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Eur. Phys. J.

E (2019) 42: 69
DOI 10.1140/epje/i2019-11832-9
Regular Article

Electro-osmosis and flexo-electricity in the dowser texture

Pawel Pieranski1,a and Maria Helena Godinho2

Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Sud, Bât. 510, 91405 Orsay, France
CENIMAT, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829 - 516 Caparica, Portugal

Received 24 March 2019

Published online: 3 June 2019
c EDP Sciences / Società Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature,

One of the authors (PP) dedicates this work

to the memory of Alfred Saupe.

Abstract. Due to its low symmetry, the long-lived pseudo-planar texture, dubbed “the dowser texture”,
has a flexo-electric spontaneous polarisation Pf e . Being degenerated, the dowser texture is easily aligned
by the electric torque Γ = Pf e × E acting on P. The dowser texture can also be aligned by Poiseuille
flows driven by electro-osmosis. The hydrodynamic torques due to the electro-osmotic flows are linear in
E like the electrical one. It is shown that in 5CB the electro-osmotic flows can alter measurements of the
flexo-electric polarisation.

1 Introduction in fig. 1(a). Due to its degeneracy with respect to rota-

tions around the z-axis, the dowser texture behaves as a
1.1 Electro-osmosis very sensible probe (weathercock-like) able to detect and
indicate direction of arbitrarily slow Poiseuille flows. In
The concept of electro-osmosis refers to flows driven by the present study we use this remarkable property for the
forces exerted by an electric field on charges in the elec- detection of Poiseuille flows induced by electro-osmosis.
tric double layer at walls of a channel filled with a liquid.
When the same forces drive motions of particles dispersed 1.2 The search for flexo-electric polarisation in the
in a liquid, the electro-phoresis is invoked. These two elec- dowser texture
trokinetic phenomena are of great importance in rapidly
growing fields of micro- and nanofluidics. The interest for electro-osmotic flows in the dowser texture
In most of experiments and applications the liquid stems from experiments reported in ref. [9] which were
phase is isotropic. However, it has been pointed out tailored for detection of the flexo-electric polarisation in
recently that the electrokinetic phenomena occurring in the dowser texture. These experiments were made with
nematic liquid crystals have many original aspects [1–6]. the aim to handle nematic monopoles by electric fields of
One of them is that orientations of molecules referenced appropriated geometry. In this search we were inspired by
by the director field n are sensitive to electrokinetic flows. Giomi et al. [10] who proposed recently a micro-fluidical
Due to the optical anisotropy of nematics changes in method of handling monopoles.
the n field can be detected in polarised light. Onother The setup used for the detection of the flexo-electric
original aspect of electrokinetic phenomena in nematics polarisation is depicted in fig. 2. The dowser texture is
is due the anisotropy of the electric conductivity which produced in a nematic droplet, held by capillarity in a
in inhomogeneous director field n(r) leads to the space thin gap between a lens and a glass slide, by a method
separation of charges and finally results in a new kind of described in all details previously [9,8,11,12]. The glass
electrokinetic flows. slide is equipped with ITO electrodes of different shapes
Electrokinetic experiments with nematic liquid crys- allowing to submit the dowser texture to electric fields.
tals are usually made with initially uniformly oriented lay- Using symmetry considerations formulated for the first
ers contained between glass slides. Here we will report on time by Meyer [13] and reformulated by de Gennes [14] we
experiments made with the dowser texture [7,8] depicted expected to detect the flexo-electric polarisation P
e-mail: Pf e = Pf e d with Pf e = (e3 − e1 ) (1)
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z Γz = (2α2/π)vosinψr crankshaft
c δ(t)

→ ng
n σ spri translation stage

x ϕ θ y lever
→ → ψr
d v
- →
a b c
Γz = -PfeEsinψe-(εoεah/2)E2sin2ψe Γz ≈ -π(K/h)gsinψc

translation stage
e s(t)
ss slid

→ α≈⎪g⎪ →
d → d
h ψe P ψc
→ →→∆
E g= h
ITO electrodes
a lens
d e
Fig. 1. Tropisms of the dowser texture. (a) The metastable ITO 3 ITO 3
dowser texture characterised by its 2D unitary vector order 0.3 mm
parameter —the dowser field d = (cos ϕ, sin ϕ). It is degen- 0.3 mm ITO 2 0.3 mm ITO 4 ITO 2

erate with respect to rotations around the z-axis. The dowser 0.3 mm

field d is parallel to the twofold symmetry axis C2 of the dowser ITO 1
d1 d2 d3

texture. (b) The ground state homeotropic texture. (c) Weath-
ercock behavior or rheotropism: orientation of the dowser field Fig. 2. Setup: (a) general perspective view, (b) cross-section
d by a Poiseuille flow v. (d) Electrotropism: orientation of the of the nematic droplet squeezed between the lens and the glass
dowser field by the torque exerted by the electric field E on the slide equipped with ITO electrodes located at its lower surface,
polarisation P = Pf e d + (o a h/2)(E · d)d. (e) Cuneitropism: (c) crankshaft coupled to a stepping motor and mounted on a
orientation of the dowser field d by a thickness gradient g. translation stage, (d) systems of ITO electrodes.

