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Esther Dujardin,

Pierre Laszlo, The Chlorophylls

and David Sacks'
Universite de Liege
au s a r t - T ~ I ~ ~ ~ An experiment in bio-inorganic chemistry
4000 Liege 1, Belgium

There are a number of hiomolecules in which a metal ion green color of plants, they "trap" solar energy for us. Lo-
is enclosed in a cavity inside the molecular structure. Some cated in intracellular organelles called chloroplasts, the
examples of these are enzymes such as carbonic anhydrase chlorophylls are attached to lipoproteins which form what
(Zn2+),antibiotics such as valinomycin or monensin are known as the chloroplast lamellae. These are mem-
branes which enclose flattened "sacs" called thylakoids;
some of them extend along the full length of the chloro-
plast, while other smaller ones cohere together to form the
grana, which can be seen under an ordinary microscope as
small dark-green grains. I t is in the lamellae of the chloro-
plast that the primary processes of photosynthesis take
place, converting light energy into chemical energy. The
chlorophylls, bound to proteins, play an essential part in
which effect the active transport of the alkali metal cations this process.
(K+, Na+) through the cell membranes, or a respiratory The basic structure of the chlorophylls is as follows
pigment such as hemoglobin (Fez+).This paper describes a
series of experiments appropriate for an undergraduate
lahoratory in which the chlorophyll pigments extracted
from green bean leaves have their Mg2+ metal ions re-
moved and reolaced bv various other metal ions such as
CU" and Zn". The experiments are designed more tu ex-
nose the student to hioloeiral and metallic chemistr\r rather
than to provide a thorough program of research, although A tetrapyrrolic ring system surrounds a magnesium
during the laboratory questions are posed that could lead atom. The pyrroles are linked together by methene
to further topics of research. =CH-hridges. The tetrapyrrolic ring is characterized by a
The Chlorophylls system of conjugated double bonds. Various suhstituents
The chlorophylls are a very important group of metallic can attach themselves to the carbon atoms 1-8, as well as to
hiomolecules since, as the pigments responsible for the the methene hridging carbons a, & r ,or 6. The more ahun-
dant chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, was first synthesized by R.
B. Woodward in 1960 (1).
yH-nq FH,




The chlorophylls have a saturated bond between atoms 7

and 8, a fifth ring (ring V), and a long carbon chain joined
by an ester link to the propionic acid group on carbon 7.
phytol =CH,ICH-CH&H2CH,h-C
I- a W C H O H
Hard and Soft Acids and Bases

The exchange of the central Mg2+ ion in chlorophyll for

other metal ions is interesting because of its relevance to
Pearson's theory of Hard and Soft Acids and Bases
(HSAB) (2). Hard acids, according to this theory, are those
that are small in size with a high positive charge and do not
contain unshared pairs of electrons in their valence shells,
while hard hases similarly have high electronegativity, low
. .;,
. polarizahility, and are hard to oxidize (3). Soft acids and
i . i i
. . bases exhibit the opposite behavior: lower electronegativ-
ity, greater electron density, greater polarizahility. Al-
Figure 1. ElecVon micrograph of an unrathin longitudinal section in a spinach
chloroplast (enlargement = 60.000:,courlesy of Professor R. Bronchart. Uni-
versity of Li6ge). 'Visiting student from Princeton University, Summer 1974.

742 / Journal of Chemical Education

though theoretical explanations have been offered (4), the Table 1. Ionic Radii
importance of the HSAB theory lies in its premise that ion A ion A
hard acids prefer to hind with hard bases, while soft acids
prefer soft bases. While innate acid or base strength is still
important, the HSAB theory adds the parameters of hard-
ness and softness in determining acid-base complex stabili-
This theory applies very nicely to the chlorophyll reac-
tions described in this paper. While nitrogen is a hard base
in a saturated molecule, the presence of extensive electron
delocalization, as found in the unsaturated system of the
chlorophylls, permits sufficient polarizahility that the ni-
trogen becomes softer, moving into the "borderline" cate- Table 2. The Y Values of Metal Ions'
gory. Magnesium(II), however, being a small, doubly
charged ion, is classified as a hard acid. Obviously this hard Type Range of Y Metal ions
acid-soft base complex is sufficiently stable to exist, but
H a r d acid 12.8 Li+ 10.36). N a + (0.931. Kt (0.92).
chlorophylls with a softer central ion, such as Cu(I1) or I C I ~ P Ia1 ~ ~ ' + ( 0 . 8 7ca2+
). (1.62). ~ n ' +
Zn(II), form stabler complexes than the magnesium(I1) 13.03). A I ~ +(0.70). I n w (2.241,
chlorophyll. I t is for this reason, that the central magne- Fe"(2.37). Co" (2.561. 5r2+
sium ion is easy to remove from the tetrapyrrolic ring hut
very difficult to replace, while the copper and zinc analogs
Borderline 2.8 - 3.2
(2.08). cr3+ (2.70)
Fez+ (3.091. cox+12.961. ~ i ' +

have central ions that are difficult to remove but extremely

easy to insert. I t is found that a 10%acetic acid solution or
a N HCI solution are sufficient to remove the Mg(I1)
and form a pheophytin
M i 6 0 n 0 . M.. et al.. 3. hers Nuel. Chem.. 29. 2685 119671.

