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1. Problem analysis and project planning

1.1 Introduction

Banking is one of the common and day to day attribute of life.

Nowadays it is totally different from that existed a few years ago banking
has become completely computerized new facilities such as credit cards,
debit cards & ATM has been introduced. ATM is automatic teller machine
which is basically used to withdraw money from an account.

1.2 Objectives

The objective of this software is similar to ATM software installed

in ATM center. It should first validate the pin in the ATM card. Then the
type of transaction is enquired and the information from the customer is
validated. If it is a withdrawal the amount is asked. After the money is
delivered the transaction just made is updated in the database where the
customer’s information is stored.

1.3 Scope

The scope of the project is to design an ATM system that will help
in completely automatic banking this software is going to be designed for
withdrawal and deposit of money and register the transaction in the
database where the customer’s information is stored.

1.4 Problem Statement

ATM is another type of banking where the most frequently type of

transaction made is withdrawal. A user may withdraw as much as many
amount as he wants until his account holds a sum greater than his
withdrawal amount. ATM is completely automated and there is no
necessity of the ATM center being placed at the bank itself. It can be
placed in the shopping malls, airports, railway stations etc.
This ATM system can use any kind of interface. But it should be
user friendly and not confusing. Help manuals should be provided in case
any customer has problem working with the software.

The system will retain information on the entire customer who has
necessity rights to access the service. It will contain the balance amount
in the account, rate of interest, any special allowance for that customer
and most of all pin number of the customer. The ATM system should be
compatible with any kind of database such as MS-ACCESS, DB2,
ORACLE, SQL, SERVER etc. the emphasis here is on consistency.

Some customer could have availed some special offers on his ATM
cards. So this must be taken care of and the appropriate data should be
dealt with.

The ATM should provide easy access to the data for the customer.
It should also have a highly secure interface so that one can take money
one behalf of others. So the security is one of the main aspects in ATM.

2. Problem statement(Use case)analysis

2.1 Identified use cases

i. Login:

Here the user enters the card and the inputs his password to enter
into the main form. If the password is incorrect, the system will display
an error message.

ii. Transaction:

This is the important part of the ATM system, where there are two
types of transaction-withdrawal and deposit. While withdrawing the user
specifies the amount and may request for the printed output also.

iii. Maintaining Customer Information:

Here the administrator plays an important role, whose work is to

add customer, delete customer account, update customer account, etc.
2.2 Identified Actors

i Administrator:

Administrator plays an important role. He is the system designer.

All the updating works is done by him only like adding, deleting
customer accounts.

ii Database:

All the transaction works-withdrawal and deposit are updated in the


iii Customer:

He is the external user the ATM system for taking money and
depositing money also.

2.3 Use Case Diagram

customer bank

ask login id()

display error message()

login transaction (withdrawal) maintain customer information

atm system database administrator

3. Design of ATM system
3.1 Design Documentation

1. Login

1.1 Brief description:

This use case describes how the user logs into the System.

1.2 Flow of events:

1.2.1 Basic flow:

This use case starts with the actor wishes to log in to the ATM

1. The system requests the user to enter the name and PIN.
2. The actor enters the name and PIN.
3. The system validates the name and the PIN and logs the user
into the system.
1.2.2 Alternative flow:

1. If the user enters the wrong name and the PIN then the system
displays an error message.
2. The actor can either return to the basic flow or cancel login at
which point use case ends.

1.3 Pre conditions:


1.4 Post conditions:

User will perform corresponding transaction.

2. Transaction
2.1 Brief description:

This describes the transaction that the user is doing.

2.2 Flow of events:

2.2.1 Basic flow:

This use case starts after the user has logged on to the system.

1. The system requests the user to enter the type of transaction of

either withdrawal or deposit and asks for customer information.
2. The actor enters the type of transaction and the customer
3. The system displays the corresponding transaction screen.

2.2.2 Alternative flow:

If the customer enters any wrong information then the system

displays an error message.

2.3 Pre Condition:

The user logs on to the system.

2.4 Post Condition:

Based on the transaction he gets the transaction screen.

