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Being a parent is one of the best feelings in the world.

It gives one more meaning in life and happiness that is indescribable. I am a pro

2. Use empowering words with your children in times when they doubt themselves. They can uphold high standards. They just need t

3. Support each child’s individual talent/s even if you don’t have the same interest/inclination for as long as the talent/s or inclination/

4. Show genuine interest in what your children are saying by looking at them when they’re talking and giving relevant comments. We a

6. Really, don’t sweat the small stuff. Before reprimanding your child, evaluate first your action. Would you regret it in the end that you

7. Guard your child against sense of entitlement. We tend to provide everything our children need, everything we wanted to have grow

8. Stand by your own brand of parenting. Filipino author and speaker Marianne Mencias once shared, “God customized you for your c

10. Have a loving, supportive village around you because, let’s face it, respectful, loving #ParenthoodShared makes the journey less str




. I am a proud father of one Bien 7. When they were growing up, I relied greatly on books, family and friends when I needed advice on how

just need to know their parents are their partners who care rather than plain critics. As parents who care, they can help children figure out

nclination/s bear/s positive and constructive life experiences. Show your child your effort to understand or learn what he/she is enjoying o

ments. We are all guilty of using our phones even at the dining table during a meal or during playtime/bonding time with our children. We h

nd that you lost your temper? Would your action hurt your child emotionally? Time flies so fast. Make each moment count for the better.

o have growing up but didn’t get. If you evaluate closely, there is wisdom in leaving room for wants. It gives you some basic values to succe

u for your child.” There are no two families that are exactly alike in terms of their combination of values, personalities, circumstances, lifesty

ney less stressful and more enjoyable. Showing your children that even parents need help sometimes makes them more compassionate an


vice on how to bring up my children the best way possible.It’s a great blessing to be a parent. We have to give our best as we are given the

n figure out strategies to achieve goals and not do the task for the child to achieve the child’s goal.

enjoying or going through.

ldren. We have to constantly just remind ourselves that we are setting examples and our children grow up so quickly. Setting aside an hour

he better.

es to succeed in life: drive, perseverance and sense of purpose.

nces, lifestyle, etc. So, you will be doing an injustice to yourself by allowing others to dictate how you should raise your children. Learn from

ssionate and sensitive. The other end of #ParenthoodShared — that of giving than receiving — gives life to community-building, generosity
e given the chance to mold our children to be better citizens.1. Research, attend a class or support group about certain parenting topics tha

de an hour for mealtime or bonding time scattered throughout the day is really not that much considering that life is unpredictable. (Being

. Learn from each other and be willing to adjust without compromising core values, which you will need to agree on with your husband.9.

generosity, selflessness, respect and love. And #BecauseParentingIsALegacy, these are definitely the values you would like to pass on to yo
g topics that are relevant to your family’s stage. You might be surprised with what you discover. Complement whatever it is you already kno

able. (Being faced daily with pleas for help from so many families losing members unexpectedly due to dengue, childbirth, sickness, acciden

usband.9. Be creative, resourceful and flexible. If there’s anything parents of older children will warn new parents about is the fact that on

ass on to your little ones!

already know with experiences and knowledge of others and balance everything out with what actually works given your particular lifestyle

ess, accidents makes us realize how precious and delicate life truly is).5. Send your household staff for training for specific skills like first aid

act that one day, your child will respond to a certain kind of management and another day he/she won’t! Since you are only human, this ca
ular lifestyle and circumstances.

ke first aid, good manners and right conduct, cooking, etc. Not only will the knowledge come in handy, it will also boost their self-esteem.

man, this can be exasperating. But such is life, even when your child grows older, his/her needs for you changes — you are teacher and nur
lf-esteem. Having them hear from others and proper methods and attitudes in caring for a child can sometimes be more effective than if th

er and nurturer at the beginning of your child’s life then counselor/coach as your child advances in years, and even friend, guardian, moral
ve than if the lessons come straight from their employers.

dian, moral compass, or more, depending on where life brings your family. As a good friend used to say, let your child be your manual — lea
anual — learn his or her language of love and persevere!

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