collinear with the twofold axis C2 and oriented in the di-

rection parallel or antiparallel to the dowser field d —the In the simplest case represented in fig. 3(a), an alter-
unitary vector field defined graphically in fig. 1(a). For nating field E = [Eo cos(2πf t), 0, 0] (with Eo = −Uo /lg )
e3 − e1 > 0, Pf e is parallel to d as shown in fig. 1(d). was applied to a radial dowser field. In the narrow gap
In practice, we were looking, using polarised light, for between the ITO electrodes, the dowser field d = (0, 1, 0)
deformations of the dowser field d(x, y) submitted to the is almost homogeneous and orthogonal to E so that the
electric field E. This deformation is driven by the torque second term of eq. (5) vanishes. In the limit of weak fields
E, we detected oscillations of the dowser field which in
Γ = (Pf e + Pin ) × E (2) terms of the angle ψe have been expressed as
in which ψe ≈ π/2 + δψo cos(2πf t − π/2) (6)
Pf e = Pf e d (3)
is the spontaneous flexo-electric polarisation and with δψo = CEo .
In MBBA we have found that the dowser field d tended
Pin = o a h(E · d)d (4) to take the orientation opposite to the electric field (C
positive). This means that in MBBA the flexo-electric po-
is the anisotropic part of the induced polarisation.
larisation Pf e = Pf e d is antiparallel to d, or using ex-
When the electric field E is horizontal (parallel to the
pression (1), that the coefficient e3 − e1 is negative in
xy-plane) and makes with dowser field d an angle ψe , the
agreement with experiments of Dozov et al. [15]. As to
torque (3) can be written as
the phase retardation of π/2 with respect to the driving
Γz = −Pf e E sin ψe − (o a h/2)E 2 sin 2ψe . (5) torque (eq. (6)) it was expected for a homogeneous dowser
field because in such a case the elastic torque can be ne-
With the aim to detect the flexo-electric polarisation we glected so that the driving electric torque is opposed only
used two geometries of the dowser field. by the viscous one ∼ ∂ψe /∂t.
Eur. Phys. J. E (2019) 42: 69 Page 3 of 15

U(t) ITO 1

veo ITO 2
δψe d
y x
→ → → →
E E d // g
a lg ≈ 0.3 - 1.0 mm


a ITO 1


h ≈ 5-20 μm
→ →

vPout vPin E x
Fig. 4. Poiseuille flows induced by electro-osmosis in the one-
gap system of electrodes. (a) Flow stream lines in the gap be-

tween electrodes and in the adjacent field-free areas below elec-

trodes. (b) Flow profiles. Inside the gap, the flow can be seen as
superposition of a plug flow of velocity veo and of a Poiseuille
flow vP in in opposite direction. By continuity, the total flow
rate inside the gap is equal to the rate of the Poiseuille flow
b vP out outside the gap.
Fig. 3. Two dowser textures used in the search for the
flexo-electric polarisation. (a) Radial texture generated by
cuneitropism in the plane/shere geometry. (b) Dowser texture can be written as
wound up by elliptical flows using the method described in
ref. [12]. Γrt = αeo d × E. (8)

This torque is superposed on the direct electric torque

In experiments with 5CB, we have found that the Pf e d × E and the sign of total torque
dowser field tended to take the orientation of the elec-
tric field. We have thus concluded that in 5CB the flexo- Γtot = (αeo + Pf e )d × E (9)
electric polarisation Pf e is parallel to d as depicted in
fig. 1(d) or, in terms of the definition (1), that e3 − e1 is depends then on the sum αeo + Pf e .
positive. This result was in disagreement with the work of The aim of the present work is to detect flows driven
Link et al. [16] who found that in 5CB e3 − e1 is negative by the electro-osmosis and to evaluate their importance
like in MBBA. measured by the ratio αeo /Pf e .