3. Maintain Information about Customer

3.1 Brief description:

This describes how administrator takes care of customer


3.2 Flow of events:

3.2.1 Basic flow:

This use case starts after the administrator has logged into the
1. The system asks the administrator whether he wants to add or
delete customer information.
2. The administrator then enters the type of maintenance.

3.2.2 Alternative flow:


3.3 Pre Condition:

The administrator logs on to the system before this use case begin.

3.4 Post Condition:

Administrator gets the corresponding maintenance screen

according to his choice. Adding Customer Basic flow:

1. This use case starts when the administrator has chosen to add
customer’s information.
2. The system asks the administrator to enter customer information.
3. The administrator enters the customer information.
4. The system displays the updated information. Alternative flow:

If the administrator enters any wrong information the system

displays an error message. Deleting Customer Basic flow:

1. This use case starts when the administrator has chosen to delete
an existing customer from the system.
2. The system asks the administrator to enter the customer
3. Administrator enters the corresponding user information.
4. The system then displays updated results. Alternative flow:

If the administrator has entered any wrong information then the

system displays administrator error message. Updating an existing Customer account Basic flow:

1. This use case starts when the administrator has chosen to update
the customer’s information.
2. The system asks the administrator to enter the customer
3. The administrator enters the customer information.
4. The system displays the updated information. Alternative flow:

If the administrator has entered any wrong information then the

system displays administrator error message.

1. Login:

main window login window login welcome error message

: customer controller screen

1: run atm()

2: ask login id()

3: provide login id()

4: verification()

5: successful()

6: un successfull()

7: display error message()

2. Maintenance:

main window maintanance

: administrator

1: ask type of maintanence

2: provide information

3: add

4: delete

5: updete customer information


3. Adding customer:

add customer add customer error message

: administrator : database
information form
1: request customer information

2: provide customer information

3: verification

4: valid information

5: display error message

6: re-enter
4. Deleting customer:

maintenance delete error message updete

: administrator
window customer database

1: ask customer details

2: provide information

3: valid details

4: remove form database

5: invalid details

6: display error message

5. Updating customer:
maintain update error message
: administrator
window database

1: ask customer details

2: enter customer details

3: correct details

4: incorrect details

5: display error message

6. Transaction:

transaction update error message

: customer
screen database

1: initiate transaction

2: provide information

3: correct

4: incorrect

5: display error message


1. Login:
window welcome

1: run atm()
5: successful()

3: provide login id() 4: verification()

login login
window controller
2: ask login id()
: customer

6: un successfull()

7: display error message()

2. Maintenance:
2: provide information

3: add
1: ask type of maintanence
4: delete
: administrator 5: updete customer information


3. Adding customer:

error message
: administrator form

2: provide customer informat...

6: re-enter

5: display error message

1: request customer information

3: verification
add customer add
information customer

4: valid information

: database
4. Deleting customer:
2: provide information 3: valid details
maintenance delete
window customer
1: ask customer details
: administrator

4: remove form database

6: display error message

error updete
message database
5: invalid details

5. Updating customer:
2: enter customer details

1: ask customer details

: administrator
3: correct details

4: incorrect details

5: display error message

database error

6. Transaction:
1: initiate transaction 3: correct
transaction update
screen database
2: provide information
: customer

4: incorrect

5: display error message



event(add record)[fullfill bank req]/rec is added to the datab...

event(delete record)[bank balance less than request]/ record is dele...





ask login id()

display error message()

main window

<< >>
error message.
login window

welcome message

login contooller

2. Transaction:

ask login id()

display error message()

<< >>
transaction screen

initiate transaction()
provide information()
+1 +1 +1

+1...* +0...*
<< >> << >> << >>
generate report update database error message.


<< >> << >>

login transacti

<< >>
maintain customer

1. Login

Option Explicit

Public NewProperty As login_window

Public NewProperty2 As welcome_message

Public NewProperty3 As customer

Public NewProperty4 As error_message

2. Transaction

Option Explicit

Public As error_message

Public NewProperty As customer

Public Sub initiate_transaction()

End Sub

Public Sub provide_information()

End Sub

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