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Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. Vol. 11, pp. 45-56. Pergamon Press 1974.

Printed in Great Britain.

Stress Distribution within Circular

Cylinders in Compression
The standard laboratory test involving the use of circular cylindrical specimens
of concrete or rock is unsatisfactory. Friction existing between the end
surfaces of the specimen and the platens of the loading machine causes
development of nonuniform stresses throughout the specimen. These stresses
have a major effect on the failure of the tested specimen and will result in
incorrect measurement of mechanical property values (Poisson' s ratio, modulus
of elasticity, ultimate strength, etc.).
In the standard test, with the cylinder under axial load, the specimen is in a
state of triaxial stress. The greater the friction on the end surfaces, the greater
the divergence from uniform axial stress in the cylinder. Only if the end
friction is completely eliminated does the division of the load by the cross-
sectional area describe the true state of stress.
A theoretical solution has been derived for the stress and strain distribution
within elastic cylindrical specimens, as a function of the friction at the
interface of the specimen and the machine platens. The solution was checked
experimentally usin0 an epoxy cylindrical specimen with strain oaoes embedded
within and bonded to its surface. The cylinder was tested under low, medium,
and hioh friction end conditions. Reasonable agreement between the experi-
mental and theoretical solutions was observed in all cases of end conditions.

1. INTRODUCTION stress function must be at least of the seventh order if all

the boundary conditions, as well as equilibrium con-
A common standard test in experimental work involves
ditions, are to be satisfied. Most recently, Peng[6]
the use of circular cylindrical specimens of concrete, rock
published a solution for the same problem, with the same
or soil, loaded between steel end-platens. However, this
form of stress function as that used by Balla, with an
procedure is now generally believed to be unsatisfactory,
additional restriction on the boundary. AI-Chalabi[8]
because of the nonuniform stress distribution caused by
has demonstrated that Peng's solution is incorrect.
the friction on the end surfaces[I-7]. These stresses will
Another recent investigator, Brady[7], obtained a
result in an incorrect determination of the elastic pro-
solution to the problem of the radially end-constrained
perties and the ultimate strength of the material. A solution
circular cylinder, but his solution contains an undeter-
for the true stress distribution throughout the specimen
mined function. Brady[9] also used the finite element
will help to explain what happens during testing. This
method to investigate the effects of inserts on the stress
may lead to a better explanation of the causes of failure
distribution within a cylindrical specimen loaded
of the specimen and also to improvement in the current
between rough end plates. He concluded that the ratio
methods of testing and, possibly, to modification of
of Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus, v/E, of insert
current design formulae.
Attempts to calculate the stress distribution within a materials should not be larger than that of the specimen.
circular cylindrical specimen under compression, with In the present study a closed form solution is obtained,
perfectly constrained ends, were made as early as the in which two strain factors, modified after Balla[4] and
Peng[6], are added to the usual boundary condi-
beginning of this century[l]. In the first of more recent
tions[l-3] to account for the degree of end-constraint.
attempts, Balla[4] published a solution which takes into
In contrast to the solutions of Balla and Peng, the pro-
account different degrees of end-constraint. His solution,
posed solution satisfies all boundary conditions on the
however, does not remove the shearing stress at the
cylindrical surface of the specimen. This solution is
perimeter of the end surfaces and also fails to satisfy the
applicable only to homogeneous, isotropic and elastic
equilibrium conditions. These defects result from the fifth
materials but, as an approximation, it may be applied to
order polynomial used in Balla's stress function whereas
soil, rock, and concrete specimens loaded within their
AI-Chalabi[5] has found that the polynomial part of the
elastic range. This may help to understand what happens
* Applied Mechanics Dept. Kansas State University. Manhattan,
beyond the elastic range and up to failure. Failure
Kansas. U.S.A. criteria for these materials may then be formulated.
46 M. A1-Chalabi and C L. Huang

~'+ a-T dz

~ Trz

-..,=---O'r+ d-~---d r
r rrz a ~ - - d z

rrz+ 0 ~ - d r z
• r

Small element in the vertical plane

V e r t i c a l section


~ ~ o~r

Cross section Small element in the horizontal

Fig. I. Coordinate system, dimensions and stresses in cylindrical

G = ~-~ (2 - v)V20 - t~Z2) (8)
The solution to be derived is for the case of a
cylindrical specimen loaded axisymmetrically. The cylin- &b
drical coordinates, r, 0, Z, and the dimensions of the a0=~ vV2(b--r~r (9)
specimen are illustrated in Fig. 1.