1.3 The aim of the present work

2 Experiments with a wound up dowser
In ref. [9] we did not discuss in more details this discrep-
ancy. As we will see below, it could be due to the electro- texture in 5CB
osmotic flow inside the gap between electrodes (see fig. 4)
Electro-osmotic flows were detected first in experiments
which can exert a rheotropic torque on the dowser field
performed with 5CB on the dowser texture wound up
(see fig. 1). In the case represented in fig. 4, the flow in-
by elliptical flows (see fig. 5). In the search for the flexo-
side the gap can be seen as a superposition of a plug flow of
electric polarisation and electro-osmotic flows, the wound
velocity veo = ceo E and of a Poiseuille flow with the max-
imal velocity vP in in the opposite direction (for a detailed up dowser texture offers two advantages:
discussion see sect. 2.5). When ceo < 0, the Poiseuille flow 1) all possible orientations of the dowser field with re-
inside the gap tends to align the dowser field d in the spect to the electric field are represented and tested
direction of the electric field E. simultaneously;
As the velocity of the Poiseuille flow due to the electro- 2) in a tightly wound up texture, characterized by the
osmosis vP in is linear in E, the corresponding rheotropic wave vector |grad ϕ| = q = 2π/Λ, the relaxation time
torque (see ref. [12]) τ = γef f /(Kef f q 2 ) of the order of a few seconds is
2α2 much shorter than the period T = 50 s of the applied
Γrt = − d × vP in (7) AC voltage.
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Fig. 5. Action of the electric field on a wound up dowser texture in 5CB. (a) System of isogyres characteristic of a wound
up dowser texture in quasi-equilibrium. (b) Systems of isogyres of the wound up dowser texture perturbed by the electric field
generated by the ITO electrodes at t = t2 , t3 and t4 defined in (c). (c) Spatio-temporal cross-section extracted from a video
along the dashed line defined in (a). (d) Color-thickness scale.

2.1 One-gap system of electrodes

Let us note that after the winding process (described in
details in ref. [12]), the wound up dowser field relaxes as First experiments were made with the one-gap system of
a whole (unwindes) slowly on a time scale of a few hours. electrodes. The field-induced deformation of the wound up
As experiments with the electric field are much shorter, dowser texture has been recorded on a video and a spatio-
one can consider that they were made on a texture in temporal cross-section along the dashed line defined in
quasi-equilibrium. fig. 5(a) has been extracted from it.
Eur. Phys. J. E (2019) 42: 69 Page 5 of 15

Fig. 6. Deformation of a wound up dowser texture in 5CB by a strong electric field. (a) Initial texture, the dowser field is
represented by white arrows. (b) Pictures of deformed textures taken at time t = t1 , . . . , t5 defined in (c). (c) Spatio-temporal
cross-section taken along the line AB defined in (a). (d) Theoretical pattern calculated from eq. (26). (e) Spatio-temporal
cross-section taken along the line CD defined in (a) (E = 0 here!). (f) Theoretical pattern calculated numerically using eq. (26).

This cross-section shown in fig. 5(c) is made of five f = 20 mHz triangular and square AC voltages of dif-
sequences labelled as “0 V”, “5 V 20 mHz”, etc. The first ferent amplitudes applied to the ITO electrodes. In the
sequence “0 V” corresponds to the slow spontaneous elas- last sequence the frequency of the 8 V AC voltage is much
tic unwinding of the texture in the absence of the electric
higher, f = 2 kHz.
field. The picture in fig. 5(a) has been taken at t1 = 223 s
during this sequence. The next three sequences show the Other details of experiments with the one-gap system
evolution of the isogyres’ pattern upon low frequency of electrodes are shown in fig. 6.
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The isogyres’ pattern of the initial quasi-equilibrium y

wound up dowser field is shown in fig. 6(a). It has
been submitted to the electric field of intensity E =
19 V/0.3 mm, i.e. about two times stronger than previ-
ously. Polarity of this field was reversed several times →
E x
by hand as shown in spatio-temporal cross-sections in
figs. 6(c) and (e) which were taken, respectively, along
lines AB and CD defined in fig. 6(b-t1). In fig. 6(b)
we show pictures of the isogyres’ pattern taken at t =
a ITO 1 gap ITO 2
t1 , . . . , t5 .

2.2 Deformation of the isogyres’ pattern inside the gap →

veo gap

The deformation of the isogyres’ pattern inside the gap x

can be described as follows:
1) They can be seen as composed of π walls (see figs. 6(b-
t3) and (b-t5)) which are created by the action of the b lg ≈ 0.3 - 1.0 mm

torque due to the dielectric anisotropy which varies z

as sin 2ψ. Remark: In this experiment the dielectric
anisotropy torque proportional to E 2 remains constant ITO 1 →
veo gap
while torques linear in E, due to the flexo-electric po-
h ≈ 5-20 μm

larisation and electro-osmosis, change sign upon rever- →


E x
sals of the polarity. vPout
2) Pairs of these π walls are assembled into 2π walls (see
figs. 6(b-t2) and (b-t4)) by the action of flexo-electric
and electro-osmotic torques linear in E which vary as c
sin ψ.
3) The spatio-temporal cross-section in figs. 6(c) and (e)
show that upon reversals of the polarity, the 2π walls
split into pairs of π walls moving in opposite direc-
tions (see also figs. 6(b-t2) and (b-t3) or figs. 6(b-t4) d
and (b-t5)). p

