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Jurnal Pembelajaran Kimia OJS

Vol. 3, No. 1, Juni 2018, hal. 41-50 Universitas Negeri Malang


Adistya Febriana Safitri1*, Hayuni Retno Widarti2, Dedek Sukarianingsih3

1, 2, 3 Universitas Negeri Malang. Jalan Semarang 5, Malang 65145

Abstrak – Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman siswa kelas X MIA MAN 1 Kota Malang
pada konsep ikatan ionik, ikatan kovalen, aturan oktet, kepolaran ikatan, ikatan logam, dan gaya antar molekul, serta
mengetahui kesalahan siswa dalam memahami ikatan kimia. Rancangan penelitian yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif
kualitatif. Tahapan yang dilakukan yaitu studi pendahuluan, mengembangkan instrumen tes diagnostik two-tier, validasi
isi, uji coba soal, dan pengambilan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman konsep siswa kelas X MIA
MAN 1 Kota Malang pada konsep ikatan ionik sebesar 59,71%; pada konsep ikatan kovalen sebesar 65,80%; pada
konsep aturan oktet sebesar 44,93%; pada konsep kepolaran ikatan sebesar 50,00%; pada konsep ikatan logam sebesar
41,31%; dan pada konsep gaya antar molekul sebesar 34,78. Analisis jawaban salah yang memiliki persentase lebih dari
20% memberikan data tentang letak kesalahan siswa dalam memahami materi ikatan kimia.

Kata kunci: pemahaman konsep; kesulitan siswa; ikatan kimia

Abstract – The purposes of this research are to find out the level of understanding of 10th MIA grade student at
MAN 1 Malang about ionic bonding, covalent bonding, octet rules, bonds polarity, metal bonding, and inter-molecular
forces concepts, and to investigate students’ difficulties on understanding chemical bonds. This research used
qualitative descriptive design. The steps in this research is preliminary studies, developing two tier diagnostic
instruments, validation of content, trial of instruments, and retrieval of data. Research result shows that the concept
understanding of the 10th MIA grade students of MAN 1 Malang City on ionic bonding concept is 59.71%; on covalent
bonding concept is 65.80%; on octet rule concept is 44,93%; on bonds polarity concept is 50.00%; on metal bonding
concept is 41.31%; and on inter-molecular force concept is 34.78%. Analysis of incorrect answers that have a
percentage more than 20% will provide data about students’ difficulties in understanding chemical bonding concept.

Keywords: concept understanding; student difficulties; chemical bonding

Ilmu kimia memiliki banyak bidang kajian yang mempelajari tentang fakta, konsep, hukum serta teori yang banyak
berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Mata pelajaran kimia di SMA memiliki banyak bidang kajian yang
disusun secara berurutan dan saling terhubung antar kompetensi yang dipelajari. Hal tersebut mengharuskan
siswa untuk memahami konsep-konsep dalam kimia secara utuh agar tidak mengalami kesulitan dalam mempelajari
ilmu kimia. Salah satu bidang kajian kimia di SMA adalah ikatan kimia.
Materi ikatan kimia biasanya dikelompokkan menjadi empat sub tema, yaitu ikatan ionik, ikatan kovalen, ikatan
logam, dan gaya antar molekul (Vrabec dan Prokša, 2016). Materi ikatan kimia menjelaskan tentang bagaimana
atom-atom membentuk ikatan, baik dengan atom yang sama maupun dengan atom yang berbeda. Ikatan kimia
terjadi karena sekelompok atom menunjukkan

* Corresponding authors: Jurusan Kimia, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang 65145, Indonesia. Email:

ISSN 2528-6536 (print)/ISSN 2579-5945 (online) @2018 J-PEK

satu kesatuan yang lebih stabil karena memiliki tingkat energi lebih rendah daripada tingkat energi atom-atom penyusunnya dalam
keadaan terpisah (Effendy, 2013:14). Konsep-konsep dalam ikatan kimia bersifat abstrak sehingga sulit diterapkan secara
Pemahaman konsep yang baik akan membuat siswa lebih mudah untuk mempelajari materi ikatan kimia yang memiliki banyak
konsep. Pemahaman konsep ikatan kimia adalah dasar untuk memahami konsep selanjutnya dalam kimia, termasuk
kesetimbangan kimia, termodinamika, struktur molekul, dan reaksi kimia (Ӧzmen, 2004). Hasil penelitian Fauziyah (2016)
mengenai kesulitan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan belajar siswa kelas X IPA di SMA Negeri 4 Malang pada materi
ikatan kimia menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 47,5% siswa memahami konsep kestabilan unsur; 34,3% siswa memahami konsep
struktur lewis; 46,7% siswa memahami konsep ikatan ionik; 42,5% siswa memahami konsep ikatan kovalen; 40,7% siswa
memahami konsep ikatan kovalen koordinasi; 43% siswa memahami konsep ikatan kovalen polar-nonpolar; 42,2% siswa
memahami konsep ikatan logam. Nilai persentase pemahaman konsep siswa tersebut tergolong dalam kategori rendah.
Berdasarkan uraian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswa belum memahami materi ikatan kimia secara utuh. Pemahaman
materi ikatan kimia secara utuh sangat dibutuhkan untuk memperkecil persentase miskonsepsi pada siswa.
Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah dijelaskan, maka dapat dituliskan fokus penelitian sebagai berikut ini: (1) Mengetahui
tingkat pemahaman siswa kelas X MIA MAN 1 Kota Malang pada konsep ikatan ionik,(2) Mengetahui tingkat pemahaman
siswa kelas X MIA MAN 1 Kota Malang pada konsep ikatan kovalen, (3) Mengetahui tingkat pemahaman siswa kelas X MIA
MAN 1 Kota Malang pada konsep aturan oktet, (4) Mengetahui tingkat pemahaman siswa kelas X MIA MAN 1 Kota Malang pada
konsep kepolaran ikatan, (5) Mengetahui tingkat pemahaman siswa kelas X MIA MAN 1 Kota Malang pada konsep ikatan logam (6)
Mengetahui tingkat pemahaman siswa kelas X MIA MAN 1 Kota Malang pada konsep gaya antar molekul, (7) Mengetahui letak
kesalahan siswa kelas X MIA MAN 1 Kota Malang dalam memahami ikatan kimia.

Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian termasuk kedalam penelitian
non eksperimental, artinya seluruh data yang diperoleh secara faktual tanpa adanya kebohongan, sesuai dengan keadaan subjek
penelitian (naturalistik). Data-data yang telah diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dan ditelaah satu per satu pada tiap bagiannya dan
kemudian diubah menjadi bentuk deskriptif.
Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian berasal dari observasi, hasil tes diagnostik dan hasil wawancara dengan beberapa
siswa. Hasil tes diagnostik menunjukkan pemahaman konsep dan letak kesalahan siswa dalam memahami materi ikatan kimia.
Keabsahan temuan penelitian diuji dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara yang dilakukan setelah hasil dari tes diagnostik
sudah diketahui. Wawancara hanya dilakukan dengan beberapa siswa yang mengalami kesalahan dalam memahami materi
ikatan kimia.
Sumber data penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X MIA MAN 1 Kota Malang yang berjumlah 5 kelas dengan total 184 siswa. Peneliti
menggunakan dua kelas untuk uji coba instrumen yaitu kelas X MIA 5 dan X MIA 1, serta dua kelas sebagai subjek penelitian
yaitu kelas X MIA 3 dan X MIA 4. Kelas yang digunakan sebagai subjek penelitian dipilih berdasarkan rekomendasi guru
mata pelajaran kimia di sekolah tersebut.
Analisis data pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman konsep dan letak kesalahan siswa dalam
memahami materi ikatan kimia. Langkah-langkah analisis data pada penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:
International Journal of Secondary Education
2014; 2(1): 11-19
Published online February 28, 2014 (
doi: 10.11648/j.ijsedu.20140201.13

