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In this chapter, the researcher display several sub-topic that helps the researcher to conduct

the research. The first is Basic consideration which shows the reason why the researcher

wants to conduct this research. The second is the Research Question, which shows the

problem of research that the researcher should find it out. The third is the objective of study

which shows the purposes of the research that the researcher has to achieve. The last is

Significant of study which is display the advantages of the research.


In a family, father has a very vital role in educating his child. Father is a figure who is

responsible for providing protection for a child. In terms of educating children, father also has

an important contribution to the development of children, the experiences that the child

experienced with her father, will affect a child to adulthood later. Father's parenting role and

behavior influence development as well as child welfare and transition to adolescents

(Cabrera et al., 2000).

Nowadays with social, technological, and cultural changes that exist in society, it has an

influence on community life. The changes that exist in this society also have an influence on

the father's role towards his child. The father who basically acts as a figure who provides

protection and security for his child turns into someone who destroys his child's life. Many

phenomena that occur in society that are related to the deviation of father’s role. One of the

deviations that occurs is sexual harassment by the father to his biological child. Sexual

harassment which is done by a father, gave a bad trauma to the life of a child who will greatly

affect his life. The phenomena of social deviation that occur in this society make the writers

wanted to represent it in the form of literary works. This is in accordance with Richard Taylor

in Understanding the Elements of Literature (1981) which said that literary work is a
representation of human experiences. One of the literary works that represents human

experiences is a novel. According to Nurgiyantoro (2009), the novel is a work of fiction that

offers a world that contains an idealized model, an imaginary world that is built through its

intrinsic system such as plot, character, setting, point of view, etc. which are of course

imaginative . Literary works in the form of novels usually reveal or tell stories of characters

which resulted from the conflicts experienced. One of the novels that contain the conflicts

experienced related to the phenomenon of irregularities that occurs in society, especially the

phenomenon of the deviation of father's role in his child is Sidney Sheldon’s Tell Me Your

Dreams. This novel was published by Warner Books, Inc in 1998 consisting of 363 pages.

This novel tells about a father named Dr. Patterson. He is a doctor and very famous in

society. Every people like him because according to them he is a good person, always help

people and do many kindness. In addtion, besides his kindness, he actually a devil who

disguise as an angel. He is an abnormal father, who raped his own daughter named Ashley

Patterson. He does it continously and makes Ashley get trauma. The trauma of Ashley makes

her get Multiple Personality Disorder. This is a kind of mental disorder which is people who

suffer this disorder will have more than one personality in her self. This condition very

influence Ashley social live and destroy her life. For example,the mental disorder that is

suffered by Ashley makes her become mudered.

In the previous study,that conducted by Asri (2013,p.18) it was found that Ashley Patterson

had multiple personalities. She created two personalities that is Tony Prescott and Alette

Peters. Ashley Patterson creates a multiple personality which contrasts with her personality

called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). It happened because she created a new

personality against her fright. When she got abused, Ashley’s DID will take her role.

After reading Sidney Sheldon’s novel Tell me Your Drams, it is clearly show that

something is wrong with Dr. Patterson personalities. A normal father will provide a
protection for their children and will doing anything to make their children happy but Dr.

Patterson, did not do it. He did something bad to Ashley when she was a child. He raped

Ashley repeatedly and made Ashley experienced trauma and felt fear. In addition, when

Ashley getting adult, she developed Multiple Personality Disorder that destroy her life.

Research Question

Based on this psychologist factor the researcher wants to analyze about “How is the

personality of Dr. Patterson in the novel Tell Me Your Dreams by Sidney Sheldon ?”

The Purpose of Study

Futhermore ,the aims of this research are to analyze the personalities of Dr. Patterson

based in the novel Tell me your Dream by Sidney Sheldon.

The Significant of Study

This research was conducted to provide benefits to various parties both directly and

indirectly. The results of this study are expected to provide a contribution of thought and

complete literature research in the English department of the state university of Gorontalo`

Besides that, the results of this study are expected to add insight to science for researchers in

the field of literary addition, the results of this study will also train the analytical

skills that have been obtained in the learning process in approaching the problem, so as to

provide broader insights in depth related to the problem under study.