2.3 Deformation of the isogyres’ pattern outside the gap Δp x

The isogyres’ patterns in figs. 6(b) are perturbed with re- e
spect to their quasi-equilibrium configuration also in field-
free areas above ITO electrodes. Here, the perturbed iso- Fig. 7. Electro-osmosis in the one-gap system of electrodes.
gyres’ patterns in figs. 6(b-t2) and (b-t4) can be described (a) Isogyres’ system perturbed by the electric field in the exper-
in terms of 2π walls separated by stripes in which the iment made with 5CB. (b) Flow stream lines. (c) Flow profiles
dowser field d is aligned in the direction of the Poiseuille inside and outside the gap. (d) General view of the nematic
flow vP out driven by electro-osmosis. droplet squeezed between the lens and the glass slide. (e) Vari-
After the reversal of the electric field (see fig. 6(b-t4)) ation of pressure across the droplet. The pressure difference Δp
the system of isogyres in the field-free area is reorganized is driven by the electro-osmotic flow veo inside the gap.
into new 2π walls because the direction of the Poiseuille
flow vP out is reversed. Dynamics of the formation and
reorganization of the 2π walls is well visible in fig. 6(e) electro-osmotic flows driven by the electric field acting on
in the spatio-temporal cross-section taken along the CD mobile negative charges in the double layers of thickness
line defined in fig. 6(b-t1). Remark : This reorganisation, λ adjacent to glass surfaces. When λ is much smaller then
by contradistinction with the one inside the gap, cannot the local thickness h, the flow inside the gap can be repre-
be interpreted in terms of motion of π walls resulting from sented as a superposition of a plug flow, in −x-direction,
splitting of 2π walls. of velocity veo and of a Poiseuille flow in x-direction of
maximal velocity vP in . As the global flow rates Q outside
and inside the gap must be the same, one has
2.4 Poiseuille flows driven by electro-osmosis

The most plausible origin of Poiseuille flows in the field- 3 3

free areas (see fig. 7), of maximal velocity vP out , involves Q= vP out h = veo h + vP in h. (10)
4 4
Eur. Phys. J. E (2019) 42: 69 Page 7 of 15

