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Praise Allah SWT for all the graces, and His guidance so that I can finish a paper on
This paper is one of the requirements that must be met in completing the task subjects are
English Profession. This paper has attempted to conform to what is expected and useful to the
The completion of this paper is inseparable from the support and cooperation of the
various parties. Therefore, I would like to thank: Supervisor and friends thanks to its cooperation
so that this paper can be resolved properly.
The author realizes that this makalahn far from perfection and in all humility I beg
criticism and constructive suggestions, so what we hope to achieve.

Gorontalo, September 2019



table of contents.......................................................................................................... i

Foreword.................................................. ................................................................ ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................ ............................................................. .. 1

1.1 Background ............................................................................................ .... ... 1

1.2 Problem Formulation.................................................................................... .... 1

1.3 Objectives .................................................................................................... ... 1

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION................................................... ............................... .. 2

2.1 Definition of ............................................................................................................... 2

2.2 Other terms related to health .......................................................................... .. 5

CHAPTER III CLOSING.......................................................................................... 8

3.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................... .. 8

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 9

1.1 Background
English in the world of health is used to communicate with the patient and the like as
well as communicating with other professions in the medical environment. Destinations
English language tutoring English For Health program helps health workers in the English
language to communicate in the best possible job and develop careers, such as nurses who
will work abroad. The content of this course includes self-introduction, giving the question
at the time of admission, providing direction in hospital facilities, nursing procedures
explain, explain part of the body and hospital equipment, reassure patients, coaxing and
reassuring to patients, medical terminology, etc.
1.2 Problem Formulation
1. What English Definition Medical?
2. Terms Related to Health
3.1 Goals
1. To Know What English Definition Medical
2. To Know the Health-Related Terms

2.1 Definition
English Medical or widely known as Medical English, English for Medical
Professionals, or English for Nurses (if for nurses) or English for Doctors (if intended for
doctors), is starting to evolve and are sought after by students and health professionals.
This is due to the rapid globalization and competition in obtaining a decent job in the
medical world. In this globalization era, almost all the products and services already use
English for their promotion and without exception the medical field. The continued
development of tourism or tourism in Indonesia to make more and more foreigners
vacationing scattered throughout Indonesia. They rarely speak Indonesian but most could
not speak English (though not all - depending on the country of origin). The tourists have in
their vacation sometimes because of one reason or another need medical assistance either in
the clinic or hospital.
The problem is the inability of the medical staff speak sufficient English to make the
lack of good communication between the tourists as patients and medical staff as a medical
care provider. So they tend to communicate in English potluck or even sign language "and
hopefully mutually understood". However, if one interpretation will lead to complaints or
errors that could be fatal for both sides. For that capability berbahas medical English is
But actual medical personnel must understand English well because medicine or
medical we are oriented to the western world. Where all the original textbook made there
and "certainly speak English". But we tend to use the reference of our professors alone or
look for books that have been translated so that we do not want to develop our English
language skills.
When we are abroad for treatment, then a lot of medical terms in English. Below
we show some of the vocabulary in the world of medicine, namely:
1) unit, bagian = department
2) Bangsal = ward
3) ruang tunggu = waiting room
4) doktor = doctor

5) juru rawat = Matron
6) personal = personnel
7) ahli bedah = surgeon
8) konsultan = consultant
9) kasur rumah sakit = hospital bed
The question of health is surely one thing that can not be separated from daily life, so
now we will provide a series of new vocabulary in English related to health:
Acne: Jerawat
Allergy: Alergi
Appendiciti: Usus buntu
Amnesia: Amnesia, hilang ingatan
Arthritis: Radang sendi
Asthma: Asma
Backache: Sakit punggung
Bleeding: Berdarah, pendarahan
Blind: Buta
Blister: Melepuh
Broken arm/leg: Patah lengan/kaki
Bruise : Lebam
Cancer: Kanker
Chest pain: Sakit di dada
Chicken pox: Cacar air
Cold: Pilek
Concussion: Gegar otak
Constipation: Konstipasi, susah buang air besar
Cough: Batuk
Cram : Kram
Deaf: Tuli
Dehydration: Dehidrasi, kurang cairan
Dementia: Demensia, pikun
Diabetes: Diabetes