2.1 Basic equations Trz ~--- ~7 ( (1 -- y) V2(~ -- (~Z2] (10)

The strain-displacement relations are [10]

t~u z, o = zo= = 0 (11)

Er Cqr O)
- (1 + v) (2(1 - v)v2~ - ~ ' ~ 02)
U w E 8Z 2]
% = - (2)
(1 + v) t~2~b
/gw u = (13)
~, = ~ (3) E 8Zdr

t~u aw
Y'==~+ 8~- (4) 2.2 Selection o f a stress function
A solution to the biharmonic equation (6) can be
~,0 = ~z0 = 0 (5) written as a polynomial even in r and odd in Z, and
also as the product of Bessel functions and terms con-
A suitable stress function ~b must satisfy the equations
sisting of sine or cosine functions; the general solution
of equilibrium as well as the equations of compatibility;
will be the sum of the two.
such a stress function can be obtained if it satisfies the
The polynomial part of the stress function used is of
biharmonic equation
the ninth order. In fact, a higher order polynomial may
be used with additional restrictions on the boundary, but
~+- + +- +
r~ \&~ r~r aZ2} the effect of higher order terms will be very small.
However, using a polynomial of less than seventh order
= V2V2~b = O. (6)
will result in a solution not satisfying the boundary
Stresses and displacements in terms of the stress func- conditions on the cylindrical surface of the specimen[5].
tion can be written as follows[lO] : To account for the degree of end-constraint, two strain
factors are introduced to force the analytical solution to
a , = ~o ( vV2~- &2] (7) fit the experimental solution. This requires a ninth order
polynomial to be used in the stress function.
Stress Distribution within Circular Cylinders 47

The following stress function will be used: tr~ = a 1 - 12C - 2(1 + v)D - (480Z 2 - 240r2)F
- [12(8 + v)Z 2 - 6(7 + v)r2]G
(480Z 4 - 1440Z2r 2 + 180r*)M
(1 + v) (1 - 2v)Z s + Zr 2 -

- [80(1 + 7v)Z 4 + 240(6 - 7v)ZEr 2

+ (2Z 3 - 3Zr2)C + Zr2)D
(Z 3 -
+ (8Z 5 - 40zar 2 + 15Zr4)F - 30(13- 7v)r']N + [-~-(38+ 35v)Z ~

+ (2Z 5 - 9zar 2 + 3Zr*)G + 24(3 + 35v)Z4r 2 + 18(32 - 35v)Z2r 4

+ ( ~ 6 - Z 7 - 24ZSr 2 + 30Z3r 4 -- 5Zr6)M - (67 - 35v)r61Q - [96Z 6 - 720Z4r 2

+(7~---Z 7 - 3 2 Z s r 2 + 5Z3r 4 + 5Zr6)N +540Z2r 4-30r6]S+ AJo iK-~

24 Z 9
+ gg 292 ZTr2 -I- ~- ZSr 4

~1 Z r3 6 ~ l r S ) Q + (~_iZ9
+ -! i iK cos (16)

7 ZTr2 + 9ZSr* - 5Z3r6 + ~15 Zr s \)~"_ ao = 6C + 2(1 + v)D + (240Z 2 - 60r2)F
+ [6(9 + 2v)Z 2 - 6(2 + v)r2]G
+ (240Z 4 - 360Z2r 2 + 30r*)M
+ [80(4 + 7v)Z 4 - 60(1 + 28v)ZZr 2
+BrJ,(iKR)Isin(K-~R ) (14)
-- 30(1 - 7v)r4]N
+ [~(73 + 70v)Z 6 - 4(57 + 21Or)Z% 2
where al is the average applied stress, Jo and J1 are
Bessel functions of zero and first order, respectively, and
C, D, F, G, M, N, Q, S, A, B and K, are constants to be + 9(1 + 70v)ZZr 4 + (4 - 35v)r6]Q
determined from boundary conditions, i denotes x / - 1.
The coefficients of Z and r have been chosen such that
the biharmonic equation is completely satisfied. By sub- + 48Z 6 - 180Z4r 2 + 90Z2r 4 - ~ 15
- r 6\)S
stituting equation (14) into equations (%13), we obtain:

a r = 6C + 2(1 + v)D + (240Z 2 - 180r2)F

+ [6(9 + 2v)Z 2 - 6(6 + v)r2]G +iB(l -2v, J , ( i K R ) ] ( K ) 2 c o s ( - ~ Z-) (17)
+ (240Z 4 - 1080Z2r 2 + 150r4)M
+ [80(4 + 7v)Z 4 - 60(3 + 28v)Z2r 2 = 480ZrF + 12(8 + v)ZrG + (960Z3r
- 720Zr3)M + [160(1 + 7v)Zar
-30(5 - 7v!r4]U + [~(73 + 70v)Z 6
+ 120(6 - 7v)Zr3]N + [~-~(38 + 35v)ZSr
g . , .

-12(57 + 7Or)Z% 2 + 45(1 + 14v)Z2r *

- 24(3 + 35v)Zar 3
+7(4-5v)r61Q+(48z6-540Z4r2 - - 6(32 - 35v)ZrSJQ + [288ZSr - 720Zar 3

+ 450Z2r* - --4- )S _ {A[Jo(i g R)

105 r 6'~ + 180ZrS]S

R 1 1j1 iK
2 r-i
+ iB[(1-2V~KJ
.(r)o tK-R
r K 3.
+ 2(1 - RI
v)-~-iJ~ ( i K ~ ) ] } (~_) sin (KR_Z).
+ rljI(iKR)I}(K)ac°s(~-Z (15,
48 M. Al-Chalabi and C. L. Huang

~ I 0-1
E cients of terms multiplied by r are zero, and yield
--W 12C - 2(1 + 2v)DIZ
(1 + v) (1 + v)
- - (160Z 3 240ZrE)F
- -
s = 1 (67 - 7 0 v ) Q (21)
- [8(4 + v)Z 3 - 6(7 + 2v)Zr2]G
- (96Z s - 480Zar 2 + 180Zr4)M
M = g(13 - 14v)N - HEQ (22)
- [16(1 + 14v)Z s + 160(3 - 7v)Zarz

- 30(13 - 14v)Zr4]N
1 14
7HZN +
+ [ - ~ ( 1 9 + 35v)Z 7
"F- 40(7 + 2v~3

+ ~ ( 3 + 70v)ZSr 2 + 12(16 - 35v)Z3r 4 R

and K = nil -- (24)
- (67 - 70v)Zr6l Q where n = 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . .

(2) Second Boundary Condition.

At the cylindrical surface, the radial stress is zero when
- 180Z3r 4 + 30Zr6)S the specimen is loaded uniaxially and is equal 0 3 when
loaded triaxially. In the present paper, triaxial loading
will be assumed. Putting r = R into equation (15), and
eliminating the constants S, M, F, and K by using
equations (21-24), one obtains
iB[4(1 v)~ o (224Q)Z 6 + {840N - [280H 2
+ 210(9 - 2v)R2]Q}Z4 + {lZG
+~J'(iKR)It(K)Zsin(K-K~-~) (19,
[560H 2 + 840(3 - v)R2]N + [224H 4
+ 1260H2R 2 + 210(5 - 2v)R4]Q]Z 2

(1 +
v~)u =
I --V0-I(1--~v) + 6C + 2D r 1 = 03 - 6C - 2(1 + v)D + ~(3 - 2v)R2G
- [420H2R 2 + 35(5 - 4vjR4]N
+ (24OZZr - 60ra)F + (54Z2r - 12ra)G
+ (240Z% - 360Z2r a + 30rS)M + [168R2H 4 + 175HER 4

+ (320Z% - 60Z2r 3 - 30rS)N

+ ~ - ( 7 - 6v)g 6 Q ]
+ --Z6r _ 228zgr 3 + 9Z2r 5

+4r71Q+[48Z6r-180z4ra+90ZZr 5

154r T ] s - [ A j , ( i K R )
+ iB. (1 --2v) H Jo inII-~
..,_,,r,o(,,, r cos T)(2o)