If ρ is the ratio between absolute values of maximal veloc- and

ities of Poiseuille flows: 4
vP out ≈ Q. (20)
|vP in |
ρ= , (11) The ratio ρ between the amplitudes of Poiseuille flows
|vP out |
inside and outside the gap is thus
then one has √
4 1 |vP in | 2Rho
vP out = veo (12) ρ= ≈ 1.2 ≈ 4.4. (21)
31+ρ |vP out | lg
4 ρ
vP in = − veo . (13) 2.5 Role of the electro-osmosis
The value of the sharing ratio ρ depends on the geometry 2.5.1 Equation of motion of the dowser field
of the flow channel and can be estimated as follows.
Velocities of Poiseuille flows are proportional to pres- For the interpretation of the deformation of the dowser
sure gradients dp/dx inside and outside the gap. Let Δp field d = [cos ϕ(y, t), sin ϕ(y, t)] in the experiment with
be the pressure difference between the left and right ex- the one-gap configuration of electrodes we will use the
tremities of the gap (see fig. 7(e)). Inside the gap of width equation of balance of torques (per unit area) acting on
lg = 0.3 mm, the local thickness is almost constant and the dowser field:
equal to the minimal spacing between the lens (of radius   
of curvature R = 107 mm) and the glass slide ho ≈ 6 μm. ∂ϕ
−γef f h + v · grad ϕ + Kef f hϕ + Γi = 0,
The pressure gradient is therefore ∂t i=e,c,r
≈ −Δp/lg (14) in which the first two terms are due, respectively, to the
dx in rotational viscosity and to the elasticity. The third term
and represents the sum of torques due to
h2o Δp 1) the flexo-electric polarisation and the dielectric
vP in ≈ . (15)
8η lg anisotropy:
Outside the gap, the local thickness increases with the
Γe = −Pf e E sin ϕ − (o a h/2)E 2 sin 2ϕ; (23)
distance x from the centre as h(x) = ho + x2 /(2R). As the
global flow rate Q = (3/4)vP out h must be conserved and 2) cuneitropism:
vP out = −(h2 /8η)(dp/dx)out we can write πK
  Γc − g sin ϕ; (24)
dp 32 η 1 h
=− x2
Q. (16) 3) rheotropism:
dx out 3 h3o (1 + 2Rh )3
o 2α2
Γr = vo sin ϕ. (25)
For Q < 0 (flow in −x-direction), the pressure gradient π
is positive in the left half of the droplet as depicted in
fig. 7(e). The pressure rise Δp/2 from the left edge of the 2.5.2 Numerical solutions
droplet at x = −rd to the left edge of the gap at x = −lg /2
is obtained by integration In numerical calculations we will use the dimensionless
 version of these equations
Δp 32 η  −l̃g /2
=− 2Rho Q 3 dx̃. (17)
2 3 h3o −r̃d (1 + x̃2 ) ∂ϕ ∂ 2 ϕ
− + − β1 (t̃) sin ϕ − β2 (t̃) sin 2ϕ = 0, (26)
∂ t̃ ∂ ỹ 2
The result of √ integration depends on the characteristic
length ζ = 2Rho defining dimensionless variables x̃ = in which
x/ζ, r̃d = rd /ζ and ˜lg = lg /ζ. In the case of the experiment ỹ = qy (27)
represented in figs. 6 and 7 one has ho = 0.006 mm, R = and
107 mm so that ζ ≈ 1.1 mm. With rd = 4 mm and lg /2 = t̃ = t/τ with τ =
γef f
. (28)
0.15 mm after integration one obtains Kef f q 2
Δp 32 η  The spatio-temporal cross-section plotted in fig. 6(d) has
≈ −0.6 Rho Q. (18) been calculated with dimensionless coefficients β1 = ±5,
2 3 h3o
β2 = 3 and τ = 4.6 s chosen for the best fit of the experi-
Using eqs. (15) and (16) we obtain mental cross-section in fig. 6(c) taken along the line A-B
√ inside the gap. The best adjustment of the cross-section
4 2Rho in fig. 6(e) taken along the line C-D ouside the gap was
vP in ≈ −1.2 Q (19) obtained with β1 = ∓5, β2 = 0 and τ = 4.6 s.
3ho lg
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The width ξ of the 2π walls in isogyres pattern is re- gaps as two resistors connected in series. When the two
lated to the dimensionless coefficient β1 through β1 = gaps are identical, the potential at the electrode ITO2 is
(qξ)−2 . Inside the gap it results from the balance between U/2 and the electric fields in the two gaps have the same
the torque Γtot = (αeo + Pf e )E sin ϕ (eq. (9)) and the intensities E = −(U/2)/lg and the same directions.
elastic torque Kef f (d2 ϕ/dy 2 ) In the parallel case shown in fig. 9, the electrodes ITO1
  and ITO3 are connected together. The potential difference
 Kef f  U is then applied between the electrode ITO2 and the
ξin =  . (29)
(αeo + Pf e )E  ITO1+ITO2 pair. In this configuration, directions of the
electric field are opposite in the two gaps: E = ±U/lg .
Similarly, outside the gap, one has
 Kef f  2.6.1 Gaps connected in series
ξout =  . (30)
(αeo /ρ)E 
The experiment in the series configuration (see fig. 8)
The ratio between these widths starts with U = 0, i.e. with the quasi-equilibrium wound
 2   up dowser texture. First, the total potential difference
ξout  αeo + Pf e 

= ρ  (31) U = +19.2 V is applied for 25 s. After that, the re-
ξin αeo  versed potential difference U = −19.2 V is applied for 43 s
and finally U is set to 0. The corresponding evolution of
depends on the flexo-electric polarisation. the dowser field is well visible in spatio-temporal cross-
sections in fig. 8(b). Let us remind that effective potential
difference applied to each gap is U = ±9.6 V.
2.5.3 Reevaluation of the flexo-electric polarisation in 5CB In this case of gaps connected in series, the field-
induced deformation of the isogyres pattern is identical
If the polarisation was neglected and Poiseuille flows vP in in the two gaps, as expected (see fig. 8). From the anal-
and vP out were acting alone on the wound up dowser tex- ysis of the spatio-temporal cross-sections CS1, CS3 and
ture, one would expect, with ρ = 4.4, that the width ξin CS5 in fig. 8(b) one can infer that the Poiseuille flows v
of the 2π walls inside the gap should be about two times (yellow arrows), driven by electro-osmosis in the two gaps,
smaller than outside the gap. This obviously is not the have the same direction (opposite to the electric field) in
case in the pattern of fig. 7(a) where these widths are all field-free areas adjacent to the two gaps.
approximatively the same. In numerical calculations, the
width of walls is related to the fitting parameter by the re-
lation β1 = (qξ)−2 . As the same value of |β1 | = 5 has been 2.6.2 Gaps connected in parallel
found inside and ouside the gap we can set ξout /ξin = 1
in eq. (31) and we obtain In the experiment with the parallel configuration of gaps
ρ connection (see fig. 9) the sequence of potentials U (t) was
αeo ≈ ≈ −1.29Pf e . (32) similar to the series case: 0 V for 20 s, 9.6 V for 20 s, −9.6 V
1−ρ for 33 s and finally 0 V.
The total torque (eq. (9)) acting on the dowser texture is From the spatio-temporal cross-sections in fig. 9(b) one
thus can infer that the field-induced deformation of the isogyres
Γtot ≈ −0.29Pf e d × E. (33) pattern in the two gaps is shifted spatially by π, as ex-
pected (see fig. 9(b)). The pattern of Poiseuille flows in
Experiments with 5CB [9] have shown that the appar- field-free areas is more complex than in the series case be-
ent flexo-electric polarisation Papp = −0.29Pf e is about cause plug-like electro-osmotic flows in the two gaps have
+4.2 pC m−1 so that Pf e ≈ −14 pC m−1 . This new deter- now opposite directions.
mination of Pf e is now in a reasonable agreement with the
result of Link et al. [16] Pf e = −11 pC m−1 .
2.6.3 Stagnation point, convection of the distorsion