tion of the new metal ion into the pheophytin to form the
(suhstituenta omitted for clarity) but strong hydrochloric modified chlorophyll. While the initial extraction is simply
acid is needed to remove the Zn(I1) ion. For the removal of a crushing of the green bean leaves in 80%acetone followed
Cu(I1) ion the even stronger acidic solution required oftep by decantation and filtration of the green solution, it is also
destroys the chlorophyll molecule. possible in a cleaner experiment to perform a thin-layer
In addition to the hardness or softness of the cation, it is chromatography to separate the various chlorophylls and
important also to consider the ionic radius (Table 1). then perform reactions with each extract, noting any differ-
Mg(I1) has an ionic radius of 0.65 A. It is expected that ences in reaction behavior.
other ions must be of comparable size to fit into the cavity Both the initial mixture of chlorophylls and the pheo-
and form a stable complex. The above statement may be an phytins formed by addition of acid (-pH 3) emit a red flu-
over-simplification: the metal ion need not be in the cavity, orescence, clearly seen under blue light (about 410-440
as was pointed out for magnesium ion by J. L. Hoard. nm). I t should he noted that this low energy frequency of
From Table 1, i t appears that Co2+, Co3+, Cu2+, Fez+, light absorbed is due to the extensive conjugation in the
Fe3+, Ni2+, Pt2+, or Zn2+ could possibly be inserted. The Y tetrapyrrolic ring, providing low energy transitions be-
values of hardness and softness listed in Table 2 indicate tween energy levels.
those ions which would be expected to form stable com- I t is interesting that while the Fez+ chlorophyll is green,
plexes. the Fez+ hemoglobin molecule, which is also a tetrapyrrolic
The stability sequence of the structurally related metal- structure, is red. This is presumably due to extra conjuga-
loporphyrins is experimentally found to be: Pt(II)>Pd- tion in the chlorophyll due to the V ring.
(II)>Ni(II)>Co(II)>Cu(II)>Fe(II)>Zn(II)>Mg(II) (5). The pheophytins thus formed are then treated with con-
This agrees with our results for the modified chlorophylls. centrated salt solutions of Zn(I1) and Cu(I1) or other metal
The stability of the Pt(I1) and Pd(I1) complexes is surpris- ions to form the modified chlorophylls, many of which are
ing in view of the relatively large size of the central ions also fluorescent.
compared to Mg(I1). Apparently, the softness of these ions The direct replacement in the leaves of the Mg(1I) by
permits a greater stability in the complex that far out-
weighs any destabilizing size effect^.^
- . , or ZuiII)
Cu(1II . . is a demonstration of the reaction that oc-
curs when vegetables are cooked in a copper saucepan in
The Laboratory Program the nresence of viueear. The leaves are heated in test tubes
containing aqueous"acetic acid (10%) in the presence of
Depending upon time available for this laboratory ses- copper or zinc acetate. The reaction can be verified by com-
sion, the replacement of Mg(I1) by Zn(I1) and Cu(I1) can he paring the color changes with those observed previously. If
attempted both indirectly and directly. The indirect meth- there is time and if separation by thin-layer chromatogra-
od involves: the extraction of the chlorophyll pigments in phy has been ~erformed,the spectra of the modified and
an organic solvent, the removal of the Mg(I1) ion and con- original chlorophylls before and after chromatography can
sequent formation of the pheophytin, and then the inser- be compared in a spectrophotometer (Fig. 2).
21f rigorous square planarity of the molecule is not required, it is Experimental
possible that large, soft metal cations such as Pt2+and Pd2+can Extraction of the Chlorophylls
maintain strong soft acid-soft base bonds while raising themselves
out of the tetrapyrrolic plane, thus diminishing the importance of Cut green hean leaves into fine strips and crush them in a mor-
ionic size as a factor in complex stability. tar containing washed sand and 80% acetone. Collect by decanting
Volume 52, Number 11, November 1975 / 743
b, and the fifth hand, chlorophyll o, are separately scraped from
the glass plate and placed in centrifuge tubes. The addition of 5 ml
of ethvl ether forms a susoension which is eentrifueed. After een-
trifu~ation,the clear green supernatan1 liquids are collected and
their ahsorpt~onsmeasured hetwccn 400 and 3UO nrn and 600 and
700 nm in a spectrophorcrnetrr.
Removal of the Magnesium Ion
To 2 ml of the chlorophyll extract add 0.2 ml of 0.1 N HCI. Heat
in the water hath to accelerate the reaction. Note the change in
