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Idea 2 Smothered Mate


(2a) This is a basic example of a smothered mate.

White wins by 1 'ii'b3+ h8 2 lDf7+ g8 3 lDh6++
h8 4 1Wg8+! llxg8 5 lDf7#. The essential
ingredients are Black's missing (or advanced) f-
pawn and the inability to block the queen check.
This last point is im-
portant to bear in mind if you are about to embark
on a string of sacrifices culminating in smothered
2a: White to play Make sure you double-check if it seems your
opponent has fallen for a smothered mate trick. I
once seconded a player, who will probably prefer
to remain nameless, in the European Junior
Championship and he produced the following
(with Black): 1 c4 g6 2 lDc3 J.g. 7 3 g3 d6 4 J.g.2
lDf6 5 d3 0-0 6 e4 eS 7 lDge2 c6 8 0-0 lDa6 9
f4?! (our preparation dwelt on the superior 9 h3
but I pointed out 9 f4 1i"b6+ followed by ...lD g4
it didn't seem necessary to go into any more
detail) 9 'fib6+ 10 h1 lDg4 ll lDa4?! (11 'iei' l is

better) ll. .. lDf2+ 12 g1 lDh3++ (12. .. lDxd 1 +

13 lDxb6 axb6 14 llxd 1 J..g4 is good for Black)
13 h1 (2b) 13 ... 'igi' 1+?? and Black resigned
2b: after 13 hl before White could play 14 lDxg 1 ! the rook on

f1 still stops the mate. These things can be

overlooked in the excitement of battle.
The other main danger for prospective
smothered maters is the exchange sacrifice on f2
(f7). One should always ensure that the queen
has a safe passage home or that the opponent
can't gain enough time attacking it to launch a
strong attack.
Although smothered mates usually take place
in the corner, there are exceptions. Diagram 2c is
from Young-Dore, Boston 1892. The final
position after 19 lDf7+ e8 20 lL!d6++ d8 21
2c: after Black's 18th move 'fie8+! llxe8 22 lDr7# is extremely picturesque.

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