long before living things existed. Therefore to preserve and
preserve the earth, it must be several decades if we think about it. To one side where the earth is old
and begs us to protect and protect it. Let us take a swing to save the earth that has given us this perfect
life. Stop global warming

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