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Chapter 1

R is a case-sensitive, interpreted language.

Data Types – Vectors Matrices Dataframe Lists

Every object has a class attribute, telling R how to handle data, it can be a vector, list, Dataframe, character, numeric

Function c( ) combines its argument into a vector or a list

Saving graphic output use extension .svg

Packages are collections of R functions, data, and compiled code in a well-defined format.

Packages are stored in library.

The function .libPaths() shows you where your library is located, and the function
library()shows you what packages you’ve saved in your library.

Chapter 2

The first step in any data analysis is the creation of a dataset containing the information to be studied, in a format
that meets your needs. In R, this task involves the
Following :

■ Selecting a data structure to hold your data

■ Entering or importing your data into the data structure

Dataset usually is an array of data with rows representing observations and columns representing as variables

The data types or modes that R can handle include numeric, character, logical (TRUE/FALSE), complex (imaginary
numbers), and raw (bytes).


Variables can be described as nominal, ordinal, or continuous.

Nominal variables are categorical, without an implied order.

Ordinal variables imply order but not amount. Status (poor, improved, excellent) is a good example of
an ordinal variable.

Continuous variables can take on any value within some range, and both order and amount are implied.


Vectors are one-dimensional arrays that can hold numeric data, character data, or logical data. The combine function
c() is used to form the vector.

a <- c(1, 2, 5, 3, 6, -2, 4)
b <- c("one", "two", "three")

Note that, the data in a vector must be only one type or mode (numeric, character, or logical). You can’t mix modes
in the same vector.

A matrix is a two-dimensional array in which each element has the same mode (numeric, character, or logical).
Matrices are created with the matrix()function.

Matrices are two-dimensional and, like vectors, can contain only one data type. When there are more than two
dimensions, you use arrays. When there are multiple modes of data, you use data frames.


Arrays are similar to matrices but can have more than two dimensions.

Data frames:

A data frame is more general than a matrix in that different columns can contain different modes of data (numeric,
character, and so on). Each column must have only one mode, but you can put columns of different modes together
to form the data frame.

Attach() Detach ():

The attach()function adds the data frame to the R search path.


plot(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$disp)
plot(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$wt)

This can also be written as follows using attach () function:

plot(mpg, disp)
plot(mpg, wt)

The detach() function removes the data frame from the search path. Note that detach() does nothing to the
data frame itself

With () function:

An alternative approach is to use the with() function. You can write the previous example as

with(mtcars, {
plot(mpg, disp)
plot(mpg, wt)
In this case, the statements within the {} brackets are evaluated with reference to the mtcars data frame.

The limitation of the with() function is that assignments exist only within the function brackets.


Categorical (nominal) and ordered categorical (ordinal) variables in R are called factors.

Lists are the most complex of the R data types. Basically, a list is an ordered collection of objects (components). A
list allows you to gather a variety of (possibly unrelated) objects under one name. For example, a list may contain a
combination of vectors, matrices, data frames, and even other lists.



What type of plot should be drawn. Possible types are

 "p" for points,
 "l" for lines,
 "b" for both,
 "c" for the lines part alone of "b",
 "o" for both ‘over plotted’,
 "h" for ‘histogram’ like (or ‘high-density’) vertical lines,
 "s" for stair steps,
 "S" for other steps, see ‘Details’ below,
 "n" for no plotting
help(plot) option in R will give options on what type of options are available for plotting of graphs(above options).

Options for labeling of graphs are as below:

an overall title for the plot: see title.
a sub title for the plot: see title.
a title for the x axis: see title.
a title for the y axis: see title.
the y/x aspect ratio, see plot.window.

Symbols and lines

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