2.6 Two-gaps system of electrodes At first sight, one could think that in the field-free area
ITO2, Poiseuille flows driven by such opposite electro-
With the aim to confirm the existence of Poiseuille flows osmotic flows should cancel each other. Actually, this is
driven by electro-osmosis we performed experiments with not the case because Poiseuille flows vP can change their
the “two-gaps” system of electrodes which allows to con- direction provided that the incompressibility condition div
trol the electric field independently in the two gaps. Like (vP h) = 0 is satisfied.
resistors, the two gaps can be connected either in parallel Let us note that the area ITO2 is fed simultaneously
or in series. In the series case shown in fig. 8, the poten- by electro-osmotic flows of opposite directions, x and −x
tial difference U is applied between electrodes ITO1 and produced, respectively, in gaps 1 and 2. By symmetry,
ITO3 while the electrode ITO2 is not connected (float- the divergence-less flow pattern vP (x, y) in the area ITO2
ing). In the conductive regime, we can consider the two must contain a stagnation point (SP) located in the center
Eur. Phys. J. E (2019) 42: 69 Page 9 of 15



gap 2

→ +

gap 1








Fig. 8. Evolution of the wound up dowser texture in 5CB submitted to fields generated by an AC voltage applied to the two
gaps connected in series. (a) View of the wound up dowser texture deformed by electric fields. Yellow arrows represents velocities
of Poiseuille flows in field-free areas. (b) Spatio-temporal cross-sections taken along the dashed lines defined in (a).

of the nematic droplet. Using the reference frame (x, y) of isogyres in the area ITO2 visible in fig. 10(b) displays
centered at SP, the Poiseuille flow field can thus be ex- three alterations:
pressed as
1) The isogyres corresponding to d//y (d// − y) are en-
vo = [ax, −ay]. (34) larged.
2) This enlargement grows with the distance y from the
Thus, on the y-axis, this flow is parallel to it and, for stagnation point SP.
a > 0 its velocity grows with the distance y from the 3) When compared with the series case (see fig. 10(d)),
stagnation point (see fig. 10(a)). As expected, the pattern the spatio-temporal cross-section taken along the line
Page 10 of 15 Eur. Phys. J. E (2019) 42: 69


gap 2




gap 1







Fig. 9. Evolution of the wound up dowser texture in 5CB submitted to fields generated by an AC voltage applied to the two gaps
connected in parallel. (a) View of the wound up dowser texture deformed by electric fields. Yellow arrows represents velocities
of Poiseuille flows in field-free areas. Note the presence of a stagnation point in the center. (b) Spatio-temporal cross-sections
taken along the dashed lines defined in (a).

S3 shows the third alteration: trajectories of isogyres in by two additional terms as follows:
the (y, t)-plane are oblique which means that isogyres  
are convected by the Poiseuille flow in the y-direction. ∂ϕ ∂ϕ ∂2ϕ
− + ṽy + − βe1 (t̃) sin ϕ − βe2 (t̃) sin 2ϕ
∂ t̃ ∂ ỹ ∂ ỹ 2
2.6.4 Numerical calculations −βrx (t̃) sin ϕ − βry (ỹ, t̃) cos ϕ = 0. (35)

To take into account effects of the Poiseuille flow in y- The first additional term ṽy (∂ϕ/∂ ỹ) corresponds to the
direction, the equation of motion (26) has to be completed convection of the distortion by the Poiseuille flow in
Eur. Phys. J. E (2019) 42: 69 Page 11 of 15

Fig. 10. Determination of Poiseuille flows from the deformation of the isogyres pattern in experiment with two gaps in
parallel configuration. (a) Dowser field (white arrows) in the central part of fig. 9(a). (b) Poiseuille flow vP (x, y) (yellow
arrows) compatible with the pattern of isogyres in (a). (c) Spatio-temporal cross-section from the central part of fig. 9(b-CS3).
Trajectories of isogyres in the (y, t)-plane are oblique due to the convection of the distortion by the Poiseuille flow. (d) For
comparison of (c) with the series case: spatio-temporal cross-section from the central part of fig. 8(b-CS3).