color and the fluorescence. This corresponds to absorption in
whieh part of the visihle spectrum?
Introduction of a Zinc or Copper Atom into Pheophytin
To the pheophytin solution, add a salt of zinc or copper, using 1
ml of concentrated solution of the salt. Heat for at least 1 min in a
water hath, until the solution turns green. Note the change of color
and fluorescence and again determine the frequencies of absorbed
light. Write the overall reaction that is taking place and determine
whieh metal salts should " eive the best vields of the modified chln-
rophylls. How could the importance of this variable be measured?
For which metal ions would the effect be expected to he most or
least important?
Direct Replacement of Mg by Cu or Zn
Heat leaf strips in diluted acetic aeid (10%).Separately, heat
other leaf strips in diluted acetic aeid but in the presence of a cop-
per salt. Repeat this operation with a zincsalt. Ohserve the color
changes in the leaf strips in order to verify the reaction.
Removing Cu(l1)From Cu Chlorophylland Zn(l1) From Zn
Take the test tubes that contain copper chlorophyll and zinc
chlorophyll, respectively. With different, more or less concentrated
320350 4W 450 500 550 600 650 700 lnm solutions of hydrochloric aeid try to remove the copper and zinc.
Cheek that pheophytins are obtained.
Fiowe 2. Absorotkm Soechum of un~urif'edextract from bean leaves. Ill a*
etone exnact from leaves (2)me Fame extract aner a ~ ~ d d ~ a n(31
o na COP Addnlonal Questions That May Be Asked from the Class
per sullate solullon has been aaaea Tne Cu-chloraphylls have men exma- Natural chlorophyll is apparently one of t h e most unsta-
ed *nth peholeum elner (40'-6O0C1
ble forms of chlorophyll. B u t what is t h e distribution of
metals in the earth's crust? Does t h e chlorophyll molecule
need t o be very stable in order t o function properly?
the green solution into a test tube. In this way a mixture (impure) Can one, by using a solution of pheophytins, in t h e pres-
of chlorophyll o and chlorophyll b is obtained. Observe the color
and fluorescence, In whieh part or parts of the visible spectrum do ence of the removed Mg(I1) ions, perceptibly lower t h e con-
the ahsorhed wavelengths lie? Chlorophyll can he regarded as an centration of a n aqueous solution of a copper salt? Is t h e
acid-base complex. The Mg(I1) ion is s Lewis acid, coordinated reaction immediate? Can a auick titration he verformed
with the four nitrogen atoms of the porphyrin nucleus. Is it a with a calorimeter? ( ~ h l o r o ~ h ~ pheophytins,
lls, a n d metal
square planar complex? Is the 18 electron rule fulfilled? Does it c h l o r o ~ h v l l sare soluble in oetroleum ether which is n o t
have to he fulfilled? What is the normal coordination of magne- miscibie k i t h water).
sium? T h e replacement of Mg(I1) by other ions is a n equilibri-
Separation of the Pigments u m reaction. How could t h e given list of modified chloro-
phyll stabilities he verified?
Extract the pigments from the green bean leaves using ethyl
T h e maximum light intensity from t h e s u n lies in t h e
ether rather than aqueous acetone, as the solvent, and filter. The
concentrated ether extract is placed in long narrow streaks of 3 4 visible range. Would t h e modified chlorophylls he as effec-
cm on cellulose tlc plates up to 1em from the edge. The plates are tive in light absorption a s natural chlorophyll?
then placed in developing tanks containing the following mixture Literature Cited
of solvents: petroleum ether (bp 60-80°C), acetone, n-propanol in
the ratio of 90:10:0.45 by volume. The plates are developed in the (11 Woodward, R. B., Ayor. W. A., Beaton. J. M. Bickelhaupt, F., Bonnett. R., Buch-
dark at room temperature for ahout 30 min. The chromatography 8chacher.P.. Class, G.L.,Dutler.H.. Hannah, J., Hauek,F. P.. It&S.,Langemsnn.
A,, Le coif,E., Leimgruber, W.. L w o ~ k i W.,
. sauer. J., Vale"*, 2.. and Vok. H.,
is stopped when the solvent front is about 2-3 em from the top rl Amen Chem Soc, 82,38W 119601.
edge of the plate. Immediately after removal from the tank, the (21 Pearson, 8. G.. "Hard and Soft Acids and Bawr: John Wiley & Sans, Stroudsbuq,
plates are observed under natural and ultraviolet light. Of the five 1973.
(3) Pearson R. G., J. CHEM. EOUC.. 45,584 (19681.
hands observed, only the green hands, the fourth and fifth from (11 Pcsrnon R. G., J. CHEM. EDUC.,45.643 (19681.
the top of the plate, are ehloraphylls. The fourth band, chlorophyll (5) Phillips J. N..Comp Blochem., 9-70 11963).

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