The purpose of this study is to analysis the structure personalities of Dr. Patterson in

novel Tell me your dreams by Sidney Sheldon. Therefore it is necessary to review the

literature that addresses the theoretical base relating to this. In this literature review, the

researcher reviews the theory of psychoanalysis including the nature, the history, and the
used of it in the literature. Besides that, the researcher also review synopsis of Sidney

Sheldon’s novel Tell Me Your Dreams



Psychoanalysis is psychological knowledge that emphasizes psychological factors that

determine human behavior and the importance of childhood experiences in shaping adult

personality. According to Hjelle and Ziegler (1942) they described that psychoanalysis is a

theory of personality and psychopathology. Besides, they also stated that psychoanalysis is a

therapeutic method for personality disorders, a technique for investigating the thoughts and

feelings of individuals who are not aware. .

The person who pioneered the theory of psychoanalysis is Professor Sigmund Freud.

Prof. Freud developed his psychoanalytic system theory when he examined mild disorders

that led to psychiatric disorders such as hysteria and compulsive neurosis. He tried to correct

the old methods by examining the life history of the patient and finding symptom s of the

disorder that seemed inexplicable were actually having a certain meaning and that the

manifestations of the disorder were actually not a random phenomenon but had certain

regularities. Freud found that psychoanalysis can always show that these disorders are related

to certain problems or conflicts that are being faced by the sufferer (Suriri, 2017,p.1).

According to Eagle and Wolizky (2014, p.41), the idea of psychoanalytic is an idea that

Freud inherited from prepsychoanalitic thinking of Charcot and Janet which believed that the

certain mentals contens (ideas,memories,and thoughts) cannot be integrated into one’s

dominant self-organization and therefore exist outside normal consciousness. Furthermore,

by virtue of their “underground” unintegrated status, these contents exert powerful

pathogenic influence upon one’s behavior, thoughts,and feelings. in addition, Freud in his

early work he identified the associative isolation of certain ideas and traumas as the
proximate causes of hysteria. Furthermore, in 1995 Freud write a book Studies of Hysteria. In

this book Freud stated that every experience is accompanied by “ quota effect” which is

normally discharged through conscious experience (including labeling and talking about

experienxe) and is worm away through associative connection with other mental contents.

Talking about psychoanalysis, one of the theory of Sigmund freud that very famous is

Structure of personality. According to Johnson (2016, p. 3) , Freud believed that the life of

soul has three levels of consciousness namely conscious, preconscious, and unconscious.

Until the 1920s, the theory of psychiatric conflict only involved this three elements. Then in

1923, Freud introduced three other structural models, namely das es, das ich, and das uber

ich. This new structure is to complement the mental picture, especially in its function and

purpose. Futhermore, jhonson also stated that, based on Freud's view, the mental realm of

humans is like an iceberg (iceburg), which is largely hidden, the consciousness is the smallest

part of the iceberg, which is the peak part that can be seen, while the unconscious becomes

the invisible bottom of the iceberg Therefore, all human actions, unconsciously are the

impulses of the subconscious, including human actions in religion are unconscious actions

that originate from sublimated libido. Freud affirmed his psychoanalysis by presenting three

specific structures of personality, namely id, ego and super ego.


Id is a component of primitive personality, instinctive (which seeks to fulfill the

satisfaction of instinct) and the womb where the ego and super ego develop. Id is oriented to

the pleasure principile which contains basic psychic motivation and energy, which is often

called instinct or impulse.


Ego is a component of personality that is responsible for dealing with reality. According

to Freud, the ego develops from the id and ensures that the impulse of the id can be expressed

in a way that is acceptable in the real world. Ego functions both in the conscious, conscious

and unconscious mind. Ego works based on the principle of reality, which seeks to satisfy the

desires of the id in realistic and socially appropriate ways.


According to Koswara (1991) the main function of the superego is as a controller of instinct

impulses or impulses so that these impulses are channeled in ways or forms that can be

accepted by the community. besides that the superego also defines the ego on goals that are in

accordance with morals.


According to Endaswara (2011, p.96) psychological critism is a study of literature that

views work as a psychological activity. Literary works which are seen as psychological

phenomena, will display psychological aspects through characters if by chance the text is in

the form of drama and prose. In accordance to Endaswara statement, Rene welek and Austin

Warren (1942) in their book Theory of Literature explained that “Psychological criticism is

typically attempts to do at least one of the following: provide a psychological study of an

individual writer; explore the nature of the creative process; generalize about "types and laws

present within works of literature"; or theorize about the psychological "effects of literature

upon its readers" (p.81). According to Hossain ( 2017, p. 43) Freud, in developing his theory

of psychoanalysis, Freud has often related it to art in general and to literature in particular. In

the Interpretation Of Dreams, Freud analyzed Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex and Shakespeares’s
Hamlet for their Oedipal elements and for the effects the play had on their audience.