2.3 Boundary conditions

Representing the l e • h a n d side of equation (25) by the
The six boundary conditions used are described below:
Fourier cosine series
(1) First Boundary Condition.
The end surfaces of the cylindrical specimen, during
and after deformation, remain plane: at Z = _ H, w is ao (26)
independent of r. Therefore, in equation (19), the coeffi-
Stress Distribution within Circular Cylinders 49

and comparing the like terms on either side of the

equation, we obtain

6C + 2(1 + v ) D - t r 3 + [ 4 H 2 - ~ ( 3 - 2 v ) R 2 1 G +2,, _ H 1 . R

• /nr Z'
+ [-5-6-H4- 140(3- 2v)H2R 2 sin ~-~---) (30)

Representing the left-hand members of equation (30) by

the Fourier Sine series
- 42(3 - 2v)H4R 2 + 35(5 - 4v)II2R 2
• /nIIZ\
b, sm~---ff-) (31)
35 (7 - 6v)R6]Q = 0 (27) and comparing the like terms on either side of the
8 d equation, we have

v,o + E,120,,
H 2
- 6 x 1680 - 840(3 - v)R 2 N

+ I336H4 - 840(3 - v)H2R 2 +/336(1 - v)H 4 - 840(1 - ~,)n 2R 2

+ 210(5 - 2v)R 4 + 2520(9 - 2v)R2 (h-if)


+48x 1680(~-)]
" R + 6 x 6720(3 - v)
( ;1tQ
- -R 7 Jt inH

+ iB. [ ( 1 - 2 v ) ( n ~ ) J o ( i n H R )
(4) Fourth Boundary Condition.
+ - 71 inFl (28) The total axial force applied is equal to the resultant
1 of the vertical load transmitted to the specimen, i.e.
(3) Third Boundary Condition•
2II ,,,R (TZ Z = H
The shearing stress at the cylindrical surface is equal
zero. Putting r = R in equation (18), we obtain ~ = poly-
nomial in Z + series of sines of (nl-lz/H) Substitution of equations (21-24), and (29) into equation
At the periphery of the end surfaces, the shearing stress (16), and then into the equation (33) yields
is zero only if the polynomial in Z is equated to zero. 6C + (I - v)D - [280(2 - v)H 4
To satisfy this condition, we have
- 140(1 - v)HER 2 - 70vR4]N
G = ~ (210R 2 - 280HE)N - (56/-/4 - 140H2R 2
- I 1 - ~ 5 vR6 + 3 5 ( 1 - 3 v ) H 2 R 4
+ 35R4)Q (29)
- 28(13 - 9v)H4R 2 + 56(1 - 2v)H6]Q
[ - 3 3 6 ( 3 - v)RQ]Z 5 + {-1120(2 - v)RN
+ [1120H2R + 840(2 - v)Ra]Q}Z a
+ {-12(1 - v)RG + [l120H2R + iB,,[do(inl-I R )
+ 840(1 - v)R3]N - [448H4R + 840H2R 3
+ 210(1 - v)RS]O]Z
50 M. AI-Chalabi and C. L. Huang

Now we have equations (27-29), (32), and (34) with seven

V1 = ~ 2(2-v) -(2-v)
unknowns: C, D, G, N, Q, A. and B,.
Substitution of equation (29) into (27), G is eliminated
and the following equation is obtained: - 6 ( l l - 3v) ~-
6C + 2(1 + v)D - a 3 - [392H 4 - 280HZR 2

+ 70(2 - v)R4]N - [1~4 H6 _ 280H4R 2


IH\4 f 1 \4

Substitution of equation (29) into (28) and (32) yields


1680 ( n ~ ) 5 c o s ( n H ) { I - 2 ( 2 - v ) R 2

( t]t ,40,

+ (2 - v)R 4 + 6(9 - 2v)R 2

(.)2 i

- 24H 2 + 192 Q


"( ")3
+ - Jt inH
,36, A, = 1680 cos(nH)(R 2 TzN + R 4 V2Q) (42)


3 2 6(3-v) H 2

= A~jI(inHR)-t-iB.[RJo(inHR ) q
H t )l (43)
+ 2(l - v'(H'~l[nH,i J t ( i n l l R ) 3 (37,
H 1
We now have the four equations (34-36), and (37) with
six unknowns: C, D, N, Q, A., and B..
After some algebraic manipulation, we can write

lB, = 1680 cos(nil) [RTx N + R 3 VIQ] (38)


T 1 =~ (2 - v) + 8(5 - v)

By eliminating the constants A,, B,, C, and D, we can
t write the stress and displacement expressions in terms of
the two constants N and Q, only.
Stress Distribution within Circular Cylinders 51

(5) Fifth Boundary Condition. (6) Sixth Boundary Condition.