y-direction. Close to the stagnation point, the dimension- it was 19.2 V. For this reason coefficients βe1 and βe2 are,
less velocity ṽy = vy qτ can be written as respectively twice and four time smaller than in the one-
gap case.
ṽy = a(t̃)ỹ. (36)

The second additional term βry (ỹ, t̃) cos ϕ corresponds to 3 Experiments with a wound up dowser
the rheotropic torque exerted on the dowser field by the texture in MBBA
y component of the Poiseuille flow.
The solution ϕ(ỹ, t̃) of eq. (35) has been obtained In the previous experiments with the radial dowser tex-
numerically and used for plots of the spatio-temporal ture [9] we have found that the flexo-electric polarisation
cross-sections I(y, t) = Io sin2 (2ϕ) shown in fig. 11(c) Pf e in MBBA is antiparallel to d in agreement with Do-
and (f). Satisfying fits with the experimental cross- zov et al. [15]. Knowing from the previous section that
sections (fig. 11(d) and (e)) have been obtained with the electro-osmotic flows cannot be neglected in analysis of
following choices of parameters: experimental results, we performed a new series of experi-
Gaps in series (see fig. 11(c) and (d)): ments with the aim to detect electro-osmotic flows and to
evaluate their importance.
1) CS2 and CS4: βe1 = ±5/2, βe2 = 3/4, βrx = 0, βry = The experiment represented in fig. 12 has been per-
0, ṽ = 0. formed with MBBA using the same system of electrodes
2) CS1, CS3 and CS5: βe1 = 0, βe2 = 0, βrx = ±5/2, as in experiments with 5CB discussed above. The two pic-
βry = 0, ṽ = 0. tures in fig. 12(a) show the wound up dowser texture in
quasi-equilibrium (t1) and its deformation by the electric
Gaps in parallel (see fig. 11(e) and (f)): field (t2). The area marked with a dashed rectangle in the
1) CS2 and CS4: βe1 = ±5/2, βe2 = 3/4, βrx = 0, βry = picture (t2) is in fig. 12(c) blown up and rotated by 90◦
0, ṽ = 0. for a better readability.
2) CS1 and CS5: βe1 = 0, βe2 = 0, βrx = 1, βry = 0, Like in the experiment with 5CB (see fig. 6 and fig. 7
ṽ = 0. reproduced here in (d)) 2π walls separated by enlarged
3) CS3: βe1 = 0, βe2 = 0, βrx = 0, βry = ±ỹ/(8π), isogyres are formed by the action of the electric field E.
ṽ = ±ỹ/(8π). However, in MBBA, directions of the dowser field in these
enlarged isogyres, d antiparallel to E, are the same inside
Remark : For the same total potential difference U = the gap and in the field-free areas while in 5CB (see picture
19.2 V, the intensity of the electric field in gaps connected (d)) they are opposite: d//E in the gap and d//−E in the
in series is twice smaller then in the one-gap case where field-free areas. The spatio-temporal cross-section in (b)
Page 12 of 15 Eur. Phys. J. E (2019) 42: 69

Fig. 11. Comparison between experimental and theoretical spatio-temporal cross-sections. (a), (b) Spatio-temporal cross-
sections CS1, . . . , CS5 shown in (c)–(f) were taken along the dashed lines S1, . . . , S5 defined here. (d), (e) Reproduction of
central parts of experimental cross-sections shown in fig. 8(b) and fig. 9(b). (c)–(f) Numerically calculated spatio-temporal
cross-sections corresponding to the experimental ones shown in (d) and (e).

show that this relationship between d and E is conserved 4 Summary and perspectives
after the reversal of the field.
From the former discussion we know that the direction 4.1 Summary
of the electro-osmotic flow veo is the same as the one of
the Poiseuille flow vP out in the field-free areas. Therefore, Experiments with the wound up dowser texture submitted
we can already conclude that to electric fields E generated by systems of parallel ITO
electrodes have shown that, as expected from considera-
1) the direction of the electro-osmotic velocity veo is the tion on flexo-electricity, the dowser field d is deformed by
same in 5CB and MBBA: antiparallel to the field E a torque Γ = Pf e d × E, linear in E. Surprisingly, we have
(see fig. 12(e)); also found deformations of the dowser field d in field-free
2) the direction of the Poiseuille flow vP in in the gap is areas. We argued that this effect can only be due to a
also same in 5CB and MBBA: parallel to the field E. rheotropic torque exerted on d by a Poiseuille flow vout
Consequently, in MBBA αeo is positive like in 5CB. driven by electro-osmosis. With this hypothesis in mind,
we had to admit that electro-osmosis, by intermediate of
Now, as in the gap, the dowser field d is antiparallel to
an adverse Poiseuille flow
E, the sign of the total torque given by eq. (9) is negative
so that the sum (αeo + Pf e ) is negative in spite of the fact vin = −ρvout (38)
that αeo is positive. Moreover, as the width ξin of 2π walls
inside the gap is about three times smaller then outside exerts a rheotropic torque on the dowser field also in areas
the gap we can write with the field, i.e. in gaps between electrodes.
 2 As the flow vin is proportional to E, the rheotropic
ξout αeo + Pf e torque can be written as Γ = αeo d × E so that the total
= −ρ ≈ 9. (37)
ξin αeo torque acting on the dowser field is

