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Name : Edwin Maulana Malik (15220190

Class : B-2/ Non Reg/ BP-CR/ 2015

Research Title : The Use of Comunicative Approavh and Scientific
Approach to Students Pronunciation Skills

Supervisor I : Dasep Suprijadi, M.Pd

Supervisor II : Mundriyah, M.Ed


The research instruments that will use by the researcher are:

1. Observation checklists

Observation Checklist on the Students’ Activities

School :
Class :
Date :
Time :

Please give check (√) on the column 1,2,3, or 4 based on the students’ activity in the
class. Give comment if needed.
No. Statements Comment
Yes No
The students are ready to follow the
The students respond to the
teacher’s greeting.
The students pay attention to the
The students follow the teacher’s
The students are active in the
learning activities.
The students ask questions related to
the material.
The students are excited about the
The students can answer the
teacher’s question in English.
The students have enthusiasm or
9. motivation during the teaching
Learning method use makes the
10 students active in the learning
The students use dictionary to help
them in finding vocabulary.
12 The time allocation is appropriate.
Source: Faqih (2017) and Gusti (2014)

2. Interview guidelines.


1. Apakah kamu menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

2. Sejak kapan kamu mulai mengenal pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
3. Apakah pelajaran bahasa Inggris menurut kamu sulit, kenapa?
4. Apakah kamu menyukai metode yang selama ini diajarkan guru bahasa Inggris
5. Apakah kamu merasa bosan dengan pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
6. Apakah urutan skill yang paling sulit dipelajari (listening, speaking, reading, or
1. Kenapa skill tersebut menjadi yang paling sulit?
2. Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris seperti apa yang kamu inginkan untuk kedepannya?


1. Bagaimana pendapat kamu mengenai pelajaran speaking?

2. Pernahkah kamu mendapatkan pelajaran mengenai descriptive teks sebelumnya?
Kalau sudah, menurut kamu susah atau mudah?
3. Bagaimana pendapat kamu mengenai metode inside-outside circle dalam
pembelajaran speaking?
4. Manakah yang lebih kamu sukai, belajar speaking menggunakan inside outside
circle atau tidak menggunakan apapun?
5. Apakah kamu tertarik dan senang saat mendapatkan materi speaking mengenai
descriptive teks?
6. Menurut kamu, metode inside-outside circle dalam pelajaran speaking itu mudah
dipahami atau tidak?
7. Menurut kamu, apakah metode inside-outside circle tersebut dapat meningkatkan
kemampuan belajar siswa khusunya dalam speaking di kelas?
8. Setelah mendapatkan pelajaran speaking dengan metode inside-outside circle,
apakah yang kamu rasakan? Belajar speaking di kelas menjadi lebih
menyenangkan atau tidak?
9. Selama mendapatkan pelajaran speaking dengan metode inside-outside circle,
adakah kesulitan yang kamu hadapi?
10. Kesan apa yang kamu rasakan mengenai metode inside-outside circle dalam
pelajaran speaking sendiri?
3. Students’ Questionnaire
Nama :
Kelas :
Berilah tanda check (V) pada salah satu kolom.
SS : Sangat Setuju
S : Setuju
TS : Tidak Setuju

No. Pernyataan SS S TS
1 Saya menyukai pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
Saya menyukai 4 keterampilan (skill) bahasa Inggris
(Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Spelling) diajarkan.
Pronunciation/ Pelafalan merupakan keterampilan (skill) yang mudah
3 dipraktikan.
Saya senang terhadap pelajaran speaking/berbicara dalam bahasa
Inggris pada pembelajaran descriptive text?
5 Kemampuan speaking/berbicara itu penting.
6 Guru selalu berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris ketika mengajar.
7 Instruksi-instruksi guru jelas dan dapat dimengerti.
8 Materi tentang descriptive teks yang diberikan sangat mudah
9 Materi-materi yang diberikan menarik.
10 Topik-topik pembelajaran sesuai dengan ketertarikan saya.
11 Kamus membantu saya untuk menemukan makna-makna kata.
12 Saya mendapat koreksi dan feedback dari guru
Saya berlatih dalam kelompok, berpasangan dan grup dalam
mengerjakan tugas-tugas.
14 Guru berkeliling ketika kami mengerjakan tugas-tugas.
15 Saya mendapat banyak latihan berbicara.
Saya merasa tertarik pada saat guru memberitahukan aktivitas yang
akan dilakukan.
Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, saya merasa termotivasi untuk
bertanya tentang hal yang belum di mengerti.
Saya merasa kesulitan saat mengucapkan kata/kalimat dalam bahasa
19 Saya kesulitan saat mengerjakan tugas tentang descriptive text.
Saya memahami materi pelajaran descriptive text dalam skill
speaking dengan metode inside-outside circle?
Metode inside-outside circle membantu saya dalam mengucapkan
kalimat berbahasa Inggris pada speaking skill.
Saya tidak takut salah berbicara saat menggunakan inside-outside
Dengan metode inside-outside circle saya lebih termotivasi untuk
terus meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris.
Saya dapat memperkaya kosa-kata saya metode inside-outside circle
yang diberikan
Pembelajaran speaking skill menggunakan metode inside-outside
circle sangat menyenangkan.
4. Speaking tests for both of control and experimental class:
Pre-test for Experimental and Control Class
1. Describe one thing in front of the class. It can be the thing around this school
(classroom, sport field, library, etc), your favorite animal, or pet based on your
2. You have 2 minutes to describe it in front of the class.
3. Scoring will be based on grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency,
pronunciation, and the task.