Pedagogics of chemical bonding in Chemistry;

perspectives and potential for progress: The case of
Zimbabwe secondary education
Ephias Gudyanga*, Tawanda Madambi
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Midlands State University, Gweru, Zimbabwe

Email address: (E. Gudyanga), (T. Madambi)

To cite this article:

Ephias Gudyanga, Tawanda Madambi. Pedagogics of Chemical Bonding in Chemistry; Perspectives and Potential for Progress: The Case
of Zimbabwe Secondary Education. International Journal of Secondary Education. Vol. 2, No. 1, 2014, pp. 11-19.
doi: 10.11648/j.ijsedu.20140201.13

Abstract: In this study, the pedagogics of chemical bonding in Chemistry at Secondary school level, perspectives and
potential for progress was investigated. The study was premised on the qualitative design methodology grounded and
informed by the interpretive paradigm. It was guided by the constructivist theoretical framework acting as a lens through
which we viewed our study. Eight (8) Bachelors degree holders, having taught chemistry at Advanced Level for at least 2
years, were purposively selected to comprise a sample of participants. Narrative interviews, followed by focus group
discussions to validate the procedure, were carried out. Thematic approach data analysis from audio-taped -transcriptions-
resulted in main themes and sub-themes being drawn out. It was found out that teachers teach for examination purposes,
hence this followed a simplistic pedagogical approach resulting in misconceptions of chemical bonding being formed by
learners. Rigid and dichotomous approach to ionic and covalent bonding, as outlined in textbooks and by teachers,
forgetting its continuum scale, resulted in misconceptions in the understanding of chemical bonding. Teachers were found
to be contributing factors by virtue of incompetence. Therefore use of learner centred pedagogical bottom-up approach was
highlighted. Application of computer-assisted instruction on conceptual understanding of chemical bonding by competent
teachers was inexorable.

Keywords: Pedagogics, Chemical Bonding, Misconceptions

stamping out misconceptions. For Zimbabwe in particular,

1. Introduction no study along these precepts has ever been carried out. A
Based on several studies which show that Secondary study is therefore required to consider the pedagogics of
school children hold misconceptions of chemical bonding chemical bonding in Chemistry at Secondary school level.
in Chemistry [1-7] very few researchers have gone further We have to invest on the best way possible to teach the
to study the pedagogics [8] of chemical bonding. Pedagogy concepts.
is the science or profession of teaching where pedagogic is
an adjective. The teacher is responsible for facilitating the 2. Context
understanding of the concept of chemical bonding to the
learner. Bonding is a central concept in the teaching and Learners’ misconceptions regarding chemical bonding
learning of Chemistry. Many Chemistry concepts are have been noted worldwide [12-16]. The misconceptions are
central on chemical bonding. Acquisition of correct largely a result of how students have been taught. [17] argue
concepts are therefore essential and critical for that, most misconceptions in Chemistry are not derived from
understanding almost every other topic in Chemistry such the learners informed experiences of the world but from prior
as Carbon compounds, proteins, polymers, chemical energy science teaching. If so, we need to ask ourselves how often
and thermodynamics [9-11]. can teaching strategies and pedagogy mislead students?
What is new with this study is that it is highlighting the Several factors impact negatively on the acquisition of the
pedagogical approaches of teaching Chemistry to assist in concept of chemical bonding, and some are put in context.
International Journal of Secondary Education 2014, 2(1): 11-19 5

