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Kelompok 3

Peran :

Nurse 1 : Ulfah mutmainnah

Nurse 2 : Ana Yuliawaty

Patient: Fidya

Family :

a. Mother : Febrianti
b. Child 2 : Winda sari


Initialling Communication

Nurse 1: Assalamualaikum, correct with fidya puspita sari?

Child 2: yes, ns

Nurse 1: where is her mother? Alone on guard?

Child 2: no, my mother is back in the toilet

Nurse 1: oh, introduce my name ns ulfah mutmainnah just call with ns ulfah and this is my team
of colleagues ns ana yuliawaty

Nurse 2: just call with ns ana

Nurse 1: We are assigned here in the ward room starting this morning at 8 to 2 pm

Patient: oh yes, ulfah & ns ana, that's my mother

mother: hay ns

nurse: hay

mother: long been here?

nurse: new recently

Demography/ identity
Nurse 1: If I may know what pleasure it is to be called?

Patient: just call me fidya ns

Nurse 2: how old is she now?

Patient: I don't know how old I am now, but my birth date is clear 1 month 1 year 2000

Nurse: around 20 years

Patient: yes, ns

Nurse 2: are you married?

Patient: not yet

Nurse 2: her last education?

Patient: SMA ns

Nurse: what is your phone number?

Patient: 0852 2222 3333

Nurse: where is the address?

patient's mother: south vetran road

nurse: hmm

Health status: curenhy

Nurse 1: where do you she feel it?

Patient: I am not feel well good, my stomach hurts

Patient 1: where does it hurt? And does the pain disappear or not?

Patient: yes, the lower abdomen is prickling, it hurts me when I hold urination and when I want
to urinate

nurse: how long is the duration of the illness?

patient : for about 5 minutes

Nurse 1: how long does the stomach ache?

Patient: 3 days ago ns

Nurse 1: So as long as the stomach hurts what is the fidya's action to reduce the pain before
being admitted to the hospital?

Patient: taking medication ns

nurse: what medicine is that?

patient: pain medicine like

Health status: history

Nurse 1: Do you know that you have been hospitalized before?

Patient: yes, have

Nurse 1: Where is the hospital?

Patient: the hospital is here too

Nurse 1: what does it hurt?

Patient: ISK

Nurse 1: if I may know there are family members who also have the same disease ISK?

Patient: no ns

Patient: oh

Examination of vital signs

Nurse 2 : I will check the vital signs first, excuse me

Patient: okay

Nurse 2 : what was Fidya's blood pressure before?

Patients: 120/80 ns

Nurse 2 : oh, so the blood pressure is now 120/90, the temperature is 36 oC

Patient: All right, thanks

Additional information

Nurse 1: So how many siblings do you have?

Patient: two ns

Nurse 1: How many people live in one house?

Patient's mother: three ns

Nurse 1: So what is a working mother?

Patient mother: housewife ns

Nurse 1: where is your husband?

Patient's mother: has died, ns

Nurse 1: oh sorry

Nurse 1: So, your child likes to hold urine?

Ms. Patient: Yes, I admonish, do not like to hold back urination, but do not want to hear

Nurse 1: Ouch fidya, listen to what his mother said

Nurses 1 & 2: All right, thanks for your time

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