Art experimental boundary condition is used here. A Another experimental boundary condition is used
factor called 'Tangential Strain Factor,' modified after here. A factor called 'Axial Strain Factor,' modified after
Balla [4], is defined as Peng [6], is defined as

q, =/1
F (Co)H,_Rl (45)
n = (1 (~,),,,R~
(E,). }
t (co). ]
(Ez)H,R = axial strain at the periphery of the end sur-
(co)n.R = tangential strain at the periphery of the end faces, and
t surfaces. (Ez)m = axial strain at r = R and Z = 0 for the case
(%)m = tangential strain at r = R and Z = 0, for the of zero friction between the surfaces of the
case of zero friction between the end surfaces cylindrical specimen and the loading machine
of the cylindrical specimen and the loading platens.
machine platens. As before, we have
Thus, we have az = el, o-, = o-o = aa, z = 0 and there-
fore (Cz)m = ~(O-I -- 2VO-3) (51)
1 By using equation (3), we can write equation (50) as
(%),. = ~ [(I - v)a3 - vo-,] (46)
fl = Ra~tN + R6flQ (52)
Putting r = R and Z = H into the equation (2) and where
rearranging we can write equation (45) as
= R4~N + R6rIQ (47) - (o.1 _ 2vo-3) -- 896v
- 560(1 + v) + 140v(1 - v)
[(1 - v ) ~ 3 - w r , ] I4 (-/,
48 ~- -70(1 - v )
- _ 3360
T, Jo i n n

- [(1 - v)63 - vo.1] ,=1 3360 ~-

+ .=~ 1680(I-I-v)(~-)z(~) [Jo(inllR)[T2

I 2

+ 2(1 - v) + [(1 - v)a3 - Val]

+4(I-v)(~) (T)] + T) (ml-l"~)]}R
1680~-1 \-~l TI Jo inlI-~

+ - - dl inIl (48)
, {640
fl -- (o.1 _- 2vtr3) -- ~ - v
-- 112(1 -- 5v) ~-
(l- V)F320(H~6 (g) 4 +140(2+3v-v2)(H) 2
r/=[(1 -~-)~-val]L 3 ~R] -336 ~-

- 70(1-v)(H) 2
1052 v(1 - v ) - 336 ~
_ v 3360 ~ ~-~
[(1 - v) 0"3 - w r d . = 1

V1Jo inIl ~ + ~ .

+ ~ 1680(1 + v) Jo inIl-H
(l+v) ~ (H)3(~.~)3
+ [(1 - v)o-3 vo-1].=1 1680 IF2 + 4(1- v) (RH---)(n~)]
[V'J°(inl"-1-~-l+V~ji (49, + - - J1
52 M. Al-Chalabi and C. L. Huang

From equation (47), we have

-70(3-v) ~ + (ll-6v)
~' _R2r/~ 0
N = k-~ (55)
+ 1 4 1 8 ( H ) 4 - 60(H)2 + 151 (Z)2 (H)2
Substituting equation (55) into (52) we obtain
-1 (~q, - CU) 1
+ 42(1 +2v) ~- + 105(3-2v) -~
Q= ~ k ~ . , _ R6 A (56)

Substituting equation (56) into equation (55), we obtain 1054( 3 - 2 v ) ] ( R ) 2 + 2 8 0 ( H ) 6 ( Z ) 4

1 flqJ - ~ta _ ~ 0 (57)
N-R4 ~fl_~r/ -2 4 .j
Thus the final expressions for the stresses, displace-
ments and strains can now be written in terms of the + 175(H)2(R)'*+210(9-2v)(Z) 4.
two, strain factors, which need to be measured experi-
mentally in order to determine the stress or strain z2
:distribution within the specimen.