Furthermore , in his crative writers and Day Dreaming Freud futher expanded the

connections between literarture and psychoanalysis. He compared fantasy, play,dreams and

work of art in order to understand creativity. In Crative writers and Day Dreaming Freud first

presented his theory on the structure of literary work and made the psychoanalytic inquiry

into the nature of literature. For Freud, a literary work is analogous to a day dream . like a day

dream, the literary work contains in its fantasy the fulfillment of an unsatisfied wish and thus

improves on an unsatisfactory reality. Related to Hossain, Jonathan(2006,p.505) point outs

that Freud's application of psychoanalytic theory to literature quickly caught on. In 1909,

only a year after Freud had published "The Relation of a Poet to Daydreaming," the

psychoanalyst Otto Rank published The Myth of the Birth of the Hero. In that work, Rank

subscribes to the notion that the artist turns a powerful, secret wish into a literary fantasy, and

he uses Freud's notion about the "oedipal" complex to explain why the popular stories of so

many heroes in literature are so similar. Between 1909 and 1949 numerous other critics

decided that psychoanalytic theory could assist in the understanding of literature. I. A.

Richards, Kenneth Burke, and Edmund Wilson were among the most influential to become

interested in the new approach.

According to Hossain (2017, p.43) psychoanalytic criticism can focus on one or more of

the following :

The author : The theory is used to analyze the author and his or her life and the literary work,

The characters : This theory is used to analyze one or more of the characters, the

psychological theory becomes a tool that to explain the characters bahaviour and

motivations.The audience : The theory is used to explain the appeal of the work for those

who read it. The text : The theory is used to analyze the role of language and symbolism in

the work

The methodology that the researcher used in this research contains several sub topics there

are research design, research approach , technique collecting the data and technique of

analysis data.

Research Method

The method is a regular way or steps used in carrying out an activity with the aim of

achieving the intent in an activity carried out. In the context of research, methods research is

very important, because by using and selecting the right method will produce research that is

suitable with the research objectives. In this study, researchers used qualitative methods.

Qualitative methods are descriptive methods and tend to use analysis. Qualitative methods

are usually used to answer research problems that require descriptive and interpretation, in

this case to understand the causes of phenomena or problems. In contrast to quantitative

methods that are more inclined to measure. The researcher uses this qualitative method in this

research because qualitative methods are suitable to answer the problems of this study in this

case analyzing, describing, and understanding the personalities of Dr. Patterson in the novel

Tell me your Dreams.

Research Approach

The research approach is a step or method that the researcher used to approach the object of

research. In this research the researcher using psychoanalysis approach which used theory

structure personalities by Sigmund Freud in understanding objects in this case personality of

Dr. Patterson. In order to approach the object by using structure personalities theory by

Sigmund Freud, the researcher read the object by focus on the character’s personalities based

on the theory of structure personality by Sigmund Freud

Data Source

The data source of this research comes from novel “ Tell me your dreams” by Sidney

Sheldon that was published by Warner Books, Inc in 1998. The data of this research is the

text in Sidney Sheldon’s novel Tell Me Your Dreams that shows the personalities of

Dr.Patterson based on the theory of structure personality by Sigmund Freud in the novel Tell

me your Dreams by Sidney Sheldon.

Technique of collecting the data

To collect the data, the researcher used several steps. There are :

1. Read repeatedly the novel "Tell me your dream" by Sidney Sheldon.

2. Focus on the all of elements of the novel that build the character of Dr. Patterson

3. Highlight the text that shows the personality of Dr. Patterson based on the theory
structure personality of Sigmund Freud

4. Write the data highlighted which is display the personality of Dr. Patterson that

researcher has been found in novel Tell me your Dreams by Sidney Sheldon

according to theory structure personality of Sigmund Freud

Technique of analyzing the data

In this study, the techniue that will be used to analyze the data that will be obtained is

descriptive technique because this technique strongly support the achievement of research

objectives, which describe Dr. Patterson's personalities based on theory structure of

personality by Sigmund Freud that contained in the novel "Tell me your dreams" by Sidney

Sheldon. In analyzing the data, the researcher will uses procedure that consist of several steps

there are :
1. Categorize the data of personality of Dr. Patterson based on the theory structure of

personality by Sigmund Freud

2. Interpret the data that has been categorized,

3. Data that has been interprted is then analyze.

4. Data that has been analyzed is then concluded so that this study gets answers that

can answer the problem statement.


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