2.1. Textbooks teacher and the student use the same word, but…the
teacher’s meaning is not only extended, it is more
There are several external factors that can generate sophisticated, more subtle, and more deeply integrated into
students’ misconceptions. If so we have to ask ourselves a framework of chemical ideas’ (p. 56).
how often are such misconceptions generated by the Finally, students do not possess the rich meaning of the
contents of textbooks and by teachers? How can teaching term, as teachers do. It is suggested that there is a gap
strategies and the way these concepts are presented in between students and their teachers concerning students’
textbooks mislead students? A review of the research understanding of these concepts. For the teacher the task is
relating to students’ misconceptions of science concepts a routine exercise, but for the students it is a novel problem.
revealed that these misconceptions have common features.
Students are often strongly resistant to traditional teaching 2.2. Lack of Effective Communication
and form coherent, though mistaken, conceptual structures,
[24]. The literature indicates several external factors that According to [24], a lack of effective communication
might cause learning impediments regarding the concepts between students and teachers can lead to a mismatch
of chemical bonds. [25] and [26] for example, claim that between what is taught and what is learned, in the context
the analysis of current textbooks is of a pivotal importance of science lessons, symmetry between the nature of
because they constitute the most widely and frequently teachers’ understanding of a particular science topic and
used teaching aids at all educational levels. Some analyses students’ ideas regarding this topic is critical, because such
of science textbooks have shown that they tend to present a match illustrates what scientific knowledge is being
science as a collection of true or complete facts and as taught and learned in the classroom. One way that teachers
generalizations and mathematical formulations, as if the and textbooks simplify the physical and chemical concept
material had been ‘read directly from nature’. is by using anthropomorphic explanations. For example, [7]
In many chemistry textbooks, elements are conveniently showed that 10th grade students commonly adopt as an
classified as metals or non-metals (with a few semi-metals explanatory principle the notion that atoms want to have
perhaps mentioned). In many cases this dichotomy among “octets’ or ‘full outer shells’, and that chemical processes
elements leads to a dichotomous classification of bonding often occur to allow atoms to achieve this. Even some
in compounds: covalent being between non-metallic school textbooks incorrectly refer to eight electrons in the
elements and ionic being between a metal and a non-metal. third or higher shells as a full shell.
[27] presents a scientist’s view, claiming that the way The term ’sharing’, used to describe the covalent bond,
textbooks and teachers present the classification of the often keeps its ‘social’ connotations when used by students.
chemical bonds, as if everything is very simple and clear For example, the shared electrons may be seen to still
(hydrogen bond, covalent bond, etc.) is deluding and ‘belong’ to specific atoms, and so bond fission is often
misleading. According to the scientist’s view, one of the assumed to be haemolytic, since each atom would want to
most important skills is the ability to classify intelligently. get its own electron back. It could be argued that the
Thus, teaching students to classify originally by themselves uncritical and unthinking use of terms like ‘sharing
in order to expand their understanding and to give them the electrons’ by teachers and its use in textbooks are not
opportunity to perceive the concepts from different points helpful to students.
of view. In this way, the students can sharpen their thinking Reference [10] suggested not learning by the ‘octet
abilities and understand the relations between contents, framework’, which may lead to learning impediments. The
skills and the scientific process. existence of bonding, which does not lead to atoms having
Reference [18] suggests that many of the ideas used to full electron shells, is consequently something of a mystery
understand chemical bonds are not accessible at an to many students. Moreover, students may have difficulty
introductory level. Instead, curricula models need to be accepting anything that is not clearly explicable in ‘octet’
used in order to simplify the topic. Ideally, students will terms as being a chemical bond. Hence, hydrogen bonding
develop their own ‘tool kit’ of bonding concepts as part of and van-der-Waals forces cannot be readily fitted into such
their progression in learning about the subject [7]. a scheme, and the difference between inter-molecular and
Reference [11] considers, as an example, the term covalent intra-molecular bonding is not clear to students. Therefore
bond and suggests that most students entering secondary it is against this background that this study looked at the
school do not know what it means. As they progress pedagogics of chemical bonding in Chemistry. The research
through school, encountering introductory and more questions which guided this study are:
advance college chemistry, they construct a meaning as 1. What are the sources of student misconceptions in
they learn the term in a range of contexts. According to [11]; chemical bonding?
“A young student who has just learnt the term of a 2. How can these misconceptions be dealt with?
covalent bond in a very limited context does not share the The theoretical framework that is used in this study is
same set of meanings for the term as teachers. This is not a Bruner’s Constructivist’s theory [28] which states that
case of the teacher being right and the student wrong, but learning is an active process in which learners construct
of them having a different concept of covalent bond. The new ideas or concepts based upon their current / past
knowledge. The learner selects and transforms information,

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