2.4 Determinationof the strainfactors (,q fr? + ~ ( 7 - 6 V ) ( R ) 6}

R , \R]
Consider the case of a cylindrical specimen under
uniaxial compression, with its end surfaces perfectly
smooth. In this case, the axial stress 0-~will be equal to
the applied stress 0-~ throughout the specimen, and
cos,o,cos( )
uniform strain distribution will prevail everywhere within
the specimen. Thus we have

~ and (%)= = 0-'
- v ~- (58) (H)(~--H)3+~JI(inHRR)[RTx
Equations (45) and (50) can now be rewritten
= I + E(%)n,R (59)
= 1 E(E=)n,R (60)
0-1 r R V2
(inH-R R ) [ ( R ) V 1 - ( H ) ( 7 - ) ( ~ ) 3 ) }
Knowing the elastic constants (v and E) of the material,
the two strain factors can be determined for any end (61)
condition by making two measurements (% and E~)at the
perimeter of the end surfaces.
0-z=0-, + 0 -560(2-v) ~ +280(1 - v )
2.5 Final stress expressions
+ 140v + [1120(2- v)(H) 2 - 8 4 0 ( 1 - v ) ] .
The final stresses can be expressed as follows:
(Z)2 (H) 2 - [ 5 6 0 ( 1 - v,(H) 2
0-r =- 0"3 + 0 392 ~- -- 280 + 70(2 -- V)

-t-84011- 2 (H)2] (Z)2 (H) 2

[Z\ 4/H\ 4
+420Vl(R)2-560(2-v)~) ~ )

+ 1680(I - v ) \ ~ j \ ~ ] '}
- 1 0 5 ( 3 - 2v)] (R) 2 - 840(3 - v,. + A J ~ - v + 70(1 - 3v) - 56(13 - %)

(Z)2 (H)2 (R)2 + 35(5- 4V)(R) 4} + 112(1 - 2v) + 112(l + 3v).

+ A{-7-184 ;H']6
+ \ R - J 280 (H) 2
I + + + + + + o + + I + I I I I I I
"< I;> ~ ~ I Ix.) I I Oo I -I-

i i

+ 4- ~ I 0 ~ ~
@0 + ~
~- I i + + ~ + :~1"~
~ ~.1 ~-,- I".J ~'~ t~
, ~ + -F

~ + ~ ~ ~ +
+ ,.=., ~ -..J
I , ,-t
, I ~'~'~-~,
: O"
00 r-
I I i.


4- -I- I 4- ~ 4- I -I- I + I I I + I
- ~ ~.~ ~ -- O0 ~ ~ ~ I--1 D ~, ~, ~l ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ i


~ I J

" 8 ~ ~ < I ~ """ * '< ~ I ~,~

0 .p.

54 M. AI-Chalabi and C. L. Huang

solution and that of Filon [1] for the shearing stress. The
other solutions do not satisfy the boundary condition of
no shearing stress at the cylindrical surface of the
+,,, specimen. There is a large discrepancy in the tangential
and the radial stress distribution obtained by the different

A V1 ~r Jo in H ~
+ -l J1
authors, but the radial stress at the edges of the specimen,
obtained by Filon, Balla and the present writers, is zero,
and thus satisfies the boundary condition of no radial
stress anywhere on the cylindrical surface of the specimen.

The validity of the present solution was checked by
The stress distribution throughout the specimen can
therefore be obtained for any type of end condition by experimental stress analysis methods [5]. A 3 by 6 in.
cylindrical specimen was fabricated from epoxy sheets
computing experimentally the two strain factors and
substituting their values into the final stress equations. which were cemented together with epoxy adhesive. A
large number of foil strain gages of lengths ranging from
In addition, strains also can be obtained from equations
0.03q)'125 in. were embedded at specified locations in
the interior of the cylinder during its fabrication. Addi-
tional strain gages were bonded to the cylindrical surface
of the cylinder after it was completed.
A comparison of the stress distribution for the case of The cylinder was tested uniaxially in compression
perfectly confined ends, as determined by various investi- within the elastic range of the epoxy material. Testing
gators, is shown in Fig. 2. All solutions agree on the was performed for four end conditions: teflon sheet
form of the axial stress distribution, although the magni- inserts, direct contact, cardboard inserts, and perfectly
tude at the center and at the edge differ considerably. confined ends. Teflon inserts cause low friction at the
Good agreement will be noted between the present surfaces of contact; perfectly confined ends provide the
.... Filon
1,8.... Pickett
---- D'Appolonia-Newmark
I-6--- Balla
New solution //~,/'
1.4 -- . ./f.~
I,z - "~

o, a .;

- - ~

o6 - = --=- ////



"-',,~ o,e'~, ~ " err .

