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Эдуард Хиль

06.01.17 12:13 PM
Mikhail Satarov was born in Moscow in 1963. He received classical professional
education at the Moscow State Academy Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov.

Now it is hard to overestimate the degree of popularity of his paintings. Pictures

by this remarkable master have a worthy place in the collections of Presidents of
Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Prince of Monaco Albert. They have been in
private collections of the mighty of the world for a long time. The circle of the
admirers of his talent is rather wide - from representatives of business and
political elite to the most known names in the artistic world and show business.
The great demand for creative works by Mikhail Satarov allows us to name him
rightfully one of the outstanding masters of the national school of art. No
wonder that copies of his works can be seen in quite different places - in the
closed private galleries, on the openning-days of famous exhibitions and even in
embankments of resort cities. There is nothing suprising in this popularity.
Connoisseurs of modern art have appriciated this master's gift for art,
considering that works of art of this level are precious witnesses of their time for
the future generations.
Mikhail Satarov possesses a rare talent - his art mastership skill at painting is
revealed to an equal extent of excellence in quite different genres. It is difficult to
define what the master's best at - a portrait, a still life, or a landscape. They are all
so talented. Being a worthy follower of greatest achievements of the national
school of realistic painting, the author has managed to find his own unique
language of art images wich organically comprises elements of different styles
making those who look at his works feeling the harmony and unity. Portraits
occupy a particular place among the artist's creative works painted in unique
manner where absolutely realistic images are in an original creative way combined
with elements of symbolism and surrealism.

The reason for the icreased interest to the works by Michael Satarov is not only in
masterful performance and skillful art of technique of his paintings. The secret of
the charm of this artist is in the refined beauty of his pictures. Magnificence of
nature and harmony of life have always at all times attracted the best artists and
the most sophisticated connoisseurs. Our rushed intense time frequently deprives
us of the opportunity to see the beauty of this world and it is then that an artist
comes to help us - a person blessed by God with a keen feeling of beauty. Michael
Satarov is that very kind of an inborn artist whom God gave the gift, in whose
paintings everything that is dear to the heart capable of feeling delicately the
genuine beauty of the world and human being comes to life.

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