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Data Cleaning

Fig 1 – All the data fields, except ‘Frequency’ has 2missing data rows – Response 288 & 303

Fig 2 – Frequency Statistics after ignoring the Response 288 & 303
Out of the total 384 valid responses, 2 rows were missing data for all the fields except frequency.
These were system missing values marked by “.” signifying that the data is completely absent.
Response 288 and 303 were totally blank except the frequency data. Hence, we can ignore these 2
rows from our analysis.

Also, from the descriptive statistics we find out that there were 1 or 2 system missing values for
some of the fields. Since the number of listwise valid responses is 374 out of 382 (97.9%), we can
ignore the remaining 8 records with missing data fields and opt for listwise extraction of cases in the
subsequent tests that we will be executing.

Factor Analysis

Correlation Matrix

Determinant = 2.251E-15
KMO & Bartlett’s Test

The null hypothesis for Bartlett’s test is that the correlation matrix is an identity matrix. Since, we
have achieved a significance of less than 0.001, we can confirm that the correlation matrix is not an
identity matrix and factor analysis will be useful for the data. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected.

The KMO test statistic is .932 which is very close to 1 and indicates that Factor Analysis will be very
useful for this data set.

As seen from the above figure, 7 factors have been identified with an eigen value greater than 1.
These 10 factors can explain 69.973% in the extracted and rotated extracted solution.
Scree Plot
Rotated Component Matrix

Rotated Component Matrixa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Factor Name
Using Excel enhances my work effectiveness. 0.847
Using Excel makes it easier to do my work. 0.837
Using Excel in my work increases my productivity. 0.833

Using Excel in my work enables me to 0.805 Productive

accomplish my tasks more quickly.
Using Excel improves my work performance. 0.792
I find Excel useful in my work. 0.773
Using Excel saves me time. 0.716
I feel engaged when working in Excel. 0.828
Working with the Excel is fun. 0.817
I like working with Excel 0.811
I look forward to assignments that require the use 0.800
of Excel.
Using Excel is satisfying. 0.784
Excel is great for the kind of work I enjoy. 0.781
Excel makes work more interesting. 0.686
I am creative when I interact with Excel 0.827
I am imaginative when I interact with Excel 0.826
I am inventive when I interact with Excel 0.810
I am playful when I interact with Excel 0.751 Creative
I am flexible when I interact with Excel 0.704
I am original when I interact with Excel 0.672
I am spontaneous when I interact with Excel 0.657
Excel helps me make higher quality decisions. 0.800
Excel helps me in my decision analysis process 0.795
(identify alternative decisions and choose among
Excel helps me make decisions that are more 0.768
Excel helps me make more effective decisions. 0.746 Accurate
Excel helps me make decisions in which I can be 0.660
Excel helps me involve others in making 0.608
Excel helps me make decisions more quickly 0.533
than it would otherwise take me.
I use Excel in ways that are uncommon. 0.883
I use Excel in ways that are not standard. 0.869
I use Excel in ways that would not be considered 0.866
by others.
I use Excel in ways most others do not. 0.852
I use Excel in ways outside the ordinary. 0.794
Excel helps me learn. 0.704
Excel helps me interpret data accurately. 0.688
Excel helps me understand information. 0.684
Excel helps me become more aware of 0.612
Excel helps me recall information. 0.506
I have found uses for nearly all the features in 0.775
I use a majority of the features in Excel. 0.772
I am familiar with a great deal of the features 0.772
Excel has to offer.
In the past 0.720
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
a. Method:
Rotation Varimax
converged with Kaiser Normalization.
in 6 iterations.
Cronbach’s Alpha

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