~ ' -. . . ~. - - - - r -~-~. ,

o.o 0.2 0.6

Dist"once olong rodius - ~-

Fig. 2. Comparison of stress distribution by different investigators at

the end surfaces, for perfectly confined ends.
Stress Distribution within Circular Cylinders 55

highest possible friction at the surfaces of contact, while due to the friction between the end surfaces and the
the direct contact and the cardboard inserts provide machine platens.
intermediate end conditions. (2) High friction at the specimen-platen interface
The interior and exterior strain measurements through- results in high stress concentrations in regions close to
out the specimen, for the four end conditions, were the end surfaces and also at the edges of the specimen.
compared with the strain distribution obtained from the Stress concentrations become smaller throughout the
theoretical analysis, and reasonable agreement was specimen as friction decreases.
observed for all cases [5-1. (3) For other than perfectly smooth end conditions,
The stress distribution throughout the epoxy cylinder compressive and small tensile stresses occur in the radial
was computed from the derived equations by inserting and tangential directions.
the strain factors computed from experimental measure- (4) Division of the applied load by the cross sectional
ments. Figures 3a and b show the stress distributions area of the specimen does not accurately describe the
throughout the epoxy specimen for two cases of end true state of stress, although this procedure is commonly
conditions: direct contact and teflon inserts. The stresses used in engineering practice. Uniform stress distribution
are shown in the figure in non-dimensional terms, throughout a specimen loaded in compression exists only
determined by dividing each stress by the average applied in the case when there is no friction between the end
stress al, (trl
= 200 psi). A comparison of these two cases surfaces of the specimen and the machine platens.
shows that the stresses become more uniform as friction (5) A solution is obtained in this study which takes
decreases. It is expected that, as friction is eliminated into account different degrees of friction at the specimen-
completely, the radial, tangential, and shearing stresses platen interface. The solution can be used for both axial
vanish everywhere throughout the specimen, while the and triaxial type of loading and is independent of the
axial stress approaches the average applied stress. specimen dimensions. All boundary conditions are satis-
fied everywhere on the cylindrical surface of the specimen.
5. C O N C L U D I N G REMARKS Acknowledgement--The'authors express their sincere thanks to
Professor Frank J. McCormick for his help and comments during the
(1) Specimens loaded in compression in common preparation of this paper.
laboratory tests are actually stressed triaxially. Non-
uniform stresses are developed throughout the specimen Received 14 May, 1973.
-0"5-0'7 -0.4
- o . ~
-~ 0"0 0"0
0.0 0'0

0.0 O-O
0'0 V'~°~° I ~ - 0.0

0-0070 0-0044
Radial stress distribution

0'0034 0002

Radial stress distribution


( D i r e c t contact) (Teflon i n s e r t s )

-I'1 -0'85 -I.I
-i.o-o.9o \
-0"95 -1"60
/?o 71" -I.23

-0'868 -0.938

-0"915 -0-960

-0"970 -I'0 - 0 986

-0"992 -0.996

tMid-plane I J
-I.00g -1"004 -0'998 -1'004 -1'0094 -0.999
Axial stress distribution Axial stress distribution
( Direct contact) (Teflon inserts)

Fig. 3(a)
56 M. A1-Chalabi and C. k. Huang

-0.5 -0.8

- 0.412 -0-195

' 0.032
-00 0-015



/Mid-plane I I I~ Mid-plane I I I I
0.0071 0 . 0 0 6 5 0.0024 0-0034 0'0030 0"0014
Tangential stress distribution Tangential stress distribution
(Direct contact) (Teflon inserts)

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

00"01 0 0-0

0.0 0.0

0.01 0.0 -0,0

Mid-plane I I 1 I Mid-plane I 1 I I
0-0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Shearing stress d i s t r i b u t i o n Shearing stress d i s t r i b u t i o n
( D i r e c t contact) (Teflon inserts)
Fig. 3(b)
Fig. 3(a) and (b). Stress distributions.

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