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Alik McIntosh Chapter 7 HW questions Sept.


1. Define organic and inorganic chemistry.

Organic Chemistry is the study of substances that contain the element carbon. Organic refers
to all living things and those things that was once alive. e.g. Gasoline, plastics, and pesticides.

Inorganic Chemistry is the study of substances that do not contain carbon but may contain
hydrogen. Inorganic substances were never alive, and therefore will not burn. e.g. Metals,
minerals. water, air, and ammonia.

2. List the three states of matter.

The 3 states of matter are liquid, solid, and gas.

3. Compare elements and atoms, compounds, and mixtures.

Elements: simplest form of chemical matter, contains one type of atom.

Atom: basic building block of all matter, smallest particle of an atom, made up of
subatomic particles of protons(+) ,neutrons(0), and electrons(-) charges.

Molecules: two or more atoms combined chemically in fixed proportions.

Compounds: chemical combinations of two or more atoms of different elements.

Mixtures: a combination of two or more substances united physically in any proportions

without a fixed composition. (Concrete)

4. Explain the two ways in which matter can be changed.

Physical changes : change in the form or physical properties of a substance without a

chemical reaction or the creation of a new substance.

Chemical changes: change in the chemical composition or makeup of a substance that

create new chemical substances, usually by combining or subtracting certain elements, that
will have different physical and chemical properties. (oxidation of hair color products)

5. Explain oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions.

Oxidation and Reduction always occur simultaneously. e.g. hair color gains
oxygen(oxidized) and Hydrogen Peroxide loses oxygen and is reduced.

6. Name the four classifications of chemical compounds.

Oxides, Acids, Bases, Salts.

7. Describe the differences between solutions, suspensions, and emulsions.

Solutions: a stable, uniform mixture of two or more mixable substances that is made by
dissolving a solid, liquid, or gaseous substance in another substance.

Suspensions: Unstable uniform mixtures of two or more substances.

Emulsions: a physical mixture of two immiscible liquids held together by an emulsifying


8. Define pH and draw a pH scale.

pH means- potential Hydrogen which is the relative degree of acidity or alkalinity of a


pH scale: measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in acidic and alkaline water based

Alik McIntosh Chapter 7 HW questions Sept.5,2019

9. Explain oxidation and reduction reactions. Give an example of each.

Permanent Wave Solution - The waving solution is oxidized(Oxidation)- Adds hydrogen atoms
to hair(Reduction)

Permanent Wave Neutralizer- Hair is oxidized by removing hydrogen(Oxidation)- Neutralizer is

reduced by losing oxygen(Reduction)

10. Why is it important to know the acidity or alkalinity of a shampoo product?

Because it influences how the product will affect various layers of the hair and skin.

11. What effect do acidic solutions have on hair?

Acidic<7.0pH - shrink, constrict, and harden the cuticle scales of the hair shaft.

12. What effect do alkaline solutions have on hair?

Alkaline>7.0pH - softens, swells, and expands the cuticle scales.

13. Identify the parts and functions of the shampoo molecule.

2 Parts: Head- attracts Water, and repels dirts.

Tail- attracts dirt, grease, debris, and oil, and repels water.

Made up of Water & Surfactants. These working together as a molecule effectively cleanse the

14. List three types of shampoo formulations.

Liquid- in a cream or clear liquid form

Liquid-dry- an astringent quality the allows the product of evaporate quickly.

Dry or Powder- Sprinkled onto the hair where it picks up oil and dirt as it is brushed through
the hair.

15. List four types of conditioners.

Instant- or rinse-out conditioner applied to freshly shampooed hair and rinsed out after
being worked through the hair. Have a lower pH than the hair, which helps close the cuticle

Treatment or repair conditioners- deep, penetrating formulations that help restore moisture
and protein in the hair.

Leave-In conditioners- thermal protectors or blowdrying sprays, are applied to hair and not
rinsed out. Some are designed for use with thermal tools.

Medicated conditioners- rinses that are formulated to help control minor dandruff and
scalp conditions. usually a dandruff rinse that works in conjunction with an antidandruff
shampoo to help control dandruff.

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