Diarrhea: Diare
Earache: Sakit telinga
Epilepsy: Epilepsi, ayan, kejang-kejang
Fever : Demam
Flu: Flu, influenza
Fracture: Retak, patah tulang
Headache: Sakit kepala
Heart attack: Serangan jantung
Heartburn: Rasa panas dalam perut akibat masalah pencernaan, berhubungan dengan
Hypertension: Hipertensi, tekanan darah tinggi
Infection: Infeksi
Jaundice: Penyakit kuning, berhubungan dengan liver (hati)
Measles: Campak
Meningitis: Meningitis, radang selaput otak
Miscarriage: Keguguran
Mute: Bisu
Nausea: Mual
Nosebleed: Mimisan
Paralyzed: Lumpuh
Pneumonia: Radang paru-paru
Rash: Ruam-ruam, gatal
Rheumatism: Rematik
Sore throat: Sakit tenggorokan
Stress: Stres, tertekan
Stroke: Stroke, penyakit akibat pecah/tersumbatnya pembuluh darah di otak
Stomacache: Sakit perut
Sunburn: Kulit terbakar sinar matahari
Swollen: Bengkak
Tootache: Sakit gigi
Tuberculosis: TBC, penyakit paru-paru

Ulcer: Bisul
Wound: Luka
Ache and the same pain refers to pain, but the ache more leads to prolonged pain and tend
to be mild in one part of the body. While pain is a pain or physical discomfort caused by
the disease (illness) or injury (injury), the pain is more severe than the ache.
2.2 Other terms related to health
There are many health-related terms are as follows:
Abortion : Aborsi
Bandage : Perban
Crutches : Tongkat penopang tubuh, biasanya setinggi ketiak
Doctor : Dokter
Give birth : Melahirkan
Hospital : Rumah sakit
Ill : Sakit; biasanya berhubungan dengan sakit/masalah kesehatan yang serius
Injection : Suntikan
Medicine : Obat
Nurse : Perawat
Operation : Operasi
Patient : Pasien
Pregnant : Hamil
Pulse : Detak jantung
Sick : Sakit; lebih informal ketimbang ill dan merujuk pada sakit yang berjangka pendek
Stiches : Jahitan
Surgery : Pembedahan, operasi
Symptom : Gejala
Temperature : Suhu (tubuh)
Wheelchair : Kursi roda
Now we will give examples of the use of the vocabulary in daily conversation
sentences, including on how to ask for and use vocabulary such as bookmarks of your health
condition. Consider the following example.

A : You don’t look so well. Is everything okay? (Kamu tidak nampak sehat. Apakah
segalanya baik-baik saja?)

B : To be honest, I don’t feel very well. (Sejujurnya, aku tidak merasa sehat.)

A : What’s the matter? (Ada masalah apa?)

B : I have a sore throat, I think I’m starting to get the flu. (Tenggorokanku sakit,
sepertinya aku akan flu.)

A : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Are you having a headache now? (Oh, sayang sekali.
Apakah kamu sekarang mengalami sakit kepala?)

B : Not yet, but I’m sure I’ll get them in matter of hours. That usually happens when I get
the flu.(Belum, tapi aku pasti akan mengalaminya dalam beberapa jam. Itu biasanya
terjadi kalau aku sedang flu.)

A : How could you get it? Did you catch the rain last night on your way home?
(Bagaimana kamu bisa flu? Apakah kamu kehujanan semalam dalam perjalanan pulang?)

B : I did. I didn’t wear a raincoat and my clothes were soaking wet. I was fine last night,
but I think the symptoms just started this morning when I woke up. (Ya. Aku tidak
mengenakan jas hujan dan bajuku basah kuyup. Semalam aku baik-baik saja, tapi
gejalanya baru muncul pagi ini saat aku bangun tidur.)

A : Do you usually catch a cold, too, after the rain? (Apakah biasanya kamu juga pilek
setelah kehujanan?)

B : Only if I don’t get some rest. (Hanya bila aku tidak beristirahat.)

A : Then you need to go home and take a rest. (Kalau begitu kamu harus pulang dan

B : Yeah, as soon as I give this paper to Ms. Luki, I will go home. (Ya, segera setelah aku
menyerahkan makalah ini pada Bu Luki, aku akan pulang.)

A : All right. Get well soon. Don’t forget to take some medicine if the headache comes
and you can’t get some sleep. (Baiklah. Lekas sembuh. Jangan lupa untuk minum obat
bila sakit kepalanya datang dan kamu tidak bisa tidur.)

B : I will. Thank you. (Aku akan melakukannya. Terima kasih.)

3.1 Conclusion
In this globalization era, almost all the products and services already use English for
their promotion and without exception the medical field. The problem is the inability of the
medical staff speak sufficient English to make the lack of good communication between the
tourists as patients and medical staff as a medical care provider. Therefore, medical personnel
must understand English well because medicine or medical we are oriented to the western
world. Where all the original textbook made there and "certainly speak English".


Nursanisi S. 2017. English For Nurse. (

Konsep-English-for-Nurse) Accessed on 16 September 2019

Anonymous. 2013. English for nurse. ( duo /

les-private-language-English / English-for-nurse) Accessed on 16 September 2019

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