Post-test for Experimental and Control Class

3. Describe one people based on his/her appearances and characteristics.
4. You have 2 minutes to describe it in front of the class.
5. Scoring will be based on grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency,
pronunciation, and the task.

5. Speaking scoring rubric.

The test will be scored by using the rating scores of oral test by Brown (2001).
The oral proficiency scoring categories (Brown, 2001, pp. 406-407)

No Criterias
Scores Descriptions

Errors in grammar are frequent, but speaker can be

1 understood' by a native speaker' used to dealing with
fereigners attempting to speak his language.
Can usually handle elementary constructions quite accurately
but doesnot have thorough confident contrl of grammar

Control of grammar··is good. Able to speak the language with

sufficient structural accuracy to participate effectively in most
formal and informal conversations on practical, social, and
professional topics.
1 Grammar
Able to use the language accurately on all levels normally
4 pertinent to professional needs. Errors in grammar are quite
5 Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker.
Speaking vocabulary inadequate to express anything but the
most elementary needs.
2 Vocabulary Has speaking vocabulary sufficient to express himself simply
with· some circumlocutions
3 Able to speak the language with sufficient vocabulary to
participate effectively in most formal and informal
conversations on practical, social, and professional topics.
Vocabulary is broad enough that he rarely has to grope for a
Can understand and participate in any conversation within the
4 range of his experience with a high degree of precision of
Speech on all levels is fully accepted by educated native
5 speakers in all its features including breadth of vocabulary and
idioms, colloquialisms, and pertinent cultural references.
Within the scope of his very limited language experience, can
1 understand simple questions and statements if delivered with
slowed speech, repetition, or paraphrase.
Can get the gist of most conversations of non-technical
subjects (Le., topics that require no specialized knowledge).
3 Comprehension
3 Comprehension is quite complete at a normal rate of speech.
Can understand any conversation within the range of his
5 Equivalent to that of an educated native speaker.
(No specific fluency description. Refer to other four language
areas for implied level of fluency.)
Can handle with confidence but not with facility most social
situations, including introductions and casual conversations
about current events, as well as work, family, and
autobiographical information.
Can discuss particular interests of competence with reasonable
ease. Rarely has to grope for words.
Able to use the language fluently -on-all-Ievefs-normal'yperti
4 Fluency nent-to professional needs. Can participate in any
conversation within the range of this experience -with a high
degree of fluency.
Has complete fluency in the language such that his speech is
fully accepted by educated native speakers.
Errors in pronunciation are frequent' but can be understood by
1 a native speaker used to dealing with foreigners attempting to
speak his language.
2 Accent is intelligible though often quite faulty.
5 Pronunciation Errors never interfere with understanding and rarely disturb
the native speaker Accent may be obviously foreign.
4 Errors in pronunciation are quite rare.
Errors in pronunciation are quite rare accepted by educated
native speakers.
Can ask and answer questions on topics very familiar to him.
Able to satisfy routine travel needs and minimum courtesy
6 Task 1
requirements. (Describe qualities of people, animals, or
Able to satisfy routine social demands and work requirements;
needs help in handling any complication or difficuIties.
Can participate effectively in most formal and informal
conversations on practical, social, and professional topics.
Would rarely be taken for a native speaker but can respond
4 appropriately even in unfamiliar situations. Can handle
informal interpreti ng from and into language.
Speaking proficiency equivalent to that of an educated native

Source: Brown, 2004 “Language assessment principles and classroom practice”

Note : maximum score = 30

Score = the result of score x 100
Maximum score

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