Inserting ρ = 4.4 we obtain αeo ≈ −Pf e /3 and Papp = Γin = (αeo + Pf e )d × E. (39)
αeo + Pf e = (2/3)Pf e . Using the value of Papp ≈
−2.7 pC m−1 determined previously [9], we obtain Pf e ≈ Using eq. (38) we can also write
−4 pC m−1 which remains in a good agreement with the
result of Dozov et al. [15]. Γout = ραeo d × E. (40)
Eur. Phys. J. E (2019) 42: 69 Page 13 of 15

Fig. 12. Electro-osmosis and flexo-electricity in MBBA. (a) Action of an electric field on a wound up dowser texture. (b) Spatio-
temporal cross-section extracted from a video along dashed lines defined in (a). There is no phase shift between 2π walls inside
the gap (CS2) and in field-free areas (CS1 and CS3). (c) Blow up of the rectangular area marked with a dashed line in (a).
Enlarged isogyres correspond to the same direction of the dowser field d. It is opposite to the electric field E because in MBBA
the flexo-electric polarisation P is antiparallel to d. (d) Reminder of the similar experiment with 5CB (see fig. 7). The flexo-
electric polarisation P of 5CB being parallel to d, the dowser field inside the gap is opposite to the one in MBBA. The Poiseuille
flow vP driven by electro-osmosis has the same direction in MBBA and 5CB. (e) Stream lines of flows. (f) Flow profiles.

When the electric field is strong enough, the deformed The value of the sharing ratio ρ ≈ 4.4 has been es-
wound up dowser texture can be described in terms of timated from considerations of flows taking into account
2π walls of the width squared ξ 2 inversely proportional geometrical details of experiments.
to torques expressed by eqs. (39) and (40). Their ratio
ξout /ξin expressed by eq. (37) depends finally on two di- Knowing ρ and ξout /ξin , the value of αeo /Pf e was de-
mensionless parameters ρ and αeo /Pf e . termined from eq. (37).
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a b 5
Fig. 13. Deformation of the dowser field in MBBA by electric field and electro-osmotic flows generated by the system of four
electrodes in quadrupolar configuration (see fig. 2(d3 )). (a) View of the dowser texture between crossed polarisers. The dowser
field (white arrows) contains two +2π and one −2π defects. (b) Global flow pattern. It is deduced from the motion of five dust
particles (labeled from 1 to 5). Their initial positions at t = 0 s are indicated by arrows. The successive positions are taken at
intervals of 100 s. The velocity of the particle 1 is thus of the order of 0.75 μm/s.

In 5CB, we have found that αeo ≈ −1.29Pf e . This PP is grateful to F. Giesselmann and H.-S. Kitzerow for the
contribution of the electro-osmosis to the total torque invitation to the 46th German Liquid Crystal Conference
(eq. (39)) has the sign opposite to the flexo-electric and, in Paderborn. This work benefited from the technical as-
moreover, prevails over it. As a result, the “apparent po- sistance of V. Klein, S. Saranga, J. Sanchez, M. Bottineau,
larisation” of the dowser field Papp = αeo + Pf e appears J. Vieira, I. Nimaga and C. Goldmann. PP thanks also
as positive while its true flexo-electric polarisation is neg- S. Ravy for a financial support. MHG thanks FCTPortuguese
ative. This explains the apparent discrepancy with results Foundation for Science and Technology under projects
of Link et al. [16] found previously. UID/CTM/50025/2013, and PTDC/CTM-BIO/6178/2014
In MBBA, we have found that αeo ≈ −(1/3)Pf e . Once and M-ERA-NET2/0007/2016 (CellColor).
again, the apparent polarisation is different than the true
one but the sign is the same. Author contribution statement
4.2 Perspectives All authors contributed equally to this work.

As mentioned in sect. 1.2 of the “Introduction”, our final

aim is to find methods of handling defects of the dowser Conflict of interest
field, i.e. nematic monopoles, by electric fields of appropri- There are no conflicts to declare.
ated geometry. As an example we show here in fig. 13(a) a
triplet of two +2π and one −2π defects stabilised by a DC
Publisher’s Note The EPJ Publishers remain neutral with
electric field generated by a system of four electrodes in
regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institu-
quadrupolar configuration (see fig. 2(d3 )). In view of the tional affiliations.
results obtained above, we are not surprised by the defor-
mation of the dowser field in field-free areas. It is obvi-
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